947 resultados para Payment
A receipt from W.W. Tyrrill, of St. Catharines, Ontario dated June 2, 1888, for a ladies Swiss watch priced at $11.00. The receipt is a rental agreement which specifies the terms of a fee payment schedule. Information on the receipt indicates Mr. Tyrrill sold watches, jewelry, silver plated goods, albums and Bibles. He is also listed as an agent for pianos, organs and Singer sewing machines. This receipt was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines. Relatives of the Sloman Bell families include former Black slaves from the United States who settled in southern Ontario.There are various spellings of the Tyrrill name within the Bell family archive. Other forms of the name include Tyrell, Tyrrell, and Terrell.
The By-Law reads: "Whereas it is deemed expedient to vary the manner of the payment of dividends to Shareholders of the Company and consequently necessary to repeal By-Law No. 64 of the Company. Now therefore be it enacted and it is hereby enacted as a By-Law of the Company: 1. That By-Law No. 64 of the Company, passed the 25th day of January, 1941, be and the same is hereby repealed."
The summary of the By-Law reads: "A By-Law to authorize the setting aside of certain monies annually out of the net profits of the Company before payment of dominion and provincial income taxes and provincial corporation tax to be paid to a trustee for distribution to the employees and officers of the Company and to authorize the execution of an agreement with a trustee to effect such purpose."
Indenture of assignment of mortgage between Jacob Thomas Nottle, land agent of Hamilton and George Steel of the Village of Romoka in the County of Middlesex regarding a parcel of land in the village of Romoka composed of Lot no. 17 in Block U. Robert Telfer granted to Ira Spalding these lands and premises subject to payment of principal money and interest (2 copies), June 18, 1874.
Receipt from the city clerk’s office of St. Catharines to H.K. Woodruff for payment of $11.20 for additional cemetery land. Accompanying this document is a crudely drawn map of graves along Queenston Road and rough notes on Deed no. 419, Oct. 16, 1901.
Receipts from the Park Lawn Cemetery Co. Ltd., Bloor St. West, Toronto. Receipt no. 851 for payment in full for a Lot no.91 in section H received from Percy C. Bands [Band]. Receipt no. 852 for payment for corner stones for Lot no.91 in section H received from Percy C. Bands [Band]. The unnumbered receipt is for opening an adult grave for Sarah Lawrence. Payment was received from Percy C. Bands [Band], Feb. 23, 1926.
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from R. Woodruff and Co. of St. Catharines, Dealers in Dry Goods regarding payment for cardigan jacket, Sept. 19, 1875.
Letter to Mr. Woodruff from Elizabeth Cudney in which she accepts Mr. Woodruff’s offer. She will give $1,100 and turn her land as payment for three hundred dollars and give a mortgage for $800, Feb. 3, 1893.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff which accompanied payment for the Mauk account. The letter is signed by S.L. Conklin, April 7, 1890.
Letter from Thomas H. Johnson, Assistant Commissioner of the Department of Crown Lands to Samuel D. Woodruff acknowledging receipt of payment for lumber lands no. 192 and 198, Oct. 16, 1872.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from the Office of F. W. Gilchrist, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Norway and White Pine Lumber Timber Lath and Shingles, Alpena, Michigan. F. W. Gilchrist would like to be informed of the offer and terms of payment for berth 192. He says that they own lands on that river, but are desirous of owning more, Feb. 5, 1881.
Note (unsigned) stating that any shareholders not having paid the assessment shall be suspended from shooting and any shareholders being 3 months in arrears for non-payment of any assessment will have their shares sold, n.d.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Louis N. Hayne, secretary of the Long Point Company requesting payment from members of the club, June 2, 1886.
Letter to Louis N. Hayne from S.D. Woodruff which was enclosed with his payment of $75.00, Nov. 5, 1886.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Louis N. Hayne thanking Mr. Woodruff for his payment of $75.00 which is the amount of assessment on his life right in the Long Point Company, Nov. 5, 1886.