998 resultados para RES-000-23-1240


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Employers in Iowa with 1,000 or more Employees Based on 2002 Calendar Year. Annual data ofr the State of Iowa produced by Iowa Workforce Development.


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Background: The purpose of this study is to report the anatomic and functional results of primary 23 G vitrectomy using slit-lamp and non-contact 90 D lens for the treatment of pseudophakic rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Patients and Methods: Pseudophakic eyes were operated by 23 G vitrectomy using slit-lamp and non-contact 90 D lens, internal subretinal fluid drainage, cryopexy and internal gas tamponade. The preoperative and postoperative characteristics were analysed. Main outcome measures were anatomic success rates after initial surgical intervention and after reoperation for primary failures, visual outcome at the last follow-up visit, and complications. Results: 46 pseudophakic eyes were included in this retrospective study (October 2013- January 2014). In 40 cases, sulfur hexafluoride 23 % gastamponade was used, silicone oil in 6 cases (13 %). The retina was reattached successfully after a single surgery in 44 eyes (96 %). Recurrence of retinal detachment occurred in 2 eyes. Final anatomic reattachment was obtained in 100 % after a second operation. Silicone oil was removed in all eyes. Visual acuity improved significantly from logMAR 0 (IQR 0 - 0.9) to logMAR 0 (IQR 0 - 0.2) (p < 0.005). Conclusions: Primary 23 G vitrectomy using slit-lamp and non contact 90 D lens for the treatment of pseudophakic rhegmatogenous retinal detachment provides a high anatomic and functional success rate and is associated with few complications.


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Chaque hiver en France, la grippe saisonnière touche entre 2 et 7 millions de personnes, dont environ 1 000 cas mortels, surtout parmi les personnes de plus de 65 ans. Elle constitue ainsi la première cause de mortalité par maladie infectieuse. L'agent causal est un virus à ARN très contagieux, pouvant appartenir à différent type (A, B ou C). Le type A est composé d'une large gamme de sous-types classés selon les différentes sortes et associations de protéines de surface du virus. Parmi ceux-ci, les sous-types H1N1 et H3N2 circulent actuellement chez l'Homme. La transmission inter-humaine de la maladie se fait principalement par voie aéroportée par le biais des gouttelettes riches en virus provenant des accès de toux et des éternuements des sujets infectés. Le coût sanitaire et social annuel de la grippe est estimé à 460 millions d'euros pour une épidémie moyenne. La prévention de la grippe repose sur une vaccination annuelle, proposée dans la plupart des pays industrialisés aux personnes à risque. Cependant, la couverture vaccinale en France n'était que de 23 % de la population générale en 2011-2012 (62 % chez les plus de 50 ans). Dès lors, environ 80 % des individus sont susceptibles de contracter la maladie. Les transports en commun constituent des environnements idéaux pour la dissémination des virus. En effet, la grande promiscuité entre les passagers potentiellement malades et les passagers sains favorise la propagation de la maladie. Dans ces conditions, l'évaluation du risque d'infection est utile pour appliquer une prévention ciblée. Le but du premier article analysé (Gupta et al., 2012) était, précisément, d'évaluer le risque, pour un passager sain, de contracter le virus de la grippe dans un avion transportant un passager malade. Les auteurs du second article analysé (Pyankov et al., 2012) ont estimé le temps de survie de différents sous-types de virus de la grippe dans l'air ambiant d'une chambre expérimentale.


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Parallel tracks for clinical scientists, basic scientists, and pediatric imagers was the novel approach taken for the highly successful 8th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, held in San Francisco, California, January 21 to 23, 2005. Attendees were immersed in information on the latest scientific advances in cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) from mice to man and technological advances from systems with field strengths from 0.5 T to 11.7 T. State-of-the-art applications were reviewed, spanning a wide range from molecular imaging to predicting outcome with CMR in large patient populations.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: There is little information regarding the trends in body mass index (BMI) and obesity in the overall Portuguese population, namely if these trends are similar according to educational level. In this study, we assessed the trends in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the Portuguese population, overall and by educational level. METHODS: Cross-sectional national health interview surveys conducted in 1995-6 (n=38,504), 1998-9 (n=38,688) and 2005-6 (n=25,348). Data were derived from the population and housing census of 1991 and two geographically-based strata were defined. The sampling unit was the house, and all subjects living in the sampling unit were surveyed. Height and weight were self-reported; the effects of gender, age group and educational level were also assessed by self-reported structured questionnaires. Bivariate comparisons were performed using Chi-square or analysis of variance (ANOVA). Trends in BMI levels were assessed by linear regression analysis, while trends in the prevalence of obesity were assessed by logistic regression. RESULTS: Mean (+/-standard deviation) BMI increased from 25.2+/-4.0 in 1995-6 to 25.7+/-4.5 kg/m2 in 2005-6. Prevalence of overweight remained stable (36.1% in 1995-6 and 36.4% in 2005) while prevalence of obesity increased (11.5% in 1995-6 and 15.1% in 2005-6). Similar findings were observed according to age group. Mean age-adjusted BMI increase (expressed in kg/m2/year and 95% confidence interval) was 0.073 (0.062, 0.084), 0.016 (0.000, 0.031) and 0.073 (0.049, 0.098) in men with primary, secondary and university levels, respectively; the corresponding values in women were 0.085 (0.073, 0.097), 0.052 (0.035, 0.069) and 0.062 (0.038, 0.084). Relative to 1995-6, obesity rates increased by 48%, 41% and 59% in men and by 40%, 75% and 177% in women with primary, secondary and university levels, respectively. The corresponding values for overweight were 6%, 1% and 23% in men and 5%, 7% and 65% in women. CONCLUSION: Between 1995 and 2005, obesity increased while overweight remained stable in the adult Portuguese population. Although higher rates were found among lesser educated subjects, the strong increase in BMI and obesity levels in highly educated subjects is of concern.


