774 resultados para Programacao paralela


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O câncer de mama é o tipo de neoplasia que mostra as maiores taxas de mortalidade entre as mulheres no Brasil, provavelmente pelo fato de que, na maioria dos casos, a doença é diagnosticada em estadios avançados, dificultando o sucesso do tratamento. Dessa forma, essa doença é considerada um problema crítico de saúde pública. O câncer é uma doença que se caracteriza por sucessivas alterações genéticas e epigenéticas que causam um crescimento e multiplicação celular desordenados. A hipermetilação da região promotora de genes específicos pode levar ao silenciamento gênico, um evento importante no processo da carcinogênese. Este estudo analisou o padrão de metilação da isoforma RASSF1A do gene RASSF1 em linhagens celulares derivadas de carcinoma mamário. Esse gene está mapeado na região cromossômica 3p21.3 e, segundo dados da literatura, atua como supressor tumoral. O principal objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a presença de hipermetilação na região promotora desse gene em linhagens celulares de carcinomas mamários. Para a realização dessa análise foi empregada a metodologia de MSP (Methylation-specific Polymerase Chain Reaction) convencional e de qMSP (Methylation-Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction quantitativa em tempo real). Todas as linhagens de carcinomas mamários analisadas no estudo (MCF7, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-453, MDA-MB-134 e SKBR3) apresentaram um padrão hipermetilado na região promotora do gene RASSF1 corroborando com dados da literatura que relacionam a inativação desse gene à hipermetilação do promotor. Estes dados, associados aos obtidos em uma análise paralela realizada em nosso laboratório que demonstrou a re-expressão do gene RASSF1 após o tratamento com o agente desmetilante 5 aza 2’desoxicitidina, confirmam a regulação epigenética desse gene supressor tumoral


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The connections in the wood structures are the places with high concentrations of stresses and therefore are more fragile than the rest of the structure. The connections between pieces of wood can be made by metal pins (nails or screws). The compression and embedment strength has significant influence on the calculation of the connections. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the compression and embedment strength in the directions parallel, inclined at 45° and normal to the grain, using standard specimens according to ABNT NBR 7190/1997 standard. The compression and embedment strength were initially evaluated according to ABNT NBR 7190/1997, which admits the deformation of 2‰ as limit of embedment and the ratio between the ultimate strength and the area of application of load in the specimen for the compressive strength. Afterward, the embedment strength was evaluated by the EUROCEDE 5 /1995 European standard, which use the limit of 5 mm of the displacement for the embedment. Specimens of Pinus oocarpa, Cumaru and Pinus taeda were used in tests to calibration of equipment and specimens of Pinus taeda and Eucalipto citriodora were used to compare the results of strength. The results of strength were evaluated based on statistical analysis. The results of compressive strength for the Pinus taeda showed no significant differences in embedment strength in the directions parallel and normal to the grain. For the Eucalipto citriodora only in the direction parallel to grain the compression strength was not significant compared with the embedment strength. For both species, only the parallel compression strength and inclined at 45o to the grain, which were to the grain, which were admitted the strain of 2‰ were not significantly different compared with the compression strength determined according to ABNT NBR 7190/1997. The normal compression strength obtained according to ABNT NBR 7190/1997 and ultimate compression strength not ...


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Techniques of image combination, with extraction of objects to set a final scene, are very used in applications from photos montages to cinematographic productions. These techniques are called digital matting. With them is possible to decrease the cost of productions, because it is not necessary for the actor to be filmed in the location where the final scene occurs. This feature also favors its use in programs made to digital television, which demands a high quality image. Many digital matting algorithms use markings done on the images, to demarcate what is the foreground, the background and the uncertainty areas. This marking is called trimap, which is a triple map containing these three informations. The trimap is done, typically, from manual markings. In this project, methods were created that can be used in digital matting algorithms, with restriction of time and without human interaction, that is, the creation of an algorithm that generates the trimap automatically. This last one can be generated from the difference between a color of an arbitrary background and the foreground, or by using a depth map. It was also created a matting method, based on the Geodesic Matting (BAI; SAPIRO, 2009), which has an inferior processing time then the original one. Aiming to improve the performance of the applications that generates the trimap and of the algorithms that generates the alphamap (map that associates a value to the transparency of each pixel of the image), allowing its use in applications with time restrictions, it was used the CUDA architecture. Taking advantage, this way, of the computational power and the features of the GPGPU, which is massively parallel


