954 resultados para Plant species - climate interaction
Biochar can provide multiple benefits in the ecosystem. However, the presence of phytotoxic compounds in some biochars is an important concern that needs to be addressed and that depends on the raw material and the pyrolysis conditions used in biochar production. For example, sewage sludge biochars can have elevated heavy metal con- tents as they were present in the feedstock and were enriched during pyrolysis. Also during carbonization, some phytotoxic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polyphenols or volatile organic com- pounds (VOCs) could be formed representing a risk of contamination to soils and crops. In this work we report the results from seed germination and plant development for three biochars prepared from wood, paper sludge plus wheat husks and sewage sludge. Five higher plant species (cress, lentils, cucumber, tomato and lettuce) were studied. Biochar from wood shows seed inhibition in several species and the paper sludge biochar on lettuce. For the rest, the effect on seed germination was positive. No inhibition of root growth was detected, but in some cases leaves and stems growth were inhibited. Our results are significant in terms of advancing or current understanding on the impacts of biochar on vegetative growth and linking those effects to biochar properties.
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae (Rlv) is a soil bacterium able to establish specific root-nodule symbioses with legumes of four different genera: Pisum, Vicia, Lens and Lathyrus. Rlv isolates from nodules of any of these legumes can nodulate any of them; however, it has been shown that plants select specific rhizobial genotypes from those present in the soil (1,2). We have previously shown this at the genomic level by following a population genomics approach. Pool genomic sequences from 100 isolates from each of four plant species: P. sativum, L. culinaris, V. faba and V. sativa, show different, specific profiles at the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) level for relevant genes. In this work, the extent of Rlv selection from a well-characterized soil population by different legume plant hosts: P. sativum, L. culinaris, V. faba and V. sativa, after a medium-term mesocosm study is described. Direct soil isolates from each of these mesocosm studies have been tested for specific rhizobial genes (glnII and fnrN) and symbiotic genes (nodC and nifH). Different populations were characterized further by Sanger sequencing of both the rpoB phylogenetic marker gene and the symbiotic genes nodC and nifH. The distribution and size of the rhizobial population for each legume host showed changes during the medium-term mesocosm study. Particularly, a non-symbiotic group of rhizobia was enriched by all four hosts, in contrast to the symbiotic rhizobia profile, which was specific for each legume plant host.
Cinchona officinalis (Rubiaceae), especie endémica del Valle de Loja, ubicado en la región sur del Ecuador, es un recurso forestal de importancia medicinal y ecológica, además la especie ha sido catalogada como planta nacional y es un ícono de la región sur por su aporte a la farmacopea mundial. Esta especie, entre los siglos XVII-XIX sufrió una gran presión en sus poblaciones debido a la extracción masiva de la corteza para la cura del paludismo. Aunque la actividad extractiva generó grandes ingresos a la Corona Española y a la región Sur del Ecuador, ésta fue poco o nada sustentable ecológicamente, provocando la desaparición de la especie en muchos sitios de la provincia, pues, en su momento, no se consideraron alternativas de recuperación de las poblaciones naturales. Actualmente la extracción y consumo de la corteza en la zona de origen es baja o nula, sin embargo esta zona enfrenta nuevas amenazas. La deforestación a causa de proyectos de desarrollo en infraestructuras, la práctica de actividades agrícolas y de ganadería, y los efectos del cambio climático han ocasionado, en estos últimos años, la fragmentación de los ecosistemas. La mayoría de los bosques del sur del Ecuador se han convertido en parches aislados (los bosques en los que se distribuye C. officinalis no son la excepción) siendo esta la principal causa para que la especie se encuentre en estado de amenaza. Los individuos de la especie tienen una alta capacidad de rebrote y producen semillas durante todo el año; sin embargo la capacidad germinativa y la tasa de sobrevivencia son bajas, además de estas dificultades la especie requiere de la asociación con otras especies vegetales para su desarrollo, lo cual ha limitado su distribución en pequeños parches aislados. Con esta problemática, la recuperación natural de las poblaciones es una necesidad evidente. Varios trabajos y esfuerzos previos se han realizado a nivel local: i. Identificación de la distribución actual y potencial; ii. Determinación de la fenología y fructificación iii. Programas de educación ambiental, iv. Análisis moleculares para determinar la diversidad genética. v. Ensayos de propagación vegetativa; y otras acciones de tipo cultural. No obstante, el estado de conservación y manejo de las poblaciones naturales no ha mejorado significativamente, siendo necesaria la aplicación de estrategias integradas de conservación in situ y ex situ, que permitan la recuperación y permanencia de las poblaciones naturales a largo plazo. El presente trabajo tiene como fin dar alternativas para el cultivo de tejidos in vitro de Cinchona officinalis