942 resultados para Placental vascularization
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Nossa pesquisa consiste no estudo esquemático macroscópico na placenta de gatos e a sua caracterização como tipo, placenta zonária, que 62,5% dos casos apresenta uma fissura na área distal do funículo umbilical. Esse é formado por uma área justa fetal, área justa placentária e área média, encontrando achados histológicos de 2 artérias, uma veia, 2 pedículos vitelínicos e 2 pedículos alantoidianos. Na fissura, encontramos um epitélio alantoidiano cobrindo esta área em 10% dos casos e, em 90% dos achados foram encontrados um trofoblasto diminuído comparado com outras áreas placentárias fora da fissura. Portanto, a placenta felina, com sua relação materno fetal mostra uma placenta zonária incompleta, diferente do ocorrido nos outros carnívoros.
Although it has been suggested that retinal vasculature is a diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) fractal, no study has been dedicated to standardizing its fractal analysis . The aims of this project was to standardize a method to estimate the fractal dimensions of retinal vasculature and to characterize their normal values; to determine if this estimation is dependent on skeletization and on segmentation and calculation methods; to assess the suitability of the DLA model and to determine the usefulness of log-log graphs in characterizing vasculature fractality . To achieve these aims, the information, mass-radius and box counting dimensions of 20 eyes vasculatures were compared when the vessels were manually or computationally segmented; the fractal dimensions of the vasculatures of 60 eyes of healthy volunteers were compared with those of 40 DLA models and the log-log graphs obtained were compared with those of known fractals and those of non-fractals. The main results were: the fractal dimensions of vascular trees were dependent on segmentation methods and dimension calculation methods, but there was no difference between manual segmentation and scale-space, multithreshold and wavelet computational methods; the means of the information and box dimensions for arteriolar trees were 1.29. against 1.34 and 1.35 for the venular trees; the dimension for the DLA models were higher than that for vessels; the log-log graphs were straight, but with varying local slopes, both for vascular trees and for fractals and non-fractals. This results leads to the following conclusions: the estimation of the fractal dimensions for retinal vasculature is dependent on its skeletization and on the segmentation and calculation methods; log-log graphs are not suitable as a fractality test; the means of the information and box counting dimensions for the normal eyes were 1.47 and 1.43, respectively, and the DLA model with optic disc seeding is not sufficient for retinal vascularization modeling
Descreve-se um caso de um animal da espécie canina, fêmea, sem raça definida, de três meses de idade, com histórico de apatia, contato prévio com produto alcalino (hidróxido de sódio) e relutância em abrir o olho direito. Ao exame oftálmico, foram observados blefarospasmo, fotofobia, epífora, quemose discreta, hiperemia conjuntival, e edema corneal difuso com comprometimento do limbo. Foram realizados o teste da fluoresceína positivo e o Teste Lacrimal de Schirmer 32mm min-1. Com base nos achados, firmou-se o diagnóstico de úlcera por álcali e realizou-se transplante autógeno do limbo. No pós-operatório, observou-se vascularização corneal a partir do terceiro dia e sua intensificação, em número e calibre, nos dias subseqüentes. Também foram observadas mínimas áreas de transparência corneal. Os resultados obtidos permitem admitir que o transplante autógeno de limbo é procedimento factível para o manejo da terapia de úlceras de córnea por álcali.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O sangue do cordão umbilical humano tem sido crescentemente utilizado como fonte de células-tronco. Os modelos experimentais de células-tronco da medula óssea, em cães, têm propiciado informações importantes para transplantes medulares em humanos. Vários trabalhos citam a influência do tipo de parto nas características do sangue do cordão umbilical (SCU) humano. Entretanto, não existem relatos sobre a colheita do sangue do cordão umbilical de cães. O objetivo deste ensaio é avaliar a influência do tipo de parto na hematologia do cordão umbilical de cães. No presente protocolo experimental, foram estudados 54 fetos de cães, ao final da vida intra-uterina, provenientes de parto normal (n=24) e cesariana (n=30). A colheita de sangue do cordão umbilical foi realizada com seringa de cinco mL contendo solução anticoagulante EDTA (1mg/1mL sangue). em seguida, a contagem global de hemácias, leucócitos, plaquetas, a determinação da concentração de hemoglobina, taxa de hematócrito, os índices eritrocitários foram realizados no contador automático de células. A contagem diferencial de leucócitos foi determinada em esfregaços de SCU corados com May-Grunwald-Giemsa (MGG). Com relação ao eritrograma e ao plaquetograma, não houve diferença significativa entre as amostras obtidas em cesarianas e partos normais. Os valores do leucograma do SCU colhido em partos normais foram superiores àqueles obtidos em cesarianas (P<0,05). Portanto, o tipo de parto influencia os valores hematológicos do cordão umbilical de cães.
