916 resultados para Philosophy and psychoanalysis
The present dissertation analyses the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the short story written by João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga (1946) seeking to point out the possibility of the philosophic application of some Nietzschean ideas to enlarge the aesthetic value of the short story. It has been especially aimed at applying the concept of the noble superior being described by Nietzsche, the ubermensch, to the hero s ontological nature, Augusto Matraga. Nietzsche s postulates of the will to power, the elements suggested of the trial between Dionysus and Apollo and the ascetic ideal, will be especially relevant to this work, which intends to establish until what point the hero can be conceived as a good ascetic person, in so far as his noble ontological nature trespass the Christian morality, bringing him closer to the man who, according to Nietzsche, is beyond good and evil. Some Heideggerian concepts will also be relevant in order to reinforce the idea that the judgment created about Matraga is just an appearance that does not contemplate his essential Being, contributing to veil his real tragic-ontological valour, what implies that the aesthetic power of the short has been under valued
The philosophical discussion has been present throughout the whole history of reason, for philosophy and reason have been always closely linked. In the following work, Reason, origin, crises and contemporary answers I go into the history of the rational and demonstrative thought, focusing on how rationality can be thought about in contemporary philosophy. To answer this question I discuss the principle of philosophy, the mythical period and the thoughts of Heraclito , Parmenides , Plato and Aristotle in relation to reason and rationality. Also discussed is the medieval period and the philosophical use of logic and the criticism of Aristotle s thoughts, especially focusing on the criticism of Hegel and Luckasiewicz of the non contradiction principle. Lastly I discuss the development of reason in present day philosophy, mainly how modern logics could be putting at stake Aristotle s model of reason
We indicate the idea of nexus or conexio, thought of as intelligible connection with the intelligent, the foundation on which the reason why you can understand and name, even if inadequately, what the intellect sees incomprehensible and unnameably. Thus, it opens a way for our research: we will take the idea of nexus as fundamental to the interpretation of the divine names and the "metaphysics of the unnameably" and we show how the divine names, mainly in possest, mirrored in the Trinity, relatedness of the principle and therefore also the nexus. For that you need to think some preliminary questions: we will place Nicholas of Cusa in the tradition of medieval Christian Neoplatonism, we resume some discussions on the problem of naming and the philosophy of language in his thinking, we will reflect such thinking is molded from active dialogue with the tradition and how it is your speculation is founded upon the dynamic and dialectical relationship between philosophy and theology to be thought of in our text using the relationship between faith and understandig (intellectus). After introductory clarify these issues we will come to consider introductory understanding of the Trinitarian Beginning and speculation about the nexus taking as its starting point from where the De venatione sapientiae nexus or conexio is designed as a hunting field of wisdom and the First Book of De docta ignorantia where the maximum is now thought of as one and triune. From the Second Book of the same work and the Idiota. De mente we will show in what sense the universe and men, as imago dei, imitate the eternal Trinity. Finally, we will resume the notion of the scientia aenigmatica of De beryllo and some information that will clarify that Nicholas assumes the divine names as enigmas. Finally, we will try to show that the enigmatic or symbolic names also mirror the triune Beginning principle. So, before we return some traces of this aspect in some divine names and texts of the "late period" and then conclude with that which in itself already indicates the nexus and therefore the trinity: possest
This work deals with the relationship between medicine and philosophy, which has existed since Antiquity, and will also be discussed here from Kant s perspective. It presents the historical context formed by reciprocal influences of common notions regarding health/disease, balance/justice, and just measure, which are present in the medical discourse as much as in the philosophical one. It considers that Hippocratic medicine emerges from concerns about dietetics, thus creating the link between philosophy and medicine, which is important for our analysis on Kant s contributions to Hippocratic legacy. Taking into account these considerations, the work distinguishes between two aspects which are associated within the dietetics presented by Kant in his work The conflict of the faculties, studied here in the light of his Doctrine of virtue, particularly the duties to oneself in regard the care of one s body and the teleological conception. In this sense, the work indicates the role of Kantian thinking not only to enrich medical dietetics, by lending to it moral value, but also to enrich philosophy by highlighting its therapeutic effects
The thinking dialog between Heidegger s philosophy and the poetry of Hölderlin and Rilke must be dealt in language s domains. The difficulty to establish this dialog comes from the man in itself, unable to think out of the understructure of science and the modern technique. The poetic language was forgotten or ignored, turning itself obsolete in front of improvements and resources of the technique. Heidegger searches the essences to the poetry so may it be comprehended in its plenitude for the man. Technique, poetry and existence must be pronounced and investigated so the being shows itself again. To Heidegger, the man lives in a period of uncertainty due finding himself at the sunset of age. The uncertainty generates the poverty and the night of world represents the absence of god and original truth. Only with the fundamental comprehension of poetry, the man of today can project himself to the future not anymore as technique product, but with freedom to choose. The message of poetry of Hölderlin and Rilke, according to Heidegger s interpretation, transmits an alert to the contemporary man against the coming danger in his maintained relation with nature. The purpose of the following work is to build this thinking dialog, without disfigure the poetry, but taking approach over its essence, so from there to remove its true existential value.
