986 resultados para Plaque vulnérable


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Objetivo: o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as condições de saúde bucal e a ocorrência de anomalias dentárias em crianças tratadas para leucemia linfoblástica aguda (LLA) no Serviço de Oncologia Pediátrica (SOP) do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), comparadas com um grupo crianças saudáveis. Amostra: foram selecionadas 56 crianças com diagnóstico de LLA e analisadas as presenças de anomalias dentárias e os índices CPO-D (cariado, perdido, obturado-dente), IPV (índice de placa visível), ISG (índice de sangramento gengival) e fluxo salivar. As crianças tratadas apresentaram uma média de idade, na época do diagnóstico da LLA, de 5,3 ± 2,6, e 11,8 ± 4,2 na avaliação, sendo 32 masculinos e 24 femininos. Os pacientes tratados para LLA foram divididos em três grupos: crianças tratadas somente com quimioterapia, com quimio e radioterapia, e com quimio, radio e transplante de medula óssea. Resultados: os resultados revelaram 80,4% de anomalias dentárias nas crianças tratadas, ou seja, 45 destas apresentaram pelo menos uma alteração, e o grupo de pacientes tratados com quimio, radio e submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea foi o que revelou a maior média de anormalidades dentárias por indivíduo (15,37 ± 15,03), não ocorrendo diferença estatística entre os gêneros. As crianças tratadas para LLA obtiveram CPO-D de 1,9 ± 4,0, ISG de 26,5%, IPV de 72,0%, e índice de fluxo salivar médio de 0,19 mL/min criança. Já o grupo de crianças sadias apresentou CPO-D de 1,52 ± 3,5, ISG de 11,1%, IPV de 53,8% e índice de fluxo salivar médio de 0,27 mL/min. Conclusão: o tratamento para a cura da LLA provoca um aumento significativo no número de anomalias dentárias, sendo mais freqüente nos pacientes menores de cinco anos de idade, principalmente nos pacientes submetidos a quimio e radioterapia associadas ao transplante de medula óssea, o que requer, por parte do cirurgião-dentista, intervenções clínicas diferenciadas e cuidadosas nestes pacientes, tendo-se em vista também os índices aumentados de ISG e IPV. As alterações sofridas pelas glândulas salivares durante o tratamento não são permanentes sob o aspecto do fluxo salivar, que retorna à normalidade. A orientação e o acompanhamento adequados destes pacientes por parte da equipe de saúde bucal podem mantê-los com o índice de CPO-D dentro dos padrões preconizados pela Organização Mundial de Saúde.


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The science of Dentistry wishes obtains the ideal solution for the dental plaque chemical control. This research evaluated antimicrobial action capacity in calcium hydroxide and tergentol various solutions starting for the CHD 20, a root canals irrigating solution with a reason of 80% calcium hydroxide saturated solution and 20% tergentol detergent with the aim of evaluate this drug mouth rinse indication with prevention or combat objective for dental caries and periodontal diseases. Antibiogram disks and biofilm tests were accomplished for the microorganisms: Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus sobrinus and Lactobacillus casei. Different reasons of detergent for the calcium hydroxide saturated solution, tergentol and distillated water solution, 0,12% clorhexydine digluconate solution was positive control and distillated water was negative control. The results showed better performance of clorhexydine in relation to calcium hydroxide directing to not accept this (CHD20) as mouth rinse solution


