621 resultados para Posttreatment Abstinence Survivorship
Objective. Weight gain after cancer treatment is associated with breast cancer recurrence. In order to prolong cancer-free survivorship, interventions to manage post-diagnosis weight are sometimes conducted. However, little is known about what factors are associated with weight management behaviors among cancer survivors. In this study, we examined associations of demographic, clinical, and psychosocial variables with weight management behaviors in female breast cancer survivors. We also examined whether knowledge about post-diagnosis weight gain and its risk is associated with weight management behaviors. ^ Methods. 251 female breast cancer survivors completed an internet survey. They reported current performance of three weight management behaviors (general weight management, physical activity, and healthy diet). We also measured attitude, elf-efficacy, knowledge and social support regarding these behaviors along with demographic and clinical characteristics. ^ Results. Multiple regression models for the weight management behaviors explained 17% of the variance in general weight management, 45% in physical activity and 34% in healthy dieting. The models had 9–14 predictor variables which differed in each model. The variables associated with all three behaviors were social support and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy showed the strongest contribution in all models. The knowledge about weight gain and its risks was not associated with any weight management behaviors. However, women who obtained the knowledge during cancer treatment were more likely to engage in physical activity and healthy dieting. ^ Conclusions. The findings suggest that an intervention designed to increase their self-efficacy to manage weight, to be physically active, to eat healthy will effectively promote survivors to engage in these behaviors. Knowledge may motivate women to manage post-diagnosis weight about risk if information is provided during cancer treatment.^
The combined effects of salinity, temperature and cadmium stress on survival and adaptation through cadmium-binding protein (CdBP) accumulation were studied in the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio. In 96-hour bioassays, shrimp were exposed to zero or one of three levels of cadmium, under one of six different salinity (15, 25, or 35$\perthous$) and temperature (20 or 30$\sp\circ$C) regimes. CdBP concentrations were quantified in survivors from the 24 exposure groups. Salinity and temperature did not affect survivorship unless the shrimp were also exposed to cadmium. Grass shrimp were most sensitive to cadmium at low salinity-high temperature, and least sensitive at high salinity-low temperature. The incidence of cadmium-associated black lesions in gill tissue was influenced by salinity and temperature stress. P. pugio produced a 10,000 dalton metallothionein-like CdBP when exposed to at least 0.1 mg Cd$\sp{2+}$/L for 96 hours. Accumulation of CdBP was increased with increases in the exposure cadmium level, increases in temperature and decreases in salinity, independently and in conjunction with one another. Maximum CdBP concentrations occurred in grass shrimp that survived the salinity-temperature-cadmium conditions creating maximum stress as measured by highest mortality, not necessarily in shrimp exposed to the highest cadmium levels. The potential utility of this method as a monitor of physiological stress in estuarine biota inhabiting metal-polluted environments is discussed. ^
Objetivos: Determinar las características clínicas y morbilidad de los pacientes (pac.) adictos ingresados a un Servicio de Clínica Médica. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Criterio de inclusión: pac. adicto con consumo de sustancias ilícitas. Informe preliminar: Periodo: 24 meses. Datos analizados en Epi info 6.4 Resultados: Se incluyeron 40 pac. Prevalencia: 0.2/1000 egresos. El 82.5% eran hombres. Edad media: 31.5 años (DS±9.65). Permanencia media: 11 días (DS±13.98) vs 7.12 (DS±10.1) del Servicio (p=0.016). Consumían cocaína el 82.5% (IC95%67.22-92.66) marihuana el 77.5% (IC95% 61.65- 89.16), tolueno el 10% (IC95%2.79-23.66), floripondio y hachis el 2.5% (IC95% 0.06-13.16) cada uno. En el 2.5% la vía de administración era endovenosa y el 60% eran poliadictos. Solo el 10% recibió tratamiento para abandonar la adicción (100% tratamiento psicológico y 5.13% farmacológico). De clase social pobre el 75%. El 62.5% de los pac. estaban desocupados, tenían antecedentes judiciales el 10% y el 7.5% había estado en prisión. El 92.5% (IC95% 76.34-97.21) era heterosexual, 2.5% hombres que tenían sexo con hombres y bisexuales 5% (IC95% 0.61-16.92). Solo el 10% tenían secundaria completa. El 80% ingreso por Emergencias y por causa infecciosa el 45%. El 12.5% ingreso por complicaciones de la adicción. Las manifestaciones relacionadas con la adicción fueron: manifestaciones del sistema nervioso central: 12.5% (IC95%4.19-26.80); síndrome de abstinencia y temblor 7.5% cada uno y excitación psicomotriz, delirium, signo de foco neurológico y rigidez 5% cada uno. El 100% presentaba alguna comórbida; tabaquismo 80%, depresión 12.8% Y alcoholismo 57.5%, entre otras. Presentaban enfermedades de transmisión sexual 5 pac. (4 HIV, 2 VHC y 1 pediculus pubis). No hubo mortalidad hospitalaria. Conclusión: El paciente adicto internado se caracteriza por ser joven, pertenecer a un grupo social desprotegido, sin trabajo y sin educación, tener poliadicción, con alta carga de comórbidas y de internación, principalmente por complicaciones infecciosas.
