976 resultados para Pneumonia necrotizante


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Abstract: Vancomycin is the first-line agent for the treatment of bacteremia, endocarditis, pneumonia, cellulitis, and osteomyelitis. Pancytopenia is an uncommon adverse effect of vancomycin therapy, with only a few cases of vancomycin-related neutropenia and pancytopenia described in the literature. We describe a case of a 56-year-old man who was diagnosed with chronic paraspinal abscess and started on intravenous vancomycin. He was re-admitted two weeks later with new-onset pancytopenia. Discontinuation of vancomycin resulted in improved cell counts. Physicians should monitor cell counts in patients who are on long-term intravenous vancomycin.


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Oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ORSA) infection is an important cause of hospital morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to identify the main factors associated with death in patients colonized or infected with Staphylococcus aureus in a cancer center. A matched-pair case-control study enrolled all patients infected or colonized with ORSA (cases) admitted to the Hospital do Câncer in Rio de Janeiro from 01/01/1992 to 12/31/1994. A control was defined as a patient hospitalized during the same period as the case-patients and colonized or infected with oxacillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (OSSA). The study enrolled 95 cases and 95 controls. Patient distribution was similar for the two groups (p > or = 0.05) with respect to gender, underlying diseases, hospital transfer, prior infection, age, temperature, heart and respiratory rates, neutrophil count, and duration of hospitalization. Univariate analysis of putative risk factors associated with mortality showed the following significant variables: admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), presence of bacteremia, use of central venous catheter (CVC), ORSA colonization or infection, pneumonia, use of urinary catheter, primary lung infection, prior use of antibiotics, mucositis, and absence of cutaneous abscesses. Multivariate analysis showed a strong association between mortality and the following independent variables: admission to ICU (OR [odds ratio]=7.2), presence of Staphylococcus bacteremia (OR=6.8), presence of CVC (OR=5.3), and isolation of ORSA (OR=2.7). The study suggests a higher virulence of ORSA in comparison to OSSA in cancer patients.


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RESUMO - As mudanças na saúde são cada vez mais rápidas e os serviços de saúde têm cada vez mais dificuldade em dar resposta aos problemas de saúde dos portugueses. Responsáveis por grande parte da despesa em saúde, os idosos são a população que mais utiliza os serviços de saúde e as respetivas unidades hospitalares e serviços de urgência. Estes têm estadias mais prolongadas e consomem mais recursos durante essas permanências nas instituições de saúde. Sabendo isto revelou-se oportuno encontrar as principais causas de internamento hospitalar, os principais diagnósticos secundários, demoras médias e a sua relação com as principais causas de morte na população portuguesa com mais de 65 anos no período de 2003-2012. Para tal, optou-se por uma análise descritiva de 3375817 episódios de internamento referentes a dez anos. Daqui retirou-se que os diagnósticos principais mais frequentes para todos os anos e todas as faixas etárias são o acidente vascular cerebral isquémico e a pneumonia, sendo que o primeiro é o mais frequente até 2006, passando depois a ser a pneumonia o mais frequente. A demora média é maior quanto mais diagnósticos secundários associados houver e aumenta com a idade. Os diagnósticos secundários mais frequentes são a hipertensão essencial e a diabetes mellitus. Estes dados são relevantes para o conhecimento da saúde em Portugal, podendo-se alterar e uniformizar e melhorar práticas hospitalares e com isso progredir na qualidade dos tratamentos e aumentar a qualidade de vida com hipótese de diminuição da demora média.


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Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) delay healing, prolong Hospital stay, and increase both Hospital costs and risk of death. This study aims to estimate the extra length of stay and mortality rate attributable to each of the following HAIs: wound infection (WI); bloodstream infection (BSI); urinary infections (UI); and Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP). The study population consisted of patients discharged in CHLC in 2014. Data was collected to identify demographic information, surgical operations, development of HAIs and its outputs. The study used regressions and a matched strategy to compare cases (infected) and controls (uninfected). The matching criteria were: age, sex, week and type of admission, number of admissions, major diagnostic category and type of discharge. When compared to matched controls, cases with HAI had a higher mortality rate and greater length of stay. WI related to hip or knee surgery, increased mortality rate by 27.27% and the length of stay by 74.97 days. WI due to colorectal surgery caused an extra mortality rate of 10.69% and an excess length of stay of 20.23 days. BSI increased Hospital stay by 28.80 days and mortality rate by 32.27%. UI caused an average additional length of stay of 19.66 days and risk of death of 12.85%. HAP resulted in an extra Hospital stay of 25.06 days and mortality rate of 24.71%. This study confirms the results of the previous literature that patients experiencing HAIs incur in an excess of mortality rates and Hospital stay, and, overall, it presents worse results comparing with other countries.


