1000 resultados para Programa Saúde da Família
This research assumes that for changes in health practices directed to an integral care, is crucial humanization, participation and autonomy of service users. In this sense, the research had investigated the issue of humanization involving users of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in city of Mossor, having as objectives: to analyze the perceptions of users on humanization in the production of health care in daily of Family Health Strategy, from these perceptions, identify elements featuring humanized and non-humanized in everyday practices related to production of health care; relate perceptions of users about humanization with the notions of extended clinic and social participation present in the National Humanization Policy (NHP); identify difficulties and potentialities in the production of health care from the perspective of humanization. It was a qualitative approach to data collection and it was used the methodology of Network Analysis of Everyday Life (NAEL), which allowed the questioning of health practices through an interactive discussion involving participants subjected. The analysis of data through the technique of content thematic analysis was performed and the results were interpreted related the Extended Clinic references and the users participation, related with the Gift Theory discussed by Marcel Mauss. The results indicated senses humanization linked to affection, reciprocity and honesty, highlighting as essential to humanized practices the trust, bonding, listening, dialogue and accountability. Were also mentioned other elements related to the organization of health services such as access and good functioning of the health services. The difficulties and potentialities show structural deficiencies of the health system and changes in the labor process. The participation of users deconstructing and reconstructing concepts remainder humanization in the production of health care is a key factor for the sedimentation of what is proposed in the HNP. Using the privileged space of the FHE to create more active people and understanding their needs and demands, is possible path to build a participative management
A ateno primria saúde um importante cenrio para o cuidado em saúde mental por suas caractersticas e pelo trabalho no territrio contribuir para a superao do modelo manicomial de ateno. Esta pesquisa partiu do questionamento sobre como acontece a ateno em saúde mental na ateno bsica nas unidades em que se desenvolve a Residncia de Medicina de Família e Comunidade em um municpio do serto paraibano. Objetivou investigar as demandas de saúde mental e prticas de cuidado no contexto de ESF e da RMFC do municpio de Cajazeiras a partir do discurso dos profissionais ali inseridos e discutir estratgias de qualificao do cuidado em saúde mental nessa realidade. Utilizou-se abordagem qualitativa em que foram realizados grupos focais envolvendo profissionais de duas equipes da ESF e uma equipe de NASF. Os dados produzidos nos grupos foram analisados a partir do referencial da anlise do discurso de inspirao foucaultiana. Como resultados evidenciou-se que os profissionais percebem a demanda em saúde mental na ateno bsica principalmente na forma de sofrimento psquico inespecfico e transtornos mentais graves. A ateno a essas pessoas no consegue superar a medicalizao que identificada por esses profissionais. A prtica asilar persiste como alternativa para os casos de transtornos mentais graves, sendo limitada a incorporao do paradigma da desinstitucionalizao como referencial para a prtica profissional. Alm disso, a relao com a rede de saúde encontra vrios limites destacando-se a dificuldade de produo de continuidade e integralidade do cuidado. A partir disto, analisa-se a formao mdica e sua capacidade de garantir o cuidado integral na ateno s demandas de saúde mental. No campo da pesquisa, dois modelos de formao se encontram. Os residentes participantes ou graduaram-se em Cuba ou em escola mdica brasileira orientada pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. Percebe-se ento que a graduao, ao incorporar questes relativas integralidade do cuidado, no suficiente para gerar bons profissionais para o SUS. Considera-se necessrio somar s mudanas na graduao a perspectiva da Educao Permanente em Saúde no mundo do trabalho, o envolvimento dos profissionais com a transformao das prticas de ateno saúde e a construo da perspectiva da integralidade e da ateno psicossocial por dentro da Residncia de Medicina de Família e Comunidade como importantes estratgias para a formao de mdicos generalistas aptos para a ateno s demandas de saúde mental
This work aims to check whether there is a congruence between the purposes of regulations imposed by SIAB and the materiality constitution of places where your information is produced, since our hypothesis is that there is a mismatch between the rules and forms, which means, between reality as it is in places and how the territory is scrutinized by the Family Health Strategy (FHS) as for the performance of their teams as to the generation of their information. For this, the methodology used was the literature, documentary and empirical research, in special about territorialization of the Family Health strategy of Natal-RN. From the empirical mediation was possible to see the gap between full exploration and information produced by the ESF and the reality of the places. Thus, we highlight the importance of considering the conditioning of geographical forms as a guiding principle of the strategy for Family Health
Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a ateno saúde da criana pelo Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) do municpio de Teixeiras, MG, Brasil. Foi aplicado um questionrio a 161 mes de crianas menores de dois anos. Utilizou-se um sistema de escores especficos para anlise das dimenses de estrutura, processo e resultado e seus respectivos atributos, classificando o municpio nos cenrios incipiente, intermedirio e avanado. Configurou-se, na sntese, um cenrio intermedirio (49,6%) para o PSF, caracterizado por uma ateno saúde da criana fragmentada, mas com avanos na organizao da ateno para este grupo. Foram consideradas incipientes as instalaes fsicas, a qualidade do cuidado no controle da diarria e das infeces respiratrias, a participao comunitria e a intersetorialidade. Os avanos estiveram relacionados ao acolhimento realizado pelo programa, no entanto, as atividades preventivas e promocionais do PSF demonstram que o programa surge como um suporte do hospital e mais um local de atendimento mdico. A atuao do PSF na ateno a saúde das crianas distancia-se da proposta de reorientao do modelo assistencial hegemnico, pela qual foi criado, dificultando estratgias na preveno de doenas e na promoo da saúde.