En este trabajo se describen la cipsela y, por primera vez, la plántula de Grindelia ventanensis, un subarbusto con potencial ornamental endémico de las Sierras Australes de la provincia de Buenos Aires. También se presenta la cronología de floración y producción de semillas y se evalúa la relación entre el tamaño de las cipselas y el desarrollo de las plantas jóvenes respecto de la procedencia, cultivada o silvestre, de los propágulos. Las poblaciones cultivadas florecieron y produjeron semillas antes que las silvestres. Las cipselas de poblaciones cultivadas resultaron más pequeñas y las plántulas originadas a partir de ellas mostraron una mayor mortalidad. Las plántulas originadas de cipselas de poblaciones silvestres desplegaron su primera hoja verdadera entre los 7 y 21 días y presentaron una supervivencia a los 35 días de más del 70%. El menor tamaño de las cipselas de plantas cultivadas podría estar relacionado con las condiciones de cultivo o con un efecto fundador. La mayor supervivencia de las plantas germinadas de cipselas mayores resulta un dato de importancia al momento de seleccionar un stock de cultivo.
Este trabajo se propone problematizar el concepto de mediación así como las formas de contrato pedagógico para pensar las prácticas docentes y sostener la posibilidad de que éstas propicien experiencias áulicas en el sentido fuerte, bejaminiano de la expresión. Para ello se propone una pedagogía del silencio, de la abstinencia y de la distancia más que de la explicación o la traducción. Se trata de construir teóricamente la idea de que la práctica, y no los contenidos, son la clave de la función docente.
El propósito de este trabajo es despertar el interés por la lectura de Aristófanes, concretamente de la Lisístrata, por los muchos datos que ofrece: históricos, sociales, políticos, míticos y religiosos. La protagonista de tal comedia es la primera heroína femenina del teatro aristofánico. La relación de la comedia antigua con la vida política es permanente, incesante: las mujeres atenienses, cansadas de la guerra contra los lacedemonios, deciden obtener la paz de una forma singular: absteniéndose de relaciones sexuales con sus esposos y, asimismo, de sus obligaciones familiares. La utopía cómica, el mundo al revés, se nos manifiesta de modo evidente.
El propósito de este trabajo es despertar el interés por la lectura de Aristófanes, concretamente de la Lisístrata, por los muchos datos que ofrece: históricos, sociales, políticos, míticos y religiosos. La protagonista de tal comedia es la primera heroína femenina del teatro aristofánico. La relación de la comedia antigua con la vida política es permanente, incesante: las mujeres atenienses, cansadas de la guerra contra los lacedemonios, deciden obtener la paz de una forma singular: absteniéndose de relaciones sexuales con sus esposos y, asimismo, de sus obligaciones familiares. La utopía cómica, el mundo al revés, se nos manifiesta de modo evidente.
El propósito de este trabajo es despertar el interés por la lectura de Aristófanes, concretamente de la Lisístrata, por los muchos datos que ofrece: históricos, sociales, políticos, míticos y religiosos. La protagonista de tal comedia es la primera heroína femenina del teatro aristofánico. La relación de la comedia antigua con la vida política es permanente, incesante: las mujeres atenienses, cansadas de la guerra contra los lacedemonios, deciden obtener la paz de una forma singular: absteniéndose de relaciones sexuales con sus esposos y, asimismo, de sus obligaciones familiares. La utopía cómica, el mundo al revés, se nos manifiesta de modo evidente.
