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Formation of oxygen radicals during reduction of H2O2 or diperoxovanadate with vanadyl sulfate or ferrous sulfate was indicated by the 1:2:2:1 electron spin resonance (ESR) signals of the DMPO adduct typical of standard radical dotOH radical. Signals derived from diperoxovanadate remained unchanged in the presence of ethanol in contrast to those from H2O2. This gave the clue that they represent a different radical, possibly radical dotOV(O2)2+, formed on breaking a peroxo-bridge of diperoxovanadate complex. The above reaction mixtures evolved dioxygen or, when NADH was present, oxidized it rapidly which was accompanied by consumption of dioxygen. Operation of a cycle of peroxovanadates including this new radical is suggested to explain these redox activities both with vanadyl and ferrous sulfates. It can be triggered by ferrous ions released from cellular stores in the presence of catalytic amounts of peroxovanadates.


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The constituents of silkworm fat were studied in detail. An unsaturated fat with a high concentration of phospholipid was generally observed. Its iodine value increased during metamorphosis. The free fatty acid concentration likewise increased from the spinning larvae to the moth stage. Analyses of silkworm organs revealed that the fat body had the most fat and the least free fatty acids, whereas haemolymph contained the least fat. Silk glands contained the maximum phospholipid percentage. Stearic acid predominated in those tissues that had a high percentage of phospholipid. Stearic acid was the predominant saturated fatty acid in both the phospholipids and lecithin, and it accounted for 35–50 per cent of the free fatty acids of all the tissues. Q10 was the ubiquinone present; also found were ubichromenol and tocopherol. Results show that silkworm sterol may be cholesterol. Intestines contained the maximum quantities of sterol, ubiquinone, ubichromenol, and tocopherol. The composition of silkworm phospholipids varies considerably from those of other insects, but lecithin is comparable in its composition with lecithins of other animals. The phospholipids had with them a highly complexed protein along with a polysaccharide. In experiments with snake venoms unsaturated fatty acids were found to be predominantly released from silkworm lecithin.


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IN the cyclic female albino rat, a release of pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) occurs on the afternoon of proestrus1-5. This apparently induces ovulation, for ova are seen in the Fallopian tube 12 h later. Similarly, it is well known that in immature rats primed with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMS), ovulation can be induced by the administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) or LH, the ova being seen in the Fallopian tube 12 h later. No information is available, however, about the mode of action of LH, released or administered, in bringing about ovulation. We have approached this problem by blocking the action of the ovulating hormone (LH) at various times after administration. © 1970 Nature Publishing Group.


