954 resultados para Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
Domestic coal combustion has had profound adverse effects on the health of millions of people worldwide. In China alone several hundred million people commonly burn raw coal in unvented stoves that permeate their homes with high levels of toxic metals and organic compounds. At least 3,000 people in Guizhou Province in southwest China are suffering from severe arsenic poisoning. The primary source of the arsenic appears to be consumption of chili peppers dried over fires fueled with high-arsenic coal. Coal samples in the region were found to contain up to 35,000 ppm arsenic. Chili peppers dried over high-arsenic coal fires adsorb 500 ppm arsenic on average. More than 10 million people in Guizhou Province and surrounding areas suffer from dental and skeletal fluorosis. The excess fluorine is caused by eating corn dried over burning briquettes made from high-fluorine coals and high-fluorine clay binders. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed during coal combustion are believed to cause or contribute to the high incidence of esophageal and lung cancers in parts of China. Domestic coal combustion also has caused selenium poisoning and possibly mercury poisoning. Better knowledge of coal quality parameters may help to reduce some of these health problems. For example, information on concentrations and distributions of potentially toxic elements in coal may help delineate areas of a coal deposit to be avoided. Information on the modes of occurrence of these elements and the textural relations of the minerals and macerals in coal may help predict the behavior of the potentially toxic components during coal combustion.
Genotoxins, such as polycyclic aromatic compounds, are ubiquitous in urban and industrial environments. Our understanding of the role that these chemicals play in generating DNA sequence mutations is predominantly derived from laboratory studies with specific genotoxins or extracts of contaminants from environmental media. Most assays are not indicative of the germinal effects of exposure in situ to complex mixtures of common environmental mutagens. Using multilocus DNA fingerprinting, we found the mutation rate in herring gulls inhabiting a heavily industrialized urban harbor (Hamilton Harbour, Ontario) to be more than twice as high as three rural sites: Kent Island, Bay of Fundy; Chantry Island, Lake Huron; and Presqu'ile Provincial Park in Lake Ontario. Overall we found a mutation rate of 0.017 +/- 0.004 per offspring band in Hamilton, 0.006 +/- 0.002 at Kent Island, 0.002 +/- 0.002 from Chantry Island, and 0.004 +/- 0.002 from Presqu'ile Provincial Park. The mutation rate from the rural sites (pooled) was significantly lower than the rate observed in Hamilton Harbour (Fisher's exact test, two-tailed; P = 0.0006). These minisatellite DNA mutations may be important biomarkers for heritable genetic changes resulting from in situ exposure to environmental genotoxins in a free-living vertebrate species.
The rodent liver displays marked age- and sex-dependent changes in androgen sensitivity due to the sexually dimorphic and temporally programmed expression of the androgen receptor (AR) gene. We have altered this normal phenotype by constitutive overexpression of the rat AR transgene in the mouse liver by targeting it via the human phenylalanine hydroxylase (hPAH) gene promoter. These transgenic animals in their heterozygous state produce an approximately 30-fold higher level of the AR in the liver as compared with the nontransgenic control. Androgen inactivation via sulfonation of the hormone by dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferase (DST), an androgen-repressible enzyme, also contributes to the age- and sex-dependent regulation of hepatic androgen sensitivity. DST has a broad range of substrate specificity and is responsible for the age- and sex-specific activation of certain polycyclic aromatic hepatocarcinogens as well, by converting them to electrophilic sulfonated derivatives. In the transgenic female, the hepatic expression of DST was approximately 4-fold lower than in normal females, a level comparable to that in normal males. The hPAH-AR mice will serve as a valuable model for studying the sex- and age-invariant expression of liver-specific genes, particularly those involved in the activation of environmental hepatocarcinogens such as the aromatic hydrocarbons.