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Haemophilus influenzae is one of the most important bacterial agents of otitis and sinusitis. H. influenzae type b (Hib) is one of the main causes of meningitis, pneumonia, and septicemia in nonvaccinated children under 6 years of age. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of H. influenzae and Hib oropharyngeal colonization prior to the onset of the Hib vaccination program in Brazil in previously healthy children and to assess the susceptibility profile of this microorganism to a selected group of antimicrobials that are used to treat acute respiratory infections. METHOD: Cultures of Haemophilus influenzae were made from oropharynx swabs from 987 children under 6 years of age who were enrolled in 29 day-care centers in Taubaté (a city of São Paulo state, Brazil) between July and December 1998. RESULTS: The prevalence of H. influenzae carriers was 17.4%, and only 5.5% of the strains were beta-lactamase producers. The prevalence of Hib carriers was high, 7.3% on average (range, 0.0 - 33.3%). CONCLUSIONS: The low prevalence of colonization by penicillin-resistant strains indicates that it is not necessary to substitute ampicilin or amoxicilin to effectively treat otitis and sinusitis caused by H. influenzae in Taubaté.


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Patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome present alterations in their cellular and humoral immune reactions that predispose them to the development of infectious processes. PURPOSE: To characterize the infectious processes in patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Ninety-two children and adolescents with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome were assessed retrospectively. The types of infection were grouped as follows: upper respiratory tract infections; pneumonia; skin infections; peritonitis; diarrhea; urinary tract infection ; herpes virus; and others. The patients were divided into 2 groups: Group I (steroid-responsive) n = 75, with 4 subgroups-IA (single episode) n = 10, IB (infrequent relapsers) n = 5, IC (frequent relapsers) n = 14, and ID (steroid-dependent) n = 46; and Group II (steroid-resistant) n = 17. The incidence-density of infection among the patients was assessed throughout the follow-up period. Comparisons for each group and subgroup were done during the periods of negative and nephrotic proteinuria. RESULTS: The analysis revealed a greater incidence-density of infections during the period of nephrotic proteinuria in all the groups and subgroups, with the exception of subgroup IA. During the period of nephrotic proteinuria, subgroups IC, ID, and Group II presented a greater incidence-density of infections as compared to subgroup IA. For the period of negative proteinuria, there was no difference in the incidence-density of infections between the groups and subgroups. Upper respiratory tract infections were the most frequent infectious processes. CONCLUSION: The nephrotic condition, whether as part of a course of frequent relapses, steroid dependence, or steroid resistance, conferred greater susceptibility to infection among the patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. The results of this study suggest that the best preventive action against infection in this disease is to control the nephrotic state.


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As huge amounts of data become available in organizations and society, specific data analytics skills and techniques are needed to explore this data and extract from it useful patterns, tendencies, models or other useful knowledge, which could be used to support the decision-making process, to define new strategies or to understand what is happening in a specific field. Only with a deep understanding of a phenomenon it is possible to fight it. In this paper, a data-driven analytics approach is used for the analysis of the increasing incidence of fatalities by pneumonia in the Portuguese population, characterizing the disease and its incidence in terms of fatalities, knowledge that can be used to define appropriate strategies that can aim to reduce this phenomenon, which has increased more than 65% in a decade.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Engenharia Clínica)


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A large group of low molecular weight natural compounds that exhibit antimicrobial activity has been isolated from animals and plants during the past two decades. Among them, peptides are the most widespread resulting in a new generation of antimicrobial agents with higher specific activity. In the present study we have developed a new strategy to obtain antimicrobial wound-dressings based on the incorporation of antimicrobial peptides into polyelectrolyte multilayer films built by the alternate deposition of polycation (chitosan) and polyanion (alginic acid sodium salt) over cotton gauzes. Energy dispersive X ray microanalysis technique was used to determine if antimicrobial peptides penetrated within the films. FTIR analysis was performed to assess the chemical linkages, and antimicrobial assays were performed with two strains: Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive bacterium) and Klebsiella pneumonia (Gram-negative bacterium). Results showed that all antimicrobial peptides used in this work have provided a higher antimicrobial effect (in the range of 4 log–6 log reduction) for both microorganisms, in comparison with the controls, and are non-cytotoxic to normal human dermal fibroblasts at the concentrations tested.


