992 resultados para Pipeline steel


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There is a sparse number of credible source models available from large-magnitude past earthquakes. A stochastic source model generation algorithm thus becomes necessary for robust risk quantification using scenario earthquakes. We present an algorithm that combines the physics of fault ruptures as imaged in laboratory earthquakes with stress estimates on the fault constrained by field observations to generate stochastic source models for large-magnitude (Mw 6.0-8.0) strike-slip earthquakes. The algorithm is validated through a statistical comparison of synthetic ground motion histories from a stochastically generated source model for a magnitude 7.90 earthquake and a kinematic finite-source inversion of an equivalent magnitude past earthquake on a geometrically similar fault. The synthetic dataset comprises of three-component ground motion waveforms, computed at 636 sites in southern California, for ten hypothetical rupture scenarios (five hypocenters, each with two rupture directions) on the southern San Andreas fault. A similar validation exercise is conducted for a magnitude 6.0 earthquake, the lower magnitude limit for the algorithm. Additionally, ground motions from the Mw7.9 earthquake simulations are compared against predictions by the Campbell-Bozorgnia NGA relation as well as the ShakeOut scenario earthquake. The algorithm is then applied to generate fifty source models for a hypothetical magnitude 7.9 earthquake originating at Parkfield, with rupture propagating from north to south (towards Wrightwood), similar to the 1857 Fort Tejon earthquake. Using the spectral element method, three-component ground motion waveforms are computed in the Los Angeles basin for each scenario earthquake and the sensitivity of ground shaking intensity to seismic source parameters (such as the percentage of asperity area relative to the fault area, rupture speed, and risetime) is studied.

Under plausible San Andreas fault earthquakes in the next 30 years, modeled using the stochastic source algorithm, the performance of two 18-story steel moment frame buildings (UBC 1982 and 1997 designs) in southern California is quantified. The approach integrates rupture-to-rafters simulations into the PEER performance based earthquake engineering (PBEE) framework. Using stochastic sources and computational seismic wave propagation, three-component ground motion histories at 636 sites in southern California are generated for sixty scenario earthquakes on the San Andreas fault. The ruptures, with moment magnitudes in the range of 6.0-8.0, are assumed to occur at five locations on the southern section of the fault. Two unilateral rupture propagation directions are considered. The 30-year probabilities of all plausible ruptures in this magnitude range and in that section of the fault, as forecast by the United States Geological Survey, are distributed among these 60 earthquakes based on proximity and moment release. The response of the two 18-story buildings hypothetically located at each of the 636 sites under 3-component shaking from all 60 events is computed using 3-D nonlinear time-history analysis. Using these results, the probability of the structural response exceeding Immediate Occupancy (IO), Life-Safety (LS), and Collapse Prevention (CP) performance levels under San Andreas fault earthquakes over the next thirty years is evaluated.

Furthermore, the conditional and marginal probability distributions of peak ground velocity (PGV) and displacement (PGD) in Los Angeles and surrounding basins due to earthquakes occurring primarily on the mid-section of southern San Andreas fault are determined using Bayesian model class identification. Simulated ground motions at sites within 55-75km from the source from a suite of 60 earthquakes (Mw 6.0 − 8.0) primarily rupturing mid-section of San Andreas fault are considered for PGV and PGD data.


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An article in the Engineering News-Record for March 30, 1923, describes a new concrete arch bridge across the Connecticut River between Springfield and West Springfield, Mass.


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Bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS) possuem um papel importante na corrosão de ligas metálicas expostas em hábitats marinhos, óleos e solos úmidos. A redução do sulfato por estas bactérias resulta na produção de H2S, podendo influenciar os processos anódico e catódico na corrosão de materiais. Neste trabalho, o comportamento da corrosão microbiológica no aço carbono AISI 1020 foi avaliada em meio Postgate C, na presença e na ausência de BRS, as quais foram isoladas da camada de ferrugem presente numa tubulação submersa da Baía de Guanabara RJ. A taxa de corrosão e o comportamento eletroquímico do aço nas duas condições foram investigados através dos métodos de perda de massa e de polarização potenciodinâmica. A formação do biofilme e dos produtos de corrosão na superfície do aço foram observados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e por espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS). Em complementação, foi realizada a quantificação das BRS (planctônicas e sésseis) pelo método do número mais provável (NMP). A presença de BRS no meio ocasionou o deslocamento do potencial de corrosão para valores mais negativos em todos os tempos de ensaio estudados, indicando um aumento no processo corrosivo. Nos ensaios de perda de massa, a taxa de corrosão do aço carbono foi maior na ausência de BRS, provavelmente devido à formação de um biofilme na superfície do metal nos ensaios com inóculo, e a uma menor tendência de haver corrosão generalizada neste tipo de meio. As micrografias de MEV revelaram a presença de agregado celular na superfície do aço carbono durante o experimento, e a presença de pites profundos após remoção do biofilme, mostrando prevalência deste tipo de corrosão. Com 35 dias de ensaio, a densidade de corrente de corrosão aumentou na presença de BRS


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