955 resultados para Particle number distribution
Estimativas sobre alterações climáticas globais têm aumentando a demanda por estudos sobre propriedades dos solos relativamente secos e limitações impostas à absorção de água pelas plantas em condições de escassez hídrica. Neste estudo, fatores que influenciam a retenção da água no solo e o murchamento de plantas foram avaliados com base no conceito de equilíbrio da água no solo. Objetivou-se com este estudo: (i) avaliar a confiabilidade de medições do conteúdo de água no solo sob altas sucções matriciais em câmaras de pressão, usando como referência a técnica de ponto de orvalho (ii) avaliar as interações entre espécies de plantas e solos com diferentes classes texturais no ponto de murcha permanente (iii) investigar as relações entre equilíbrio hidráulico da água no solo e murchamento de plantas a partir do conceito de corte hidráulico. Para tanto, um experimento para avaliar a influência dos tipos de solos e espécies de plantas, no ponto de murcha permanente foi conduzido em casa de vegetação da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" da Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, São Paulo. Avaliou-se o murchamento de plantas de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.), milho (Zea mays L.) e soja (Glycine max L.). Os solos utilizados no estudo foram coletados na camada superficial (0-10 cm) em quatro áreas, selecionadas com o objetivo de obter classes texturais contrastantes, localizadas no município de Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil. Sub-amostras foram utilizadas para determinação da distribuição do tamanho de partículas e atributos químicos. Amostras indeformadas foram coletadas para a determinação da curva de retenção da água no solo pela técnica de câmaras de pressão. Adicionalmente, amostras deformadas foram utilizadas para determinação das características de retenção da água no solo pela técnica do ponto de orvalho em altos valores de sucções matriciais. Os dados de retenção de água no solo foram ajustados a modelos empíricos para estimativas da sucção matricial e conteúdo de água relacionada à água em equilíbrio hidráulico (água residual). Foram observadas similaridades nas determinações das características de retenção da água no solo entre as técnicas de câmaras de pressão e ponto de orvalho, sugerindo a boa drenagem das amostras de solo em câmaras de pressão. Interações significativas foram observadas entre os tipos de solos e espécies de plantas no ponto de murcha permanente, indicando que o movimento de água no contínuo solo-planta-atmosfera foi dependente de resistências relacionadas tanto ao solo quanto às plantas. Ou seja, tanto à capacidade do solo em transportar água até raízes, quanto à habilidade das plantas em absorver a água transportada, assim como, aos processos de regulação de água que ocorrem nas plantas. A abordagem baseada no conteúdo de água residual para o intervalo de sucções matriciais de 0 a 15.000 hPa não foi adequada para ilustrar a condição de equilíbrio hidráulico da água no solo, definidos pelo corte hidráulico, e relações com as sucções matriciais em ocorre o murchamento de plantas.
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a influência da variação do teor de umidade no valor do índice de suporte CBR de uma brita estabilizada granulometricamente e de seis solos coletados em rodovias do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Os seis solos estudados foram divididos em três pares, com curvas granulométricas próximas, mesma classificação HRB e USCS, sendo cada par formado por um solo de comportamento laterítico e um solo de comportamento não-laterítico. Os corpos-de-prova foram moldados na umidade ótima e massa específica seca máxima obtidos com os resultados do ensaio de Proctor normal. Os materiais foram analisados sob quatro condições de umidade: sem imersão, após alcançar metade da umidade de estabilização, após quatro e oito dias de imersão. Observou-se a distribuição da umidade interna dos corpos-de-prova para cada uma das situações. Foi analisada a influência do envelhecimento dos materiais solto e compactado por quatro dias e sem imersão, nos resultados dos ensaios de CBR. Com os resultados pôde-se correlacionar a influência da granulometria e da gênese dos materiais nos resultados dos ensaios de índice de suporte CBR nas diversas condições de umidade avaliadas.
O desenvolvimento de algoritmos computacionais para a obtenção de distribuições de tamanho de partícula em dispersões e que utilizam dados espectroscópicos em tempo real e in-line a partir de sensores permitirá uma variedade de aplicações, como o monitoramento de propriedades em fluidos de corte industriais, acompanhamento de processos de polimerização, tratamento de efluentes e sensoriamento atmosférico. O presente estudo tem como objetivo a implementação e comparação de técnicas para resolução de problemas de inversão, desenvolvendo algoritmos que forneçam distribuição de tamanho de partículas em dispersões a partir de dados de espectroscopia UV-Vis-Nir (Ultravioleta, Visível e Infravermelho próximo). Foram implementadas quatro técnicas, sendo uma delas um método alternativo sem a presença de etapas de inversão. Os métodos que utilizaram alguma técnica de inversão evidenciaram a dificuldade em se obter distribuições de tamanho de gotas (DTG) de boa qualidade, enquanto o método alternativo foi aquele que se mostrou mais eficiente e confiável. Este estudo é parte de um programa cooperativo entre a Universidade de São Paulo e a Universidade de Bremen chamado programa BRAGECRIM (Brazilian German Cooperative Research Initiative in Manufacturing) e é financiado pela FAPESP, CAPES, FINEP e CNPq (Brasil) e DFG (Alemanha).