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o potencial agrícola do lodo de esgoto produzido no estado de São Paulo, bem como, verificar a possibilidade de interação entre a composição química e a abundância relativa de bactérias no lodo. Foram realizadas coletas de amostra de lodo de esgoto em 19 estações de tratamento de esgoto, em três épocas distintas. Nas amostras provenientes das três épocas foram determinados as concentrações dos 16 hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) listados como prioritários no monitoramento ambiental pela USEPA (acenafteno, acenaftileno, antraceno, benzo(a)antraceno, benzo(a)pireno, benzo(b)fluoranteno, benzo(ghi)perileno, benzo(k)fluoranteno, criseno, dibenzo(a,h)antraceno, fenantreno, fluoranteno, fluoreno, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pireno, naftaleno e pireno). Nas amostras da segunda época de coleta, além da presença de HPAs, determinou-se as concentrações de poluentes orgânicos emergentes (hormônios, produtos farmacêuticos e produtos de uso industrial), realizou-se a caracterização completa segundo a Resolução CONAMA 375/2006 (umidade, pH, N-Kjeldahl e inorgânico, carbono orgânico, cálcio, potássio, fósforo, magnésio, enxofre, boro, cobre, ferro, níquel, manganês, molibdênio, selênio, zinco, alumínio, arsênio, bário, cádmio, cromo, chumbo, mercúrio e sódio) e a caracterização da comunidade bacteriana através de metodologia independente de cultivo (sequenciamento illumina). Os macronutrientes em maiores concentrações no lodo de esgoto são: N > Ca > S > P > Mg > K. Os elementos inorgânicos Ni e Zn apresentaram concentração superior à máxima permitida para utilização agrícola pela resolução Conama 375/2006 em 1 e 3 amostras, respectivamente. A substância inorgânica que mais limita o enquadramento do lodo de esgoto como adubo orgânico (Instrução Normativa 27/2006) é o Hg. Os compostos benzilparabeno, bisfenol AF (BPAF), ácido perfluorooctanoico (PFOA) e tetrabromobisfenol A (TBBPA) não foram detectados. Por outro lado, cimetidina, metilparabeno, bisfenol A (BPA) e triclocarban foram detectados nas 19 amostras avaliadas. O composto presente em maior concentração é o triclocarban. As concentrações de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos são baixas, de acordo com a norma Europeia. Os filos Proteobacteria e Bacteroidetes estão presentes em maior abundância relativa. Existe uma comunidade bacteriana núcleo nas estações de tratamento de esgoto do estado de São Paulo, composta por 81 gêneros, presentes nas 19 ETEs avaliadas, dos quais, os que estão em maior abundância relativa são Treponema, Clostridium, Propionibacterium, Syntrophus e Desulfobulbus. A elevação do pH a valores próximos de 12 reduz a diversidade microbiana. Considerando a abundância relativa e a composição química do lodo de esgoto, as estações podem ser agrupadas em três grupos distintos, sendo que um deles é influenciado principalmente pelos teores de Ca, Zn e Cu, o outro pelos teores de Fe e S e o terceiro grupo que foi influenciado pelos demais fatores avaliados.
Em regiões altamente contaminadas como a região da Baixada Santista, é importante estabelecer metas para a recuperação do ambiente. Apesar da ausência da contaminação ser a meta ideal, as implicações e os custos associados a esse objetivo, demanda o estabelecimento de metas de recuperação realistas em relação aos contaminantes presentes na região. Com o objetivo de caracterizar valores de referência de qualidade de sedimentos para compostos orgânicos na região da Baixada Santista, o Canal de Bertioga foi escolhido como local de referência por ser uma região sem fontes industrais ou outras fontes pontuais relativas aos compostos analisados. Amostras de água, sedimento e ostras foram coletadas e os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (PAHs), bifenilos policlorados (PCBs) e pesticidas organoclorados (OCPs) foram determinados por técnicas cromatográficas. A avaliação dos resultados de análises de PAHs, permite afirmar com alguma segurança, que os valores da somatória de PAHs das amostras sedimentos são, na sua grande maioria, inferiores a 1.000 µg/kg, não superando 1.600 µg/kg, concentrações abaixo dos limites estabelecidos na Resolução CONAMA 344/04 e abaixo dos valores que possam causar algum efeito adverso à biota, conforme valores descritos na literatura. Resultados de análise de PCBs, OCPs, compostos fenólicos e compostos orgânicos voláteis (VOCs) em amostras de sedimento, indicaram concentrações destes compostos abaixo dos limites de quantificação, exceto DDE (5,30 g/kg) e HCB (2,34 g/kg), que foram detectados em apenas um ii sítio de amostragem. Não houve evidências de possíveis fontes de emissão próximas à região de referência para PCBs, OCPs, compostos fenólicos e VOCs. Finalizando, espera-se que os resultados obtidos neste estudo possam fornecer subsídios para futuramente estabelecer uma área de referência para qualidade de sedimento na região da Baixada Santista, ou ainda serem utilizados em conjunto com as avaliações de contaminantes inorgânicos, testes ecotoxicológicos e indicadores biológicos, como ferramenta para avaliação da qualidade de sedimento e/ou para a classificação de material a ser dragado na região da Baixada Santista.