The dialog between the East philosophy and the Western thinking allow us to think the problems inherent to our time from several point of views. Nishitani Keiji, from the Kyoto School, sees the contemporaneity, or the time of the technic, for Heidegger, as derivation and as an immediate consequence of perspective introduced in the modern era form the Cartesian s cogito which creates a barrier that separates man and world. Scientific thinking that dominates our era was created from the thinking that ennobles human reason to the detriment of the others things in the world, determining that the knowledge just can be produced by the man himself and his set of rational powers. However, alerts us Nishitani, this point of view derived from modern thought which imposes subjectivity egocentric type besides not apprehend things in their truth, neither achieves the true self of man. In an attempt to overcome the abuses produced in modernity and that reverberates in our way of be until today, our philosopher will propose the point of view of the nothingness (śūnyatā) as a way to trans-descendance, that is, to overcome the traditional thinking overvalues the reason for the encounter with the original face of man, which by no longer impose its cognitive power can know all things in their true, in the tathatā
This article claim to estabilish a epistemologic discourse from the science history´s point of view in a moment where its statute,methods , approachs and possibility conditions, in history´s crisis period, depares itself in risk, as universitary institutions as european´s social imagination about knowing for excellence. Our spotlight though is the concept of space, a strong question to a timeless snip, once philosophy and History renounced this concept due to the time question, so commum used until nowdays in both discourses. From this perspective, we search to elucidate Spengler´s history and space point of view, attempting to the occidental idea produced by the author, tapping to the symbolical and discursive dynamics and its dialogic relation with westerner´s political and cultural in the end of XIX century toward second great war. Thereby Spengler´s effort was always crucial to define concepts of history, science, art, space,civilizations, culture, city, country and mainly discussing spenglerian relation to social-political facts that sorrounded him. And finally, his project of cientific revolution, which was displayed by Spengler as a challenge to History of science´s paradigm
This paper aims to discuss the concept of symptom in psychopedagogy and psychoanalysis, drawing the consequences for the direction of treatment for each of these fields. Learning Problems has been the name given by various fields of knowledge to what does not happen as expected in the learning process. To address these problems several professionals are called upon. Faced with this demand a new field of knowledge is created: the psycho-pedagogy. In Brazil, it is established as a field of work and research from the contributions of Alicia Fernández. This author, supported by the work of French philosopher and educator Sara Paín, takes the concept of Freudian-Lacanian symptom as a fundamental concept to read the so-called "learning problems". Given this one must question whether the concept of symptom Fernandez is really the same as psychoanalysis. Are they the same? If yes, how to sustain as different fields? If not, what are consequences for the direction of treatment for each of these fields? For this study, the theoretical works of Alicia Fernández and Sara Pain were read aiming to clarify the concept of symptom in psychopedagogy. To discuss the psychoanalytic concept of symptom we turned to the texts of Freud, Lacan and commentators in which this issue is discussed. The results show that Pain and Fernandez seek psychoanalysis as a theory to be coupled with others to solve the learning problems. The concept of symptom as a return of the repressed and as an indicator of a sense to be found in the history of the subject is similar to the psychoanalytical one, however, in psychopedagogy other fields of knowledge and techniques are used as reference and these are sometimes incompatible with the concept of symptom presented. The use of psychological tests for the diagnosis, the idea of transference without the notion of subject supposed to know and the proposed treatment are indications of a different treatment approach from what the ethics of psychoanalysis proposes
Information and knowledge organization in Brazil has been historically influenced by theoretical linguistics. However, some aspects related to language theory and its interface with philosophy need to be further investigated, particularly the semiotic interpretation of information and knowledge organization processes. In order to advance a dialogue with the philosophy and semiotics of Charles Peirce (1839-1914), a theoretical and bibliographical study was carried out so as to understand and evaluate the contributions of the Peircean thought to information organization. It was found that several aspects of Peirce's work, viewed as a whole and not just semiotic concepts, suggest fundamental points to explain issues in information and knowledge organization. Basing on the analysis of Thellefsen's studies, this research presents some arguments aimed at reframing Peirce's pragmatism, which should no longer be mistakenly considered as a doctrine of practical results, but as a useful methodological approach for professionals dealing with knowledge organization in the field of Information Science.