Wildfires produce a significant release of gases and particles affecting climate and air quality. In the Mediterranean region, shrublands significantly contribute to burned areas and may show specific emission profiles. Our objective was to depict and quantify the primary-derived aerosols and precursors of secondary particulate species released during shrubland experimental fires, in which fire-line intensity values were equivalent to those of moderate shrubland wildfires, by using a number of different methodologies for the characterization of organic and inorganic compounds in both gas-phase and particulate-phase. Emissions of PM mass, particle number concentrations and organic and inorganic PMx components during flaming and smouldering phases were characterized in a field shrubland fire experiment. Our results revealed a clear prevalence of K+ and SO42- as inorganic ions released during the flaming-smouldering processes, accounting for 68 to 80% of the inorganic soluble fraction. During the residual-smouldering phases, in addition to K+ and SO42-, Ca2+ was found in significant amounts probably due the predominance of re-suspension processes (ashes and soil dust) over other emission sources during this stage. Concerning organic markers, the chromatograms were dominated by phenols, n-alkanals and n-alkanones, as well as by alcohol biomarkers in all the PMx fractions investigated. Levoglucosan was the most abundant degradation compound with maximum emission factors between 182 and 261 mg kg-1 in PM2.5 and PM10 respectively. However, levoglucosan was also observed in significant amounts in the gas-phase. The most representative organic volatile constituents in the smoke samples were alcohols, carbonyls, acids, monocyclic and bicyclic arenes, isoprenoids and alkanes compounds. The emission factors obtained in this study may contribute to the validation and improvement of national and international emission inventories of this intricate and diffuse emission source.
A strategy for a simple dispersion of commercial multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) using two organosilicones, polycarbosilane SMP10 and polysilazane Ceraset PSZ20, in organic solvents such as cyclohexane, tetrahydrofuran (THF), m-xylene and chloroform is presented. In just a few minutes the combined action of sonication and the presence of Pt(0) catalyst is sufficient to obtain a homogeneous suspension, thanks to the rapid hydrosilylation reaction between SiH groups of the polymer and the CNT sidewall. The as-produced suspensions have a particle size distribution <1μm and remain unchanged after several months. A maximum of 0.47 and 0.50mg/ml was achieved, respectively, for Ceraset in THF and SMP10 in chloroform. Possible applications as polymeric and ceramic thin films or aerogels are presented.
In a deep-sea sediment core recovered from a site lying well above the local lysocline, several organic geochemical proxies, and two different calcite dissolution indicators, are compared in order to evaluate the relationship between calcite dissolution and paleoproductivity over the past three glacial-interglacial cycles. The degree of foraminiferal break-up, and the CaCO3 particle size distribution, both point to significant periods of dissolution every 22 kyr during glacial stages and substages. These dissolution events are concomitant with periods of enhanced primary productivity, as indicated by the abundance of several biomarkers (alkenones, cholesterol, brassicasterol, keto-ol), used here to indicate changes in paleoproductivity. Dissolution fluctuations are highly coherent and in phase with the estimated paleoproductivity variations providing strong evidence that the observed dissolution is due to organic matter remineralization within the sediments rather, than to changes in CO32? concentration in the overlying water column.
Mineralogical analysis is often used to assess the liberation properties of particles. A direct method of estimating liberation is to actually break particles and then directly obtain liberation information from applying mineralogical analysis to each size-class of the product. Another technique is to artificially apply random breakage to the feed particle sections to estimate the resultant distribution of product particle sections. This technique provides a useful alternative estimation method. Because this technique is applied to particle sections, the actual liberation properties for particles can only be estimated by applying stereological correction. A recent stereological technique has been developed that allows the discrepancy between the linear intercept composition distribution and the particle section composition distribution to be used as guide for estimating the particle composition distribution. The paper will show results validating this new technique using numerical simulation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Granulation is one of the fundamental operations in particulate processing and has a very ancient history and widespread use. Much fundamental particle science has occurred in the last two decades to help understand the underlying phenomena. Yet, until recently the development of granulation systems was mostly based on popular practice. The use of process systems approaches to the integrated understanding of these operations is providing improved insight into the complex nature of the processes. Improved mathematical representations, new solution techniques and the application of the models to industrial processes are yielding better designs, improved optimisation and tighter control of these systems. The parallel development of advanced instrumentation and the use of inferential approaches provide real-time access to system parameters necessary for improvements in operation. The use of advanced models to help develop real-time plant diagnostic systems provides further evidence of the utility of process system approaches to granulation processes. This paper highlights some of those aspects of granulation. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Solids concentration and particle size distribution gradually change in the vertical dimension of industrial flotation cells, subject primarily to the flotation cell size and design and the cell operating conditions. As entrainment is a two-step process and involves only the suspended solids in the top pulp region near the pulp-froth interface, the solids suspension characteristics have a significant impact on the overall entrainment. In this paper, a classification function is proposed to describe the state of solids suspension in flotation cells, similar to the definition of degree of entrainment for classification in the froth phase found in the literature. A mathematical model for solids suspension is also developed, in which the classification function is expressed as an exponential function of the particle size. Experimental data collected from three different Outokumpu tank flotation cells in three different concentrators are well fitted by the proposed exponential model. Under the prevailing experimental conditions, it was found that the solids content in the top region was relatively independent of cell operating conditions such as froth height and air rate but dependent on the cell size. Moreover, the results obtained from the total solids tend to be similar to those from a particular gangue mineral and hence may be applied to all minerals in entrainment calculation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work, we investigate the quantum dynamics of a model for two singlemode Bose-Einstein condensates which are coupled via Josephson tunnelling. Using direct numerical diagonalization of the Hamiltonian, we compute the time evolution of the expectation value for the relative particle number across a wide range of couplings. Our analysis shows that the system exhibits rich and complex behaviours varying between harmonic and non-harmonic oscillations, particularly around the threshold coupling between the delocalized and selftrapping phases. We show that these behaviours are dependent on both the initial state of the system and regime of the coupling. In addition, a study of the dynamics for the variance of the relative particle number expectation and the entanglement for different initial states is presented in detail.