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Angiogeneesi on tärkeä ilmiö elimistön fysiologiassa, mutta myös lukuisissa patologisissa tiloissa. Angiogeneesi on monivaiheinen prosessi, joka sisältää angiogeneesiä indusoivia ja sitä inhiboivia tekijöitä tasapainossa keskenään. Useat tutkimukset puoltavat sitä, että tymosiini ȕ4 (Tȕ4) ja tetrapeptidi Ac-SDKP (N-asetyyliseryyli- aspartyyli-lysyyli-proliini) indusoivat angiogeneesiä in vitro ja in vivo. Tutkimukset viittaavat myös siihen, että prolyylioligopeptidaasi (POP) hydrolysoi peptidifragmentin Ac- SDKP Tȕ4:n (43 ah) proliinin jälkeen. POP on laajalti esiintyvä seriiniproteaasi, joka pystyy pilkkomaan vain alle 30 aminohapon oligopeptidejä. Tȕ4:n tulee siksi pilkkoutua ensin jonkin, vielä tuntemattoman peptidaasin johdosta. POP:ia on löydetty eniten aivoista, minkä vuoksi sitä on tutkittu varsinkin muistin ja oppimisen häiriötiloissa sekä neurodegeneratiivisten sairausten yhteydessä. POP:in todellinen fysiologinen merkitys on kuitenkin vielä selvittämättä. Tämän pro gradun kirjallisuusosiossa selvitetään angiogeneesiin liittyvien tekijöiden yhteyksiä sekä kuvataan angiogeenisten Tȕ4:n, Ac-SDKP:n ja POP:in ominaisuuksia, esiintymistä ja toimintaa. Kokeellisen osion tarkoituksena oli osoittaa, osallistuvatko POP ja Tȕ4 tetrapeptidin Ac-SDKP muodostumiseen ja kapillaarimuodostumiseen ja edelleen, voidaanko POPaktiivisuutta, tetrapeptidi- ja kapillaarimuodostumista estää spesifisellä POP-inhibiittorilla, KYP-2047:llä. Kokeellinen osa oli kaksiosainen. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittiin POPaktiivisuutta ja suoritettiin Ac-SDKP –pitoisuusmittauksia ajanjaksolla 0-180 min Wistarkannan rotista tehdyillä homogenaateilla. Tutkimusryhminä olivat 0,1 ja 0,5 μM KYP-2047 (+2 μM Tȕ4), 1:20 (0,625 μM) humaaniperäinen rekombinantti-POP (+ 2 μM Tȕ4), 2 μM Tȕ4 (pos. kontrolli) ja raakahomogenaatti (neg. kontrolli). Toisessa osassa tutkittiin kapillaarimuodostumista ajanjaksolla 0-180 min humaaniperäisillä napanuoralaskimon primaariendoteelisoluilla MatrigelTM Matrix -päällystetyllä 48- kuoppalevyllä, jolle oli siirrostettu 50 000 solua/kuoppa. Naudan seerumilla ja antibiooteilla käsitellyt tutkimusryhmät olivat 5 ja 10 μM KYP-2047 (+4 μM Tȕ4), 1:20 (0,625 μM) humaaniperäinen rekombinantti-POP (+4 μM Tȕ4), 4 μM Tȕ4 (pos. kontrolli) ja DMEM (neg. kontrolli). Kuoppia inkuboitiin ja kapillaarimuodostuminen kuvattiin valomikroskoopilla digitaalikameralla. Kutakin tutkimusryhmää pipetoitiin kolmeen rinnakkaiseen kuoppaan ja kokeet toistettiin neljästi. Sulkeutuneiden kapillaarien lukumäärä laskettiin manuaalisesti ja tuloksista tehtiin tilastollinen analyysi. 7ȕ4:n ja POP:in havaittiin molempien osallistuvan tetrapeptidin AC-SDKP muodostumiseen munuaishomogenaateissa. Primaariendoteelisolut muodostivat selkeitä kapillaareja Matrigelilla, erityisesti POP- ja Tȕ4–ryhmissä. KYP-2047 inhiboi tehokkaasti POP:ia kaikissa kokeissa osoittautuen hyväksi antiangiogeeniseksi yhdisteeksi. Angiogeneesin mekanismien ja POP:in, Tȕ4:n ja Ac-SDKP:n yhteyksien selvittäminen vaatii luonnollisesti vielä lisätutkimuksia.


