869 resultados para Regulatory Laws.


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This chapter explores the extent to which courts can contribute to the countering of terrorism. It suggests that the contribution will depend on the type of actor the courts are attempting to hold to account as well as on the powers that are conferred on courts by national and international legal regimes. It concludes that courts are most legitimate and effective in relation to terrorist suspects and law enforcers, but less so in relation to counter-terrorism operatives and law-makers.


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We investigate the determinants of US credit union capital-to-assets ratios, before and after the implementation of the current capital adequacy regulatory framework in 2000. Capitalization varies pro-cyclically, and until the financial crisis credit unions classified as adequately capitalized or below followed a faster adjustment path than well capitalized credit unions. This pattern was reversed, however, in the aftermath of the crisis. The introduction of the PCA regulatory regime achieved a reduction in the proportion of credit unions classified as adequately capitalized or below that continued until the onset of the crisis. Since the crisis, the speed of recovery of credit unions in this category following an adverse capitalization shock was sharply reduced.


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Transport accounts for 22% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United Kingdom and cars are expected tomore than double by 2050. Car manufacturers are continually aiming for a substantially reduced carbonfootprint through improved fuel efficiency and better powertrain performance due to the strict EuropeanUnion emissions standards. However, road tax, not just fuel efficiency, is a key consideration of consumerswhen purchasing a car. While measures have been taken to reduce emissions through stricter standards, infuture, alternative technologies will be used. Electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and range extended electricvehicles have been identified as some of these future technologies. In this research a virtual test bed of aconventional internal combustion engine and a range extended electric vehicle family saloon car were builtin AVL’s vehicle and powertrain system level simulation tool, CRUISE, to simulate the New EuropeanDrive Cycle and the results were then soft-linked to a techno-economic model to compare the effectivenessof current support mechanisms over the full life cycle of both cars. The key finding indicates that althoughcarbon emissions are substantially reduced, switching is still not financially the best option for either theconsumer or the government in the long run.


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In recent years much attention has been given to systemic risk and maintaining financial stability. Much of the focus, rightly, has been on market failures and the role of regulation in addressing them. This article looks at the role of domestic policies and government actions as sources of global instability. The global financial system is built upon global markets controlled by national financial and macroeconomic policies. In this context, regulatory asymmetries, diverging policy preferences, and government failures add a further dimension to global systemic risk not present at the national level.
Systemic risk is a result of the interplay between two independent variables: an underlying trigger event, in this analysis a domestic policy measure, and a transmission channel. The solution to systemic risk requires tackling one of these variables. In a domestic setting, the centralization of regulatory power into one single authority makes it easier to balance the delicate equilibrium between enhancing efficiency and reducing instability. However, in a global financial system in which national financial policies serve to maximize economic welfare, regulators will be confronted with difficult policy and legal tradeoffs.
We investigate the role that financial regulation plays in addressing domestic policy failures and in controlling the danger of global financial interdependence. To do so we analyse global financial interconnectedness, and explain its role in transmitting instability; we investigate the political economy dynamics at the origin of regulatory asymmetries and government failures; and we discuss the limits of regulation.


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Capital controls and exchange restrictions are used to restrict international capital flows during economic crises. This paper looks at the legal implications of these restrictions and explores the current international regulatory framework applicable to international capital movements and current payments. It shows how international capital flows suffer from the lack of a comprehensive and coherent regulatory framework that would harmonize the patchwork of
multilateral, regional, and bilateral treaties that currently regulate this issue. These treaties include the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF Articles), the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), free-trade agreements, the European Union treaty, bilateral investment treaties, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Code of Liberalization of Capital Movements (OECD Code of Capital Movement). Each
of these instruments regulate differently capital movements with little coordination with other areas of law. This situation sometimes leads to regulatory overlaps and conflict between different sources of law. Given the strong links between capital movements and trade in services, this paper pays particular attention to the rules of the GATS on capital flows and discusses the policy space available in the GATS for restricting capital flows in times of crisis.


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Molecular characterization of genome-wide association study (GWAS) loci can uncover key genes and biological mechanisms underpinning complex traits and diseases. Here we present deep, high-throughput characterization of gene regulatory mechanisms underlying prostate cancer risk loci. Our methodology integrates data from 295 prostate cancer chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing experiments with genotype and gene expression data from 602 prostate tumor samples. The analysis identifies new gene regulatory mechanisms affected by risk locus SNPs, including widespread disruption of ternary androgen receptor (AR)-FOXA1 and AR-HOXB13 complexes and competitive binding mechanisms. We identify 57 expression quantitative trait loci at 35 risk loci, which we validate through analysis of allele-specific expression. We further validate predicted regulatory SNPs and target genes in prostate cancer cell line models. Finally, our integrated analysis can be accessed through an interactive visualization tool. This analysis elucidates how genome sequence variation affects disease predisposition via gene regulatory mechanisms and identifies relevant genes for downstream biomarker and drug development.