We propose a scheme for parametric amplification and phase conjugation of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) via stimulated dissociation of a BEC of molecular dimers consisting of bosonic atoms. This can potentially be realized via coherent Raman transitions or using a magnetic Feshbach resonance. We show that the interaction of a small incoming atomic BEC with a (stationary) molecular BEC can produce two counterpropagating atomic beams - an amplified atomic BEC and its phase-conjugate or "time-reversed" replica. The two beams can possess strong quantum correlation in the relative particle number, with squeezed number-difference fluctuations.
Investigation of the secondary nucleation threshold (SNT) of alpha-glucose monohydrate was conducted in aqueous solutions in agitated batch systems for the temperature range 10 to 40 degrees C. The width of the SNT decreased as the induction time increased and was found to be temperature independent when supersaturation was based on the absolute concentration driving force. Nonnucleating seeded batch bulk crystallizations of this sugar were performed isothermally in the same temperature range as the SNT experiments, and within the SNT region to avoid nucleation. The growth kinetics were found to be linearly dependent on the supersaturation of total glucose in the system when the mutarotation reaction is not rate limiting. The growth rate constant increases with increasing temperature and follows an Arrhenius relationship with an activation energy of 50 +/- 2 kJ/mol. alpha-Glucose monohydrate shows significant crystal growth rate dispersion (GRD). For the seeds used, the 95% range of growth rates was within a factor of 6 for seeds with a narrow particle size distribution, and 8 for seeds with a wider distribution that was used at 25 degrees C. The results will be used to model the significance of the mutarotation reaction on the overall crystallization rate of D-glucose in industrial crystallization.
A computer model was developed to simulate the cake formation and growth in cake filtration at an individual particle level. The model was shown to be able to generate structural information and quantify the cake thickness, average cake solidosity, filtrate volume, filtrate flowrate for constant pressure filtration or pressure drop across the filter unit for constant rate filtration as a function of filtration time. The effects of particle size distribution and key operational variables such as initial filtration flowrate, maximum pressure drop and initial solidosity were examined based on the simulated results. They are qualitatively comparable to those observed in physical experiments. The need for further development in simulation was also discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We investigate the quantum many-body dynamics of dissociation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of molecular dimers into pairs of constituent bosonic atoms and analyze the resulting atom-atom correlations. The quantum fields of both the molecules and atoms are simulated from first principles in three dimensions using the positive-P representation method. This allows us to provide an exact treatment of the molecular field depletion and s-wave scattering interactions between the particles, as well as to extend the analysis to nonuniform systems. In the simplest uniform case, we find that the major source of atom-atom decorrelation is atom-atom recombination which produces molecules outside the initially occupied condensate mode. The unwanted molecules are formed from dissociated atom pairs with nonopposite momenta. The net effect of this process-which becomes increasingly significant for dissociation durations corresponding to more than about 40% conversion-is to reduce the atom-atom correlations. In addition, for nonuniform systems we find that mode mixing due to inhomogeneity can result in further degradation of the correlation signal. We characterize the correlation strength via the degree of squeezing of particle number-difference fluctuations in a certain momentum-space volume and show that the correlation strength can be increased if the signals are binned into larger counting volumes.
We study a fermionic atom optics counterpart of parametric down-conversion with photons. This can be realized through dissociation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of molecular dimers consisting of fermionic atoms. We present a theoretical model describing the quantum dynamics of dissociation and find analytic solutions for mode occupancies and atomic pair correlations, valid in the short time limit. The solutions are used to identify upper bounds for the correlation functions, which are applicable to any fermionic system and correspond to ideal particle number-difference squeezing.