Combustion runs at 700 °C in a horizontal laboratory furnace were carried out on two different electric wires (PVC and halogen-free wire). Tests were performed in the presence and in the absence of the metal conductor of the wires. The analyses of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorobenzenes (CBzs), chlorophenols (CPhs), mono- to octa-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), and dioxin-like PCBs are shown. Regarding semivolatile compounds, PAHs production decreases in the presence of metal, while a higher amount of chlorinated compounds are emitted. Respect to the PCDD/Fs, the PVC wire in the presence of metal presents the highest emission, with a much more emission of furans than dioxins. The maximum emission is with 2 or 3 chlorine atom PCDD/Fs. PCBs emission correlates with PCDD/F production and represents 3–4% of total toxicity, determined by using WHO2005 factors.
Paper submitted to the 7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (7th ISFR 2013), New Delhi, India, 23-26 October 2013.
Paper submitted to the 7th International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials (7th ISFR 2013), New Delhi, India, 23-26 October 2013.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the plastics most extensively used due to its versatility. The demand of PVC resin in Europe during 2012 reached 5000 ktonnes1. PVC waste management is a big problem because of the high volume generated all over the world and its chlorine content. End-of-life PVC is mainly mixed with municipal solid waste (MSW) and one common disposal option for this is waste-to-energy incineration (WtE). The presence of plastics such as PVC in the fuel mix increases the heating value of the fuel. PVC has two times higher energy content than MSW ‒around 20 MJ/kg vs 10 MJ/kg, respectively. However, the high chlorine content in PVC resin, 57 wt.%, may be a source for the formation of hazardous chlorinated organic pollutants in thermal processes. Chlorine present in the feedstock of WtE plants plays an important role in the formation of (i) chlorine (Cl2) and (ii) hydrochloric gas (HCl), both of them responsible for corrosion, and (iii) chlorinated organic pollutants2. In this work, pyrolytic and oxidative thermal degradation of PVC resin were carried out in a laboratory scale reactor at 500 ºC in order to analyze the influence of the reaction atmosphere on the emissions evolved. Special emphasis was put on the analysis of chlorinated organic pollutants such as polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs) and other related compounds like polychlorobenzenes (PCBzs), polychlorophenols (PCPhs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Another objective of this work was to compare the results with those of a previous work3 in which emissions at different temperatures in both pyrolysis and combustion of another PVC resin had been studied; in that case, experiments for PCDD/Fs emissions had been performed only at 850 ºC.
Resumen del póster presentado en PIC2015 – the 14th International Congress on Combustion By-Products and Their Health Effects, Umeå, Sweden, 14-17 June 2015.
Model Hamiltonians have been, and still are, a valuable tool for investigating the electronic structure of systems for which mean field theories work poorly. This review will concentrate on the application of Pariser–Parr–Pople (PPP) and Hubbard Hamiltonians to investigate some relevant properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and graphene. When presenting these two Hamiltonians we will resort to second quantisation which, although not the way chosen in its original proposal of the former, is much clearer. We will not attempt to be comprehensive, but rather our objective will be to try to provide the reader with information on what kinds of problems they will encounter and what tools they will need to solve them. One of the key issues concerning model Hamiltonians that will be treated in detail is the choice of model parameters. Although model Hamiltonians reduce the complexity of the original Hamiltonian, they cannot be solved in most cases exactly. So, we shall first consider the Hartree–Fock approximation, still the only tool for handling large systems, besides density functional theory (DFT) approaches. We proceed by discussing to what extent one may exactly solve model Hamiltonians and the Lanczos approach. We shall describe the configuration interaction (CI) method, a common technology in quantum chemistry but one rarely used to solve model Hamiltonians. In particular, we propose a variant of the Lanczos method, inspired by CI, that has the novelty of using as the seed of the Lanczos process a mean field (Hartree–Fock) determinant (the method will be named LCI). Two questions of interest related to model Hamiltonians will be discussed: (i) when including long-range interactions, how crucial is including in the Hamiltonian the electronic charge that compensates ion charges? (ii) Is it possible to reduce a Hamiltonian incorporating Coulomb interactions (PPP) to an 'effective' Hamiltonian including only on-site interactions (Hubbard)? The performance of CI will be checked on small molecules. The electronic structure of azulene and fused azulene will be used to illustrate several aspects of the method. As regards graphene, several questions will be considered: (i) paramagnetic versus antiferromagnetic solutions, (ii) forbidden gap versus dot size, (iii) graphene nano-ribbons, and (iv) optical properties.