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Cet étude et thème de dissertation est devenue nécessaire a partir des inquiétudes d éducateur et des pratiques pédagogiques développées aux classes d éducation physique au tour nocturne à l École Municipale Prof. Veríssimo de Melo, dont les élèves sont des jeunes et adultes que habitent au quartier Felipe Camarão. Ces jeunes cohabitent avec le stigmate de la violence que est toujours présente dans cette communauté, située a la région ouest de Natal. On peut trouvé parmi les élèves y matriculés des trajectoires de vie interrompues par facteurs de risque comme criminalité, des adolescentes enceintes et drogues. Ces faits interférent directement avec les procès d intégration sociale et augmentent la violence, reproduisant les cycles de pauvreté et ainsi, limitant les possibilités d ascension sociale. Les résultats des procédées pédagogiques utilisées pendant les classes ont montré la nécessité d approfondir cet étude problématisant cette réalité et, incitant par les pratiques corporelles et discussion, la réflexion sur des thèmes comme facteurs de risque, temporalité, projets de vie et auto-connaissance. En profitant de l intérêt de ces jeunes pour la langage cinématographique comme une façon de mettre en ouvre ces réflexions et rapportant leur connaissance formel avec le savoir et expériences du groupe on a décidé de produire un film court de 15 minutes sur le quartier, idéalisé et produit collectivement. Pour ça, ont a réalisé 10 classes-ateliers avec les élèves qui ont été connus comme « le groupe du cinéma ». Les ateliers pédagogiques qui sont ici, au même temps, référence de recherche et procédée pédagogique, réaffirment la notion de résilience: la capacité de l individu de transformer un obstacle, une adversité ou même une tragédie personnel dans une situation positive ou comme un renfort de ce que nous avons de meilleur. Dans ce sens, cet étude peut aider les professeurs de toutes les matières, que travaillent a l école publique et que se trouvent dans ce contexte, considéré vulnérable, surtout le professeur d éducation physique. Ce travail peut aussi devenir une référence pour aborder des concepts et valeurs que nos aideront à renouveler cette vision de monde étroite et déterministe, responsable pour la reproduction des cycles de pauvreté et violence. Cet étude a été fondée sur des auteurs comme Edgar Morin, Bóris Cyrulnik et Conceição Almeida parmi d autres


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Oropouche, Caraparu, Guama, Guaroa and Tacaiuma viruses (Orthobunyavirus genus) cause human febrile illnesses and/or encephalitis. To achieve a therapeutical agent to prevent and/or treat these diseases we evaluated the antiviral action of Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) on these orthobunyaviruses. In vitro results showed that all the studied orthobunyaviruses are susceptible to antiviral action of IFN-alpha, but this susceptibility is limited and dependent on both concentration of drug and treatment period. In vivo results demonstrated that IFN-alpha present antiviral action on Oropouche and Guaroa viruses when used as a prophylactic treatment. Moreover, a treatment initiated 3 It after infection prevented the death of Guaroa virus infected-mice. Additionally, mortality of mice was related to the migration and replication of viruses in their brains. Our results suggest that IFN-alpha could be potentially useful in the prevention of diseases caused by Oropouche virus and in the prevention and/or treatment of diseases caused by Guaroa virus. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Em quatro experimentos foram avaliados como agentes antibacterianos os produtos própolis em solução alcoólica e álcool etílico, adicionados às rações artificialmente contaminadas com os respectivos sorotipos: Salmonella typhimurium Nalr - Specr, (resistentes ao ácido Nalidíxico e a Spectinomicina) nos três primeiros experimentos e Salmonella agona Nalr - Specr, Salmonella infantis Nalr - Specr e Salmonella enteritidis Nalr - Specr no quarto experimento. As rações foram fornecidas a grupos de 10-16 pintos de corte de um dia. em todos os experimentos os produtos testados foram adicionados na base de 2% da ração. Quando se utilizou solução hidroalcóolica de própolis (exp. 1), seguidas 120 horas após o desafio, detectou-se a presença da bactéria nos cecos. No segundo experimento, testou-se a solução de própolis e seu diluente, o álcool etílico; seguidas 96 horas após o desafio, não foi observada a presença da bactéria nos cecos (< 2,0 log10). Avaliou-se, no terceiro experimento, a ação da solução de própolis e do álcool etílico no tempo, adicionados na ração 14 dias e 28 dias antes do fornecimento às aves. Após 72 horas do desafio, a leitura nas placas acusou a presença da bactéria nos cecos. Dentro deste último período, também se avaliou a ação da própolis em pó (extrato seco) e esse mesmo extrato em uma solução aquosa, adicionados à ração 48 horas antes do fornecimento às aves sendo que os resultados confirmaram a presença da bactéria nos cecos. No quarto experimento avaliou-se somente o álcool etílico nas rações artificialmente contaminadas com os sorotipos S. agona, S. enteritidis e S. infantis, registrando-se contagem zero (<2,0 log10) apenas com o último sorotipo. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o tratamento com a solução de própolis apresentou ação sobre a S. typhimurium somente quando em solução alcóolica, dentro de um período de 48 horas, indicando que o efeito bactericida se deveu ao álcool etílico presente na solução. A ação do tratamento com o álcool etílico sobre os demais sorotipos demonstrou resultado parcial sendo observado efeito bactericida nos sorotipos S. typhimurium e S. enteritidis artificialmente inoculados na ração.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Crude extract (CE) and aqueous (AqF) and ethyl acetate (EtOAcF) fractions of Guazuma ulmifolia LAM., Sterculiaceae and the corresponding AqF, EtOAcF of Stryphnodendron adstringens (MART.) COVILLE, Leguminosae were tested for their antiviral activity against poliovirus 1 (P-1) and bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) in HEp2 cultured cells. The antiviral activity was monitored by plaque assay and immunolluorescence assay (IFA) under virucidal and therapeutic protocols. The therapeutic protocol demonstrated statistically significant positive results with both plants and for both virus strains. The highest percentages of viral inhibition were found for G. ulmifolia EtOAcF which inhibited BHV-1 and P-1 replication by 100% and 99%, respectively (p < 0.05, Student's t-test). For S. adstringens, AqF was the most efficient, inhibiting BHV-1 and P-1 by 97% and 93%, respectively (p < 0.05). In the virucidal protocol, G. ulmifolia CE inhibited the replication of BHV-1 and P-1 by 60% and 26%, respectively (p < 0.05), while, for S. adstringens, inhibition of 62% (p < 0.05) was demonstrated only with EtOAcF for P-1. IFA demonstrated that the greatest reduction in fluorescent cell number occurred with G. ulmifolia, under the therapeutic protocol for both virus strains. However, AqF and EtOAcF of S. adstringens were most efficient with the virucidal protocol for P-1 In conclusion, we demonstrated that G. ulmifolia and S. adstringens inhibited BHV-1 and P-1 replication, as well as, blocked the synthesis of viral antigens in infected cell cultures.