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A reversible drug delivery system based on spontaneous deposition of a model protein into preformed microcapsules has been demonstrated for protein delivery applications. Layer-by-Layer assembly of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly(methacrylic acid) (PMA) onto polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) doped CaCO3 particles, followed by core removal yielded intact hollow microcapsules having a unique property to induce spontaneous deposition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) at pH below its isoelectric point of 4.8, where it was positively charged. These capsules showed reversible pH dependent open and closed states to fluorescence labeled dextran (FITC-Dextran) and BSA (FITC-BSA). The loading capacity of BSA increased from 9.1 x 10(7) to 2.03 x 10(8) molecules per capsule with decrease in pH from 4.5 to 3.The loading of BSA-FITC was observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), which showed homogeneous distribution of protein inside the capsule. Efficient loading of BSA was further confirmed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The interior capsule concentration was as high as 209 times the feeding concentration when the feeding concentration was increased from 1 to 10 mg/ml. The deposition was initially controlled by spontaneous loading mechanism at lower BSA concentration followed by diffusion controlled loading at higher concentration; which decreased the loading efficiency from 35% to 7%. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) confirmed that there was no significant change in conformation of released BSA in comparison with native BSA. The release was initially burst in the first 0.5 h and sustained up to 5 h. The hollow capsules were found to be biocompatible with mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells during in vitro cell culture studies. Thus these pH sensitive polyelectrolyte microcapsules may offer a promising delivery system for water soluble proteins and peptides. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The main purpose of this research is to shed light on the factors that gave rise to the office of Field Bishop in the years 1939-1944. How did military bishophood affect the status of the head of military pastoral care and military clergy during these years? The main sources of my research are the collections in the Finnish National Archives, and I use a historical-qualitative method. The position of the military clergy was debated within both the Church and the Defence Forces before 1939. At that stage, Church law did not yet recognize the office of the leading military priest, the Field Dean. There had been a motion in 1932 to introduce the office of a military bishop, but the bishops' synod blocked it. The concept of Field Bishop appeared for the first time in 1927 in a Finnish military document, which dealt with pastoral care in the Polish military. The Field Dean in Finland had regularly proposed improvements to the salary of the military clergy before the Winter War. After the Winter War, arguments were made for strengthening the position of the military clergy: these arguments were based on the increased respect shown towards this clergy, especially due to their role in the care of the fallen, which had become their task during the war. Younger members of the military clergy in particular supported the demands to improve their position within the Church and the army. The creation of a Field Bishop was perceived as strengthening the whole military clergy, as the Field Bishop was envisioned as a bishop within the Church and a general within the Defence Forces. During that time the Field Dean was still without any military rank. The idea of a Field Bishop was recommended to Mannerheim in June 1940, after which the Defence Forces lent their support to the cause. The status of the military clergy, in Church law, made it to the agenda of the Church council in January 1941, thanks largely to the younger priests' group influence and Mannerheim's leverage. The bishops opposed the notion of a Field Bishop mostly on theological grounds but were ready to concede that the position the Field Dean in Church law required further defining. The creation of the office of Field Bishop was blocked in the Church law committee report issued close to the beginning of the Continuation War. The onset of that war, however, changed the course of events, as the President of the Republic appointed Field Dean Johannes Björklund as Field Bishop. Speculation has abounded about Mannerheim's role in the appointment, but the truth of the matter is not clear. The title of Field Bishop was used to put pressure on the Church, and, at the same time, Mannerheim could remain detached from the matter. Later, in September 1941, the Church council approved the use of the Field Bishop title to denote the head of military pastoral care in Church law, and Field Bishops were assigned some of the duties formerly pertaining to bishops. Despite all expectations and hopes, the new office of Field Bishop did not affect the status of the military clergy within the Defence Forces, as no ranks were established for them, and their salary did not improve. However the office of the Field Bishop within Army HQ was transformed from a bureau into a department in the summer of 1942. At the beginning of the Continuation War, the Field Bishop was criticized by certain military and Church clergy for favouring Russian Orthodox Christians in Eastern Karelia. Björklund agreed in principle with most of the Lutheran clergy on the necessity of Lutheranizing East Karelia but had to take into account the realities at Army HQ. As well, at the same time the majority of the younger clergy were serving in the army, and there was a lack of parish priests on the home front. Bishop Lehtonen had actually expressed the wish that more priests could have been released from the front to serve in local parishes. In his notes Lehtonen accused Björklund of trying to achieve the position of Field Bishop by all possible means. However, research has revealed a varied group of people behind the creation of the office of Field Bishop, including in particular younger clergy and the Defence Forces.