The mostly binucleate trophoblast giant cells (TGC) found in bovine placentomes, in addition to synthesizing and releasing hormones play an important role in fetal development and maternal adaptation to pregnancy. Placentomes from early gestation were collected, and for isolation of mature TGC, three cellular disaggregation methods, mechanical (MECH), enzymatic by trypsin (TRYP) or collagenase (COLL) were compared to each other. Further on, the cell survival in culture medium (DMEM) supplemented with either 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) or 10% serum replacement (SR) on culture plates free of any substrate was evaluated over a period of 90 days by trypan blue exclusion. The cells were further characterized by HOECHST 33342 nuclear staining, and immunocytochemical staining with monoclonal antibodies against vimentim and cytokeratin. A mean total rate of TGC survival of 82.56% was recorded. Statistical analysis showed significantly higher survival rates after enzymatic disaggregation with COLL (86.23%) than following MECH (80.38%) or TRYP (80.91%) treatment. Supplementation of DMEM with FCS resulted in significantly higher cellular survival rates (87.13%) when compared to the addition of SR (77.73%). Analysis of the influence of both, disaggregation method and medium supplementation on TGC survival revealed statistically significant differences between the following groups: MECH-SR (71.09%) was significantly lower than all other groups; TRYP-SR (78.03%) was significantly different from all other groups; TRYP-FCS (83.43%) and COLL-SR (84.08%) were significantly lower than MECH-FCS (89.98%) which together with COLL-FCS (88.25%) showed the highest cellular survival rate. In summary, our results show that TGC isolated from early gestation placentomes may be viable for more than 90 days of culture. However, whether these TGC produce placental lactogen throughout this period has yet to be determined. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abnormal placental development is common in the bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)-derived fetus. In the present study, we characterised the expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin, structural proteins of adherens junctions, in SCNT gestations as a model for impaired placentation. Cotyledonary tissues were separated from pregnant uteri of SCNT (n - 6) and control pregnancies (n - 8) obtained by artificial insemination. Samples were analysed by western blot, quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry. Bovine trophectoderm cell lines derived from SCNT and control embryos were analysed to compare with the in utero condition. Although no differences in E-cadherin or beta-catenin mRNA abundance were observed in fetal tissues between the two groups, proteins encoded by these genes were markedly under-expressed in SCNT trophoblast cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed a different pattern of E-cadherin and total beta-catenin localisation in SCNT placentas compared with controls. No difference was observed in subcellular localisation of dephosphorylated active-beta-catenin protein in SCNT tissues compared with controls. However, qRT-PCR confirmed that the wingless (WNT)/beta-catenin signalling pathway target genes CCND1, CLDN1 and MSX1 were downregulated in SCNT placentas. No differences were detected between two groups of bovine trophectoderm cell lines. Our results suggest that impaired expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin proteins, along with defective beta-catenin signalling during embryo attachment, specifically during placentation, is a molecular mechanism explaining insufficient placentation in the bovine SCNT-derived fetus.
