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Texto fechado en 1796
Alcance y contenido: Incluye Oficio de remisión manuscrito que acompañaba a la "Demostracion...", firmado por José Canga Argüelles, Intendente en Comisión por el rey, y dirigido al Presidente y vocales de la Junta Superior, indicándo que junto al oficio le envía 40 ejemplares del mencionado impreso y fechado en Valencia a 16 de noviembre de 1809.
El dia de la profesión está escrito a mano
The use of mineral wool is becoming more widespread due to increased acoustic and thermal demands of Spanish Technical Building Code. This increase affects both in rehabilitation and new construction projects. Therefore, waste generation of this type of insulating material is having more importance. The main objective of this research is to study the possibility of recycling fiber obtained from mineral wool of the C&DW as an alternative material to chopped glass fibers that are currently used as reinforcing elements in the prefabricated plaster. To achieve this objective, series are made of plaster E-35 additived with rock wool residue and glass wool residue at different rates of addition. These series are repeated by changing the additive by E fiberglass (length of 25mm) to make a comparative analysis with respect to the series additived with mineral wool waste. All the series are subjected to the test to determine Shore C surface hardness and mechanical testing to determine the compressive and flexural strength. From the results it can be concluded that: with rock wool residue, increases Shore C hardness up to 15% with respect to the glass fiber and 9% with respect to the glass wool, with a percentage of addition 2%. With rock wool residue, weight is decreased by 5% with respect to the glass fiber and 4% with respect to the glass wool waste, with an addition percentage of 4%. For an addition rate of 4%, results in the flexural strength test with fiberglass are 85% higher than those obtained with glass wool residue. However, for a percentage of 1% addition, the results obtained with glass wool residue are 35% higher than those obtained with fiberglass. For an addition rate of 3% results in the compressive strength test with fiberglass are 54% lower than those obtained with rock wool waste and 70% lower than those obtained with glass wool waste. Comparing the two mineral wools, it can be concluded that up to 3% of the addition, the glass wool series results obtained are 10% higher than those additived with rock wool. However, higher percentages of addition show that the results obtained with rock wool are 35% higher than those obtained with glass wool. The general conclusion is that the series additived with mineral wool from C&DW show better results in tests than the ones used nowadays as plaster reinforcement.
Copia de la septima jornada de Inventario de los bienes de la herencia de D. Antonio Roca y Pertusa firmada por Jaime Zacarés, notario de la ciudad de Valencia
Texto en valenciano y en latín
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Diversas Cartas que se han recogido de el venerable hermano Fray Francisco de el Niño Jesús... (XVIII/4275).
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Romans, y coloqui nou, pera divertir el humor y desterrar la melancolia, yà que no tenim dinès ... (NP849.91/3085).
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Relacion de la entrada que hizieron en la ciudad de Denia, Reyno de Valencia, las armas de la Magestad Catolica, del Rey nuestro Señor Carlos IIJ [sic] ... el dia 18 de agosto de 1705. (XVIII/1688).
Contiene: Misteri del rey Herodes, vulgo de la degolla ; Altre rahonament que i fan los mateixos quatre llauradors al retor, presentantli los Misteris de Sant Cristofol, y de la Creaciò del mon ... /compost per lo mateix Escolà en est any 1772
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Individual noticia de todos los altares, arcos pinturas, adornos y lo mas exquisito y notable que havia en la carrera de la procession, y de las iluminaciones en general ... : (XVIII/1705).