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A partially purified sheep liver enzyme that hydrolyzed dinucleotides at the pyrophosphate bond was obtained by solubilizing the 18,000g sediment with n-butanol and fractionating the solubilized enzyme with acetone. The enzyme activity when measured using FAD as substrate, (FAD → FMN + AMP), was optimal at pH 9.7 and temperatures between 30 °–36 ° and at 60 °. The rate of release of FMN with time occurred with an initial lag of 30 sec, a linear increase for 1 min, and a subsequent irregular rate. In the presence of orthophosphate (Pi; 10 μImage ), FMN was released at an uniformly continuous and enhanced rate. 32Pi was not incorporated into the substrate or products. Sodium arsenate counteracted the effects of Pi. The apparent Km and Vmax were 0.133 mImage and 100 units; and 0.133 mImage and 200 units, in the absence and presence of Pi, respectively. The temperature optimum was 42 ° in the presence of Pi.Negative cooperative interactions observed at low concentrations of FAD were abolished by the addition of Pi. The inhibition by AMP was sigmoid and Pi abolished this sigmoidal response. The enzyme hydrolyzed in addition to FAD, NAD+ and NADP+. Nucleoside triphosphates were potent inhibitors of the enzyme activity. The partial inhibition of the enzyme by o-phenanthroline and by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate could be reversed by Fe2+ ions and by reduced glutathione, respectively.


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Stick-slip is usually observed in driven dissipative threshold systems. In these set of lectures, we discuss, some generic and system specific features of stickslip systems by considering a few examples wherein there has been some progress in understanding the associated dynamics. In most stick slip systems, both at low and high drive rates, the system slides smoothly, but within a window of drive rates, the motion becomes intermittent; the system alternately “sticks” till the stress builds up to a threshold value, and then “slips” when the stress is rapidly released. This intermittent motion can be traced to the existence of an unstable branch separating the two resistive branches in the force-drive-rate relation. While the two resistive branches are experimentally measurable, the unstable branch is usually not measurable and is only inferred.


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Iron is a major pollutant released as a by-product during several industrial operations especially during acid mining of metal ores. In this paper, the use of Bengal gram husk (husk of channa dal, Cicer arientinum) in the biosorption of Fe(III) from aqueous solutions is discussed. Parameters like agitation time, adsorbent dosage and pH were studied at different Fe(Ill) concentrations. The adsorption data fit well with Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The adsorption capacity (q(max)) calculated from the Langmuir isotherm was 72.16 mg of Fe(III)/g of the biosorbent at an initial pH of 2.5. Desorption Studies were performed at different concentrations of hydrochloric acid showing that quantitative recovery of the metal ion is possible. The infrared spectra of the biomass before and after treatment with Fe(III), revealed that hydroxyl, carboxyl and amide bonds are involved in the uptake of Fe(III) ions.


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Diabetes is a chronic disease requiring continuous medical supervision and patient education to prevent acute secondary complications. In this study, we have harnessed the inherent property of insulin to aggregate into an oligomeric intermediate on the pathway to amyloid formation, to generate a form that exhibits controlled and sustained release for extended periods. Administration of a single dose of the insulin oligomer, defined here as the supramolecular insulin assembly II (SIA-II), to experimental animals rendered diabetic by streptozotocin or alloxan, released the hormone capable of maintaining physiologic glucose levels for > 120 days for bovine and > 140 days for recombinant human insulin without fasting hypoglycemia. Moreover, the novel SIA-II described here not only improved the glycemic control, but also reduced the extent of secondary diabetic complications.