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This paper concentrates on the analysis of how the typical voices of History are manifested, which is achieved by the aesthetics of the contemporary Portuguese narrative, as it aims at the same time the reflexion and the reformulation of the Lusitanian cultural imaginary in the course of O retorno, a novel by Dulce Maria Cardoso. The hypothesis that arises is that the trajectory of Rui’s individual experience, as wells as the other’s characters “retornados” looking for identity, is parallel to the proposed revision of the Portuguese nation collective cultural imaginary in the decolonization context, after the 25th April Revolution. It is its objective to investigate how the historical processes concerned to the concepts of exile and uprooting, displacement and belonging (BAUMAN, 2005) are fictionalized in the novel, seen as motes for Rui’s pursuit for identity and for the revision of the Portuguese Destiny theme


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This study aimed the geological characterization at scale 1:50.000 of an area belonging to the southern sector of the Brasilia Belt, located in the western portion of the Passos Nappe, near the town of Cássia, MG. In this region, outcrops rock types belonging to Araxá Group, composed of metasediments associated with metavolcanics which form a tectonometamorphic terrain of great importance for understanding the geological evolution of southeast and midwest regions of Brazil. With the development of work was possible to group the rocks in 10 lithostratigraphic units and had been identified 3 different zones of metamorphism generated during the peak metamorphism. The structural pattern of the area shows that the main foliation has average dip 30 ° NW and mineral lineation parallel to the stretching direction with 290 °. Still, we can conf irm that this inverse gradient metamorphic rocks of the Passos Nappe, described by several authors. Also, were seen lithotypes of economic interest, some already in exploitation, such as clay and sand, and other mineral commodities, which are occurring and can be used: quartz, quartzite, garnet, kyanite, rutile and zircon.


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The interspecific competition tends to favor the selection of divergent phenotypes minimizing the effect of this interaction. This process is termed character displacement and it is considered one of the main mechanisms promoting adaptive diversification. Brazil has the greatest diversity of amphibians on the planet and despite this great diversity; the role of character displacement in the process of Brazilian amphibian fauna diversification has not been studied. In the present study we tested the hypothesis of character displacement in four congeneric species pairs of frogs from the family Hylidae, occurring in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. We find evidence of character displacement for two pairs and parallel evolution for the remaining. Interestingly, the trend of character displacement was in species whose range covers less stable habitats. Since this is a pioneering study with neotropical hylid, we discussed issues considered relevant to elucidate mechanisms related to the maintenance of diversity


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In this paper, we will show the types of Lorentz transformations, from the most described in books, special Lorentz transformation that relates two inertial systems whose relative velocities are directed along an axis of the respective bases systems. However, we will see a peculiarity that goes unnoticed in this transformation, although they have reported in many books a parallel between the transformation inertial systems, due to the fact that the speed is parallel to an axis, it is actually a semi-parallel processing. The next transformation that we will see is one in which a system moves with a relative speed that has arbitrary direction with respect to a given system, we will show that this transformation may be appointed as non-rotational Lorentz transformation. Before obtain, the later type of transformation, the rotational Lorentz transformation, which is the interface between Special Relativity and General Relativity, we will describe the systems to be rotated, not just inertial systems, show what the characteristics are that define the non-rotational and rotational transformations. The in last topic of this chapter we will also show how the idea of Thoma’s theorythat uses this transformation to create what he defines as the proper coordinate axes of the particleused to obtain the factor 1/2 electron spin. In the last chapter we show how the Lorentz invariants are obtained, quantities measures that are also in different Lorentz reference, with the focus on mass that has erroneously been described in many books, that varies according to the agreement reference system


