920 resultados para Power-systems


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This paper proposes an alternative codification to solve the service restoration in electric power distribution networks using a SPEA2 multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, assuming the minimization of both the load not supplied and the number of switching operations involved in the restoration plan. Constrains as the line, power source and voltage drop limits in order to avoid the activation of protective devices are all included in the proposed algorithm. Experimental results have shown the convenience on considering these new representations in the sense of feasibility maintenance and also in the sense of better approximation to the Pareto set. ©2009 IEEE.


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Reliability is a key aspect in power system design and planning. Maintaining a reliable power system is a very important issue for their design and operation. Under the new competitive framework of the electricity sector, power systems find ever more and more strained to operate near their limits. Under this new scenario, it is crucial for the system operator to use tools that facilitate an energy dispatch that minimizes possible power cuts. This paper presents a mathematical model to calculate an energy dispatch that considers security constraints (single contingencies in transmission lines and transformers). The model involves pool markets and fixed bilateral contracts. Traditional methodologies that include security constraints are usually based in multistage dispatch processes. In this case, we propose a single-stage model that avoids the economic inefficiencies which result when conventional multi-stage dispatch approaches are applied. The proposed model includes an AC representation of the transport system and allows calculating the cost overruns incurred in due to reliability restrictions. We found that complying with fixed bilateral contracts, when they go above certain levels, might lead to congestion problems in transmission lines.


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An agent based model for spatial electric load forecasting using a local movement approach for the spatiotemporal allocation of the new loads in the service zone is presented. The density of electrical load for each of the major consumer classes in each sub-zone is used as the current state of the agents. The spatial growth is simulated with a walking agent who starts his path in one of the activity centers of the city and goes to the limits of the city following a radial path depending on the different load levels. A series of update rules are established to simulate the S growth behavior and the complementarity between classes. The results are presented in future load density maps. The tests in a real system from a mid-size city show a high rate of success when compared with other techniques. The most important features of this methodology are the need for few data and the simplicity of the algorithm, allowing for future scalability. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper presents a methodology to solve the transmission network expansion planning problem (TNEP) considering reliability and uncertainty in the demand. The proposed methodology provides an optimal expansion plan that allows the power system to operate adequately with an acceptable level of reliability and in an enviroment with uncertainness. The reliability criterion limits the expected value of the reliability index (LOLE - Loss Of Load Expectation) of the expanded system. The reliability is evaluated for the transmission system using an analytical technique based in enumeration. The mathematical model is solved, in a efficient way, using a specialized genetic algorithm of Chu-Beasley modified. Detailed results from an illustrative example are presented and discussed. © 2009 IEEE.


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Fraud detection in energy systems by illegal consumers is the most actively pursued study in non-technical losses by electric power companies. Commonly used supervised pattern recognition techniques, such as Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines have been applied for automatic commercial frauds identification, however they suffer from slow convergence and high computational burden. We introduced here the Optimum-Path Forest classifier for a fast non-technical losses recognition, which has been demonstrated to be superior than neural networks and similar to Support Vector Machines, but much faster. Comparisons among these classifiers are also presented. © 2009 IEEE.


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Distribution networks paradigm is changing currently requiring improved methodologies and tools for network analysis and planning. A relevant issue is analyzing the impact of the Distributed Generation penetration in passive networks considering different operation scenarios. Studying DG optimal siting and sizing the planner can identify the network behavior in presence of DG. Many approaches for the optimal DG allocation problem successfully used multi-objective optimization techniques. So this paper contributes to the fundamental stage of multi-objective optimization of finding the Pareto optimal solutions set. It is proposed the application of a Multi-objective Tabu Search and it was verified a better performance comparing to the NSGA-II method. © 2009 IEEE.


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A decentralized solution method to the AC power flow problem in power systems with interconnected areas is presented. The proposed methodology allows finding the operation point of a particular area without explicit knowledge of network data of adjacent areas, being only necessary to exchange border information related to the interconnection lines between areas. The methodology is based on the decomposition of the first-order optimality conditions of the AC power flow, which is formulated as a nonlinear programming problem. A 9-bus didactic system, the IEEE Three Area RTS-96 and the IEEE 118 bus test systems are used in order to show the operation and effectiveness of the distributed AC power flow.