centrados en la propagación masiva a partir de semillas, análisis de la fidelidad genética y alternativas de conservación de tejidos. Los objetivos específicos que se plantean son: i. Analizar el proceso de germinación y proliferación in vitro. ii. Evaluar la estabilidad genética en explantes cultivados in vitro, mediante marcadores ISSR. iii. Establecer protocolos de conservación in vitro mediante limitación del crecimiento y criopreservación de segmentos nodales y yemas. Los resultados más significativos de esta investigación fueron: i. El desarrollo de protocolos eficientes para mejorar los porcentajes de germinación y la proliferación de brotes en explantos cultivados in vitro. Para evaluar el efecto de los fenoles sobre la germinación, se determinó el contenido total de fenoles y el porcentaje de germinación en semillas de C. officinalis comparados con una especie de control, C. pubescens. Para inducir a proliferación, se utilizaron segmentos nodales de plántulas germinadas in vitro en medio Gamborg (1968) suplementado con diferentes combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento (auxinas y citoquininas). Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el contenido de compuestos fenólicos es alto en las semillas de C. officinalis en comparación con las semillas de C. pubescens. Estos fenoles pueden eliminarse con peróxido de hidrógeno o con lavados de agua para estimular la germinación. La formación de nuevos brotes y callos en la mayoría de las combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento se observó en un período de 45 días. El mayor porcentaje de proliferación de brotes, formación de callos y presencia de brotes adventicios se obtuvo en medio Gamborg (B5) suplementado con 5.0 mg/l 6-bencil-aminopurina y 3.0 mg/l de ácido indol-3-butírico. ii. La evaluación de la fidelidad genética de los explantes obtenidos con distintas combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento vegetal y diversos subcultivos. Se realizó el seguimiento a los explantes obtenidos de la fase anterior, determinando el índice de multiplicación y analizando la fidelidad genética de los tejidos obtenidos por las dos vías regenerativas: brotación directa y regeneración de brotes a partir de callos. Este análisis se realizó por amplificación mediante PCR de las secuencias ubicadas entre microsatélites-ISSR (Inter simple sequence repeat). El medio Gamborg (B5) con 3.0 mg/l de AIB y 5.0 mg/l de BAP usado como medio de inducción en la primera etapa de cultivo generó el mayor índice de proliferación (11.5). Un total de 13 marcadores ISSR fueron analizados, 6 de éstos fueron polimórficos. El mayor porcentaje de variación somaclonal fue inducido en presencia de 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D combinado con 0.2 mg/l Kin con un 1.8% en el segundo sub-cultivo de regeneración, la cual incrementó a 3.6% en el tercer sub-cultivo. Todas las combinaciones con presencia de 2,4-D produjeron la formación de callos y presentaron variación genética. Por su parte la fidelidad genética se mantuvo en los sistemas de propagación directa a través de la formación de brotes a partir de meristemos preformados. iii. El establecimiento de protocolos de conservación in vitro y crioconservación de segmentos nodales y yemas. Para la conservación limitando el crecimiento, se cultivaron segmentos nodales en los medios MS y B5 en tres concentraciones de sus componentes (25, 50 y 100%); y en medio B5 más agentes osmóticos como el manitol, sorbitol y sacarosa en diferentes concentraciones (2, 4 y 8%); los cultivos se mantuvieron por 12 meses sin subcultivos. Para el establecimiento de protocolos para la crioconservación (paralización del metabolismo) se usaron yemas axilares y apicales a las cuales se les aplicaron los métodos de encapsulación-deshidratación y vitrificación. La efectividad de los protocolos usados se determinó en función de la sobrevivencia, reducción del crecimiento y regeneración. Los resultados obtenidos en este apartado reflejan que un crecimiento limitado puede mantener tejidos durante 12 meses de almacenamiento, usando medio B5 más manitol entre 2 y 8%. En los protocolos de crioconservación, se obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de recuperación tras la congelación en NL en el tratamiento control seguido por el método crioprotector de encapsulación-deshidratación. Este trabajo brinda alternativas para la propagación de C. officinalis bajo condiciones in vitro, partiendo de material vegetal con alta diversidad genética. El material propagado puede ser fuente de germoplasma para la recuperación y reforzamiento de las poblaciones naturales así como una alternativa de producción para las comunidades locales debido a la demanda actual de corteza de la zona de origen para la elaboración de agua tónica. ABSTRACT Cinchona officinalis (Rubiaceae) is endemic to the Loja Valley, located in the southern area of Ecuador. The importance of this plant as medical and ecological resource is so great that it has been designated as the national flower and is an icon of the southern region for its contribution to the world pharmacopoeia. Between XVII-XIX centuries its population suffered great reduction due to massive harvesting of the bark to cure malaria. Although extraction activity generated large revenues to the Spanish Crown and the southern region of Ecuador, this was not ecologically sustainable, causing the disappearance of the species in many areas of the province, because during that time