982 resultados para Reproductive Behaviour
In this study, the vaporization behaviour of solid Pd-rich phases in the Pd-Pb, Pd-In and Pd-Sn systems was investigated by Knudsen-effusion-cell coupled with mass-spectrometry. The Pb, Pd, In vapor pressures [no Sn(g) has been detected in the vapor of Pd-Sn system] were evaluated in the temperatures range 1190-1563 K from the ion intensities measured over two-phases regions. Thermodynamic quantities were derived from vapor pressure data. In particular, for the Pd-Sn binary, the intermediate phase Pd7Sn2, the existence of which has been recently proposed, has been studied here for the first time. Furthermore, preliminary thermochemical data are presented for the diatomic intermetallic molecules PdSn and PdPb, which have been for the first time identified in the vapors in equilibrium over liquid solutions of appropriate composition at higher temperatures (1935-2025 K). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Different arbuscular mycorrhizal (AMF) fungal taxa have a differential effect on the growth of co-existing plant species. This means that in order to fully understand the role of these fungi in plant communities, information is needed on whether the symbiosis is specific. In this chapter, I briefly review the ecological consequences of specificity versus non-specificity in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on plant ecology. Both from a theoretical approach, and based on observations, there has been an underlying assumption that no specificity exists in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. I consider why these assumptions have been made. Direct evidence for or against specificity in the symbiosis is scant and the reason is mainly due to the difficulty in describing AMF community structure in natural communities (see Clapp et al., Chap.8, this Vol.). Here, I take an evolutionary, as well as an ecological, approach to look at the evidence that predicts that evolution of specificity in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis could occur. I then consider alternative hypotheses and evidence that could explain why the evolution of specificity might not occur. These hypotheses are based on the growth habit, reproductive strategies and foraging behaviour of AMF and on new findings concerning ANF genetics.
The aim of this work was to study the interaction between Trypanosoma cruzi-1 and Triatoma brasiliensis. A group of 1st instar nymphs was initially fed on T. cruzi-infected mice and a control group was fed on uninfected mice. From the second feeding onwards, both groups were otherwise fed on non-infected mice. The resulting adults were grouped in pairs: infected male/uninfected female, uninfected male/infected female, infected male and female and uninfected male/uninfected female. The infection affected only the 1st instar nymphs, which took significantly more time to reach the 2nd instar than uninfected nymphs. The differences in the molting time between the infected and uninfected nymphs from the 2nd to the 5th instars were not statistically significant. Both groups presented similar rates of nymphal mortality and reproductive performance was not significantly affected by infection in any of the treatments.
Optimisation of reproductive investment is crucial for Darwinian fitness, and detailed long-term studies are especially suited to unravel reproductive allocation strategies. Allocation strategies depend on the timing of resource acquisition, the timing of resource allocation, and trade-offs between different life-history traits. A distinction can be made between capital breeders that fuel reproduction with stored resources and income breeders that use recently acquired resources. In capital breeders, but not in income breeders, energy allocation may be decoupled from energy acquisition. Here, we tested the influence of extrinsic (weather conditions) and intrinsic (female characteristics) factors during energy storage, vitellogenesis and early gestation on reproductive investment, including litter mass, litter size, offspring mass and the litter size and offspring mass trade-off. We used data from a long-term study of the viviparous lizard, Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara. In terms of extrinsic factors, rainfall during vitellogenesis was positively correlated with litter size and mass, but temperature did not affect reproductive investment. With respect to intrinsic factors, litter size and mass were positively correlated with current body size and postpartum body condition of the previous year, but negatively with parturition date of the previous year. Offspring mass was negatively correlated with litter size, and the strength of this trade-off decreased with the degree of individual variation in resource acquisition, which confirms theoretical predictions. The combined effects of past intrinsic factors and current weather conditions suggest that common lizards combine both recently acquired and stored resources to fuel reproduction. The effect of past energy store points out a trade-off between current and future reproduction.
The aim of this paper was to analyse the active dispersal of Triatoma infestans and the role of chickens as passive carriers of this insect in peridomestic areas of La Rioja, Argentina. To measure active dispersal, monthly catches were made on six consecutive nights for five months (in the warm season) using light traps (for flying insects) and sticky dispersal barriers (for walking insects). The nutritional and reproductive states of adults were evaluated. Over the course of the sampling period, a total of eight flying adults, six walking nymphs and 10 walking adults of the species T. infestans were captured, as well as specimens of Triatoma guasayana, Triatoma eratyrusiformis and Triatoma platensis. Our data demonstrate for the first time that females of T. infestans can disperse by walking. This may be an adaptive strategy because it allows them to move with eggs and/or with good blood reserves, which are not possible when flying. All flying and walking individuals of both genders were of an appropriate physiological state that would allow for colonisation of the target habitat. However, manual inspection of 122 chickens suggests that it is unlikely that these animals passively transport T. infestans. Finally, the dispersal activity of T. infestans was compared with other triatomines using a dispersion index.
