894 resultados para Posterior Analytics 2, 19
So far, the majority of reports on on-line measurement considered soil properties with direct spectral responses in near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). This work reports on the results of on-line measurement of soil properties with indirect spectral responses, e.g. pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), exchangeable calcium (Caex) and exchangeable magnesium (Mgex) in one field in Bedfordshire in the UK. The on-line sensor consisted of a subsoiler coupled with an AgroSpec mobile, fibre type, visible and near infrared (vis–NIR) spectrophotometer (tec5 Technology for Spectroscopy, Germany), with a measurement range 305–2200 nm to acquire soil spectra in diffuse reflectance mode. General calibration models for the studied soil properties were developed with a partial least squares regression (PLSR) with one-leave-out cross validation, using spectra measured under non-mobile laboratory conditions of 160 soil samples collected from different fields in four farms in Europe, namely, Czech Republic, Denmark, Netherland and UK. A group of 25 samples independent from the calibration set was used as independent validation set. Higher accuracy was obtained for laboratory scanning as compared to on-line scanning of the 25 independent samples. The prediction accuracy for the laboratory and on-line measurements was classified as excellent/very good for pH (RPD = 2.69 and 2.14 and r2 = 0.86 and 0.78, respectively), and moderately good for CEC (RPD = 1.77 and 1.61 and r2 = 0.68 and 0.62, respectively) and Mgex (RPD = 1.72 and 1.49 and r2 = 0.66 and 0.67, respectively). For Caex, very good accuracy was calculated for laboratory method (RPD = 2.19 and r2 = 0.86), as compared to the poor accuracy reported for the on-line method (RPD = 1.30 and r2 = 0.61). The ability of collecting large number of data points per field area (about 12,800 point per 21 ha) and the simultaneous analysis of several soil properties without direct spectral response in the NIR range at relatively high operational speed and appreciable accuracy, encourage the recommendation of the on-line measurement system for site specific fertilisation.
La fase de establecimiento del regenerado es un proceso crítico para el desarrollo posterior de la masa tanto por las elevadas tasas de mortalidad que habitualmente lleva asociadas, como por proporcionar el material de partida del que van a disponer las fases subsiguientes. Las restricciones a la germinación y establecimiento de la regeneración del pino silvestre varían enormemente entre las distintas regiones de su extensa área de distribución geográfica. La región Mediterránea constituye un hábitat marginal de la especie en el que las condiciones ecológicas son muy diferentes a las del grueso de su área de distribución. Frente a otras limitaciones (frío, luz, encharcamiento…), en el entorno mediterráneo la tasa de mortalidad parece estar asociada a las condiciones micrometeorológicas del período estival - particularmente, a la sequía -, así como a la presencia excesiva de ganado o ungulados silvestres. No obstante, la mayoría de la información disponible sobre el proceso de regeneración de la especie procede del centro y norte de Europa, por lo que no es de aplicación directa en nuestra región, en la que los estudios de este tipo son mucho más escasos. El presente trabajo pretende contribuir a paliar esta relativa escasez a través del estudio del proceso de regeneración natural en el monte “Cabeza de Hierro”, masa irregular por bosquetes de pino silvestre, paradigma de gestión sostenible y uso múltiple. En este entorno, se pretende caracterizar y cuantificar tanto el proceso de germinación y supervivencia de la especie como la influencia de la cobertura vegetal (estratos arbóreo, arbustivo y herbáceo, y capa de restos vegetales) en su desarrollo. Se persigue así mismo analizar el efecto de la compactación del suelo sobre la persistencia de la masa y contrastar y comparar la eficacia de dos tratamientos edáficos de ayuda a la regeneración: escarificado y decapado+acaballonado. Con este fin se han planteado dos diseños experimentales consistentes en sendas redes de muestreo (Red de Muestreo I o RM I y Red de Muestreo II o RM II) integradas, respectivamente, por 192 y 24 parcelas de 1,5x1,5 m ubicadas bajo distintas condiciones de cobertura vegetal. Sobre una parte de estas parcelas (1/4 en la Red de Muestreo I; 1/2 en la Red de Muestreo II) se han aplicado tratamientos de ayuda a la regeneración (RM I: escarificado; RM II: decapado+acaballonado) y, tras llevar a cabo siembras controladas al inicio del período vegetativo, se han practicado controles periódicos de germinación y supervivencia durante uno (RM II) y tres años consecutivos (RM I). Se han realizado así mismo mediciones complementarias de variables micrometeorológicas, espesura, recubrimiento superficial del suelo y compactación. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de las experiencias realizadas en el monte objeto de estudio permiten concluir que, en relación con el proceso de regeneración natural de la especie en este tipo masa y entorno: 1) la regeneración del pino silvestre durante el primer período vegetativo presenta una tasa de éxito muy baja (1,4% de los sembrados), provocada por una elevada mortalidad durante el primer período estival (>92%) subsiguiente a una germinación de en torno al 17% de las semillas viables que llegan al suelo; 2) la mortalidad sigue siendo elevada hasta el tercer período vegetativo, en que comienza a reducirse significativamente hasta alcanzar el 45%; 3) la cobertura vegetal influye significativamente tanto en el proceso de germinación como en el de supervivencia, aunque ambos procesos presentan una baja correlación linear que pone de manifiesto que los lugares idóneos para la germinación no siempre son los más adecuados para la supervivencia; 4) la escarificación del suelo mejora las tasas iniciales de germinación y supervivencia, pero empeora la tasa de supervivencia posterior (años 2 y 3), por lo que su efecto a medio plazo no resulta significativo; 5) el decapado+acaballonado presenta mejores resultados que el escarificado durante el primer verano, aunque sólo resulta efectivo en condiciones intermedias de espesura de masa; 6) la compactación edáfica no resulta limitante para la productividad ni la persistencia de la masa considerada. ABSTRACT Seedling establishment is critical for later stand progress because it involves high mortality rates and the surviving saplings constitute the starting material for all the subsequent stages. Restrictions for Scots pine germination and seedling survival may vary greatly across its geographical range, as it is widely distributed within north latitudes. Mediterranean region is a marginal sector within this species range and its ecological conditions differ greatly from those of the bulk of the area. Mortality rates in Mediterranean environments seem to be related to summer weather (mainly drought) and high livestock stocking rather than to cold, light or flooding. Most available information on scots pine regeneration process comes from north European experiences and is not transferable to Spanish forests, whereas studies on Mediterranean region are much scarcer. The present work aims at broadening Scots pine regeneration knowledge within Mediterranean region by analyzing its establishment process in the “Cabeza de Hierro” forest: a Scots pine uneven-aged forest at blocklevel scale, exemplary managed for multi-services purpose. Germination and surviving processes are to be characterized and quantified as to vegetation cover both in trees, shrubs, grass and litter strata. Soil compaction effects on forest sustainability are also assessed and the efficacy of some site preparation techniques on regeneration success is tested and compared (scarification vs. scalping+mounding). Two sampling networks comprising respectively 198 (SN I) and 24 plots (SN II) of 1.5x1.5m have been established over a wide range of vegetal cover conditions within the forest. Soil preparation techniques have been applied only to some of the sampling points; namely, 1 out of 4 plots have been scarified within Sampling Network I , while 1 out of 2 plots have been object of scalping & mounding within Sampling Network II. After localized sowing prior to growing season, germination and surviving have been periodically sampled for either one (SN II) or three years (SN I). Supplementary measures for micrometeorological variables, stand density, ground vegetal cover and compaction have also been carried out. Results obtained for the studied forest lead to the following insights regarding Scots pine natural regeneration process within this sort of forest and environment: 1) seedling establishment success rate is quite low (0,15% of sowing seeds), due to high mortality during the first summer (>92%), following a prior 17% rate of germination over viable seeds reaching the soil; 2) mortality rate remains high until the third year after emergence and then decreases to the 50% of surviving; 3) although vegetal cover significantly affects both seedling germination and survival, lineal correlation between those two processes is rather low, which may indicate that places fit for emergence are not necessarily suitable for summer surviving; 4) soil scarification improves both germination and survival during the first growing season, but it is associated to higher mortality rates during the next two years; hence it has no significant medium term effect; 5) scalping & mounding treatment is more effective than scarification concerning establishment improving during the first summer; but its effects are only significant under intermediate stand density levels; 6) soil compaction does not restrict either forest productivity or persistence, despite the area’s long history of high livestock stocking rates and mechanized logging.
