560 resultados para Photorefractive holographic interferometry


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PURPOSE. A methodology for noninvasively characterizing the three-dimensional (3-D) shape of the complete human eye is not currently available for research into ocular diseases that have a structural substrate, such as myopia. A novel application of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition and analysis technique is presented that, for the first time, allows the 3-D shape of the eye to be investigated fully. METHODS. The technique involves the acquisition of a T2-weighted MRI, which is optimized to reveal the fluid-filled chambers of the eye. Automatic segmentation and meshing algorithms generate a 3-D surface model, which can be shaded with morphologic parameters such as distance from the posterior corneal pole and deviation from sphericity. Full details of the method are illustrated with data from 14 eyes of seven individuals. The spatial accuracy of the calculated models is demonstrated by comparing the MRI-derived axial lengths with values measured in the same eyes using interferometry. RESULTS. The color-coded eye models showed substantial variation in the absolute size of the 14 eyes. Variations in the sphericity of the eyes were also evident, with some appearing approximately spherical whereas others were clearly oblate and one was slightly prolate. Nasal-temporal asymmetries were noted in some subjects. CONCLUSIONS. The MRI acquisition and analysis technique allows a novel way of examining 3-D ocular shape. The ability to stratify and analyze eye shape, ocular volume, and sphericity will further extend the understanding of which specific biometric parameters predispose emmetropic children subsequently to develop myopia. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.


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Some critical aspects of a new kind of on-line measurement technique for micro and nanoscale surface measurements are described. This attempts to use spatial light-wave scanning to replace mechanical stylus scanning, and an optical fibre interferometer to replace optically bulky interferometers for measuring the surfaces. The basic principle is based on measuring the phase shift of a reflected optical signal. Wavelength-division-multiplexing and fibre Bragg grating techniques are used to carry out wavelength-to-field transformation and phase-to-depth detection, allowing a large dynamic measurement ratio (range/resolution) and high signal-to-noise ratio with remote access. In effect the paper consists of two parts: multiplexed fibre interferometry and remote on-machine surface detection sensor (an optical dispersive probe). This paper aims to investigate the metrology properties of a multiplexed fibre interferometer and to verify its feasibility by both theoretical and experimental studies. Two types of optical probes, using a dispersive prism and a blazed grating, respectively, are introduced to realize wavelength-to-spatial scanning.


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We report on a new technique to reconstruct the 3D dielectric function change in transparent dielectric materials and the application of the technique for on-line monitoring of refractive index modification in BK7 glass during direct femtosecond laser microfabrication. The complex optical field scattered from the modified region is measured using two-beam, single-shot interferogram and the distribution of the modified refractive index is reconstructed by numerically solving the inverse scattering problem in Born approximation. The optical configuration suggested is further development of digital holographic microscopy (DHM). It takes advantage of high spatial resolution and almost the same optical paths for both interfering beams, and allows ultrafast time resolution.


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A method for the exact solution of the Bragg-difrraction problem for a photorefractive grating in sillenite crystals based on Pauli matrices is proposed. For the two main optical configurations explicit analytical expressions are found for the diffraction efficiency and the polarization of the scattered wave. The exact solution is applied to a detailed analysis of a number of particular cases. For the known limiting cases there is agreement with the published results.


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We consider non-degenerate two-wave mixing in photorefractive Bi12SiO20. It is shown theoretically that the presence of absorption and optical activity in the photorefractive media may result in a number of maxima for the gain as the frequency detuning between the two beams is varied. Further, when the beam interaction is used for optical amplification, there may also exist an optimum crystal length beyond which there is a reduction in the useful gain obtainable. Experimental results are presented in confirmation of the theory.


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The gain of a weak signal beam is measured in the usual two-wave mixing configuration in a photorefractive BTO crystal by varying a set of parameters, namely the applied electric field, the detuning, the beam ratio and the input intensity of the pump beam. All the experimental results are shown to be in good agreement with a theory based on that of Kukhtarev et al.