In Andalusia, Spain, the pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v virus has spread throughout the community, being the dominant influenza strain in the season so far. The current objective of the Andalusia Health Service is focussed on the mitigation of the health and social impact by appropriate care of the patients at home or in health centres. The 2009-10 seasonal influenza epidemic started early compared with to previous seasons. This article analyses the influenza A(H1N1)v situation in Andalusia until the week 39/2009.
Given the intimate association in host-parasite systems, parasites are expected to initiate their own reproduction when vulnerable hosts become abundant and/or when adult hosts are less resistant. In this study, we examined the variation in the intensities of a blood-sucking mite (Spinturnix myoti, Acarina) with respect to the reproductive cycle and immunocompetence of its host, the greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis. Reproductive, pregnant females were less immunocompetent and harboured more parasites than nonreproductive females, whilst, during lactation, immunocompetence was positively associated with female body mass. There was a dramatic increase in the T-cell response of gravid females with the advancement of gestation, which coincided with a diminution of individual parasite loads and a progressive switch of parasites from adults to juveniles. The latter not only harboured greater numbers of mites than adult female bats, but they also exhibited gravid parasites in higher proportions, indicating that juvenile hosts are more attractive for parasite reproduction than adult females.
Backgrounds:¦Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) include, among others, hallucinations, delusions, depression, euphoria, agitation, aggression, sexual desinhibition, sleep disturbances, and apathy (1). To our knowledge, surprisingly few studies looked into the possible association between pain and BPSD in nursing home residents. Given this dearth of studies, we wondered whether or not there is an association, in nursing home residents, between pain and BPSD, in particular wandering as well as verbally and physically abusive behaviour, and whether or not this possible association changes with the degree of cognitive impairment.¦Method:¦All nursing home residents in the three Swiss cantons Aargau, Basel-City, and Solothurn (corresponding to 13.5%¦of the total Swiss population) receive a Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set (RAI-MDS)¦assessment within the first two weeks upon entry. This yielded a total sample of 16'430 nursing home residents considering that the residents' assessment took place between 1997 and 2007 and that we only took into account the admission RAI-MDS assessment. Only residents for whom data on pain was recorded were included in the study (n = 16'183).¦Results:¦Wandering correlated significantly with pain although the effect size was small (Spearman correlation coefficient = 0.052; p = 0.000), a result very similar to that found for VAB (Spearman correlation coefficient = 0.034; p = 0.000) and PAB (Spearman correlation coefficient = 0.043; p = 0.000). Likewise, using linear regression analyses, pain was very significantly associated with any of the three BPSD considered, but it predicted astonishingly little of the¦variance observed (wandering: B = 0.036; p = 0.000; R2 = 0.002; VAB: B = 0.021; p = 0.000; R2 = 0.001 PAB: B = 0.012; p = 0.000; R2 = 0.001). The interaction of pain and cognition had a significant effect on the three BPSD, suggesting that cognition was a moderator of the relationship between pain and all three behaviours.¦Conclusion:¦Wandering behaviours, VAB and PAB seem to be predicted by many factors. Although pain predicts only a small part of variance of these behaviours, it still remains important to recognise and treat pain in order to reduce these behaviours at least a little both in intensity and frequency. Given the dearth of studies and their somewhat contradictory results, further studies ought to investigate the role, the type and localisation of pain might play on the expression of different BPSD or how residents suffering from dementia perceive pain.
Inspired by experiments that use single-particle tracking to measure the regions of confinement of selected chromosomal regions within cell nuclei, we have developed an analytical approach that takes into account various possible positions and shapes of the confinement regions. We show, in particular, that confinement of a particle into a subregion that is entirely enclosed within a spherical volume can lead to a higher limit of the mean radial square displacement value than the one associated with a particle that can explore the entire spherical volume. Finally, we apply the theory to analyse the motion of extrachromosomal chromatin rings within nuclei of living yeast.