Schizophrenia is a serious brain disease of uncertain etiology. A role for retroviruses in the etiopathogenesis of some cases of schizophrenia has been postulated on the basis of clinical and epidemiological observations. We found sequences homologous to retroviral pol genes in the cell-free cerebrospinal fluids (CSFs) of 10 of 35 (29%) individuals with recent-onset schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Retroviral sequences also were identified in the CSFs of 1 of 20 individuals with chronic schizophrenia. However, retroviral sequences were not identified in any of the CSFs obtained from 22 individuals with noninflammatory neurological diseases or from 30 individuals without evidence of neurological or psychiatric diseases (χ2 = 19.25, P < 0.001). The nucleotide sequences identified in the CSFs of the individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were related to those of the human endogenous retroviral (HERV)-W family of endogenous retroviruses and to other retroviruses in the murine leukemia virus genus. Transcription of RNA homologous to members of the HERV-W family of retroviruses also was found to be up-regulated differentially in the frontal cortex regions of brains obtained postmortem from individuals with schizophrenia, as compared with corresponding tissue from individuals without psychiatric diseases. The transcriptional activation of certain retroviral elements within the central nervous system may be associated with the development of schizophrenia in at least some individuals. The further characterization of retroviral elements within the central nervous system of individuals with schizophrenia might lead to improved methods for the diagnosis and management of this disorder.
INTRODUÇÃO: Em pacientes com síndromes isquêmicas miocárdicas instáveis (SIMI), tanto a hiperatividade simpática quanto a resposta inflamatória exacerbada se associam a pior prognóstico. No entanto, ainda é desconhecido se existe alguma correlação entre esses dois marcadores de evolução desfavorável. OBJETIVOS: Correlacionar a atividade nervosa simpática muscular com marcadores inflamatórios nas fases precoce e tardia de pacientes portadores de SIMI. MÉTODOS: Pacientes hospitalizados com diagnóstico de SIMI e evolução favorável foram incluídos de forma prospectiva desde que apresentassem idade entre 18 e 65 anos e aterosclerose coronária comprovada por cinecoronariografia. Logo após a inclusão no estudo foram coletadas informações basais, e no quarto dia (± 1 dia) de internação os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação da ANSM e coleta concomitante de amostra sanguínea para dosagem de proteína CReativa ultrassensível (PCR-us), interleucina-6 (IL6), e fosfolipase A2 associada à lipoproteína (Lp-PLA2). ANSM foi obtida pela técnica de microneurografia do nervo fibular. As medidas e respectivas análises de correlação foram repetidas em 1, 3 e 6 meses após a hospitalização. Correlações entre ANSM e marcadores inflamatórios foram analisadas por meio do teste de Pearson (variáveis de distribuição não-paramétrica foram transformadas logaritmicamente). Modelos de regressão linear múltipla foram criados para avaliar os efeitos independentes. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 34 pacientes com idade média de 51,7±7,0 anos, sendo 79,4% do sexo masculino. A prevalência de hipertensão arterial foi de 64,7%, diabetes mellitus 8,8%, e doença arterial coronária prévia de 20,6%. A apresentação foi IAM com supradesnível de ST em 18 pacientes (52,9%), IAM sem supra de ST em 14 (41,2%) e angina instável em 02 pacientes (5,9%). Tanto ANSM quanto biomarcadores inflamatórios estavam elevados durante a fase aguda das SIMI e diminuíram ao longo do tempo. Na fase hospitalar, a mediana da PCR-us foi 17,75 (8,57; 40,15) mg/L, e IL-6 6,65 (4,45; 8,20) pg/ml, a Lp- PLA2 média foi 185,8 ± 52,2 nmol/min/ml, e ANSM média 64,2 ± 19,3 impulsos/100bpm. Após 6 meses, houve diminuição significativa de todas essas variáveis quando comparadas com a fase hospitalar. Entretanto, não houve correlação significativa entre a atividade simpática e qualquer dos marcadores inflamatórios analisados, em nenhuma das fases analisadas (p > 0,05), Por outro lado, ANSM se correlacionou independentemente com níveis de CKMB na fase aguda (p=0,027), e com fração de ejeção do VE na fase crônica (p=0,026). CONCLUSÃO: Apesar do aumento inicial dos níveis de marcadores inflamatórios e da atividade simpática em pacientes com SIMI, não houve correlação significativa entre esses parâmetros em nenhuma das fases analisadas, sugerindo que as alterações dessas variáveis estariam relacionadas a diferentes vias fisiopatológicas
Según Robert Neuwirth alrededor de 1.800 millones de personas trabajan en la economía informal, generando unos 10 billones de dólares anuales. Este autor afirma que si todas las personas vinculadas a dicho modelo económico se reunieran en un único país, éste sería la segunda potencia económica mundial. Junto a la importancia económica del modelo, su flexibilidad al contexto urbano es también destacable. La economía callejera, en particular, está vinculada a la construcción de redes urbanas complejas donde el individuo puede decidir y negociar. Este aspecto es lo que hace de este tipo de apropiación urbana una referencia fundamental para la innovación en la construcción de ciudad y, en especial, para el Urbanismo Táctico. En este artículo se analiza cómo las construcciones urbanas vinculadas a la economía callejera y a la venta ambulante se relacionan con los conceptos que diversos autores han empleado para definir las dinámicas contemporáneas. Primero se aborda la manera en que la venta ambulante teje, relaciona y transforma las redes urbanas existentes (sociales, productivas, económicas y de identidad) y busca su vínculo con los siguientes conceptos: ‘red’, ‘rizoma’, ‘radicante’, ‘punto de paso obligado’ y ‘hacker’. Seguidamente se reflexiona sobre la materialización de la economía informal en las ciudades actuales, relacionando este fenómeno con los siguientes conceptos: ‘el derecho a la ciudad’, ‘lo informal’, ‘TAZ’ y el urbanismo ‘emergente’, entre otros.