alternatives to prevent extinction and recover natural populations were not taken in account. Currently the extraction and consumption of bark in the area of origin is almost absent, but this species faces new threats. Deforestation due to infrastructure development, the practice of farming and ranching, and the effects of climate change had led to the fragmentation of ecosystems during the recent years. Most of the forests of southern Ecuador have become isolated patches, including those where C. officinalis is diffused. The lack of suitable habitat is today the main threat for the species. The species has a high capacity for regeneration and produces seeds throughout the year, but the germination rate is low and the growth is slow. In addition, the species requires the association with other plant species to develop. All these factors had limited its distribution to small isolated patches. The natural recovery of populations is essential to face this problem. Several studies and previous efforts had been made at local level: i. Identification of current and potential distribution; ii. Phenology determination. iii. Environmental education programs, iv. Molecular analisis to determine the genetic diversity. v. Testing of vegetative propagation; and other actions of cultural nature. Despite these efforts, the state of conservation and management of natural populations has not improved significantly. Implementation of integrated in situ and ex situ conservation strategies for the recovery and permanence of long-term natural populations is still needed. This work aims to provide alternatives for in vitro culture of tissue of Cinchona officinalis focused on mass propagation from seeds, genetic fidelity analysis and tissue conservation alternatives. The specific aims are: i. Analyze the process of germination and proliferation in vitro. ii. To evaluate the genetic stability of the explants cultured in vitro by ISSR markers. iii. Establish protocols for in vitro conservation by limiting growth and cryopreservation of nodal segments and buds. The most significant results of this research were: i. The development of efficient protocols to improve germination rates and proliferation of buds in explants cultured in vitro. To study the effect of phenols on germination, the total phenolic content and percentage germination was measured in C. officinalis and in a control species, C. pubescens, for comparison. The content of phenolic compounds in C. officinalis seeds is higher than in C. pubescens. These phenols can be removed with hydrogen peroxide or water washes to stimulate germination. To analyze the regeneration, we used nodal explants from seedlings germinated in vitro on Gamborg medium (1968) supplemented with different combinations of growth regulators (auxins and cytokinins) to induce proliferation. The formation of new shoots and calluses was observed within a period of 45 days in most combinations of growth regulators. The highest percentage of shoot proliferation, callus formation and adventitious buds were obtained in B5 medium supplemented with 5.0 mg/l 6-benzyl-aminopurine and 3.0 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid. ii. Evaluating genetic fidelity explants obtained with various combinations of plant growth regulators and different subcultures. The genetic fidelity was analyzed in tissues obtained by the two regenerative pathways: direct sprouting and shoot regeneration from callus. This analysis was performed by PCR amplification of the sequences located between microsatellite-ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat). Among a total of 13 ISSR markers analyzed, 6 were polymorphic. The highest percentage of somaclonal variation was induced in the presence of 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D combined with 0.2 mg/l Kin with 1.8% in the second round of regeneration, and increased to 3.6% in the third round. The presence of 2,4-D induced genetic variation in all the combinations of growth regulators. Meanwhile genetic fidelity remained systems propagation through direct shoot formation from meristems preformed. iii. Establishing conservation protocols in vitro and cryoconservation of nodal segments and buds. For medium-term conservation (limited growth) nodal segments were cultured in MS and B5 media at three concentrations (25, 50 and 100%); we tested B5 medium with different concentrations of osmotic agents such as mannitol, sorbitol and sucrose (2, 4 and 8%); cultures were maintained for 12 months with regular subculturing. To establish protocols for cryoconservation (cessation of metabolism) different methods of encapsulation-dehydration and vitrification were applied to axillary and apical buds. The effectiveness of the used protocols is determined based on the survival, growth and regeneration success. The results show that these tissues can be maintained in storage for 12 months, using B5 medium plus mannitol between 2 and 8%. The cryoconservation protocol with highest percentage of recovery was obtained by contral treatment, followed by freezing in NL with encapsulation-dehydration method. This work provides alternatives for the propagation in vitro of C. officinalis, starting from plant material with high genetic diversity. The obtained material represents a source of germplasm to support the recovery and strengthening of natural populations as well as a creation of alternative sources for local communities due to the current demand of bark for the preparation of tonic water.