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In an effort to detect West Nile virus (WNV) in Brazil, we sampled serum from horses and chickens from the Pantanal region of the state of Mato Grosso and tested for flavivirus-reactive antibodies by blocking ELISA. The positive samples were further confirmed for serological evidence of WNV infection in three (8%) of the 38 horses and one (3.2%) of the 31 chickens using an 80% plaque-reduction neutralisation test (PRNT80). These results provide evidence of the circulation of WNV in chickens and horses in Pantanal.


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The presence of fixed orthodontics appliances interfere on sanitation, allowing periodontal diseases to appear, despite the fact patients keep on visiting the dentist every month. This research aims to determine a protocol for the mechanical control of the dental biofilm performed by the professional. A protocol that was able to maintain the periodontal health of the patients under orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances, and in order to do so, it used a non-controlled, randomized and blind clinical essay. The sample involved 40 adolescents who were under the installation of fixed orthodontics appliances and it was divided in three groups, as follows: monthly controlled group (group 1) composed of 11 patients, the quarterly controlled group (group 2) with 16 patients and the semestrial controlled group (group 3) with 13 patients. For data collection, an interview and clinical exams with probing depth measurement, quantity of keratinized mucosa, Gingival Index and the Plaque Index were used. On the initial exam all patients received brushing guidelines as well as the professional control of dental biofilm, with periodontal scaler, Robinson s brush and prophylactic paste. However, Group 1 returned every month for control procedures; Group 2 every three months and Group 3 after six months. The intervention had a six-month duration (for all the three groups), when all the exams were repeated by another examiner who did not know which group each patient was inserted in. Finally, the research concluded that despite the fact there is no statistically significant difference among the three groups, clinically the patients from the monthly group presented a better response to professional control, with less accumulation of dental biofilm and less rate of gingival inflammation. Thus, the mechanical control of the dental biofilm performed by the professional could not avoid gingival increase, characterized by the raise of probing depth measurement, neither the quantity of keratinized mucosa