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Homem de 72 anos, portador de neoplasia de próstata estádio IV, submetido à osteossíntese da coluna cervical para descompressão metastática da raiz nervosa, responsável por dor intensa no membro superior direito. Após três meses da internação, apresentou trombose total da veia axilo-subclávia direita, complicação da cateterização prolongada da veia subclávia direita para controle de septicemia secundária a pneumonia hospitalar. Foi submetido a terapia trombolítica com estreptoquinase por via venosa, no membro superior contra-lateral, na dose de 250.000UI em 15min, seguida de 100.000UI/h durante cinco dias, com total recanalização do trombo e redução do edema. Após 24h do término da trombólise, apresentou disfagia a líquidos e o esofagograma mostrou extensa compressão extrínseca do esôfago, por provável hematoma retroesofágico. Necessitou de nutrição enteral durante três meses, quando ocorreu normalização da deglutição, reabsorção do hematoma retroesofágico e passagem adequada do contraste pelo esôfago. No seguimento evolutivo não apresentou seqüelas da trombose venosa profunda, não tem disfagia e permaneceu em uso profilático de meias elásticas e heparina de baixo peso molecular.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a gravidade das complicações cardíacas na asfixia neonatal, sua evolução e correlacioná-las com o grau e duração do processo hipóxico. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 90 bebês nos últimos 7 anos com grau de Apgar <6 no 5°min de vida. Pelo protocolo, após o exame físico e os cuidados intensivos, eram submetidos a dosagem do pH arterial, CPK-MB, DHL, glicemia, além da realização de radiografia de tórax, eletrocardiograma (ECG), ecocardiograma, seriados e repetidos a cada semana. Aqueles que faleceram eram levados à necropsia. RESULTADOS: Dos 90, 73 (81%) eram prematuros, 30 (41%) eram apropriados para a idade gestacional (AIG) e 43 (59%) eram pequenos(PIG). Em 21 (23%) casos havia pH arterial <7,2. Os quadros clínicos mais observados foram: pneumonia em 28 (31%), anemia 24 (26%) e icterícia moderada 12 (5%), entre outros. Ao exame físico observaram-se: sopro sistólico em 46 (50%), ictus propulsivo 18 (20%) e ICC em 8 (9%). No ECG, os sinais mais freqüentes foram alterações de repolarização (ST e T) em 44 (49%). No ecocardiograma, observou-se persistência do canal arterial (PCA) em 20 (22%), regurgitação tricúspide em 6 (7%), hipertensão pulmonar em 6 (8%), hipocontratilidade de VE e dilatação de VD em 4 (5%). Dos 23 óbitos, 14 foram estudados e as alterações mais freqüentes foram necrose de fibras em 8 (68%) casos e em 4 (29%) congestão, vacuolização e perda de estriação. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria teve evolução favorável mesmo naqueles que tiveram acidemia importante. Muitas alterações de ECG e ecocardiograma se normalizaram. Daqueles que evoluíram para o óbito, as lesões mais graves ocorreram nos que sofreram, por mais tempo, processo anóxico.


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OBJECTIVE - To assess the incidence of fatal pulmonary embolism (FPE), the accuracy of clinical diagnosis, and the profile of patients who suffered an FPE in a tertiary University Hospital. METHODS - Analysis of the records of 3,890 autopsies performed at the Department of General Pathology from January 1980 to December 1990. RESULTS - Among the 3,980 autopsies, 109 were cases of clinically suspected FPE; of these, 28 cases of FPE were confirmed. FPE accounted for 114 deaths, with clinical suspicion in 28 cases. The incidence of FPE was 2.86%. No difference in sex distribution was noted. Patients in the 6th decade of life were most affected. The following conditions were more commonly related to FPE: neoplasias (20%) and heart failure (18.5%). The conditions most commonly misdiagnosed as FPE were pulmonary edema (16%), pneumonia (15%) and myocardial infarction (10%). The clinical diagnosis of FPE showed a sensitivity of 25.6%, a specificity of 97.9%, and an accuracy of 95.6%. CONCLUSION - The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism made on clinical grounds still has considerable limitations.


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Dissertation for Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering.


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Mulher de 57 anos portadora de cardiopatia reumática com comprometimento das valvas aórtica e mitral foi submetida a uma substituição mitro-aórtica. A presença de anéis aórtico e mitral pequenos contribuiu para uma série de complicações intra-operatórias, como oclusão do óstio coronariano esquerdo e dissociação atrioventricular do tipo III. O sulco foi reparado com generoso enxerto autólogo pericárdico fresco de camada dupla sobreposto por uma prótese mecânica de duplo folheto. No pós-operatório, a paciente desenvolveu insuficiência respiratória prolongada, pneumonia, disfunção miocárdica temporária e insuficiência renal aguda. No final, ela recebeu alta sem problemas residuais.


