732 resultados para Pratt, Minnie Bruce


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The Scholfield and Galbraith families of Dunnville, Ont. were related by marriage. Thomas Jefferson Galbraith (1842-1921) worked as a collector of canal tolls at Port Maitland, a landing waiter and searcher and an acting preventive officer in Customs. He was married to Jane Ann [Jennie] Montieth and they had five children, Margaret, Minnie Montieth, Genevieve Marion, Edith Stuart and Thomas Percy Galbraith. Genevieve Marion Galbraith was married to Harry E. Scholfield, son of Frederick Scholfield (d.1908) and Georginna Galer (d. 1888), a dry goods merchant in Dunnville. Some extent records belong to a William Scholfield who operated a mill in Dunnville. Included are records related to land lease, mortgage and bargain and sale agreements between Scholfield and various individuals, including Richard Kirkpatrick, William Kohler, Alvin Drake, Robert Ban[u]d, Henry Beckett, Sr., Samuel Waltho, Nehemiah Niece.


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John N. Jackson was born and raised in London England. He served in the Royal Navy, acquired a B.A. and a Ph.D, conducted research for a city planning office and lectured at the University of Manchester. He joined Brock University’s faculty in 1965 as a Professor of Applied Geography. Since his retirement in 1991 he has been Professor Emeritus to Brock. Throughout his time in academia Jackson has focused his research on the history of the modern city, both throughout Europe and Canada. Jackson has also completed specific research on the Niagara Peninsula; including industrial geography, recreation along the Lake Erie shore, St. Catharines early history, the Welland Canals, railway development, comparisons across the Niagara River. While living in the Niagara region Jackson has become involved in many community events. He has been the Director for the Bruce Trail Association, President of the Welland Canals Foundation, and been involved in local historical groups throughout the Niagara region.


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In March 1931, Captain Bruce Angus was sent to Sarnia by Gordon C. Leitch, general manager of Toronto Elevators. He was sent to inspect the Sarnian to ensure it was still seaworthy. Leitch was a savvy business man, who had been active in the business community for a number of years. Leitch began his career with a partner in the lumber business. When that went under he moved into graineries and worked for the Winnipeg Wheat Pool for 12 years. After Winnipeg he moved to Toronto, which was closer to his home town of Ridgetown, Ontario. In Toronto Leitch became manager of the Toronto branch of the Canadian Wheat Pool. While managing the wheat pools in Toronto Leitch became aware of huge costs associated with shipping the grains from the praries into the Toronto area. He felt that there was no need for such costs and decided to do something to make them better and cheaper for the business. Originally the grain was loaded onto Lakers that would bring the grain from the praries to Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. It was stored there until needed by the Toronto graineries and then hauled across land by either truck or train. The land journey was the most expensive and the one which Leitch wanted to eliminate. This was a fine plan except for 2 obstacles that were quickly overcome. First of all the Welland canals were not large enough to accommodate the large carriers that were bringing in the grain. This was changing as the expansion and widening of the canals was already underway. The second issue was the lack of storage in Toronto for the grain. The grain elevators had been destroyed by fire in the late 1880s and never replaced. Leitch propsed his company built its own storage elevators along the water front to allow not only for easier access to the grain, and more timely production of products. The elevators would aslo create a reduction in shipping costs and an overall more competitoive price for the customers of the grainery. The company refused, so Leitch went elsewhere to friends and contacts within the grain industry. The elevators were built and Leitch quit his job with the Canadian Wheat Pool and became the general manager of the elevators. Although the elevators were built and ready for storage the next issue was filling them. None of the carriers wanted to do business with Leitch because the competition in Georgian Bay threatened to cancel their contracts if they did. Leitch saw no way around this, but to provide his own transportation. This is when he sent Captain Bruce Angus to scout out potential ships. The ship was purchased for $37,000 and after another $30,000 was spent to fix it up, it was ready for business. The need for transportation and the finding of a seaworthy ship, lead to the beginnings of the Northland Steamship Company. The Sarnian proved to not be enough for the business underway. Leitch decided another ship was necessary. He joined forces with James Norris the owner of the Norris Grain Company. He proposed they join forces to create a more economical means of transportating their products.