El análisis de los factores que determinan el establecimiento y supervivencia de orquídeas epífitas, incluyen: a) las condiciones microambientales de los bosques que las mantienen, b) preferencias por las características de los hospederos donde crecen, c) limitación en la dispersión de semillas, d) interacciones planta-planta, y e) asociaciones micorrízicas para la germinación y resultan esenciales para el desarrollo de estrategias para la conservación y manejo de este grupo de plantas. Este trabajo ha evaluado la importancia de estos factores en Epidendrum rhopalostele, orquídea epífita del bosque de niebla montano, a través de los análisis de los patrones espaciales de los árboles que la portan y de la propia orquídea, a escala de población, estudios de asociación y métodos moleculares. Estos últimos han consistido en el uso de marcadores AFLP para el análisis de la estructura genética de la orquídea y en la secuenciación-clonación de la región ITS para la identificación de los hongos micorrízicos asociados. El objetivo de esta tesis es, por tanto, una mejor comprensión de los factores que condicionan la presencia de orquídeas epífitas en los remanentes de bosque de niebla montano y una evaluación de las implicaciones para la conservación y mantenimiento de sus hábitats y la permanencia de sus poblaciones. El estudio fue realizado en un fragmento de bosque de niebla montano de sucesión secundaria situado al este de la Cordillera Real, en los Andes del sur de Ecuador, a 2250 m.s.n.m y caracterizado por una pendiente marcada, temperatura media anual de 20.8°C y precipitación anual de 2193 mm. En este fragmento se mapearon, identificaron y caracterizaron todos los árboles presentes con DBH > 1 cm y todos los individuos de Epidendrum rhopalostele. Así mismo se tomaron muestras de hoja para obtener ADN de todas las orquídeas registradas y muestras de raíces de individuos con flor de E. rhopalostele, uno por cada forófito, para el análisis filogenético de micorrizas. Análisis espaciales de patrones de puntos basados en la K de Ripley y la distancia al vecino más cercano fueron usados para los árboles, forófitos y la población de E. rhopalostele. Se observó que la distribución espacial de árboles y forófitos de E. rhopalostele no es aleatoria, ya que se ajusta a un proceso agregado de Poisson. De ahí se infiere una limitación en la dispersión de las semillas en el fragmento estudiado y en el establecimiento de la orquídea. El patrón de distribución de la población de E. rhopalostele en el fragmento muestra un agrupamiento a pequeña escala sugiriendo una preferencia por micro-sitios para el establecimiento de la orquídea con un kernel de dispersión de las semillas estimado de 0.4 m. Las características preferentes del micro-sitio como tipos de árboles (Clusia alata y árboles muertos), tolerancia a la sombra, corteza rugosa, distribución en los dos primeros metros sugieren una tendencia a distribuirse en el sotobosque. La existencia de una segregación espacial entre adultos y juveniles sugiere una competencia por recursos limitados condicionada por la preferencia de micro-sitio. La estructura genética de la población de E. rhopalostele analizada a través de Structure y PCoA evidencia la presencia de dos grupos genéticos coexistiendo en el fragmento y en los mismos forófitos, posiblemente por eventos de hibridización entre especies de Epidendrum simpátricas. Los resultados del análisis de autocorrelación espacial efectuados en GenAlex confirman una estructura genético-espacial a pequeña escala que es compatible con un mecanismo de dispersión de semillas a corta distancia ocasionada por gravedad o pequeñas escorrentías, frente a la dispersión a larga distancia promovida por el viento generalmente atribuida a las orquídeas. Para la identificación de los micobiontes se amplificó la región ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, y 47 secuencias fueron usadas para el análisis filogenético basado en neighborjoining, análisis bayesiano y máximum-likelihood que determinó que Epidendrum rhopalostele establece asociaciones micorrízicas con al menos dos especies diferentes de Tulasnella. Se registraron plantas que estaban asociadas con los dos clados de hongos encontrados, sugiriendo ausencia de limitación en la distribución del hongo. Con relación a las implicaciones para la conservación in situ resultado de este trabajo se recomienda la preservación de todo el fragmento de bosque así como de las interacciones existentes (polinizadores, micorrizas) a fin de conservar la diversidad genética de esta orquídea epífita. Si fuere necesaria una reintroducción se deben contemplar distancias entre los individuos en cada forófito dentro de un rango de 0.4 m. Para promover el reclutamiento y regeneración de E. rhopalostele, se recomienda que los forófitos correspondan preferentemente a árboles muertos o caídos y a especies, como Clusia alata, que posean además corteza rugosa, sean tolerantes a la sombra, y en el área del sotobosque con menor luminosidad. Además es conveniente que las