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Las Clamidias son bacterias patógenas de los animales de producción, de vida silvestre y de compañía. Además de las pérdidas económicas que producen las infecciones en los planteles de producción bovina, ovina, caprina, porcina y aves de corral, la mayoría de las especies tienen importancia zoonótica, pudiendo dar origen a infecciones graves, potencialmente letales en el ser humano. El orden Chlamydiales está integrado por bacterias que actúan como parásitos intracelulares obligados que desarrollan su ciclo de vida únicamente dentro de inclusiones citoplasmáticas. En este orden se encuentra la familia Chlamydiaceae que comprende dos géneros, Chlamydia y Chlamydophila; y las especies, Chlamydia trachomatis, C. suis, C. muridarum, Chlamydophila psittaci, C. abortus, C. felis, C. caviae, C. pecorum, y C. pneumoniae. C. psittaci causa psitacosis o clamidiosis aviar. En Argentina, los primeros casos clínicos de psitacosis fueron reportados en 1929. Los criadores de aves y quienes las poseen como mascotas, representan el grupo de mayor riesgo; pero también las personas que trabajan en pajarerías y aquellas que por su empleo se ven expuestas a contraer la enfermedad (empleados en peladeros donde se carnean y procesan pollos y otras aves para consumo, veterinarios, empleados de zoológicos, etc.). La infección en humanos se presenta como una neumonía severa; con fiebre alta, escalofríos, dolor de cabeza, mialgia y dificultad respiratoria. Ocasionalmente puede presentarse vómitos, dolor abdominal, diarrea y complicaciones como miocarditis, endocarditis, encefalitis, ictericia y fallas multiorgánicas, que pueden ser fatales sino se le administra el tratamiento adecuado. La infección en las mujeres embarazadas puede producir neumonía, hepatitis, insuficiencia renal, sepsis, parto prematuro y muerte fetal. Existen más de 465 especies de aves en las que se registró C. psittaci, incluyendo ornamentales, de corral, silvestres, acuáticas y palomas. Las patologías que pueden producir en estos animales son neumonitis, conjuntivitis, encefalomielitis, placentopatías, fetopatías, anorexia, diarrea e infecciones persistentes asintomáticas u oligosintomáticas. En bovinos, C. pecorum, C. abortus y C. psittaci producen infecciones respiratorias y genitales; que se presentan como cuadros de enteritis, artritis, encefalomielitis, endometritis e hipofertilidad. En Argentina, la infección clamidial en el ganado caprino fue asociada a daños en el tejido uterino, abortos, partos prematuros y crías débiles. En equinos, C. psittaci y C. pneumoniae producen abortos y desórdenes respiratorios, con un gran impacto en ganadería que redunda en pérdidas económicas. Considerando que existen escasos estudios eco-epidemiológicos y clínicos que reporten el estado de situación de estas infecciones en nuestro medio, es que el presente trabajo propone actualizar y profundizar el conocimiento de las especies de Clamidias de importancia médico-veterinaria presentes en la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. El desarrollo de este proyecto aportará la implementación de técnicas que mejorarán el diagnóstico microbiológico, confirmarán los cuadros clínicos; y por lo tanto contribuirá al conocimiento de estos agentes infecciosos en nuestra región. Esta información es indispensable para los organismos responsables de la Salud Pública (Ministerios de Salud y Educación, Municipios, etc.) para que puedan obrar en consecuencia y generar sistemas de alerta temprana, tomar medidas de prevención y medidas de control frente a la presencia de un brote epidémico por alguna cepa clamidial. "Eco epidemiology of Chlamydophila psittaci, C. pecorum and C. pneumoniae: Impact on public health "The Chlamydiae are bacterial pathogens of farm animals, wildlife and pets. Besides the economic losses that occur on campuses infections of cattle, sheep, goats, swine and poultry, most species are zoonotic, infections potentially fatal can cause in humans. The order Chlamydiales is composed of the family Chlamydiaceae comprising two genera, Chlamydia and Chlamydophila, and nine species, Chlamydia trachomatis, C. suis, C. muridarum, Chlamydophila psittaci, C. abortus, C. felis, C. caviae, C. pecorum, and C. pneumoniae. The clinical manifestations in humans are associated with severe pneumonia. Also, nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms, and complications such as myocarditis, endocarditis, encephalitis, jaundice and multiple organ failure. There are over 465 species of birds where recorded C. psittaci, including ornamental plants, poultry, wild waterfowl and pigeons. Sick birds eliminate chlamydia in all secretions, asymptomatic birds can develop the disease through contact with other infected birds. The human infection occurs by inhalation of aerosolized secretions of infected birds. The prevalence of C. psittaci records in humans, birds, horses, goats and cattle are scarce in Latin America. In Argentina it has been detected chlamydial antibody prevalence in cattle in Buenos Aires and La Pampa (5) and Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) in the town of Santa Cruz (11). Detect this pathogen in these birds and learn about potential sources of infection would be of great public health significance. To develop an efficient system of medical and veterinary surveillance is essential to have reliable diagnostic techniques for detection and identification of Chlamydia in birds, animals and humans.