Introduction: Self-image is important in the behaviour and lifestyle of children and adolescents. Analysing the self-image they have and the factors that might influence their distortion, can be used to prevent problems of obesity and anorexia. The main objective of present publication was to analyse the risk factors that may contribute to self-image distortion. Material and Methods: A descriptive survey study was conducted among 659 children and adolescents in two social classes (low and medium-high), measuring height and weight, calculating BMI percentile for age and gender. Body image and self-perception were registered. Results: The percentage of overweight-obesity is higher in scholars (41.8% boys, 28.7% girls) than in adolescents (30.1% and 22.2% respectively), with no difference between socioeconomic classes. The multinomial logistic regression analysis gives a risk of believing thinner higher (p=0.000) among boys OR=2.9(95%CI:1.43-3.37), school (p=0.000) OR=2.42(95%CI:1.56-3.76) and much lower (p=0.000) between normally nourished OR=0.08(95%CI:0.05-0.13), with no differences according to socioeconomic status. The risk of believing fatter is lower (p=0.000) between boys OR=0.28(95%CI:0.14-0.57), school(p=0.072) OR=0.54(95%CI:0.27-1.6), and much higher among underweight (p=0.000) OR=9x108(95% CI:4x108-19x108). Conclusions: Are risk factors of believing thinner: males, being in a group of schoolchildren and overweight-obesity. Conversely, are risk factors of believing fatter: females, teen and above all, be thin.
(Table 3) Sr and Nd isotope composition, and Sr and carbonate contents of Atlantis Massif IODP holes
Correlation of Southern Ocean deep sea sediment core records with ice core records of polar climate delineates with unprecedented detail the relationship between high latitude climate and the ocean's thermohaline circulation over the last 80,000 years. Our observations suggest that, while North Atlantic Deep Water variability manifests itself clearly in Southern Ocean nutrient proxy records over periods as short as 500 yr, this deep water variability did not promote a direct link between climate variability in the high latitudes of the two hemispheres on millennial timescales. In particular, the proxy records indicate that, on average, northern hemisphere climate fluctuations lagged those of the southern hemisphere by 1500 yr.
In this study we reconstruct quantitatively the Middle to Upper Miocene climate evolution in the southern Forecarpathian Basin (Central Paratethys area, Northwest Bulgaria) by applying the coexistence approach to 101 well-dated palynofloras isolated from three cores. The climatic evolution is compared with changes in vegetation and palaeogeography. The Middle Miocene was a period of a subtropical/warm-temperate humid climate with mean annual temperature (MAT) between 16 and 18°C and mean annual precipitation (MAP) between 1100 and 1300 mm. Thereby, during the entire Middle Miocene a trend of slightly decreasing temperatures is observed and only small climate fluctuations occur which are presumably related to palaeogeographic reorganisations. The vegetation shows a corresponding trend with a decrease in abundance of palaeotropic and thermophilous elements. The Upper Miocene is characterised by more diverse climatic conditions, probably depending on palaeogeographic and global climatic transformations. The beginning of this period is marked by a slight cooling and a significant drying of the climate, with MAT 13.3-17°C and MAP 652-759 mm. After that, fluctuations of all palaeoclimate parameters occur displaying cycles of humid/dryer and warmer/cooler conditions, which are again well reflected in the vegetation. Our study provides a first quantitative model of the Middle-Upper Miocene palaeoclimate evolution in Southeastern Europe and is characterised by a relatively high precision and resolution with respect to the climate data and stratigraphy.