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A introdução de novas exigências na Avaliação do Desempenho Docente (ADD) em Portugal (Decretos-Lei 15/2007 e 75/2010; Decretos Regulamentares 2/2008 e 2/2010) tem gerado nas escolas e nos professores, desde 2008, situações organizacionais complexas, que urge analisar e compreender. As políticas educativas têm vindo a apontar para a necessidade de um maior investimento nos processos de avaliação de professores, dando relevância ao papel a desempenhar pela supervisão pedagógica nesse contexto. A supervisão da prática letiva passou a ser considerada procedimento fundamental, na medida em que se tornou difícil conceber uma avaliação dos docentes que não incluísse sessões de observação em sala de aula. Fruto destas novas políticas de avaliação de professores, a ADD apresentou-se, do ponto de vista normativo, com base em duas funções: sumativa e formativa. Estas funções exigem maiores investimentos, novas práticas e uma reflexão sobre o papel do professor ancorada numa perspetiva holística, transformadora e emancipatória do seu desenvolvimento profissional. O principal objetivo do nosso estudo consiste em compreender as perceções e práticas desenvolvidas pelos docentes face às alterações introduzidas no sistema da ADD no geral, e, em particular, o papel desempenhado pela supervisão pedagógica (SP) na avaliação entre pares, no segundo ciclo avaliativo (2009-2011). A investigação empírica tem por base um estudo de caso desenvolvido num Agrupamento de escolas do Distrito de Aveiro. A recolha de dados foi concretizada através da administração de um questionário a todos os docentes do Agrupamento e da condução de entrevistas a 26 informadores privilegiados do processo avaliativo. Os principais resultados do estudo de caso apontam para: i) a opinião desfavorável dos professores face ao atual modelo de ADD, dada a sua natureza burocrática, complexa, injusta e a sua escassa utilidade prática, preenchendo apenas requisitos legais e de controlo; ii) um processo de SP, concretamente, a observação de aulas, que não contribui para o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores e tem impacte negativo no trabalho docente, acentuando a artificialidade dos procedimentos e aumentando o clima de competição e de conflito; iii) a sensação de desconforto entre os intervenientes, fazendo emergir sentimentos de injustiça, insegurança e ansiedade que, em seu entender, constituem constrangimentos à melhoria das aprendizagens dos alunos e à qualidade da escola; iv) uma escassa implicação na melhoria das práticas futuras e do desenvolvimento profissional dos docentes. Estes resultados constituem um desafio colocado aos investigadores no sentido de identificarem alternativas de ação para poderem lidar com a complexidade inerente ao processo de avaliação na sua relação com a supervisão pedagógica, com vista à melhoria de desempenho das escolas e dos professores.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia, Especialidade em Biologia Molecular, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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The human genome has millions of genetics variants that can affect gene expression. These variants are known as cis-regulatory variants and are responsible for intra-species phenotypic differences and individual susceptibility to disease. One of the diseases affected by cis-regulatory variants is breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers, with approximately 4500 new cases each year in Portugal. Breast cancer has many genes mutated and TP53 has been shown to be relevant for this disease. TP53 is one of the most commonly mutated genes in human cancer and it is involved in cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. Previous work by Maia et al has shown that TP53 has differential allelic expression (DAE), which suggests that this gene may be under the influence of cis-regulatory variants. Also, its DAE pattern is totally altered in breast tumours with normal copy number. We hypothesized that cis-regulatory variants affecting TP53 may have a role in breast cancer development and treatment. The present work aims to identify the cis-regulatory variants playing a role in TP53 expression, using in silico, in vitro and in vivo approaches. By bioinformatic tools we have identified candidate cis-regulatory variants and predicted the possible transcription factor binding sites that they affect. By EMSA we studied DNA-protein interactions in this region of TP53. The in silico analysis allowed us to identified three candidate cis-regulatory SNPs which may affect the binding of seven transcription factors. However, the EMSA experiments have not been conclusive and we have not yet confirmed whether any of the identified SNPs are associated with gene expression control of TP53. We will carry out further experiments to validate our findings.


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Each year the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources publishes a summary of the laws and regulations of commercial fishing in the state. This publication provides the license requirements, definitions, restrictions, and laws and regulations for commercial crabbing.