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This study aims to determine the most suitable type of heat exchanger to be applied to the water cooling the mold of a continuous casting process. Basically been studied four types of heat exchangers: shell and tube operating in counterflow, shell and tube operating in parallel flow, plate type and operating counterflow and plates operating in parallel flow. Initially is displayed design of heat exchangers for the conditions of the proposed application. With the heat exchangers dimensioned comparisons were made in order to set the heat exchanger more suitable for application. In the study, one comes to the conclusion that the plate type heat exchangers operating shows counterflow major advantage for this application


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The present study evaluated the mechanical properties of pieces of wood coming from the roof structure of a residence subject fire in the rural area of Itapeva/SP. The structure was built 25 years ago using wooden beams of the species Guarucaia (Peltophorum vogelianum), where the specimens were removed. The research methodology included qualitative evaluation of the samples, estimating the layer pyrolysis and carbonization of the wood, measuring of density and mechanical tests of compression parallel to grain, tension parallel to grain and shear. The mechanical properties of wood were analytically correlated with the layers carbonization and pyrolysis that are influenced by the temperature and time of fire; these values were estimated at 1000 °C and two hours for the case in question. The results indicate that the strength properties of degraded wood are different from a healthy wood. The level of thermodegradation, in general, can be measured by density, result in weight loss due to decomposition of the wooden components.


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This work is the production of two types of particle boards reconstructed MDP (Medium Density Particleboard), the first with the addition, in the inner layer of particles of impregnated paper, the ratios of 0%, 1%, 5% and 20 %. In the second type of panel MDP was inserted with blades of bamboo species Dendrocalumus giganteus as coatings and structural reinforcement. The MDP panel, used as a basis for both cases has the composition of three layers, two external particles with smaller particle size and an inner layer composed of particles of larger particle sizes. Assays were performed based on physical and mechanical NBR 14.810/2006 for the determination of the board density, thickness swelling, water absorption, moisture content, bending, tension parallel and perpendicular, and testing of particle sizes of the particles did not exists in standard references. The results were analyzed and compared the results of the commercial boards made from 100% eucalyptus, based on the limits specified by the ABNT NBR 14.810/2006. The values of the tests showed similar results indicating normative specifications in a positive way, the possibility of production of MDP with the use of waste paper impregnated. As for the panel with bamboo blades, the tests showed a mechanical performance far superior to MDP market, explaining the study and possible implementation of the bamboo for use where the MDP will suffer greater mechanical stress, such as doors, tops and benches tables


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In the last years, the use of industrialized systems of lattice structures of wood as an alternative in the construction processes, is becoming more popular in Brazil, mainly for their commitment to the environment.The industrialized system of wooden lattice structures consists in a production of lattice structures, composed of pieces of wood where their mechanical connections are made with the sheet multi-toothed connectors (CDE).Among the many challenges to make this system competitive, the whole system of the connections between the pieces of wood not only must show functionality, but also speed, strength, versatility and economy. Referenced at Brazilian Standard for Wood Structures (NBR 7190/1997 - Project of timber structures) the sheet multi-toothed connectors, are analyzed using three test methods: tensile strength parallel to grain, tensile strength normal to the fibers and shear strength, all of them in two positions, αCH0=0o e αCH0=90o to four types of wood: Angelim (Vatairea heteroptera Ducke); Red-Angico (Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth) Brenae); Garapa (Apuleia leiocarpa (Vog.) Macbr) and Jatoba (Hymenaea stilbocarpa Hayne), belonging to the Leguminosae family and founded in several regions of Brazil.The purpose of this manuscript consists to analyze the mechanical connections with the sheet multi-toothed connectors through tests from NBR7190/1997