1. Winter temperatures differ markedly on the Canadian prairies compared with Denmark. Between 1 January 1998 and 31 December 2002, average weekly and monthly temperatures did not drop below 0 °C in the vicinity of Silkeborg, Denmark. Over this same time, weekly average temperatures near Calgary, Alberta, Canada, often dropped below -10 °C for 3-5 weeks and the average monthly temperature was below 0 °C for 2-4 months. Accordingly, winter ice conditions in shallow lakes in Canada and Denmark differed considerably. 2. To assess the implications of winter climate for lake biotic structure and function we compared a number of variables that describe the chemistry and biology of shallow Canadian and Danish lakes that had been chosen to have similar morphometries. 3. The Danish lakes had a fourfold higher ratio of chlorophyll-a: total phosphorus (TP). Zooplankton : phytoplankton carbon was related to TP and fish abundance in Danish lakes but not in Canadian lakes. There was no significant difference in the ratio log total zooplankton biomass : log TP and the Canadian lakes had a significantly higher proportion of cladocerans that were Daphnia. These differences correspond well with the fact that the Danish lakes have more abundant and diverse fish communities than the Canadian lakes. 4. Our results suggest that severe Canadian winters lead to anoxia under ice and more depauperate fish communities, and stronger zooplankton control on phytoplankton in shallow prairie lakes compared with shallow Danish lakes. If climate change leads to warmer winters and a shorter duration of ice cover, we predict that shallow Canadian prairie lakes will experience increased survivorship of planktivores and stronger control of zooplankton. This, in turn, might decrease zooplankton control on phytoplankton, leading to 'greener' lakes on the Canadian prairies.
In the maritime Antarctic, brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) show two foraging strategies: some pairs occupy feeding territories in penguin colonies, while others can only feed in unoccupied areas of a penguin colony without defending a feeding territory. One-third of the studied breeding skua population in the South Shetlands occupied territories of varying size (48 to >3,000 penguin nests) and monopolised 93% of all penguin nests in sub-colonies. Skuas without feeding territories foraged in only 7% of penguin sub-colonies and in part of the main colony. Females owning feeding territories were larger in body size than females without feeding territories; no differences in size were found in males. Territory holders permanently controlled their resources but defence power diminished towards the end of the reproductive season. Territory ownership guaranteed sufficient food supply and led to a 5.5 days earlier egg-laying and chick-hatching. Short distances between nest and foraging site allowed territorial pairs a higher nest-attendance rate such that their chicks survived better (71%) than chicks from skua pairs without feeding territories (45%). Due to lower hatching success in territorial pairs, no difference in breeding success of pairs with and without feeding territories was found in 3 years. We conclude that skuas owning feeding territories in penguin colonies benefit from the predictable and stable food resource by an earlier termination of the annual breeding cycle and higher offspring survivorship.
Little is known about the prevalence of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii in the arctic marine food chain of Svalbard, Norway. In this study, plasma samples were analyzed for T. gondii antibodies using a direct agglutination test. Antibody prevalence was 45.6% among polar bears (Ursus maritimus), 18.7% among ringed seals (Pusa hispida) and 66.7% among adult bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) from Svalbard, but no sign of antibodies were found in bearded seal pups, harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), white whales (Delphinapterus leucas) or narwhals (Monodon monoceros) from the same area. Prevalence was significantly higher in male polar bears (52.3%) compared with females (39.3%), likely due to dietary differences between the sexes. Compared to an earlier study, T. gondii prevalence in polar bears has doubled in the past decade. Consistently, an earlier study on ringed seals did not detect T. gondii. The high recent prevalence in polar bears, ringed seals and bearded seals could be caused by an increase in the number or survivorship of oocysts being transported via the North Atlantic Current to Svalbard from southern latitudes. Warmer water temperatures have led to influxes of temperate marine invertebrate filter-feeders that could be vectors for oocysts and warmer water is also likely to favour higher survivorship of oocycts. However, a more diverse than normal array of migratory birds in the Archipelago recently, as well as a marked increase in cruise-ship and other human traffic are also potential sources of T. gondii.