Ps-graduao em Educao - IBRC
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
A longevidade apesar de ser, sem dvida, um triunfo, apresenta importantes diferenas entre pases desenvolvidos e pases em desenvolvimento. Enquanto, nos primeiros, o envelhecimento ocorreu associado s melhorias nas condies gerais de vida, nos outros, esse processo acontece de forma rpida, sem tempo para uma reorganizao social e da rea de saúde adequada para atender s novas demandas emergentes. Este estudo tem por objetivos conhecer as condies de saúde da populao idosa cadastrada na estratgia de saúde da família do municpio de Benevides-PA, assim como, descrever o perfil scio-epidemiolgico, condies de vida e saúde da populao idosa e por fim verificar as relaes entre as variveis condies de vida e saúde e o perfil scio-epidemiolgico estabelecido. Realizou-se um estudo do tipo transversal prospectivo com abordagem quantitativa nas Unidades da Estratgia Saúde da Família, com 441 idosos utilizando como tcnicas estatsticas a anlise exploratria de dados e a anlise de correspondncia. Destaca-se que a maior parte dos idosos est entre 60 a 64 anos, so do sexo feminino, casado (a)s, catlico (as) e com renda familiar de 1 a 3 salrios mnimos. A maioria no ingere bebida alcolica e no possui o hbito de fumar, assim como no pratica atividade fsica. Hipertenso arterial a doena crnica no transmissvel mais prevalente. No estudo foi possvel identificar o diagnstico das condies de vida e saúde da populao idosa demonstrando o seu envelhecimento com a presena de comorbidades, sendo possvel a partir deste estudo favorecer a implementao de polticas pblicas de saúde voltadas para a populao idosa de Benevides a fim de proporcionar melhores condies de vida e saúde.
Objective. To review the literature regarding the application of the notion of user embracement and to identify the contributions of this concept for primary health care practices in Brazil.Method. We carried out an integrative review of the literature regarding primary health care. The following databases were searched: LILACS, SciELO, and MEDLINE, covering the period from 2006 to 2010. The following search terms were used in LILACS and SciELO: acolhimento and programa saude da familia and saude. For MEDLINE, the terms user embracement and family health program and health were used. The review was performed in November 2010.Results. We identified 21 articles meeting the inclusion criteria, all of which described studies carried out in Brazil. The articles were divided into three empirical categories: integration and embracement; primary care work process; and evaluation of services. These are complementary categories that converge to two main views of embracement: the first sees embracement as a means of reorganizing the primary health care environment, and the second sees embracement as an attitude towards users. The review also shows that embracement may be a management tool that supports the Unified Health System and is associated with the principles of comprehensiveness and universality.Conclusions. Embracement is able to create a bond between health care workers and users. It promotes self-care, a better understanding of disease, as well as user co-responsibility for treatment. In addition, it facilitates universal access, strengthens multiprofessional and intersectoral work, qualifies care, humanizes practices, and encourages actions to combat prejudice. Nevertheless, the perspective of health care users regarding embracement deserves more attention and should be the focus of future studies.
Ps-graduao em Psicologia - FCLAS
It is a systematic literature review, wich aimed to analyze documents, as is the inclusion of the family in Mental Health Services. To do so was based on a literature in the database of the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS). And the documents were selected from the question which funded the research to evaluate the contribution of scientific research published in journals in the period 2000 to 2011. Data analysis reveals that the government's efforts in having the family as an ally, not a recent phenomenon. But this is a process that depends not only on government, also depends on the professionals involved and of their own families, and other factors. It is concluded that much remains to be done, both in terms of research for the topic, the actions in the reality of such a process
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study was to add to the debate about Family Health Support Centers (FHSCs), starting from reflections about the support function. Support is generally presented, in official documents from the Ministry of Health and in academic-scientific publications, accompanied by descriptors that characterize it. Differences in terminology are commonly encountered: institutional support, managerial support, matrix support and so on. With regard to FHSCs, published papers have highlighted the central role played by matrix support. However, we pose the question: what are the faces that the support function has been taking on in implementing such programs? To reflect on this and other issues, we developed a study of qualitative nature within a FHSC team in Paran, outside of the state capital, using the methodological tools of participant observation, semi-structured interviews and discussion groups. We sought to demonstrate that the dynamics of the support function in FHSCs make it possible for both matrix support and institutional support to emerge.
The ageing process can change the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics parameters. Therefore, some medications are considered potentially inappropriate (PIM) for the elderly people, since they can increase the likelihood of occurrence of adverse drug events. The objectives are to estimate the frequency of use of PIM in the elderly people, with potentially hazardous drug interactions (PHDI) and to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical intervention (PI) for the prescription of safer therapeutic alternatives. A cross-sectional study was performed in a Health Family Strategy (region of Araraquara, SP), between January and February/2012. The medical records of patients aged 60 years, that use at least one drug, were consulted for identification of PIM, according to the Beers criteria. The MPI identified were classified considering the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC) and the essentiality of the drug (safety, effectiveness, quality and cost parameters) The inclusion criteria were met by 358 elderly, being that 93 of them (26%) had taken at least one PIM. Of the 114 different drugs prescribed for elderly, ten were classified as PIM, of which four of them act on the central nervous system, four on cardiovascular system and two on the digestive tract. Seven MPI are essential medicines, belonging to national list of essential drugs (RENAME-2010). Fourteen drug interactions were identified, of which two are PHDI (fluoxetine/amitriptyline and digoxin/hydrochlorothiazide).After the PI, there was no change in medical prescriptions of patients with PIM use or with DI. Medical prescriptions of elderly attended in the Health Family Strategy show pharmacotherapeutic safety problems, of which may be responsible for health hazardous for this age group. Although the intervention carried out by letter had been ineffective for the adherence of doctors in prescribing safe alternatives, wide dissemination of the lists that contain PIM and PHDI is need, as well as the inclusion of safer equivalents in RENAME, in order to contribute for rational use of drugs.