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Frank C. (Case) McCordick (1873-1946) was the son of William Henry (1849-1930) and Emily D. Howell (1851-1927) McCordick. William H. McCordick was in the coal business. The McCordick family included Frank Case, Mabel Gertrude, Ethel Howell and Arthur Stanley. Frank C. McCordick was educated in St. Catharines, and worked with his father in the coal business and eventually opened up a leather tanning operation. McCordick was active in the Lincoln Regiment and in 1906 was promoted to captain and in command of Company A, 19th Regiment. He was promoted to major and at the outbreak of war he was sent overseas as a commander of the 35th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces (CEF). Upon arrival in France he was made officer commanding the 15th Battalion, King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI). After the war and his return to Canada he continued to play an active role in the local military units in the area as well as in Hamilton. After his retirement from the military in 1927 McCordick served as alderman and then mayor of St. Catharines from 1930 to 1931. He was a member of a large number of civic clubs, including St. Catharines Chamber of Commerce, Y.M.C.A., Lion’s Club, St. Catharines Golf Club, Detroit Boat Club, the St Catharines Club, as well as a member of several Masonic lodges. He continued to operate McCordick Tannery and other local investments. In 1903 Frank C. McCordick married May Beatrice Simson, daughter of Thomas E. Simson of Thorold. They had three children, E. (Edward) Frank McCordick, Bruce McCordick and (Margaret) Doris McCordick (m. Hubert Grigaut, d. 1977). The McCordick family resided at 82 Yates Street, near Adams Street. May Simson McCordick (b. 1873) was the daughter of Thomas Edward (1836-1908) and Julia Headlam (1844-1887) Simson of Thorold. Her siblings included: Edward, Frances, John, Augusta, Georgia and Gertrude. E. (Edward) Frank McCordick (1904-1980) was born in St. Catharines, Ont., attended Lake Lodge School in Grimsby, Ridley College in St. Catharines, Beechmont Preparatory School in England, Upper Canada College in Toronto and graduated from Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont. in 1925. Upon graduation he was made a lieutenant in the 10th (St. Catharines) Field Battery. In 1929 he married Helen Stanley Smith, daughter of Stanley George and Mary Walker Smith of St. Catharines. Col. McCordick, now promoted to Major, played an active role in the 10th (St. Catharines) Field Battery, being officer commanding the battery. In late 1939 McCordick headed to England for artillery tactical training and on December 6, 1939 the battery began the long trek overseas. McCordick saw action in Italy and in Holland. Upon his return to Canada at the end of the war he was the Liberal candidate in the federal election for Lincoln County. He remained active in the local military serving as honorary lieutenant-colonel of the 56th Field Regiment (ARCA) and in 1976 as the honorary colonel of the regiment. Col. McCordick held the Efficiency Decoration, the Order of the British Empire, granted in 1945 and was made an officer in the Order of St. John in 1978. He continued to serve his community in various capacities, including the Unemployment Insurance Canada Board, Royal Trust Company and the St. John Ambulance Society. He remained an active member of the alumni of Royal Military College, editing and compiling a newsletter and organizing reunion weekends. He kept in close contact with many of his classmates. Helen Stanley Smith McCordick lived in St. Catharines, Ont., attended Robertson School, and graduated from the University of Toronto in 1926 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern Languages. During the war years (1939-1945) Helen was active in the Transport division of the local branch of the Canadian Red Cross and the Women’s Auxiliary of the 10th Field Battery. In 1932 E. Frank and Helen McCordick welcomed their only child, (Catharine) Anne McCordick. Helen continued to play an active role in her community until her passing in 1997. Stanley George Smith (1865-1960) was born in St. Catharines, Ont., the only child of William Smith (d. June 16, 1876) a native of Edinburgh, Scotland and his wife Hannah Louisa Maria Bulkeley a native of Fairfield, Connecticut. Stanley George Smith married Mary Walker of Guelph, Ont.(d. 1956) Mary was the daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth (d. 1924) Walker. Her siblings included Margaret, Agnes, Jessie, Isabella, Lorne, Ada, Alice, Eva, Alexander and George. Hugh Walker was a prominent fruit and vegetable merchant in Guelph. On 1904 their only child, Helen Stanley Smith was born. He was a post office clerk, and the treasurer for the James D. Tait Co. Ltd., a clothing and dry goods retailer in St. Catharines. The family lived at 39 Church Street in St. Catharines, Ont.