We tested the hypothesis that development of the Antarctic urchin Sterechinus neumayeri under future ocean conditions of warming and acidification would incur physiological costs, reducing the tolerance of a secondary stressor. The aim of this study is twofold: (1) quantify current austral spring temperature and pH near sea urchin habitat at Cape Evans in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica and (2) spawn S. neumayeri in the laboratory and raise early developmental stages (EDSs) under ambient (-0.7 °C; 400 µatm pCO2) and future (+2.6 °C; 650 and 1,000 µatm pCO2) ocean conditions and expose four EDSs (blastula, gastrula, prism, and 4-arm echinopluteus) to a one hour acute heat stress and assess survivorship. Results of field data from 2011 to 2012 show extremely stable inter-annual pH conditions ranging from 7.99 to 8.08, suggesting that future ocean acidification will drastically alter the pH-seascape for S. neumayeri. In the laboratory, S. neumayeri EDSs appear to be tolerant of temperatures and pCO2 levels above their current habitat conditions. EDSs survived acute heat exposures >20 °C above habitat temperatures of -1.9 °C. No pCO2 effect was observed for EDSs reared at -0.7 °C. When reared at +2.6 °C, small but significant pCO2 effects were observed at the blastula and prism stage, suggesting that multiple stressors are more detrimental than single stressors. While surprisingly tolerant overall, blastulae were the most sensitive stage to ocean warming and acidification. We conclude that S. neumayeri may be unexpectedly physiologically tolerant of future ocean conditions.
As a consequence of anthropogenic CO2-driven ocean acidification (OA), coastal waters are becoming increasingly challenging for calcifiers due to reductions in saturation states of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) minerals. The response of calcification rate is one of the most frequently investigated symptoms of OA. However, OA may also result in poor quality calcareous products through impaired calcification processes despite there being no observed change in calcification rate. The mineralogy and ultrastructure of the calcareous products under OA conditions may be altered, resulting in changes to the mechanical properties of calcified structures. Here, the warm water biofouling tubeworm, Hydroides elegans, was reared from larva to early juvenile stage at the aragonite saturation state (Omega A) for the current pCO2 level (ambient) and those predicted for the years 2050, 2100 and 2300. Composition, ultrastructure and mechanical strength of the calcareous tubes produced by those early juvenile tubeworms were examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and nanoindentation. Juvenile tubes were composed primarily of the highly soluble CaCO3 mineral form, aragonite. Tubes produced in seawater with aragonite saturation states near or below one had significantly higher proportions of the crystalline precursor, amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) and the calcite/aragonite ratio dramatically increased. These alterations in tube mineralogy resulted in a holistic deterioration of the tube hardness and elasticity. Thus, in conditions where Omega A is near or below one, the aragonite-producing juvenile tubeworms may no longer be able to maintain the integrity of their calcification products, and may result in reduced survivorship due to the weakened tube protection.
Newly settled recruits typically suffer high mortality from disturbances, but rapid growth reduces their mortality once size-escape thresholds are attained. Ocean acidification (OA) reduces the growth of recruiting benthic invertebrates, yet no direct effects on survivorship have been demonstrated. We tested whether the reduced growth of coral recruits caused by OA would increase their mortality by prolonging their vulnerability to an acute disturbance: fish herbivory on surrounding algal turf. After two months' growth in ambient or elevated CO2 levels, the linear extension and calcification of coral (Acropora millepora) recruits decreased as CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) increased. When recruits were subjected to incidental fish grazing, their mortality was inversely size dependent. However, we also found an additive effect of pCO2 such that recruit mortality was higher under elevated pCO2 irrespective of size. Compared to ambient conditions, coral recruits needed to double their size at the highest pCO2 to escape incidental grazing mortality. This general trend was observed with three groups of predators (blenny, surgeonfish, and parrotfish), although the magnitude of the fish treatment varied among species. Our study demonstrates the importance of size-escape thresholds in early recruit survival and how OA can shift these thresholds, potentially intensifying population bottlenecks in benthic invertebrate recruitment.