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The thesis aims to define further the biometric correlates in anisometropic eyes in order to provide a structural foundation for propositions concerning the development of ametropia.Biometric data are presented for 40 anisometropes and 40 isometropic controls drawn from Caucasian and Chinese populations.The principal finding was that the main structural correlate of myopia is an increase in axial rather than equatorial dimensions of the posterior globe. This finding has not been previously reported for in vivo work on humans. The computational method described in the thesis is a more accessible method for determination of eye shape than current imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging or laser Doppler interferometry (LDI). Retinal contours derived from LDI and computation were shown to be closely matched. Corneal topography revealed no differences in corneal characteristics in anisometropic eyes, which supports the finding that anisometropia arises from differences in vitreous chamber depth.The corollary to axial expansion in myopia, that is retinal stretch in central regions of the posterior pole, was investigated by measurement of disc-to-fovea distances (DFD) using a scanning laser ophthalmoscope. DFD was found to increase with increased myopia, which demonstrates the primary contribution made by posterior central regions of the globe to axial expansion.The ocular pulse volume and choroidal blood flow, measured with the Ocular Blood Flow Tonograph, were found to be reduced in myopia; the reductions were found to be significantly correlated with vitreous chamber depth. The thesis includes preliminary data on whether the relationship arises from the influx of a blood bolus into eyes of different posterior volumes or represents actual differences in choroidal blood flow.The results presented in this thesis show the utility of computed retinal contour and demonstrate that the structural correlate of myopia is axial rather than equatorial expansion of the vitreous chamber. The technique is suitable for large population studies and its relative simplicity makes it feasible for longitudinal studies on the development of ametropia in, for example, children.


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The Aston Eye Study (AES) was instigated in October 2005 to determine the distribution of refractive error and associated ocular biometry in a sample of UK urban school children. The AES is the first study to compare outcome measures separately in White, South Asian and Black children. Children were selected from two age groups (Year 2 children aged 6/7 years, Year8 children aged 12/13 years of age) using random cluster sampling of schools in Birmingham, West Midlands UK. To date, the AES has examined 598 children (302 Year 2,296 Year 8). Using open-field cycloplegic autorefraction, the overall prevalence of myopia (=-0.50D SER in either eye) determined was 19.6%, with a higher prevalence in older (29.4%) compared to younger (9.9%) children (p<0.001). Using multiple logistic regression models, the risk of myopia was higher in Year 8 South Asian compared to White children and higher in children attending grammar schools relative to comprehensive schools. In addition, the prevalence of uncorrected ametropia was found to be high (Year 8: 12.84%, Year 2: 15.23%), which will be of concern to bodies responsible for the implementation of school vision screening strategies. Biometric data using non-contact partial coherence interferometry revealed a contributory effect of axial length (AL) and central corneal radius (CR) on myopic refraction, resulting in a strong coefficient of determination of the AL/CR ratio on refractive error. Ocular biometric measures did not vary significantly as a function of ethnicity, suggesting a greater miscorrelation of components in susceptible ethnic groups to account for their higher myopia prevalence. Corneal radius was found to be steeper in myopes in both age groups, but was found to flatten with increasing axial length. Due to the inextricable link between myopia and axial elongation, the paradoxical finding of the cornea demands further longitudinal investigation, particularly in relation to myopia onset. Questionnaire analysis revealed a history of myopia in parents and siblings to be significantly associated with myopia in Year 8 children, with a dose-dependent rise in the odds ratio of myopia evident with increasing number of myopic parents. By classifying socioeconomic status (SES) using Index of Multiple Deprivation values, it was found that Year 8 children from moderately deprived backgrounds were more at risk of myopia compared with children located at both extremities of the deprivation spectrum. However, the main effect of SES weakened following multivariate analysis, with South Asian ethnicity and grammar schooling remaining associated with Year 8 myopia after adjustment.


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The thesis investigates the relationship between the biomechanical properties of the anterior human sclera and cornea in vivo using Schiotz tonometry (ST), rebound tonometry (RBT, iCare) and the Ocular Response Analyser (ORA, Reichert). Significant differences in properties were found to occur between scleral quadrants. Structural correlates for the differences were examined using Partial Coherent Interferometry (IOLMaster, Zeiss), Optical Coherent tomography (Visante OCT), rotating Scheimpflug photography (Pentacam, Oculus) and 3-D Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Subject groups were employed that allowed investigation of variation pertaining to ethnicity and refractive error. One hundred thirty-five young adult subjects were drawn from three ethnic groups: British-White (BW), British-South-Asian (BSA) and Hong-Kong-Chinese (HKC) comprising non-myopes and myopes. Principal observations: ST demonstrated significant regional variation in scleral resistance a) with lowest levels at quadrant superior-temporal and highest at inferior-nasal; b) with distance from the limbus, anterior locations showing greater resistance. Variations in resistance using RBT were similar to those found with ST; however the predominantly myopic HKC group had a greater overall mean resistance when compared to the BW-BSA group. OCT-derived scleral thickness measurements indicated the sclera to be thinner superiorly than inferiorly. Thickness varied with distance from the corneolimbal junction, with a decline from 1 to 2 mm followed by a successive increase from 3 to 7 mm. ORA data varied with ethnicity and refractive status; whilst axial length (AL) was associated with corneal biometrics for BW-BSA individuals it was associated with IOP in the HKC individuals. Complex interrelationships were found between ORA Additional-Waveform-Parameters and biometric data provided by the Pentacam. OCT indicated ciliary muscle thickness to be greater in myopia and more directly linked to posterior ocular volume (from MRI) than AL. Temporal surface areas (SAs, from MRI) were significantly smaller than nasal SAs in myopic eyes; globe bulbosity (from MRI) was constant across quadrants.