A intenção do presente artigo é pensar a problemática do ensino de filosofia a partir da obra de Deleuze e Guattari. Esses autores criaram uma série de conceitos, em seu fazer filosófico, para entender o que seria fazer filosofia, ou seja, para entender a atividade filosófica que se distanciasse de uma reflexão sobre alguma coisa e se fundasse em um ato de criação filosófica. Segundo os autores, existem quatro conceitos que corroboram para entender esse fazer filosófico, quais sejam: conceito, plano de imanência, personagem conceitual e problema. Tem-se como hipótese que tais conceitos podem contribuir para se pensar o ensino de filosofia na contemporaneidade de modo diferenciado do qual vem sendo tratado. Foi dada especial atenção a um desses conceitos: plano de imanência, engendrado na última obra conjunta desses autores, O que é a filosofia? (1997). Buscou-se, na obra desses autores, a caracterização de imanência e, consecutivamente, de plano de imanência para entender como se pode pensar o ensino de filosofia de forma diferenciada e de modo tal a distanciá-lo de uma adequação conceitual a um transcendente ou a um transcendental, a qual, no entender dos autores trabalhados, levaria o conceito de ensino a um dogmatismo conceitual. A proposta deste artigo é buscar uma saída para o problema, pensando o ensino de filosofia a partir da imanência mesma na qual este se produz.
Acompanha-se, aqui, a pertinência do lema de Engels, que concebe o marxismo como herdeiro do idealismo alemão nas teorias de Lukács, Horkheimer e Adorno. Enquanto Lukács assenta o método marxista na vertente da filosofia hegeliana e Horkheimer assume explicitamente o legado kantiano, Adorno não se propõe a ser herdeiro, mas sim crítico do idealismo alemão.
Cícero é uma das poucas fontes críticas de textos do pensamento helenístico durante o período da Roma republicana. Ele atualiza a filosofia grega e, concomitantemente, reconhece a superioridade do direito romano. O espírito prático e guerreiro do povo romano afastava a filosofia, mas a emergência de novos problemas exigia reflexão. Nas disputas políticas e jurídicas, a retórica era um instrumento indispensável. O reaparecimento de estudos retóricos no século XX permitiu que alguns comentadores reconsiderassem a relação entre a retórica e a filosofia, propiciando algumas reflexões sobre o papel de Cícero na historiografia da filosofia.
Intendding to understand how the human mind operates, some philosophers and psycologists began to study about rationality. Theories were built from those studies and nowadays that interest have been extended to many other areas such as computing engineering and computing science, but with a minimal distinction at its goal: to understand the mind operational proccess and apply it on agents modelling to become possible the implementation (of softwares or hardwares) with the agent-oriented paradigm where agents are able to deliberate their own plans of actions. In computing science, the sub-area of multiagents systems has progressed using several works concerning artificial intelligence, computational logic, distributed systems, games theory and even philosophy and psycology. This present work hopes to show how it can be get a logical formalisation extention of a rational agents architecture model called BDI (based in a philosophic Bratman s Theory) in which agents are capable to deliberate actions from its beliefs, desires and intentions. The formalisation of this model is called BDI logic and it is a modal logic (in general it is a branching time logic) with three access relations: B, D and I. And here, it will show two possible extentions that tranform BDI logic in a modal-fuzzy logic where the formulae and the access relations can be evaluated by values from the interval [0,1]
physical education with a discipline or field has reached the status and scope in all spheres of contemporary culture. Not by chance that issues relating to body and human movement in recent years have been the focus of studies, especially understanding of the need to reflect on new concepts in physical education. Science in the traditional sense, as a method of analysis supports the idea of scientific rigor, but is fundamental reflection. This essay seeks the interface between science and philosophy, on which discussions can take other visibilities in physical education as an activity of the culture. With interdisciplinary approaches and thinking about body movement, focus on scientific concepts and philosophical traverse historically a possible way to rethink the design physical education.
O presente artigo pretende chamar a atenção para o papel representado por Rodolfo Mondolfo, com sua teoria da dependência da primeira filosofia grega em relação a uma reflexão anterior sobre o homem e a vida social, na viragem que reinseriu na história o início da filosofia.