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Innate immunity and host defence are rapidly evoked by structurally invariant molecular motifs common to microbial world, called pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). In addition to PAMPs, endogenous molecules released in response to inflammation and tissue damage, danger associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), are required for eliciting the response. The most important PAMPs of viruses are viral nucleic acids, their genome or its replication intermediates, whereas the identity and characteristics of virus infection-induced DAMPs are poorly defined. PAMPs and DAMPs engage a limited set of germ-line encoded pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in immune and non-immune cells. Membrane-bound Toll-like receptors (TLRs), cytoplasmic retinoic acid inducible gene-I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs) and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor (NLRs) are important PRRs involved in the recognition of the molecular signatures of viral infection, such as double-stranded ribonucleic acids (dsRNAs). Engagement of PRRs results in local and systemic innate immune responses which, when activated against viruses, evoke secretion of antiviral and pro-inflammatory cytokines, and programmed cell death i.e., apoptosis of the virus-infected cell. Macrophages are the central effector cells of innate immunity. They produce significant amounts of antiviral cytokines, called interferons (IFNs), and pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18. IL-1β and IL-18 are synthesized as inactive precursors, pro-IL-1β and pro-IL-18, that are processed by caspase-1 in a cytoplasmic multiprotein complex, called the inflammasome. After processing, these cytokines are biologically active and will be secreted. The signals and secretory routes that activate inflammasomes and the secretion of IL-1β and IL-18 during virus infections are poorly characterized. The main goal of this thesis was to characterize influenza A virus-induced innate immune responses and host-virus interactions in human primary macrophages during an infection. Methodologically, various techniques of cellular and molecular biology, as well as proteomic tools combined with bioinformatics, were utilized. Overall, the thesis provides interesting insights into inflammatory and antiviral innate immune responses, and has characterized host-virus interactions during influenza A virus-infection in human primary macrophages.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between merit pay system and work environment and foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation. There has been a lot of investigation on rewarding. Less research has been done on previous surveys among the merit pay systems and motivation investigations. According to former surveys, rewarding systems cannot be released from its context. Therefore this survey expanded to deal with work environment. It was also essential to investigate different dimensions of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and equity of rewarding. Investigation or work motivation and work satisfaction was challenging because both of these concepts have been investigated under quite traditional frame of reference of work motivation theories. In some surveys, the concepts have not been even separated or they have been used even as synonyms. The data were collected with the 193 foremen working in the profit centers of the different chains of the company in the field of retail trade. The questions were: Are the experiences of merit pay system and work environment related to foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation? Are the backround variables related to foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation? The data collection was carried out by an electronic inquiry during May 2010. 137 replied from foremen working under merit pay system. The research material was analyzed with PASW-software. Various analyzing methods were used: factor analyses, regression analyses and group of different parametric and non-parametric analyses. In contrast to theoretical framework in the factor analyses work satisfaction and work motivation clustered into the same dimension. As a main result the atmosphere, possibilities to influence and the atmosphere of leading were strongly positively related to foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation. According to regression analyses these factors were able to explain 55 % of the foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation. The best explanatory variable was atmosphere. Instead, the backround variables (age, sex, working years, group of profession, education) were not associated with work satisfaction and work motivation.


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Drug induced liver injury is one of the frequent reasons for the drug removal from the market. During the recent years there has been a pressure to develop more cost efficient, faster and easier ways to investigate drug-induced toxicity in order to recognize hepatotoxic drugs in the earlier phases of drug development. High Content Screening (HCS) instrument is an automated microscope equipped with image analysis software. It makes the image analysis faster and decreases the risk for an error caused by a person by analyzing the images always in the same way. Because the amount of drug and time needed in the analysis are smaller and multiple parameters can be analyzed from the same cells, the method should be more sensitive, effective and cheaper than the conventional assays in cytotoxicity testing. Liver cells are rich in mitochondria and many drugs target their toxicity to hepatocyte mitochondria. Mitochondria produce the majority of the ATP in the cell through oxidative phosphorylation. They maintain biochemical homeostasis in the cell and participate in cell death. Mitochondria is divided into two compartments by inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. The oxidative phosphorylation happens in the inner mitochondrial membrane. A part of the respiratory chain, a protein called cytochrome c, activates caspase cascades when released. This leads to apoptosis. The aim of this study was to implement, optimize and compare mitochondrial toxicity HCS assays in live cells and fixed cells in two cellular models: human HepG2 hepatoma cell line and rat primary hepatocytes. Three different hepato- and mitochondriatoxic drugs (staurosporine, rotenone and tolcapone) were used. Cells were treated with the drugs, incubated with the fluorescent probes and then the images were analyzed using Cellomics ArrayScan VTI reader. Finally the results obtained after optimizing methods were compared to each other and to the results of the conventional cytotoxicity assays, ATP and LDH measurements. After optimization the live cell method and rat primary hepatocytes were selected to be used in the experiments. Staurosporine was the most toxic of the three drugs and caused most damage to the cells most quickly. Rotenone was not that toxic, but the results were more reproducible and thus it would serve as a good positive control in the screening. Tolcapone was the least toxic. So far the conventional analysis of cytotoxicity worked better than the HCS methods. More optimization needs to be done to get the HCS method more sensitive. This was not possible in this study due to time limit.