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Protein crystallization has gained a new strategic and commercial relevance in the postgenomic era due to its pivotal role in structural genomics. Producing high quality crystals has always been a bottleneck to efficient structure determination, and this problem is becoming increasingly acute. This is especially true for challenging, therapeutically important proteins that typically do not form suitable crystals. The OptiCryst consortium has focused on relieving this bottleneck by making a concerted effort to improve the crystallization techniques usually employed, designing new crystallization tools, and applying such developments to the optimization of target protein crystals. In particular, the focus has been on the novel application of dual polarization interferometry (DPI) to detect suitable nucleation; the application of in situ dynamic light scattering (DLS) to monitor and analyze the process of crystallization; the use of UV-fluorescence to differentiate protein crystals from salt; the design of novel nucleants and seeding technologies; and the development of kits for capillary counterdiffusion and crystal growth in gels. The consortium collectively handled 60 new target proteins that had not been crystallized previously. From these, we generated 39 crystals with improved diffraction properties. Fourteen of these 39 were only obtainable using OptiCryst methods. For the remaining 25, OptiCryst methods were used in combination with standard crystallization techniques. Eighteen structures have already been solved (30% success rate), with several more in the pipeline.


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Some critical aspects of a new kind of on-line measurement technique for micro and nanoscale surface measurements are described. This attempts to use spatial light-wave scanning to replace mechanical stylus scanning, and an optical fibre interferometer to replace optically bulky interferometers for measuring the surfaces. The basic principle is based on measuring the phase shift of a reflected optical signal. Wavelength-division-multiplexing and fibre Bragg grating techniques are used to carry out wavelength-to-field transformation and phase-to-depth detection, allowing a large dynamic measurement ratio (range/resolution) and high signal-to-noise ratio with remote access. In effect the paper consists of two parts: multiplexed fibre interferometry and remote on-machine surface detection sensor (an optical dispersive probe). This paper aims to investigate the metrology properties of a multiplexed fibre interferometer and to verify its feasibility by both theoretical and experimental studies. Two types of optical probes, using a dispersive prism and a blazed grating, respectively, are introduced to realize wavelength-to-spatial scanning.


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Successful commercialization of a technology such as Fiber Bragg Gratings requires the ability to manufacture devices repeatably, quickly and at low cost. Although the first report of photorefractive gratings was in 1978 it was not until 1993, when phase mask fabrication was demonstrated, that this became feasible. More recently, draw tower fabrication on a production level and grating writing through the polymer jacket have been realized; both important developments since they preserve the intrinsic strength of the fiber. Potentially the most significant recent development has been femtosecond laser inscription of gratings. Although not yet a commercial technology, it provides the means of writing multiple gratings in the optical core providing directional sensing capability in a single fiber. Femtosecond processing can also be used to machine the fiber to produce micronscale slots and holes enhancing the interaction between the light in the core and the surrounding medium. © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider non-degenerate two-wave mixing in photorefractive Bi12SiO20. It is shown theoretically that the presence of absorption and optical activity in the photorefractive media may result in a number of maxima for the gain as the frequency detuning between the two beams is varied. Further, when the beam interaction is used for optical amplification, there may also exist an optimum crystal length beyond which there is a reduction in the useful gain obtainable. Experimental results are presented in confirmation of the theory.


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The gain of a weak signal beam is measured in the usual two-wave mixing configuration in a photorefractive BTO crystal by varying a set of parameters, namely the applied electric field, the detuning, the beam ratio and the input intensity of the pump beam. All the experimental results are shown to be in good agreement with a theory based on that of Kukhtarev et al.


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We report on a new technique to reconstruct the 3D dielectric function change in transparent dielectric materials and the application of the technique for on-line monitoring of refractive index modification in BK7 glass during direct femtosecond laser microfabrication. The complex optical field scattered from the modified region is measured using two-beam, single-shot interferogram and the distribution of the modified refractive index is reconstructed by numerically solving the inverse scattering problem in Born approximation. The optical configuration suggested is further development of digital holographic microscopy. It takes advantage of high spatial resolution and almost the same optical paths for both interfering beams, and allows ultrafast time resolution. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 2011.