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As important social stimuli, faces playa critical role in our lives. Much of our interaction with other people depends on our ability to recognize faces accurately. It has been proposed that face processing consists of different stages and interacts with other systems (Bruce & Young, 1986). At a perceptual level, the initial two stages, namely structural encoding and face recognition, are particularly relevant and are the focus of this dissertation. Event-related potentials (ERPs) are averaged EEG signals time-locked to a particular event (such as the presentation of a face). With their excellent temporal resolution, ERPs can provide important timing information about neural processes. Previous research has identified several ERP components that are especially related to face processing, including the N 170, the P2 and the N250. Their nature with respect to the stages of face processing is still unclear, and is examined in Studies 1 and 2. In Study 1, participants made gender decisions on a large set of female faces interspersed with a few male faces. The ERP responses to facial characteristics of the female faces indicated that the N 170 amplitude from each side of the head was affected by information from eye region and by facial layout: the right N 170 was affected by eye color and by face width, while the left N 170 was affected by eye size and by the relation between the sizes of the top and bottom parts of a face. In contrast, the P100 and the N250 components were largely unaffected by facial characteristics. These results thus provided direct evidence for the link between the N 170 and structural encoding of faces. In Study 2, focusing on the face recognition stage, we manipulated face identity strength by morphing individual faces to an "average" face. Participants performed a face identification task. The effect of face identity strength was found on the late P2 and the N250 components: as identity strength decreased from an individual face to the "average" face, the late P2 increased and the N250 decreased. In contrast, the P100, the N170 and the early P2 components were not affected by face identity strength. These results suggest that face recognition occurs after 200 ms, but not earlier. Finally, because faces are often associated with social information, we investigated in Study 3 how group membership might affect ERP responses to faces. After participants learned in- and out-group memberships of the face stimuli based on arbitrarily assigned nationality and university affiliation, we found that the N170 latency differentiated in-group and out-group faces, taking longer to process the latter. In comparison, without group memberships, there was no difference in N170 latency among the faces. This dissertation provides evidence that at a neural level, structural encoding of faces, indexed by the N170, occurs within 200 ms. Face recognition, indexed by the late P2 and the N250, occurs shortly afterwards between 200 and 300 ms. Social cognitive factors can also influence face processing. The effect is already evident as early as 130-200 ms at the structural encoding stage.


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The origins of Upper Lakes Shipping can be traced back to 1931, when Gordon Leitch, the general manager of Toronto elevators, sent Captain Bruce Angus to scout for potential ships that could be used to transport grain. The ship Sarnian was purchased as a result. It soon became apparent that more ships would be needed by the business, and Leitch subsequently partnered with James Norris of the Norris Grain Company, in order to transport their products more economically. The Upper Lakes and St. Lawrence Transportation Company (which later become known as Upper Lakes Shipping), was incorporated in 1932. In 1956, the company bought Port Weller Dry docks. At this point, the company began constructing new vessels designed to meet specific freight and classification needs.


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This thesis reveals contradictions that Canadians experience with groups attached to western construction of wilderness namely Indigenous people and wildlife. My study analyzes how the discourse of Canadian wilderness identity is played out in Algonquin Provincial Park and Bruce Peninsula National Park in comparison to non-nature/urban spaces (Greater Toronto Area). My investigation employs a critical discourse analysis and participant observation. I undertake three main tasks: 1) I describe how violent love is a dominant discourse at the Parks, 2) I examine evidence of animals and Indigenous people being produced relationally in the Parks, and 3) I analyze how relationships are spatially organized. My research reveals that the Parks conceal practices of violence that are central to the intersections of speciesism and colonialism. I demonstrate how violent love operates across a continuum that is influenced by spatial belonging and distance. This research is a contribution to the production of non-speciesist knowledge.