orquídeas en su distribución vertical estén ubicadas en los primeros metros. En conclusión, la limitación en la dispersión, las características del micro-sitio, las interacciones intraespecíficas y con especies congenéricas simpátricas y las preferencias micorrízicas condicionan la presencia de esta orquídea epífita en este tipo de bosque. ABSTRACT The analysis of factors that determine the establishment and survival of epiphytic depends on factors such as a) microenvironmental conditions of forest, b) preference for host characteristics where orchids grow, c) seed dispersal limitation, d) plant-plant interaction, e) priority mycorrhizal associations for germination, are essential for the development of strategies for management and conservation. This work evaluated the importance of these factors in Epidendrum rhopalostele, an epiphytic orchid of montane cloud forest through the analysis of spatial patterns of host trees and the orchid, in a more specific scale, with association studies and molecular methods, including AFLPs for orchid population genetic structure and the sequencing of the ITS region for associated mycorrhizal fungi. The aim of this thesis is to understand the factors that condition the presence of epiphytic orchids in the remnants of montane cloud forest and to assess the implications for the conservation and preservation of their habitats and the persistence of the orchid populations. The study was carried out in a fragment of montane cloud forest of secondary succession on the eastern slope of Cordillera Real in the Andes of southern Ecuador, located at 2250 m a.s.l. characterized by a steep slope, mean annual temperature of 20.8°C and annual precipitation of 2193 mm. All trees with DBH > 1 cm were mapped, characterized and identified. All E. rhopalostele individuals present were counted, marked, characterized and mapped. Leaf samples of all orchid individuals were collected for DNA analysis. Root samples of flowering E. rhopalostele individuals were collected for phylogenetic analysis of mycorrhizae, one per phorophyte. Spatial point pattern analysis based on Ripley`s K function and nearest neighbor function was used for trees, phorophytes and orchid population. We observed that spatial distribution of trees and phorophytes is not random, as it adjusts to a Poisson cluster process. This suggests a limitation for seed dispersal in the study fragment that is affecting orchid establishment. Furthermore, the small-scale spatial pattern of E. rhopalostele evidences a clustering that suggests a microsite preference for orchid establishment with a dispersal kernel of 0.4 m. Microsite features such as types of trees (dead trees or Clusia alata), shade tolerance trees, rough bark, distribution in the first meters suggest a tendency to prefer the understory for their establishment. Regarding plant-plant interaction a spatial segregation between adults and juveniles was present suggesting competition for limited resources conditioned for a microsite preference. Analysis of genetic structure of E. rhopalostele population through Structure and PCoA shows two genetic groups coexisting in this fragment and in the same phorophyte, possibly as a result of hybridization between sympatric species of Epidendrum. Our results of spatial autocorrelation analysis develop in GenAlex confirm a small-scale spatial-genetic structure within the genetic groups that is compatible with a short-distance dispersal mechanism caused by gravity or water run-off, instead of the long-distance seed dispersal promoted by wind generally attributed to orchids. For mycobionts identification ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA region was amplified. Phylogenetic analysis was performed with neighborjoining, Bayesian likelihood and maximum-likelihood for 47 sequences yielded two Tulasnella clades. This orchid establishes mycorrhizal associations with at least two different Tulasnella species. In some cases both fungi clades were present in same root, suggesting no limitation in fungal distribution. Concerning the implications for in situ conservation resulting from this work, the preservation of all forest fragment and their interactions (pollinators, mycorrhiza) is recommended to conserve the genetic diversity of this species. If a reintroduction were necessary, distances between individuals in each phorophyte within a range of 0.4 m, are recommended. To promote recruitment and regeneration of E. rhopalostele it is recommended that phorophytes correspond to dead or fallen trees or species, such as Clusia alata. Trees that have rough bark and are shade tolerant are also recommended. Furthermore, regarding vertical distribution, it is also convenient that orchids are located in the first meter (in understory, area with less light). In conclusion, limitation on seed dispersal, microsite characteristics, plant-plant interactions or interaction with cogeneric sympatric species and mycorrhizal preferences conditioned the presence of this epiphytic orchid in this fragment forest.
