904 resultados para RAIN-ASSISTED AUTOGAMY
A estrutura horizontal e vertical do componente arbóreo foi investigada em um trecho de Floresta Atlântica baixo-montana através de um levantamento fitossociológico em dois blocos amostrais de 0,99 ha cada no Parque Estadual Intervales. Todos os indivíduos com DAP > 5 cm foram registrados. Foram amostrados 3.078 indivíduos distribuídos em 172 espécies. O índice de diversidade de Shannon foi de H' = 3,85 nat.ind.-1. A família Myrtaceae se destacou tanto em número de espécies (38) quanto em número de indivíduos (745) no levantamento. Euterpe edulis Mart. teve o maior valor de importância (33,98%), abrangendo 21,8% do total de indivíduos registrados. O índice de similaridade quantitativo foi maior do que o qualitativo, mostrando pouca variação estrutural entre os blocos amostrais, mas a grande quantidade de espécies pouco abundantes, resultou em pronunciadas diferenças florísticas entre eles. Uma análise de correspondência retificada (DCA) gerou três estratos verticais arbitrários. O estrato A (> 26 m) teve a menor densidade e foi bem representado pelas espécies Sloanea guianensis (Aubl.) Benth. e Virola bicuhyba (Schott. ex A.DC.) Warb. O estrato B (8 m < h < 26 m) mostrou a maior riqueza e diversidade florística, e o estrato C (< 8 m) a maior densidade. Euterpe edulis, Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz, Garcinia gardneriana (Planch. & Triana) Zappi e Eugenia mosenii (Kausel) Sobral foram bem representadas nos estratos B e C da floresta. A existência de estratos verticais em florestas tropicais é discutida, recomendando-se o uso da DCA para estudos da estratificação vertical em outras florestas tropicais.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the Atlantic Montane Rain Forest of south-eastern Brazil, a field study was carried out to describe the forest disturbance regime, analyse canopy gap composition and evaluate the influence of habitat parameters on gap tree species composition. We characterized canopy gaps considering the group of variables as follows: area, type and number of tree/branch falls, topographic position, soil coverage and surrounding canopy trees. Gap composition was assessed at species level by measuring all individuals inside gaps higher than one meter. Mean gap area of the 42 canopy gaps analysed was 71.9 +/- 9.0 m(2) (mean +/- SE). Out of the studied gaps, 35.7% were created by uprooted and by snapped trees, 16.7% by dead-standing trees and 11.9% by the fall of large branches. The disturbance regime was characterized by gap openings predominantly smaller than 150 m(2) and by spatial patterning related to topography. Ridges had smaller gaps and higher proportions of gaps created by branch falls; slopes had bigger gaps generally created by uprooting events. The more abundant and frequent species were shade tolerant and the more species-rich families found inside gaps did not differ from the forest as a whole. Pioneer species were rare and restricted to medium and large size classes. The Indicator Species Analysis and the Canonical Correspondence Analysis indicated gap area, topography and the percentage of soil cover by the genera Calathea and Ctenanthe were the predominant variables correlated with woody species distribution. So, topography emerged as an important issue not only to the gap disturbance regime, but also to gap colonization. In respect to the influence of gap processes on the Atlantic Montane Rain Forest regeneration, our results support the view that canopy gap events may not be working as promoters of community wide floristic shifts.
This work describes an optical device for the simultaneous recording of shadowgrams and schlieren images, and some results are presented concerning its applications to the study of plasma assisted flow control in airfoil models. This approach offers many advantages in comparison to other methods, specially because the use of tracer particles (like smoke in wind tunnels) is not required for the experiments, thus avoiding contaminations in the electric discharges or air flows. Besides, while schlieren images reveal the refractive index gradients in the area of study, shadowgrams detect the second order spatial derivatives of the refractive indexes. Therefore, the simultaneous recording of these different images may give interesting information about the phenomena under study. In this paper, these images were used to confirm the existence of vortex structures in the flow induced by corona discharges on airfoil models. These structures are a possible explanation for the effects of drag reduction and lift force increasing, which have been reported in experiments of plasma assisted Aerodynamics.
This work describes an optical device for the simultaneous recording of shadowgrams and schlieren images, and some results are presented concerning its application to the study of plasma assisted flow control in airfoil models. This approach offers many advantages in comparison to other methods, specially because the use of tracer particles (like smoke in wind tunnels) is not required for the experiments, thus avoiding contaminations in the electric discharges or air flows. Besides, while schlieren images reveal the refractive index gradients in the area of study, shadowgrams detect the second order spatial derivatives of the refractive indexes. Therefore, the simultaneous recording of these different images may give interesting information about the phenomena under study.
One-dimensional nanostructures of KNbO3 have attracted a great interest in the scientific community, mainly because of their promising application as nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). However, the synthesis of KNbO3 structures becomes complex due to the natural tendency to form non-stoichiometric potassium niobates. In this context, we report on the crystallization of one-dimensional KNbO3 nanostructures through the reaction between Nb2O5 and KOH under microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis (M-H). The use of this synthesis method made possible a very fast synthesis of singlecrystalline powders. Based on SEM, TEM and XRD characterizations, the influence of the synthesis time and the reactants concentration in the structure and morphology of the resultant KNbO3 was established. The conditions that favor the crystallization of nanofingers were determined to be small amounts of Nb2O5 and short reaction times. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Micro-cube-shaped lead zirconate titanate was synthesized using the microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. Photoluminescence and field emission scanning electron microscopy were used for monitoring the formation of mesocrystals. Based on these results, a growth mechanism was then proposed which involved nanoparticle aggregation, nanoplate self-assembly on specific architecture and the final formation of mesoscopic micro-cube-shaped lead zirconate titanate. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
There are many advantages to using a microwave as a source of heat in hydrothermal reactions. Because it is a quick and homogeneous way to crystallize ceramic powders, it was used in this work for the production of antiferroelectric sodium mobate (NaNbO3) in a cubic-like form and its intermediary phase, disodium diniobate hydrate (Na2Nb2O6 center dot H2O), with a fiber morphology. The syntheses were carried out by treating niobic acid (Nb2O5 center dot nH(2)O) with NaOH. By changing the reaction time and the concentration of the reactants, particles with different structures and different morphologies could be obtained. The structural evolution of the products of this reaction was elucidated on the basis of the arrangement of the NbO6 octahedral units. Conclusive results were obtained with morphological and structural characterizations through XRD, TEM, MEV, and NMR and Raman spectroscopy. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2008).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Nanosized bismuth titanate was prepared via high-energy ball milling process through mechanically assisted synthesis directly from their oxide mixture of Bi2O3 and TiO2. Only Bi4Ti3O12 phase was formed after 3 h of milling time. The excess of 3 wt% Bi2O3 added in the initial mixture before milling does not improve significantly the formation of Bi4Ti3O12 phase comparing to stoichiometric mixture. The formed phase was amorphized independently of the milling time, The Rietveld analysis was adopted to determine the crystal structure symmetry, amount of amorphous phase, crystallite size and microstrains. With increasing the milling time from 3 to 12 h, the particle size of formed Bi4Ti3O12 did not reduced significantly. That was confirmed by SEM and TEM analysis. The particle size was less than 20 nm and show strong tendency to agglomeration. The electron diffraction pattern indicates that Bi4Ti3O12 crystalline powder is embedded in an amorphous phase of bismuth titanate. Phase composition and atom ratio in BIT ceramics were determined by X-ray diffraction and EDS analysis. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.