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The hospitalization is an event that can attack any person, independent of gender, race, social and economical condition. Last year, the prevalence of hospitalization was 8.1 for 100 inhabitants and the average time of hospitalization was 8.5 days for each patient one in Natal city. Therefore, an important point is whether the attention to the patients during the permanence in these health establishments incorporates the health integral model suggested by the principles proposed by the National Health System in Brazil (SUS), with actions of promotion and protection by different kinds of professionals, beside those called convalescence. Then, the aim of this study was to evaluate the patient s oral health conditions hosted in public hospitals of the Natal city, looking for to establish its relationship with several risk factors by two dimensions: the characteristics of the hospitalization and the patient s general and economical conditions. We accomplished a cross-sectional study with 205 patients distributed among the hospitals Onofre Lopes, Giselda Trigueiro and Monsenhor Walfredo Gurgel, looking for to know the socio-demographic characteristics, the food habits and of oral hygiene and the conditions of oral health, through the Visible Plaque Index and Gingival Bleeding Index. We observed that the conditions of the patient s oral health interned at public hospitals of reference of the municipal district of Natal is bad, existing accumulation of dental plaque and, consequently, a great number of patients with gingival bleeding. However, the time of hospitalization and its reason, the type of medicine used in this time and the toothbrush frequency were not configured as risk factors for this oral health condition


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The contents introduction concerning the individual health cares reveals important since the school education. In this direction, the present study objectified to know an effect of Oral Health education intervention in the oral hygiene and in the schools children information level, of 4º e 5º basic education years. The study was composed by two groups, chosen of random form: control group (n = 115) and experimental group (n = 132), with 247 public net school children in total sample. The experimental group participated of some educative activities in Oral Health, with biweekly frequency, during the 4 months period, given for a surgeon-dentistry. Both the groups were submitted to a clinical examination for a previous verification of the Plaque Index (PI) and of Loe Silness Gingival Index (GI). A questionnaire with closed questions on Oral Health was applied before and after to verify the school children rightness index. After the intervention, the final data, represented for the PI, GI and Rightness Index verification, has been collected for statistical analyses through the chi-square test to a 95 % of reliable level, using the SPSS 10,0 software. The PI and GI were categorized in high and low on the initials index basis medium; already the Rightness Index was categorized in inadequate (< 50%) and adequate (≥ 50%). It was verified that the PI (p = 0,014; IC 0.24-0.86) and the GI (p = 0,013; IC 0,28-0,84) presented differences statistically significant, after the education activities, when compared to with the control, favoring the experimental group. It was verified too the experimental group got greater rightness index, presenting difference highly significant (p<0,0001; IC 3,73-26,81). It was still observed that there was no association between the oral hygiene indicators and the school children information level. Ahead the results, it can been concluded that education activities related in the school routine were capable to give positives effects in the oral hygiene control and in the information level about Oral Health, however, not necessarily, the individual with bigger information is that one who has practiced an oral hygiene more adjusted. One become necessary, however, that the education in Oral Health occurs of permanent and integrated form with others school actors, for the positive effect does not lose the student s life longterm


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The search which it aim was to analyze the Periodontal Disease as a risk factor for the development of the Stable Angina Pectoris. For that, 120 patients (52 blokes and 68 wenches ), ages ranging from 40 to 65 years old, and attended to the Hemodinamic´s Sector of the Natal Hospital Center, showing the historic of Angina Pectoris to accomplishment of cinecoronariografhy. Before the accomplishment of this exam, the patients were submitted to interview, to investigate the possible risk factors for the Cardiovascular diseases , and it was followed of clinical periodontal examination to evaluate the presence of Periodontal Disease. After the cinecoronariography, the patients who presented diagnosis of important arterial obstruction (above 70%) were enrolled to the case grup. However the individuals with arteries free of obstruction, or obstrution below 30%, were considered without historic of Cardiovascular disease and therefore enrolled for the control grup. The groups were paired by the variables age and gender. From the analysis of the results, a did not observed statisticment the significant association between the presence of the Periodontal Disease, probing depth, periodontal attachment level, severity and extension index of the Periodontal Disease, besides the visible plaque index (VPI) an gingival bleeding index (GBI) regarding to the existence of Stable Angina Pectoris. Nevertheless , it was identified statisticment the significant association between the sistemic arterial hypertension , seric level of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides, showing all of them, classic risk factors appointed by the literature. Therefore, it was conclued that Periodontal Disease did not represent association with the StableAngina Pectoris at least among the studied population