978 resultados para Radiation Protection.


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An early molecular response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is phosphorylation of the Ser-139 residue within the terminal SQEY motif of the histone H2AX1,2. This phosphorylation of H2AX is mediated by the phosphatidyl-inosito 3-kinase (PI3K) family of proteins, ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), DNA-protein kinase catalytic subunit and ATM and RAD3-related (ATR)3. The phosphorylated form of H2AX, referred to as γH2AX, spreads to adjacent regions of chromatin from the site of the DSB, forming discrete foci, which are easily visualized by immunofluorecence microscopy3. Analysis and quantitation of γH2AX foci has been widely used to evaluate DSB formation and repair, particularly in response to ionizing radiation and for evaluating the efficacy of various radiation modifying compounds and cytotoxic compounds Given the exquisite specificity and sensitivity of this de novo marker of DSBs, it has provided new insights into the processes of DNA damage and repair in the context of chromatin. For example, in radiation biology the central paradigm is that the nuclear DNA is the critical target with respect to radiation sensitivity. Indeed, the general consensus in the field has largely been to view chromatin as a homogeneous template for DNA damage and repair. However, with the use of γH2AX as molecular marker of DSBs, a disparity in γ-irradiation-induced γH2AX foci formation in euchromatin and heterochromatin has been observed5-7. Recently, we used a panel of antibodies to either mono-, di- or tri- methylated histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9me1, H3K9me2, H3K9me3) which are epigenetic imprints of constitutive heterochromatin and transcriptional silencing and lysine 4 (H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3), which are tightly correlated actively transcribing euchromatic regions, to investigate the spatial distribution of γH2AX following ionizing radiation8. In accordance with the prevailing ideas regarding chromatin biology, our findings indicated a close correlation between γH2AX formation and active transcription9. Here we demonstrate our immunofluorescence method for detection and quantitation of γH2AX foci in non-adherent cells, with a particular focus on co-localization with other epigenetic markers, image analysis and 3Dmodeling.


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Purpose The majority of cancer patients will receive radiotherapy (RT), therefore, investigations into advances of this modality are important. Conventional RT dose intensities are limited by adverse responses in normal tissues and a primary goal is to ameliorate adverse normal tissue effects. The aim of these experiments is to further our understanding regarding the mechanism of radioprotection by the DNA minor groove binder, methylproamine, in a cellular context at the DNA level. Materials and methods We used immunocytochemical methods to measure the accumulation of phosphorylated H2AX (γH2AX) foci following ionizing radiation (IR) in patient-derived lymphoblastoid cells exposed to methylproamine. Furthermore, we performed pulsed field gel electrophoresis DNA damage and repair assays to directly interrogate the action of methylproamine on DNA in irradiated cells. Results We found that methylproamine-treated cells had fewer γH2AX foci after IR compared to untreated cells. Also, the presence of methylproamine decreased the amount of lower molecular weight DNA entering the gel as shown by the pulsed field gel electrophoresis assay. Conclusions These results suggest that methylproamine acts by preventing the formation of DNA double-strand breaks (dsbs) and support the hypothesis that radioprotection by methylproamine is mediated, at least in part, by decreasing initial DNA damage.


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The central dogma in radiation biology is that nuclear DNA is the critical target with respect to radiosensitivity. In accordance with the theoretical expectations, and in the absence of a conclusive model, the general consensus in the field has been to view chromatin as a homogeneous template for DNA damage and repair. This paradigm has been called into question by recent findings indicating a disparity in γ-irradiation-induced γH2AX foci formation in euchromatin and heterochromatin. Here, we have extended those studies and provide evidence that γH2AX foci form preferentially in actively transcribing euchromatin following γ-irradiation.


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Purpose: To determine the extent to which the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based virtual 3-dimensional (3D) models of the intact orbit can approach that of the gold standard, computed tomography (CT) based models. The goal was to determine whether MRI is a viable alternative to CT scans in patients with isolated orbital fractures and penetrating eye injuries, pediatric patients, and patients requiring multiple scans in whom radiation exposure is ideally limited. Materials and Methods: Patients who presented with unilateral orbital fractures to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital from March 2011 to March 2012 were recruited to participate in this cross-sectional study. The primary predictor variable was the imaging technique (MRI vs CT). The outcome measurements were orbital volume (primary outcome) and geometric intraorbital surface deviations (secondary outcome)between the MRI- and CT-based 3D models. Results: Eleven subjects (9 male) were enrolled. The patients’ mean age was 30 years. On average, the MRI models underestimated the orbital volume of the CT models by 0.50 0.19 cm3 . The average intraorbital surface deviation between the MRI and CT models was 0.34 0.32 mm, with 78 2.7% of the surface within a tolerance of 0.5 mm. Conclusions: The volumetric differences of the MRI models are comparable to reported results from CT models. The intraorbital MRI surface deviations are smaller than the accepted tolerance for orbital surgical reconstructions. Therefore, the authors believe that MRI is an accurate radiation-free alternative to CT for the primary imaging and 3D reconstruction of the bony orbit. �


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This thesis examines and compares imaging methods used during the radiotherapy treatment of prostate cancer. The studies found that radiation therapists were able to localise and target the prostate consistently with planar imaging techniques and that the use of small gold markers in the prostate reduced the variation in prostate localisation when using volumetric imaging. It was concluded that larger safety margins are required when using volumetric imaging without gold markers.