Thermal characterization of coffee husk (Coffea arabica) from Colombian coffee has been studied. Different products, mostly volatile and semivolatile compounds, were analyzed, paying special attention to 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) as priority pollutants, frequently used for checking toxicity in environmental samples. A fixed amount of raw material was exposed to different excess air ratios (λ = 0–2.33) and nominal temperature of 1123 K in a horizontal quartz reactor. The results show that coffee husk is a promising biomass for energetic exploitation with reduced formation of PAHs in a low air excess ratio. This implies reduction of carcinogenic potential in the limited presence of oxygen, demonstrated by calculating the carcinogenic potential (KE) for each experimental condition. Most volatile and semivolatile compounds followed different trends, with the oxygen presence prevailing their decomposition with increasing the air excess ratio.
Thermal decomposition of flexible polyurethane foam (FPUF) was studied under nitrogen and air atmospheres at 550 °C and 850 °C using a laboratory scale reactor to analyse the evolved products. Ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and nitrile compounds were obtained in high yields in pyrolysis at the lower temperature, whereas at 850 °C polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other semivolatile compounds, especially compounds containing nitrogen (benzonitrile, aniline, quinolone and indene) were the most abundant products. Different behaviour was observed in the evolution of polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) at 550 °C and 850 °C. At 550 °C, the less chlorinated congeners, mainly PCDF, were more abundant. Contrarily, at 850 °C the most chlorinated PCDD were dominant. In addition, the total yields of PCDD/Fs in the pyrolysis and combustion runs at 850 °C were low and quite similar.
The quantity, type, and maturity of the organic matter of Quaternary and Tertiary sediments from the Japan Trench (DSDP Leg 56, Sites 434 and 436; and Leg 57, Sites 438, 439 and 440) were determined. The hydrocarbons in lipid extracts were analyzed by capillary- column gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry. Kerogen concentrates were investigated by microscopy, and vitrinite-reflectance values were determined. Measured organic-carbon values were in the range of 0.13 to 1.00 per cent. Extract yields, however, were extremely low. Normalized to organic carbon, total extracts ranged from 4.1 to 15.7 mg/g Corg. Gas chromatography of non-aromatic hydrocarbons showed that all sediments, except one Oligocene sample, contained very immature, mainly terrigenous organic material. This was indicated by n-alkane maxima at C29 and C31 and high odd-carbon-number predominances. Unsaturated steroid hydrocarbons were found to be major cyclic compounds in lower- and middle-Miocene samples from the upper inner trench slope (Sites 438 and 439). Perylene was the dominating aromatic hydrocarbon in all but the Oligocene sample. Microscopy showed kerogens rich in terrigenous organic particles, with a major portion of recycled vitrinite. Nevertheless, almost all the liptinite particles appeared to be primary. This is a paradox, as the bulk of the samples were composed of hemipelagic mineral matter with a major siliceous biogenic (planktonic) component. A trend of reduced size and increased roundness can be seen for the vitrinite/ inertinite particles from west to east (from upper inner trench slope to outer trench slope). All sediments but one are relatively immature, with mean huminite-reflectance values (Ro)in the range of 0.30 to 0.45 per cent. The oldest and deepest sediment investigated, an Oligocene sandstone from Site 439, yielded a mean vitrinitereflectance value of 0.74 per cent and a mature n-alkane distribution. This sample may indicate a geothermal event in late Oligocene time. It failed to affect the overlying lower Miocene and may have been caused by an intrusion. Boulders of acidic igneous rocks in the Oligocene can be interpreted as witnesses of nearby volcanic activity accompanied by intrusions.
Bitumoid contents in metalliferous sediments from axial parts of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) have been studied. Maximal concentrations of bitumoid matter and aromatic hydrocarbons have been found in the axial zones of the EPR as a result of hydrothermal processes and accumulation of endogenous matter in the sediments. Distribution of bitumoids and hydrocarbons coincides with deposition of ore minerals that indicates similarity of their sources.