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Abstact : Pollinic contribution to a Pleistocene study of the Lake Geneva region (Switzerland) Palaeoenvironment of the last 800,000 years. Although the "Plateau Romand" (tableland of French-speaking Switzerland) has been marked by the repetitive action of different Quaternary glacial thrusts, numerous preserved outcrops here and there, thanks to favourable topographical conditions, provide sufficient pollinic content to reconstitute the significant botanical fluctuations and allow bio- and chrono-stratigraphical correlations with the long European sequences. The present study examines around ten Pleistocene deposits rich in pollens, whose presumed ages cover a range of 800,000 years. - The Early and Early-Middle Pleistocene are examined at Ecoteaux (VD), undeniably the oldest site in this study. The "Lower Formation of Ecoteaux", whose low pollinic content reveals an environment of the cold desert type, shows an inverse palaeomagnetic remanence. An age earlier than 780,000 years BP (Matuyama period or earlier) is proposed. The "Upper Formation of Ecoteaux" contains over eight major fluctuations in the vegetal covering, of which at least four temporal phases and one climatic optimum. The presence of botanical genera, relics of the Tertiary in particular Pterocarya and Carya, associated with the vegetal dynamic made up of short oscillations, contrives to link this formation to the Cromerian Complex. The thermomeres recorded could correspond to one or several interglacial periods from Middle Pleistocene. Possible correlations with marine isotopic stages 15, 17 and 19 are discussed. - The Middle and Late Pleistocene is approached through the sediments of Onnens (VD), Creux d'Enfer (FR), Port-Valais (VS), La Dénériaz (VD) and Cortaillod (NE). Each site provides a temperate interglacial flora, whose pollinic content is evaluated according to the different conceivable bio-stratigraphic correlations. - Finally the Würm is studied thanks to the outcrop of Marly (FR), together with the excavations at Villars-sous-Yens (VD), Versoix (GE) and Ollon (VD). Together, these observations tend to show that the west of the Swiss Plateau is a zone of transition between the meridian vegetation of the lower Rhone valley and that of beyond the Jura. At the outlet of the Rhone glacier, and on the borders of the prealpine and Jurassian glaciers, the region is situated at the crossroads of post-glacial botanical migrations, between the major axis of the Rhone valley and the Eastern refuge zones; this situation confers particular importance on it. Although believed to be deeply scraped by ice, one notices today that the "Plateau Romand" harbours overtwenty interglacial and interstadial sites. The abrasive action of the Rhone glacier has thus been more modest than previously estimated. The effective extension of glacial tongues, together with atmospheric circulation, are doubtless varying from one interglacial to another. Finally, the speeds of glacial movements, and the unbelievable vegetal vitality, are important parameters, capable of leading to deposits, very early enriched in pollens. RÉSUMÉS : Contribution pollinique à l'étude du Pléistocène de la région lémanique (Suisse) - Paléoenvironnement des derniers 800'000 ans Bien que le Plateau romand soit marqué par l'action répétitive des différentes poussées glaciaires quaternaires, de nombreux affleurements préservés ça et là, à la faveur de conditions topographiques favorables, livrent un contenu pollinique suffisant pour reconstituer des fluctuations botaniques significatives et autoriser des corrélations bioet chronostratigraphiques avec les longues séquences européennes. Le présent travail étudie une dizaine de dépôts pléistocènes riches en pollens, dont les âges présumés balaient un éventail de plus de 800'000 ans. - Le Pléistocène Ancien et Moyen inférieur, sont examinés à Ecoteaux (VD); indéniablement le site le plus ancien de cette étude. La "Formation inférieure d'Ecoteaux", dont le maigre contenu pollinique traduit un environnement de type désertique froid, présente une rémanence magnétique inverse. Un âge antérieur à 780'000 ans BP (période de Matuyama ou antérieure) est proposé. La "Formation supérieure d'Ecoteaux" comprend plus de huit fluctuations majeures du couvert végétal, parmi lesquelles on compte au moins quatre épisodes tempérés et un optimum climatique. La présence de genres botaniques reliques du Tertiaire, en particulier Pterocarya et Carya, associée à la dynamique végétale faite de courtes oscillations, concourent à lier cette formation au Complexe Cromérien. Les thermomères enregistrées pourraient correspondre à un- ou plusieurs interglaciaires du Pléistocène moyen. Les corrélations possibles avec les stades isotopiques marins, MIS 15, 17 et 19 sont discutées. - Le Pléistocène Moyen et Récent est abordé à travers les sédiments d'Onnens (VD), du Creux d'Enfer (FR), de Port-Valais (VS), de La Dénériaz (VD) et de Cortaillod (NE). Chaque site livre une flore tempérée interglaciaire, dont le contenu pollinique est évalué en fonction des différentes corrélations bio-stratigraphiques envisageables. - Enfin le Würm est étudié grâce à l'affleurement de Marly (FR), accompagné des forages de Villars-sous-Yens (VD), Versoix (GE) et Ollon (VD). L'ensemble de ces observations tend à montrer que l'ouest du Plateau suisse est une zone charnière entre la végétation méridionale de la basse vallée du Rhône et celle d'au-delà du Jura. Au débouché du glacier du Rhône et aux confins des glaciers préalpins et jurassiens, cette région est située au carrefour des migrations botaniques post-glaciaires, entre l'axe majeur de la vallée du Rhône et les zones refuges de l'Est. Cette situation lui confère une importance toute particulière. Alors qu'on pensait le Plateau romand profondément raboté par les glaces, on constate aujourd'hui qu'il recèle plus d'une vingtaine de sites interglaciaires et interstadiaires. L'action abrasive du glacier rhodanien a donc été plus modeste qu'envisagée jusqu'ici. L'extension effective des langues glaciaires, tout comme la circulation atmosphérique, diffèrent sans doute d'un interglaciaire à l'autre. Enfin la vitesse des mouvements glaciaires et l'incroyable vitalité végétale sont des paramètres importants, susceptibles d'avoir entraîné des dépôts, très précocement enrichis en pollens.