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Climate change and solar ultraviolet radiation may affect vaccine-preventable infectious diseases (VPID), the human immune response process and the immunization service delivery system. We systematically reviewed the scientific literature and identified 37 relevant publications. Our study shows that climate variability and ultraviolet radiation may potentially affect VPID and the immunization delivery system through modulating vector reproduction and vaccination effectiveness, possibly influencing human immune response systems to the vaccination, and disturbing immunization service delivery. Further research is needed to determine these affects on climate-sensitive VPID and on human immune response to common vaccines. Such research will facilitate the development and delivery of optimal vaccination programs for target populations, to meet the goal of disease control and elimination.


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Two studies documented the “David and Goliath” rule—the tendency for people to perceive criticism of “David” groups (groups with low power and status) as less normatively permissible than criticism of “Goliath” groups (groups with high power and status). The authors confirmed the existence of the David and Goliath rule across Western and Chinese cultures (Study 1). However, the rule was endorsed more strongly in Western than in Chinese cultures, an effect mediated by cultural differences in power distance. Study 2 identified the psychological underpinnings of this rule in an Australian sample. Lower social dominance orientation (SDO) was associated with greater endorsement of the rule, an effect mediated through the differential attribution of stereotypes. Specifically, those low in SDO were more likely to attribute traits of warmth and incompetence to David versus Goliath groups, a pattern of stereotypes that was related to the protection of David groups from criticism.


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Increasingly, domestic violence is being treated as a child protection issue, and children affected by domestic violence are recognised as experiencing a form of child abuse. Domestic violence protection order legislation – as a key legal response to domestic violence – may offer an important legal option for the protection of children affected by domestic violence. In this article, we consider the research that establishes domestic violence as a form of child abuse, and review the provisions of State and Territory domestic violence protection order legislation to assess whether they demonstrate an adequate focus on the protection of children.


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The workshop is an activity of the IMIA Working Group ‘Security in Health Information Systems’ (SiHIS). It is focused to the growing global problem: how to protect personal health data in today’s global eHealth and digital health environment. It will review available trust building mechanisms, security measures and privacy policies. Technology alone does not solve this complex problem and current protection policies and legislation are considered woefully inadequate. Among other trust building tools, certification and accreditation mechanisms are dis-cussed in detail and the workshop will determine their acceptance and quality. The need for further research and international collective action are discussed. This workshop provides an opportunity to address a critical growing problem and make pragmatic proposals for sustainable and effective solutions for global eHealth and digital health.


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The Code of Banking Practice is one of the oldest examples of consumer protection provided through self-regulation in the Australian financial services sector. However, since the Banking Code was first released in 1993, the volume of consumer protection legislation applying to banks has increased exponentially and parts of the Banking Code that once provided new consumer rights have now been largely superseded by legislation. In light of the increasingly complex set of laws and regulations that govern the relationship between banks and their consumer and small business customers it could be argued that the Banking Code has a limited future role. However, an analysis of the Banking Code shows that it adds to the consumer protection standards provided by legislation and can continue to facilitate improvements in the standards of subscribing banks and of other institutions in the financial services sector. Self-regulation and industry codes should continue to be part of the regulatory mix. Any regulatory changes that flow from the recent Financial System Inquiry should also facilitate and support the self-regulation role, but the government should also consider further changes to encourage improvements in industry codes and ensure that the implicit regulatory benefits that are provided, in part, because of the existence of industry codes, are made explicit and made available only to code subscribers.


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We thank Dr Shedden and Dr Pall for their insightful comments and the opportunity to clarify a number of points from our work.1 The “protection factor” (PF) expressed as the inverse of the transmittance of contact lens (CL) material (1/Tλ), where T is the percentage transmittance of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in a given waveband (UVC, UVB or UVA) of the UV spectrum for contact lenses is the standard method for reporting PF values and as such there should not be any controversy. We have calculated the PF for each wavelength across the entire UV spectrum (UVC, UVB, UVA) as presented in figure 3 of our previous publication.1 In that article, we were simply stating the observation when transmission in the UVC spectra band is considered especially because appreciable amounts of potentially carcinogenic short UV wavelengths was shown to be present in sunlight in our region three decades ago2 and these short wavelength photons are reported to be more biologically damaging to ocular tissues.3 In addition, the depletion of the Ozone layer is still continuing. Nevertheless, we understand the concern of the authors that the results of the PF might be confusing to those who are not familiar with the science of UVR and as such we have made some revisions to the findings of the calculated PF...


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Abstract Purpose The aim of this case study is to describe patients' responses to nursing care following the implementation of a person-centred model in a radiation oncology department. Method An instrumental case study design utilised surveys to collect data on a range of key patient outcomes: patient satisfaction (PSS), informational issues (RSEP), quality of life (FACT_G), comfort (RTCQ), and emotional status (HADS). This occurred at the beginning of, and twelve months following, the implementation of the new model of care. Results This study demonstrated that, although adverse effects of radiotherapy continue to affect patient well-being in the latter part of their course of radiation therapy, patients continue to be satisfied with nursing care. There were significant differences between groups in perceptions of the care environment and the use of the nurse as an acknowledged source of information are noteworthy, since these variables were key targets of the new model of care. The finding that nurses were seen by the post-implementation cohort as more likely to be a source of information is an important indicator that the nurses' presence was noted by patients, and they generally reported high levels of functioning despite undergoing a curative course of radiotherapy. Conclusion The person-centred nursing approach in the radiotherapy setting has contributed to some improvements in the provision of patient care. Aspects of this study may assist in planning further nursing interventions for patients undergoing radiotherapy for cancer, and continue to enhance the contribution of the radiation oncology nurse to improved patient outcomes.