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Inniskillin Wines was founded by Karl Kaiser and Donald Ziraldo in 1975 in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. They had met the previous year, when Karl Kaiser, a winemaker and chemist, purchased some grapes from Donald Ziraldo, who owned and operated Ziraldo Nurseries. The two shared a vision of producing better quality Canadian wines and formed a partnership, with Kaiser making the wine and Ziraldo serving as company President. In 1975, they were granted a winery license by the LCBO, the first one granted since 1929. The company name Inniskillin was derived from the Inniskilling Fusilliers, an Irish regiment whose Colonel once owned the land that Ziraldo Nurseries occupied. This was the original site of the winery, although in 1978 the winery moved to the Brae Burn Estate, their current location. In 1982 the winery expanded by 50 acres with the addition of the Montague Vineyard, and another 50 acres was acquired in 1991. The Niagara-on-the-Lake vineyard produces single vineyards bottlings of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot and Pinot Grigio/Pinot Gris. In 1984, Karl Kaiser began producing icewine from Vidal grapes frozen naturally on the vine. Inniskillin garnered international acclaim for the quality of their icewines, receiving the prestigious Grand Prix d’Honneur at VinExpo in 1991, for their 1989 Vidal icewine. This established Inniskillin as a producer of world class wines, while also raising the profile of Canadian wines in general. The company branched out their operations, first acquiring vineyards in the Napa Valley in 1989 to form Inniskillin Napa (producing wines under the Terra label), and in 1994 establishing Inniskillin Okanagan in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. The Napa valley venture ceased in the mid 90’s, while Inniskillin Okanagan continues to operate. In 2006, Karl Kaiser and Donald Ziraldo left Inniskillin. Kaiser retired, while Ziraldo became chair of the Vineland Research and Innovation Center (2006-2011), and remains involved in the wine industry. In 2007, Bruce Nicholson joined Inniskillin as winemaker. Nicholson continues to produce award-winning wines under the Inniskillin label, receiving the top award, the Premio Speciale Gran Award, at Vinitaly 2009 for his 2006 Gold Vidal and his 2006 Sparkling Vidal Icewine. In 2012, he received several awards for the 2008 Riesling Icewine, including gold at the International Wine and Spirits Competition in London, UK, the San Francisco International Wine Championships, and Selections Mondials des Vins Canada.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from John F. Day stating that his son will not be home until Saturday evening but he will lay his favour before him and reply by the first mail. This is accompanied by an envelope postmarked Bruce Mines, July 15, 1880.


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Commentaires de chansons de Gatineau, Vulgaires Machins, U2, Titus Andronicus, Joseph Arthur, Bruce Springsteen, Matiyashu, Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen.


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L'angiotensine-II (Ang-II), synthétisée à partir de sources extracardiaques et intracardiaques, régule l'homéostasie cardiaque en favorisant des effets mitogéniques et en promouvant la croissance cellulaire résultant d’une altération de l'expression génique. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué la possibilité que les récepteurs de l'angiotensine-1 (AT1) ou les récepteurs de l'angiotensine-2 (AT2) situés sur l'enveloppe nucléaire régulent l’expression génique des cardiomyocytes. En analysant les noyaux cellulaires retenus des fractions de cœur de rat par immunobuvardage Western, nous avons détecté une co-purification préférentielle des protéines AT1 et AT2 avec un marqueur de la membrane nucléaire (Nup 62), par rapport aux marqueurs de la membrane plasmique (Calpactin I), de l’appareil de Golgi (GRP 78) ou du réticulum endoplasmique (GM130). La microscopie confocale a permis de démontrer la présence des AT1 et AT2 dans les membranes nucléaires. La microinjection de l’Ang-II-FITC sur des cardiomyocytes a provoqué une liaison de préférence aux sites nucléaires. Les enregistrements de transients calciques ont illustré que les AT1 nucléaires régulent le relâchement du Ca2+. L’incubation des ligands spécifiques d’AT1 et d’AT2 avec l’UTP [α32P] a résulté en une synthèse de novo d’ARN (par exemple, 16,9 ± 0,5 cpm/ng ADN contrôle vs 162,4 ± 29,7 cpm/ng ADN-Ang II, 219,4 ± 8,2 cpm/ng ADN L -162313 (AT1) et 126,5 ± 8,7 cpm/ng ADN CGP42112A (AT2), P <0,001). L’incubation des noyaux avec Ang-II augmente de façon significative l’expression de NFκB, une réponse qui est réprimée partiellement par la co-administration de valsartan ou de PD123177. Les expériences dose-réponse avec Ang-II administrée à l'ensemble des noyaux purifiés vs. aux cardiomyocytes seuls a montré une augmentation plus importante dans les niveaux d'ARNm de NFκB avec une affinité de ~ 3 fois plus grande (valeurs d’EC50 = 9 contre 28 pmol/L, respectivement), suggérant un rôle préférentiel nucléaire dans la signalisation. Par conséquent, nous avons conclu que les membranes cardiaques nucléaires possèdent des récepteurs d’Ang-II couplés à des voies de signalisation et à la transcription génique. La signalisation nucléaire pourrait jouer un rôle clé dans les changements de l'expression de gènes cardiaques, entraînant ainsi des implications mécanistiques et thérapeutiques diverses.