North African steppes are subjected to extreme degradation resulting in the reduction of their surface, genetic erosion of resources, and decrease in biodiversity. "Stipa tenacissima" steppes, which constitute one of the most representative vegetation types in the driest areas of the Mediterranean basin, are continuously degrading. With the aim of contributing to a better knowledge of the floristic composition and diagnosing the state of degradation of these steppes, we conducted a phytoecological analysis of 10 "S. tenacissima" sites in Tunisia. Floristic inventory compiled a systematic list of 46 vascular plant species belonging to 43 genera and 26 families. Species richness ranged from 4 to 18 species per 900 m2. Total vegetation cover was moderate and fluctuated between 22.8% and 49.9%. Our results revealed also a decreasing trend in species richness with increasing elevation (ρ = –0.585). Indeed, species richness was negatively correlated with slope (ρ = –0.19) and positively correlated with sand content (ρ = 0.262). Biological types were dominated by chamaephytes; this chamaephytization is due to the phenomenon of aridization and overgrazing. Moreover, the low species cover and the appearance of nonpalatable species highlighted the vulnerability of these steppes to degradation.
The study of functional morphological traits enables us to know fundamental aspects of the dynamics of plant communities in local and global habitats. Regenerative morphological traits play an important role in defining plant history and ecological behavior. Seed and fruit characteristics determine to a large extent the patterns for dispersal, germination, establishment and seedling recruitment a given species exhibits on its natural habitat. Despite their prominent role, seed and fruit traits have been poorly studied at the community level of woody plant species in neo-tropical dry forests. In the present study we aimed at i) evaluate the functional role of morphological traits of seeds, fruits and embryo in woody plant species; ii) determine which are the morphological patterns present in seeds collected from the community of woody species that occur in neo-tropical dry forests; and iii) compare woody plant species seed mass values comparatively between neo-tropical dry and tropical forests. To do so, mature seeds were collected from 79 plant species that occur in the Tumbesian forest of Southwest Ecuador. The studied species included the 42 and 37 most representative tree and shrubbery species of the Tumbesian forest respectively. A total of 18 morphological traits (seven quantitative and 11 qualitative) were measured and evaluated in the seeds, fruits and embryos of the selected species, and we compared the seeds mass with other forest types. Our results showed a huge heterogeneity among traits values in the studied species. Seed mass, volume and number were the traits that vary the most at the community level, i.e. seed length ranged from 1.3 to 39 mm, and seed width from 0.6 to 25 mm. Only six embryo types were found among the 79 plant species. In 40 % of the cases, fully developed inverted embryos with large and thick cotyledons to store considerable amount of nutrients were recorded. We concluded that highly variable and functionally complementary morphological traits occur among the studied woody plants of the dry Tumbesian forest. The latter favors a plethora of behavioral mechanisms to coexist among woody species of the dry forest in response to the environmental stress that is typical of arid areas.
The snowshoe hare and the Canadian lynx in the boreal forests of North America show 9- to 11-year density cycles. These are generally assumed to be linked to each other because lynx are specialist predators on hares. Based on time series data for hare and lynx, we show that the dominant dimensional structure of the hare series appears to be three whereas that of the lynx is two. The three-dimensional structure of the hare time series is hypothesized to be due to a three-trophic level model in which the hare may be seen as simultaneously regulated from below and above. The plant species in the hare diet appear compensatory to one another, and the predator species may, likewise, be seen as an internally compensatory guild. The lynx time series are, in contrast, consistent with a model of donor control in which their populations are regulated from below by prey availability. Thus our analysis suggests that the classic view of a symmetric hare–lynx interaction is too simplistic. Specifically, we argue that the classic food chain structure is inappropriate: the hare is influenced by many predators other than the lynx, and the lynx is primarily influenced by the snowshoe hare.
