998 resultados para Relation thérapeutique
Recent recruitment failure of lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus, a key prey fish in the North Sea, followed by several years of low spawning stock biomass, prompted us to investigate factors influencing the recruitment of this species. We tested 2 hypotheses that relate to ecological mechanisms of recruitment regulation in lesser sandeel: (1) a positive spawning stock–recruitment relationship is decoupled in years associated with high abundances of age-1 sandeels and (2) the survival success of early larvae depends specifically on the abundance of Calanus finmarchicus and not C. helgolandicus. The findings of the present study supported both hypotheses and resulted in a multiple linear recruitment model with pronounced predictive capabilities. The model includes interactions between age-1 abundance and spawning stock biomass, plus the effect of C. finmarchicus abundance, and it explained around 65% of the inter-annual variation in recruitment in contrast to only 12% by a traditional Ricker curve. We argue that early egg production in C. finmarchicus supports the survival of larvae, and that climate-generated shifts in the Calanus species composition lead to a mismatch in timing between food availability and the early life history of lesser sandeels.
The North Sea cod (
We investigated the relationship between picoeukaryote phytoplankton (< 2 mu m) and the deep layer of new production (NO3- uptake) in the nitracline of the eastern subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Indices of NO3- uptake kinetics obtained within the lower 15 % of the euphotic zone demonstrate that subsurface NO3- uptake maxima are coincident with localised peaks in maximum uptake rates (V-max) and, crucially, with maximum picoeukaryote abundance. The mean rate of NO3- utilization at the nitracline is typically 10-fold higher than in surface waters despite much lower in situ irradiance. These observations confirm a high affinity for NO3-, most likely by the resident picoeukaryote community, and we conservatively estimate mean cellular uptake rates of between 0.27 and 1.96 fmol NO3- cell(-1) h(-1). Greater scrutiny of the taxonomic composition of the picoeukaryote group is required to further understand this deep layer of new production and its importance for nitrogen cycling and export production, given longstanding assumptions that picoplankton do not contribute directly to export fluxes.