Triatominae are widely recognised for their role as vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi. One of the main biological characteristics of this subfamily is their obligate haematophagous condition. However, previous studies on Belminus herreri and Belminus ferroae suggested that cockroaches are their principal hosts in domiciles. Due to this peculiar behaviour, the aim of this study was to analyse several demographic and reproductive parameters of B. ferroae fed on three different hosts (mice, cockroaches and Rhodnius prolixus) and relate B. ferroae fitness to these alternative hosts. The cohorts were reared under constant conditions. The egg hatching rate was similar for cohorts fed on cockroaches (69.4%) and R. prolixus (63.8%), but was much lower for the cohort fed on mice (16%). The development time from the nymph to adult stage and the average age of first reproduction (α) presented lower values in the cohort fed on cockroaches, which is consistent with the higher population growth rate associated with this host. Demographic parameters [intrinsic rate of natural increase, finite rate of population growth, net reproductive rate and damping ratio] showed statistically significant differences between the cohorts. Analysis of the life history of B. ferroae revealed a higher fitness related to the cockroach. The implications of these results for the origin of the subfamily are discussed.
On the southwest Pacific Coast of Colombia, a field study was initiated to determine the human-vector association between Anopheles (Kerteszia) neivai and fishermen, including their nearby houses. Mosquitoes were collected over 24-h periods from mangrove swamps, marshlands and fishing vessels in three locations, as well as in and around the houses of fishermen. A total of 6,382 mosquitoes were collected. An. neivai was most abundant in mangroves and fishing canoes (90.8%), while Anopheles albimanus was found indoors (82%) and outdoors (73%). One An. neivai and one An. albimanus collected during fishing activities in canoes were positive for Plasmodium vivax , whereas one female An. neivai collected in a mangrove was positive for P. vivax . In the mangroves and fishing canoes, An. neivai demonstrated biting activity throughout the day, peaking between 06:00 pm-07:00 pm and there were two minor peaks at dusk and dawn. These peaks coincided with fishing activities in the marshlands and mangroves, a situation that places the fishermen at risk of contracting malaria when they are performing their daily activities. It is recommended that protective measures be implemented to reduce the risk that fishermen will contract malaria.
The breeding habitat of sandflies is a little studied and poorly understood phenomenon. More importantly, oviposition behaviour is a largely neglected aspect of sandfly biology and this knowledge gap further undermines our understanding of the biology of sandflies. Pheromones released by the eggs play an important role in identifying good sites for oviposition by female insects. Several recent studies have examined the oviposition pheromone. The present study provides a preliminary report on the oviposition behaviour of Phlebotomus argentipes, the only vector of kala-azar (or visceral leishmaniasis) on the Indian sub-continent. Sandflies prefer to oviposit their eggs on surfaces that contain organic substances, especially substances with an odour of decaying animal products and the remains of conspecific eggs. The results presented here suggest that the odour released by the organic substances of old sandfly colony remains that contain dead flies, old unhatched eggs, larval food containing vertebrate faeces, frass and other organic matter serves as an attractant for the ovipositing females of P. argentipes and hence greatly increases the number of oviposited eggs compared to eggs deposited in controlled oviposition pots. This result will be helpful in maintaining an efficient colony of P. argentipes and may be a promising tool for monitoring and controlling the target insect as part of a synergistic approach.
In this review, we analyse the impact of a population and evolutionary genetics approach on the study of insect behaviour. Our attention is focused on the model organism Drosophila melanogaster and several other insect species. In particular, we explore the relationship between rhythmic behaviours and the molecular evolution of clock and ion channel genes.
BACKGROUND Assisted reproductive technology (ART) with washed semen can achieve pregnancy with minimal risk of horizontal and vertical transmission of chronic viral diseases (CVD) such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepati- tis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) among serodiscordant couples. How- ever, few studies have been made of the use made by these couples of ARTs or of the obstetric results achieved. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this retrospective study, 93 men who were seropositive for HIV, HCV or HBV and who underwent assisted reproduction treatment at our centre (Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain) were included. Washed semen was tested to detect viral particles. Non-infected women were tested before and after each treatment, as were the neonates at birth and after three months. RESULTS A total of 62 sperm samples were washed, and none were positive for the detec- tion of viral molecules. Semen samples from 34 HBV positive males were not washed since the female partner had immunity to hepatitis B. In total, 38 clinical pregnancies were achieved (22% per cycle and 40.9% per couple) out of 173 cycles initiated, and 28 births were achieved (16.2% per cycle and 30.1% per couple), producing 34 live births. The rate of multiple pregnancies was 21.4%. Obstetric and neonatal results were similar in the groups of couples studied. At follow-up, no seroconversion was detected in the women or neonates. CONCLUSION Sperm washing and intracytoplasmic sperm injection are shown to be a safe and effective option for reducing the risk of transmission or super infection in serodiscordant or concordant couples who wish to have a child. Pregnancies ob- tained by ART in couples when the male is CVD infected achieve good obstetric and neonatal results.