A variety of agricultural plant species, including corn, respond to insect herbivore damage by releasing large quantities of volatile compounds and, as a result, become highly attractive to parasitic wasps that attack the herbivores. An elicitor of plant volatiles, N-(17-hydroxylinolenoyl)-l-glutamine, named volicitin and isolated from beet armyworm caterpillars, is a key component in plant recognition of damage from insect herbivory. Chemical analysis of the oral secretion from beet armyworms that have fed on 13C-labeled corn seedlings established that the fatty acid portion of volicitin is plant derived whereas the 17-hydroxylation reaction and the conjugation with glutamine are carried out by the caterpillar by using glutamine of insect origin. Ironically, these insect-catalyzed chemical modifications to linolenic acid are critical for the biological activity that triggers the release of plant volatiles, which in turn attract natural enemies of the caterpillar.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generated in response to wounding can be detected at wound sites and in distal leaf veins within 1 hr after wounding. The response is systemic and maximizes at about 4–6 hr in both wounded and unwounded leaves, and then declines. The timing of the response corresponds with an increase in wound-inducible polygalacturonase (PG) mRNA and enzyme activity previously reported, suggesting that oligogalacturonic acid (OGA) fragments produced by PG are triggering the H2O2 response. Systemin, OGA, chitosan, and methyl jasmonate (MJ) all induce the accumulation of H2O2 in leaves. Tomato plants transformed with an antisense prosystemin gene produce neither PG activity or H2O2 in leaves in response to wounding, implicating systemin as a primary wound signal. The antisense plants do produce both PG activity and H2O2 when supplied with systemin, OGA, chitosan, or MJ. A mutant tomato line compromised in the octadecanoid pathway does not exhibit PG activity or H2O2 in response to wounding, systemin, OGA, or chitosan, but does respond to MJ, indicating that the generation of H2O2 requires a functional octadecanoid signaling pathway. Among 18 plant species from six families that were assayed for wound-inducible PG activity and H2O2 generation, 14 species exhibited both wound-inducible PG activity and the generation of H2O2. Four species, all from the Fabaceae family, exhibited little or no wound-inducible PG activity and did not generate H2O2. The time course of wound-inducible PG activity and H2O2 in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves was similar to that found in tomato. The cumulative data suggest that systemic wound signals that induce PG activity and H2O2 are widespread in the plant kingdom and that the response may be associated with the defense of plants against both herbivores and pathogens.
Phototropin, a major blue-light receptor for phototropism in seed plants, exhibits blue-light-dependent autophosphorylation and contains two light, oxygen, or voltage (LOV) domains and a serine/threonine kinase domain. The LOV domains share homology with the PER-ARNT-SIM (PAS) superfamily, a diverse group of sensor proteins. Each LOV domain noncovalently binds a single FMN molecule and exhibits reversible photochemistry in vitro when expressed separately or in tandem. We have determined the crystal structure of the LOV2 domain from the phototropin segment of the chimeric fern photoreceptor phy3 to 2.7-Å resolution. The structure constitutes an FMN-binding fold that reveals how the flavin cofactor is embedded in the protein. The single LOV2 cysteine residue is located 4.2 Å from flavin atom C(4a), consistent with a model in which absorption of blue light induces formation of a covalent cysteinyl-C(4a) adduct. Residues that interact with FMN in the phototropin segment of the chimeric fern photoreceptor (phy3) LOV2 are conserved in LOV domains from phototropin of other plant species and from three proteins involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms in Arabidopsis and Neurospora. This conservation suggests that these domains exhibit the same overall fold and share a common mechanism for flavin binding and light-induced signaling.
Flock house virus (FHV), a single-stranded RNA insect virus, has previously been reported to cross the kingdom barrier and replicate in barley protoplasts and in inoculated leaves of several plant species [Selling, B. H., Allison, R. F. & Kaesberg, P. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 434–438]. There was no systemic movement of FHV in plants. We tested the ability of movement proteins (MPs) of plant viruses to provide movement functions and cause systemic spread of FHV in plants. We compared the growth of FHV in leaves of nontransgenic and transgenic plants expressing the MP of tobacco mosaic virus or red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV). Both MPs mobilized cell-to-cell and systemic movement of FHV in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. The yield of FHV was more than 100-fold higher in the inoculated leaves of transgenic plants than in the inoculated leaves of nontransgenic plants. In addition, FHV accumulated in the noninoculated upper leaves of both MP-transgenic plants. RCNMV MP was more efficient in mobilizing FHV to noninoculated upper leaves. We also report here that FHV replicates in inoculated leaves of six additional plant species: alfalfa, Arabidopsis, Brassica, cucumber, maize, and rice. Our results demonstrate that plant viral MPs cause cell-to-cell and long-distance movement of an animal virus in plants and offer approaches to the study of the evolution of viruses and mechanisms governing mRNA trafficking in plants as well as to the development of promising vectors for transient expression of foreign genes in plants.