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Nowadays, bamboo is being studied because of their strength properties according with their specific mass and speed of growth, which makes it an important alternative as a new resource that will help reduce pressure on forests and helpping them favoring the minimization of uncontrolled deforestation in many regions of Brazil. This study aimed, in general, to analyze physical and mechanical properties of the material with the divulgation of its potential for industrial application. To do so, in this research were determined in relation to the physical properties, moisture content, dimensional stability and the apparent densities and the mechanics and basic, just a tension parallel to grain, in order to observe the interference of various kinds of treatments (chemical, thermal and natural) on the strength and modulus of elasticity in this request. The species used was the Guadua angustifolia, a species native of Brazil. All tests were performed at Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus Experimental Itapeva in the laboratory of Materials Properties. The methodology used for testing of moisture, density and tension parallel to grain were based on NBR 7190/1997 for the wood, and dimensional stability tests were based on much the same as in COPANT 462/1972 (South American) . The preservative treatments conducted followed the recommendation of each manufacturer. The values obtained in tests of physical properties were satisfactory especially with respect to density and dimensional stability analyzed by the coefficient of anisotropy, showed that, compared to wood, excellent quality for the shrinkage test, obtaining a coefficient of 1.2. With respect to parallel tensile tests to fibre results showed, in most cases, that test specimens with the presence of us have lower values of resistance and modulus of elasticity when compared with those without us. In the treatment of thermal-treatment there was an apparent treatment there was an apparent increase in...


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This work presents a study about the use of standards and directions on parallel programming in distributed systems, using the MPI standard and PETSc toolkit, performing an analysis of their performances over certain mathematic operations involving matrices. The concepts are used to develop applications to solve problems involving Principal Components Analysis (PCA), which are executed in a Beowulf cluster. The results are compared to the ones of an analogous application with sequencial execution, and then it is analized if there was any performance boost on the parallel application


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The study of physical and mechanical properties of wood is essential for its structural use and it is of great importance to the construction industry. Thus, this study aimed to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the wood Amaru - a hybrid of Eucalyptus, developed by Plantar Projects and Forest Products Ltda. In order to determine the properties of Amaru, round samples were used, which were provided to the Laboratory of Wood and Wooden Structures of the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo - LaMEM / EESC / USP. For the characterization of the physical properties, the apparent specific gravity and moisture content of the samples were determined. To the mechanical characterization, the following properties were evaluated: strength and stiffness in compression, strength and stiffness in bending, shear and tension. The procedures of the tests performed in this study were done according to the recommendations of the Brazilian Wood Standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997. The specimen used were confectioned in actual dimensions, according to as those used in the construction system proposed by Plantar. The results obtained from the tests performed showed that the mechanical properties approached the values proposed by the Wood Standard NBR 7190. The visual grading was important to provide a primary idea about the failure modes to be obtained from the tests performed. The bending test showed the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and Modulus of Rupture (MOR), which resulted in 15822 MPa and 101,7 MPa, respectively. The compression test resulted in values Ec0,m and fc0, 15698 MPa and 50,7 MPa. The tensile strength (ft0) of this hybrid was calculated and its value obtained was 60,8 MPa. The shear strength (fv0) was 8,2 MPa. The results obtained from the tests are the basis for engineers and architects to design structures using wood species Amaru


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From a diagnostic on the learning of written text, this research aimed to carry out educational activities aimed at textual production, performing operation and activity of reflection on texts written by students in a learning situation of parallel recovery, aiming to improve the standard textuality of his written production. These actions were guided from the conception of language as social practice and discourse and, later, a survey was made in the standard of textuality textual productions resulting from such actions. 5 students participated in the research of a 4th grade of elementary school, a School of Duartina peripheral zone integrating the local school system of that city. The textual productions written by these students were analyzed from three categories: common mistakes in the process of literacy, with subdivisions: phonetic transcription, dialetação, hollow hipossegmentação or vocabulary, or improper separation hiperssegmentação, overcorrection, exchange, omission or addition letters, phonemes homorganic exchange; factors textual and contextual, in which it reviewed the following factors: coherence, cohesion and story elements, clarity, in which category were analyzed: the segmentation of text into paragraphs, grammar errors of different nature, use of direct and indirect speech. The results of the intervention and ongoing analysis of data shows that there has been considered developments in the performance of the written production of the research subjects