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PURPOSE: To analyze outcomes after right portal vein embolization extended to segment IV (right PVE + IV) before extended right hepatectomy, including liver hypertrophy, resection rates, and complications after embolization and resection, and to assess differences in outcomes with two different particulate embolic agents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1998 and 2004, transhepatic ipsilateral right PVE + IV with particles and coils was performed in 44 patients with malignant hepatobiliary disease, including metastases (n = 24), biliary cancer (n = 14), and hepatocellular carcinoma (n = 6). Right PVE + IV was considered if the future liver remnant (FLR; segments II/III with or without I) was less than 25% of the total estimated liver volume (TELV). Tris-acryl microspheres (100-700 microm; n = 21) or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particles (355-1,000 microm; n = 23) were administered in a stepwise fashion. Smaller particles were used to occlude distal branches, followed by larger particles to occlude proximal branches until near-complete stasis. Coils were then placed in secondary portal branches. Computed tomographic volumetry was performed before and 3-4 weeks after right PVE + IV to assess FLR hypertrophy. Liver volumes and postembolization and postoperative outcomes were measured. RESULTS: After right PVE + IV with PVA particles, FLR volume increased 45.5% +/- 40.9% and FLR/TELV ratio increased 6.9% +/- 5.6%. After right PVE + IV with tris-acryl microspheres, FLR volume increased 69.0% +/- 30.7% and FLR/TELV ratio increased 9.7% +/- 3.3%. Differences in FLR volume (P = .0011), FLR/TELV ratio (P = .027), and resection rates (P = .02) were statistically significant. Seventy-one percent of patients underwent extended right hepatectomy (86% after receiving tris-acryl microspheres, 57% after receiving PVA). Thirteen patients (29%) did not undergo resection (extrahepatic spread [n = 9], inadequate hypertrophy [n = 3], other reasons [n = 1]). No patient developed postembolization syndrome or progressive liver insufficiency after embolization or resection. One death after resection occurred as a result of sepsis and hemorrhage. Median hospital stays were 1 day after right PVE + IV and 7 days after resection. CONCLUSION: Transhepatic ipsilateral right PVE + IV with use of particles and coils is a safe, effective method for inducing contralateral hypertrophy before extended right hepatectomy. Embolization with small spherical particles provides improved hypertrophy and resection rates compared with larger, nonspherical particles.


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Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.


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Weekly Newsletter


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Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.


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Échelle(s) : [ca 1:1 850 000], 120 Kilomètres de 111 au Degré dont un égale 1000 Mètres [= 5,4 cm]