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This paper reports the structural behavior and thermodynamics of the complexation of siRNA with poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers of generation 3 (G3) and 4 (G4) through fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations accompanied by free energy calculations and inherent structure determination. We have also done simulation with one siRNA and two dendrimers (2 x G3 or 2xG4) to get the microscopic picture of various binding modes. Our simulation results reveal the formation of stable siRNA-dendrimer complex over nanosecond time scale. With the increase in dendrimcr generation, the charge ratio increases and hence the binding energy between siRNA and dendrimer also increases in accordance with available experimental measurements. Calculated radial distribution functions of amines groups of various subgenerations in a given generation of dendrimer and phosphate in backbone of siRNA reveals that one dendrimer of generation 4 shows better binding with siRNA almost wrapping the dendrimer when compared to the binding with lower generation dendrimer like G3. In contrast, two dendrimers of generation 4 show binding without siRNA wrapping the den-rimer because of repulsion between two dendrimers. The counterion distribution around the complex and the water molecules in the hydration shell of siRNA give microscopic picture of the binding dynamics. We see a clear correlation between water. counterions motions and the complexation i.e. the water molecules and counterions which condensed around siRNA are moved away from the siRNA backbone when dendrimer start binding to the siRNA back hone. As siRNA wraps/bind to the dendrimer counterions originally condensed onto siRNA (Na-1) and dendrimer (Cl-) get released. We give a quantitative estimate of the entropy of counterions and show that there is gain in entropy due to counterions release during the complexation. Furthermore, the free energy of complexation of IG3 and IG4 at two different salt concentrations shows that increase in salt concentration leads to the weakening of the binding affinity of siRNA and dendrimer.


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Diesel spills contaminate aquatic and terrestrial environments. To prevent the environmental and health risks, the remediation needs to be advanced. Bioremediation, i.e., degradation by microbes, is one of the suitable methods for cleaning diesel contamination. In monitored natural attenuation technique are natural processes in situ combined, including bioremediation, volatilization, sorption, dilution and dispersion. Soil bacteria are capable of adapting to degrade environmental pollutants, but in addition, some soil types may have indigenous bacteria that are naturally suitable for degradation. The objectives for this work were (1) to find a feasible and economical technique to remediate oil spilled into Baltic Sea water and (2) to bioremediate soil contaminated by diesel oil. Moreover, the aim was (3) to study the potential for natural attenuation and the indigenous bacteria in soil, and possible adaptation to degrade diesel hydrocarbons. In the aquatic environment, the study concentrated on diesel oil sorption to cotton grass fiber, a natural by-product of peat harvesting. The impact of diesel pollution was followed in bacteria, phytoplankton and mussels. In a terrestrial environment, the focus was to compare the methods of enhanced biodegradation (biostimulation and bioaugmentation), and to study natural attenuation of oil hydrocarbons in different soil types and the effect that a history of previous contamination may have on the bioremediation potential. (1) In the aquatic environment, rapid removal of diesel oil was significant for survival of tested species and thereby diversity maintained. Cotton grass not only absorbed the diesel but also benefited the bacterial growth by providing a large colonizable surface area and hence oil-microbe contact area. Therefore use of this method would enhance bioremediation of diesel spills. (2) Biostimulation enhances bioremediation, and (3) indigenous diesel-degrading bacteria are present in boreal environments, so microbial inocula are not always needed. In the terrestrial environment experiments, the combination of aeration and addition of slowly released nitrogen advanced the oil hydrocarbon degradation. Previous contamination of soil gives the bacterial community the potential for rapid adaptation and efficient degradation of the same type of contaminant. When the freshly contaminated site needs addition of diesel degraders, previously contaminated and remediated soil could be used as a bacterial inoculum. Another choice of inoculum could be conifer forest soil, which provides a plentiful population of degraders, and based on the present results, could be considered as a safe non-polluted inoculum. According to the findings in this thesis, bioremediation (microbial degradation) and monitored natural attenuation (microbial, physical and chemical degradation) are both suitable techniques for remediation of diesel-contaminated sites in Finland.