We analyze the evolutionary dynamics of three of the best-studied plant nuclear multigene families. The data analyzed derive from the genes that encode the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcS), the gene family that encodes the enzyme chalcone synthase (Chs), and the gene family that encodes alcohol dehydrogenases (Adh). In addition, we consider the limited evolutionary data available on plant transposable elements. New Chs and rbcS genes appear to be recruited at about 10 times the rate estimated for Adh genes, and this is correlated with a much smaller average gene family size for Adh genes. In addition, duplication and divergence in function appears to be relatively common for Chs genes in flowering plant evolution. Analyses of synonymous nucleotide substitution rates for Adh genes in monocots reject a linear relationship with clock time. Replacement substitution rates vary with time in a complex fashion, which suggests that adaptive evolution has played an important role in driving divergence following gene duplication events. Molecular population genetic studies of Adh and Chs genes reveal high levels of molecular diversity within species. These studies also reveal that inter- and intralocus recombination are important forces in the generation allelic novelties. Moreover, illegitimate recombination events appear to be an important factor in transposable element loss in plants. When we consider the recruitment and loss of new gene copies, the generation of allelic diversity within plant species, and ectopic exchange among transposable elements, we conclude that recombination is a pervasive force at all levels of plant evolution.
Transposable elements provide a convenient and flexible means to disrupt plant genes, so allowing their function to be assessed. By engineering transposons to carry reporter genes and regulatory signals, the expression of target genes can be monitored and to some extent manipulated. Two strategies for using transposons to assess gene function are outlined here: First, the PCR can be used to identify plants that carry insertions into specific genes from among pools of heavily mutagenized individuals (site-selected transposon mutagenesis). This method requires that high copy transposons be used and that a relatively large number of reactions be performed to identify insertions into genes of interest. Second, a large library of plants, each carrying a unique insertion, can be generated. Each insertion site then can be amplified and sequenced systematically. These two methods have been demonstrated in maize, Arabidopsis, and other plant species, and the relative merits of each are discussed in the context of plant genome research.
Penetration of 3H-labeled water (3H2O) and the 14C-labeled organic acids benzoic acid ([14C]BA), salicylic acid ([14C]SA), and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid ([14C]2,4-D) were measured simultaneously in isolated cuticular membranes of Prunus laurocerasus L., Ginkgo biloba L., and Juglans regia L. For each of the three pairs of compounds (3H2O/[14C]BA, 3H2O/[14C]SA, and 3H2O/[14C]2,4-D) rates of cuticular water penetration were highly correlated with the rates of penetration of the organic acids. Therefore, water and organic acids penetrated the cuticles by the same routes. With the combination 3H2O/[14C]BA, co-permeability was measured with isolated cuticles of nine other plant species. Permeances of 3H2O of all 12 investigated species were highly correlated with the permeances of [14C]BA (r2 = 0.95). Thus, cuticular transpiration can be predicted from BA permeance. The application of this experimental method, together with the established prediction equation, offers the opportunity to answer several important questions about cuticular transport physiology in future investigations.
Natural hybridization is a relatively common feature of vascular plant species and has been demonstrated to have played an important role in their evolution. Nonetheless, it is not clear whether spontaneous hybridization occurs as a general feature of all plant families and genera or whether certain groups are especially prone to spontaneous hybridization. Therefore, we inspected five modern biosystematic floras to survey the frequency and taxonomic distribution of spontaneous hybrids. We found spontaneous hybridization to be nonrandomly distributed among taxa, concentrated in certain families and certain genera, often at a frequency out of proportion to the size of the family or genus. Most of these groups were primarily outcrossing perennials with reproductive modes that stabilized hybridity such as agamospermy, vegetative spread, or permanent odd polyploidy. These data suggest that certain phylogenetic groups are biologically predisposed for the formation and maintenance of hybrids.