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L’endothéline-1 (ET-1) est un puissant agent vasoconstricteur dont la production est dérégulée dans plusieurs maladies inflammatoires où l’expression des cyclooxygénases-1/2 (COX-1/2) est augmentée. Puisqu’il est connu que la voie p38 MAPK est impliquée dans la régulation de l’ET-1 au niveau de l’ARNm, nous avons étudié le rôle de l’un de ses substrats, la kinase MK2 dans la régulation post-transcriptionnelle de l’ET-1 et des COX. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé des souris MK2-déficientes (MK2-/-) ainsi que des contrôles (MK2+/+) issus de la même portée. Des paramètres de la fonction cardiaque ont été mesurés sous anesthésie à l’aide d’un cathéter Millar et la réactivité vasculaire de l’artère fémorale a été mesurée par myographe. L’expression de ET-1, COX-1 et COX-2 a été quantifiée dans la cellule endothéliale aortique (CE) par qPCR. En réponse à l’ET-1 (100 nM), l’expression de la préproET-1 dans les CE augmente en fonction du temps (p<0.05) : cette variation est accentuée chez les souris MK2-/-. Bien que la pression artérielle soit similaire entre les souris MK2+/+ et MK2-/-, l’inhibition de COX (indométacine, 1 μM) augmente (p<0.05) la contraction à l’ET-1 des vaisseaux isolés provenant de souris MK2+/+ mais pas des MK2-/-. Ces données suggèrent un rôle de MK2 dans la réponse vasculaire à l’ET-1 et possiblement dans la signalisation post-récepteur de l’ET-1 en général.


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Des dinosaures sur papier : des notes « sur le terrain » comme on en trouve dans le Badlands de Robert Kroetsch passe en revue cette œuvre postmoderne de 1975 portant sur une expédition paléontologique fictive près de la rivière Red Deer, en Alberta, conformément à la récente tendance à exiger la vérification systématique des données à la base des récits métafictifs historiographiques dans la littérature canadienne-anglaise. Inspirée de l’exploration canonique qu’a effectuée John Livingston-Lowes des plus grands poèmes de Samuel Taylor Coleridge par le biais de la mine d’or du Gutch Memorandum Book dans The Road to Xanadu, cette thèse entreprend un nouveau type de recherche qui se démarque des archives conventionnelles et de la tradition documentaire. S’appuyant sur des documents holographes non publiés provenant de dépôts d’archives situés au Québec, en Ontario et en Alberta et écrits par des collecteurs, des géologues et des paléontologues de la Commission géologique du Canada, ainsi que sur des notes « sur le terrain », des notes de recherche et des journaux personnels écrits par Robert Kroetsch pendant la rédaction de son roman Badlands, cet examen critique révèle les strates sous-jacentes inédites d’une œuvre de fiction particulière. Dans pratiquement toute fouille paléontologique, le retrait de ce qui enveloppe un spécimen révèle souvent des données supplémentaires qui peuvent, si elles sont soigneusement interprétées, offrir des indices essentiels sur les environnements paléontologiques. Ainsi, un squelette de dinosaure est rarement retiré d’une carrière stérile dans son intégralité. Il en va de même pour toute recherche sur un processus littéraire. Aucun texte ne s’autosuffit. Comme Kroetsch s’est efforcé de produire son récit sous forme d’interrogation sur la création et la transmission des données historiques, particulièrement grâce à des notes « sur le terrain », une vaste étude de ce « terrain » comprenant des intertextes de l’Antiquité, des sciences, de l’Histoire, de l’histoire populaire, de récits de voyages et de la littérature canadienne et internationale est ici menée. On y fait librement référence à des périodes et à des auteurs très diversifiés, allant de Thomas Jefferson et des tombelles à Bruce Chatwin et sa peau de « brontosaure ». Évidemment, aucune entreprise interdisciplinaire du genre ne peut être exhaustive. Ce projet se veut plutôt une vitrine littéraire réunissant des curiosités autour d’une œuvre principale, soit le Badlands de Robert Kroetsch. Réduites à leur plus simple expression, les notes « sur le terrain » constituent des messages destinés à la postérité. En explorant trois thèmes principaux, cette thèse explique comment ces messages pourraient être transmis. « Saxa Loquuntur ! », ainsi intitulé en référence à l’analogie de Freud avec l’archéologie, traite des métaphores associées aux témoignages de la pierre ; « Good Jones » porte sur les façons dont la taxinomie peut combler le désir d’un chercheur d’os de ne pas tomber dans l’oubli ; « Box 16 » suit une piste documentaire en parcourant les écrits de Kroetsch pour reconstituer tant l’élaboration d’un roman que les notions de temps, d’espace et d’origine d’une œuvre littéraire.


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Studies were funded by Colegio de Postgraduados, México. CONACyT, México. SRE, México. Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec, University of Montreal and an Operating Grant to B.D. Murphy from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.