Foram estudados os aspectos morfológicos de nove placentas de paca (Agouti paca, L., 1766) mediante análises em microscopia de luz e eletrônica de transmissão dos fragmentos teciduais correspondentes à porção de maior conexão placentária em diferentes fêmeas gestantes, nos estágios intermediário e final da prenhez. Realizamos este estudo, pois, aliada à necessidade da procura de novas espécies que atuem como modelos experimentais adequados, havia a disponibilidade deste roedor em nosso meio; por outro lado, o melhor conhecimento dos aspectos reprodutivos destes animais oferece subsídios ao estabelecimento de criatórios racionais desta espécie, uma vez que a preservação deste vertebrado é necessária, além do grande interesse comercial em torno de sua carne. Os resultados mostraram que este roedor possui uma placenta do tipo vitelina e outra do tipo corioalantoidiana, sendo este órgão do tipo hemocorial, labiríntico, que se apresenta histologicamente composto por lóbulos divididos em três regiões distintas: o centro do lóbulo, o labirinto e o interlóbulo. Na região do centro do lóbulo, verificou-se a presença de artérias e veias; e em sua região periférica estavam presentes dois sistemas tubulares arranjados de forma paralela, onde as lacunas sangüíneas e os capilares estavam em íntimo contato, formando a região do labirinto. O interlóbulo era composto de artérias e veias. O trofoblasto era o principal componente da placenta, que, independentemente da região onde se encontrava, mostrava-se de natureza sincicial. Ultra-estruturalmente a barreira placentária da paca foi classificada como hemomonocorial.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as alterações microvasculares intraneurais aguda em nervo isquiático de rato submetido a esmagamento por diferentes cargas. Foram utilizados 60 ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, distribuídos em grupos experimentais de acordo com a injeção de vasos e com a carga de esmagamento. Os nervos isquiáticos direitos foram isolados e submetidos ao esmagamento com cargas (0,5 Kg, 1 Kg, 5 Kg, 10 kg e 15 kg) por 10 minutos e os nervos isquiáticos esquerdos foram utilizados como controle. Após esmagamento, os animais foram submetidos à cateterização da aorta abdominal e injeção dos vasos, em seguida 30 nervos direitos e esquerdos foram fixados em formol 10%, desidratados e diafanizados para análise longitudinal dos vasos intraneurais e os restantes retirados em toda a sua extensão, cortados em 3 fragmentos, congelados em isopentano em gelo seco e armazenados em freezer -70°C, seccionados transversalmente para análise e contagem dos vasos intraneurais. As análises macroscópica e microscópica mostraram regiões de hematoma endoneural e epineural nas diferentes cargas de esmagamento. A análise morfométrica sugere que a lesão aos vasos intraneurais foi proporcional à carga de esmagamento, causando hematoma endoneural e epineural, que cria microambiente desfavorável para a regeneração das fibras nervosas.
During pregnancy, the maternal endocrine pancreas undergoes, as a consequence of placental lactogens and prolactin (PR,L) action, functional changes that are characterized by increased glucose-induced insulin secretion. After delivery, the maternal endocrine pancreas rapidly returns to nonpregnant state, which is mainly attributed to the increased serum levels of glucocorticoids (GCs). Although GCs are known to decrease insulin secretion and counteract PRL action, the mechanisms for these effects are poorly understood. We have previously demonstrated that signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is increased in islets treated with PRL. In the present study, we show that STAT3 expression and serine phosphorylation are increased in pancreatic islets at the end of pregnancy (P19). STAT3 serine phosphorylation rapidly returned to basal levels 3 days after delivery (U). The expression of the sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2 (SERCA2), a crucial protein involved in the regulation of calcium handling in P-cells, was also increased in P19, returning to basal levels at L3. PRL increased SERCA2 and STAT3 expressions and STAT3 serine phosphorylation in RINm5F cells. The upregulation of SERCA2 by PRL was abolished after STAT3 knockdown. Moreover, PRL-induced STAT3 serine phosphorylation and SERCA2 expression were inhibited by dexamethasone (DEX). Insulin secretion from islets of PI 9 rats pre-incubated with thapsigargin and L3 rats showed a dramatic suppression of first phase of insulin release. The present results indicate that PRL regulates SERCA2 expression by a STAT3-dependent mechanism. PRL effect is counteracted by DEX and might contribute to the adaptation of maternal endocrine pancreas during the peripartum period.