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Smart micro-grids offer a new challenging domain for power theories and metering techniques, because they include a variety of intermittent power sources which positively impact on power flow and distribution losses, but may cause voltage asymmetry and frequency variation. Due to the limited power capability of smart micro-grids, the voltage distortion can also get worse (in case of supplying non-linear loads), affecting measurement accuracy and possibly causing tripping of protections. In such a context, a reconsideration of power theories is required, since they form the basis for supply and load characterization. A revision of revenue metering techniques is also needed, to ensure a correct penalization of the loads for their responsibility in generating reactive power, voltage unbalance and distortion. This paper shows that the Conservative Power Theory (CPT) provides a suitable background to cope with smart grids characterization and metering needs. Experimental results validate the proposed approach. © 2010 IEEE.


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This paper presents a new methodology for solving the optimal VAr planning problem in multi-area electric power systems, using the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition. The original multi-area problem is decomposed into subproblems (one for each area) and a master problem (coordinator). The solution of the VAr planning problem in each area is based on the application of successive linear programming, and the coordination scheme is based on the reactive power marginal costs in the border bus. The aim of the model is to provide coordinated mechanisms to carry out the VAr planning studies maximizing autonomy and confidentiality for each area, assuring global economy to the whole system. Using the mathematical model and computational implementation of the proposed methodology, numerical results are presented for two interconnected systems, each of them composed of three equal subsystems formed by IEEE30 and IEEE118 test systems. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper proposes a method to determine the output of all online units with minimum total cost when the amount of emission is reasonable. A joint economic and emission dispatch is proposed in order to get a significant compromise between costs and emission such that real power supply-demand equilibrium is satisfied. In order to have a meaningful compromise between costs and emission in the problem formulation, two variables are used, weighting factor and price penalty factor. A case study comprising of a 3-unit power system is employed, where various demand is used. Results for the test system indicate the fastness and effectiveness of proposed method. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper presents an interactive simulation environment for distance protection, developed with ATP and foreign models based on ANSI C. Files in COMTRADE format are possible to generate after ATP simulation. These files can be used to calibrate real relays. Also, the performance of relay algorithms with real oscillography events is possible to assess by using the ATP option for POSTPROCESS PLOT FILE (PPF). The main purpose of the work is to develop a tool to allow the analysis of diverse fault cases and to perform coordination studies, as well as, to allow the analysis of the relay's performance in the face of a real event. © 2011 IEEE.


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Non-technical losses identification has been paramount in the last decade. Since we have datasets with hundreds of legal and illegal profiles, one may have a method to group data into subprofiles in order to minimize the search for consumers that cause great frauds. In this context, a electric power company may be interested in to go deeper a specific profile of illegal consumer. In this paper, we introduce the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) clustering technique to this task, and we evaluate the behavior of a dataset provided by a brazilian electric power company with different values of an OPF parameter. © 2011 IEEE.


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Synchronous generators are essential components of electric power systems. They are present both in hydro and thermal power plants, performing the function of converting mechanical into electrical energy. This paper presents a visual approach to manipulate parameters that affect operation limits of synchronous generators, using a specifically designed software. The operating characteristics of synchronous generators, for all possible modes of operation, are revised in order to link the concepts to the graphic objects. The approach matches the distance learning tool requirements and also enriches the learning process by developing student trust and understanding of the concepts involved in building synchronous machine capability curves. © 2012 IEEE.


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This work has as objectives the implementation of a intelligent computational tool to identify the non-technical losses and to select its most relevant features, considering information from the database with industrial consumers profiles of a power company. The solution to this problem is not trivial and not of regional character, the minimization of non-technical loss represents the guarantee of investments in product quality and maintenance of power systems, introduced by a competitive environment after the period of privatization in the national scene. This work presents using the WEKA software to the proposed objective, comparing various classification techniques and optimization through intelligent algorithms, this way, can be possible to automate applications on Smart Grids. © 2012 IEEE.


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We present a metaheuristic approach which combines constructive heuristics and local searches based on sampling with path relinking. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by an application to the problem of allocating switches in electrical distribution networks to improve their reliability. Our approach also treats the service restoration problem, which has to be solved as a subproblem, to evaluate the reliability benefit of a given switch allocation proposal. Comparisons with other metaheuristics and with a branch-and-bound procedure evaluate its performance. © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.