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and pathological features of cases diagnosed as dentigerous cyst by the Department of Oral Pathology, School of Dentristy at the Federal University of Rio grande do Norte, attempting the possible correlation between histomorphological findings and epidemiological data contained at the files of the patients, in order to define a suggested variation of lesion named inflammatory dentigerous cyst. It was verified that dentigerous cyst are more frequently present in the earfy three decades of life, with the majority of cases occuring in the second decade (40,740/0 ), and also male (57,41%) and white patients (68,52%) were most affected. In relation to anatomic site, the dentigerous cyst was more prevalent at anterior maxila and posterior mandible, showing, usually, a slow growth pattem. The majority of lesions were asymptomatic and the radiographic observed was frequently na unilocular radiolucency. In regard to the histomorphological analysis, it was noticed that the lesions showed commonly a thin epithelium, with a capsule of fibrous connective tissue, richly vascularized and collagenized with an intense mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate. Finally, clinicopathological was performed and it was find out that cysts that showed a thick epithelium, with a high degree of vascularization and collagenization, intense inflammatory infiltrate in the cystic capsule, were located in the pre-molares region, in patients under 12 years old and the majority showing painfull sintomatology, properly, compatible with inflammatory dentigerous cyst. The findings of the present study indicate that, probably, there is a variant of the dentigerous cyst, and therefore, we suggest the denomination inflammatory follicular cyst for this entity
Central giant cell lesion (CGCL) and peripheral giant cell lesion (PGCL) of the jaws have a distinct clinical behavior, although they share histopathologic features. It is still unclear whether these clinical differences are supported by a distinct pattern of immunoexpression of markers for multinucleated giant cells (GC) and mononuclear cells (MC). The purpose of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of VEGF, MMP-9 in CG and MC and measure the vascularization by vWF to check whether there are differences in expression of these biomarkers between CGCL and PGCL. Paraffin wax blocks of 20 cases of LCCG and 20 LPCG were retrieved. MMP-9 immunoreactivity was greater in the CM of PGCL compared to VEGF (p<0.05). VEGF expression was greater in the CM of CGCL compared to PGCL (p<0.05) and it was greater in the overall expression of CGCL compared to PGCL (p<0.05). Vascularity was quantified by microvascular counting (MVC). MVC was greater in the PGCL compared CGCL (p<0.05). MMP-9 showed a greater tendency of expression in CGCL, though was not significant (p>0.05). We tested correlation between the proteins studied in each group and found a significant negative correlation between VEGF and vWF in CGCL (p<0.05). These results suggest that there are differences in the expression of VEGF in CM and overall expression between the lesions, although no statistically significant difference in the overall expression of the MMP-9. Then, there was a trend in increased expression of MMP-9 and VEGF in CGCL, possibly by the involvement of both proteins in osteoclastogenesis. Additionally, the results of this study indicate a higher degree of vascularization in PGCL compared to CGCL, fact that can be directly linked to the reactive nature of the PGCL, where the inflammatory process with its rich angiogenesis contributes significantly to these findings.
Among placental mammals, primates are the only ones to present trichromatic color vision. However, the distribution of trichromacy among primates is not homogeneous: Old World primates shows an uniform trichromacy (with all individuals being trichromats) and New World primates exhibit a color vision polymorphism (with dichromatic males and dichromatic or trichromatic females). Visual ecology studies have investigated which selective pressures may have been responsible for the evolution of trichromacy in primates, diverging from the dichromat standard found in other mammals. Cues associated with foraging and the socio-reproductive status were analyzed, indicating a trichromatic advantage for the rapid detection of visually conspicuous objects against a green background. However, dichromats are characterized by an efficient capture of cryptic and camouflaged stimuli. These advantages regarding phenotype may be responsible for the maintenance of the visual polymorphism in New World primates and for the high incidence of color blindness in humans (standing around 8% in Caucasian men). An important factor that has not yet been experimentally taken into account is the predation risk and its effect on the evolution of trichromacy in primates. To answer this question, we prepared and edited pictures of animals with different coats: oncillas (Leopardus spp.), puma (Puma concolor) and ferret (Galictis cuja). The specimens were taxidermized and the photographs were taken in three different vegetation scenarios (dense forest, cerrado and grassland). The images of the predators were manipulated so that they fit into two categories of stimulus size (small or large). After color calibration and photo editing, these were presented to 40 humans (20 dichromats and 20 trichromats) by a computer program, which presented a set of four photos at a time (one picture containing the taxidermized animal amid the background vegetation and three depicting only the background vegetation) and recorded the response latency and success rate of the subjects. The results show a trichromatic advantage in detecting potential predators. The predator detection was influenced by the background, the predator species, the dimension of the stimulus and the observer s visual phenotype. As humans have a high rate of dyschromatopsias, when compared to wild Catarrhini or human tribal populations, it is possible that the increased rate of dichromats is a result of reduced pressure for rapid predator detection. Since our species came to live in more cohesive groups and resistant to attack by predators, with the advent of agriculture and the formation of villages, it is possible that the lower risk of predation has reduced the selection in favor of trichromats