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Esta pesquisa busca estudar o lugar da música religiosa na construção psicossocial da identidade de jovens presbiterianos independentes no estado de São Paulo. Seu objetivo visa verificar como se desenvolveu a identidade jovem dentro das mudanças e transformações da sociedade pós-moderna e de que maneira a música religiosa esteve presente nessas alterações. Primeiramente, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa bibliográfica, que procurou discutir temas como identidade , adolescência , juventude , modernidade , pós-modernidade , cultura hibrida , música e religião . Na segunda parte foi realizado a análise e discussão dos dados de uma pesquisa de campo com 245 jovens das comunidades locais, situados na faixa etária de 15 a 25 anos. O objetivo primordial foi o de verificar de que maneira se deu a construção dessa identidade jovem moderna e de como a música religiosa contribuiu e influenciou. A pretensão foi também a de verificar a construção identitária dos jovens respondentes levando-se em consideração o grupo social em que estão inseridos e de que maneira a cultura pós-moderna os ajudou na definição de seus gostos artísticos e musicais. Acredita-se que esta pesquisa ajudará na compreensão de momento de tantas transformações sociais, mudanças físicas, emocionais que experimentam as comunidades religiosas, as novas gerações e a prática cultica em todas elas.
In the last decades, increasing scientific evidence has correlated the regular consumption of (poly)phenol-rich foods to a potential reduction of chronic disease incidence and mortality. However, epidemiological evidence on the role of (poly)phenol intake against the risk of some chronic diseases is promising, but not conclusive. In this framework a proper approach to (poly)phenol research is requested, using a step by step strategy. The plant kingdom produces an overwhelming array of structurally diverse secondary metabolites, among which flavonoids and related phenolic and (poly)phenolic compounds constitute one of the most numerous and widely distributed group of natural products. To date, more than 8000 structures have been classified as members of the phytochemical class of (poly)phenol, and among them over 4000 flavonoids have been identified. For this reason, a detailed food (poly)phenolic characterization is essential to identify the compounds that will likely enter the human body upon consumption, to predict the metabolites that will be generated and to unravel the potential effects of phenolic rich food sources on human health. In the first part of this work the attention was focused on the phenolic characterization of fruit and vegetable supplements, considering the increasing attention recently addressed to the so called "nutraceuticals", and on the main coffee industry by-product, namely coffee silverskin. The interest oriented toward (poly)phenols is then extended to their metabolism within the human body, paramount in the framework of their putative health promoting effects. Like all nutrients and non-nutrients, once introduced through the diet, (poly)phenols are subjected to an intense metabolism, able to convert the native compounds into similar conjugated, as well as smaller and deeply modified molecules, which in turn could be further conjugated. Although great strides have been made in the last decades, some steps of the (poly)phenol metabolism remain unclear and are interesting points of research. In the second part of this work the research was focused on a specific bran fraction, namely aleurone, added in feed pellets and in bread to investigate the absorption, metabolism and bioavailability of its phenolic compounds in animal and humans, with a preliminary in vitro step to determine their potential bioaccesibility. This part outlines the best approaches to assess the bioavailability of specific phenolics in several experimental models. The physiological mechanisms explaining the epidemiological and observational data on phenolics and health, are still far from being unraveled or understood in full. Many published results on phenolic actions at cell levels are biased by the fact that aglycones or native compounds have been used, not considering the previously mentioned chemical and biological transformations. In the last part of this thesis work, a new approach in (poly)phenol bioactivity investigation is proposed, consisting of a medium-long term treatment of animals with a (poly)phenol source, in this specific case resveratrol, the detection of its metabolites to determine their possible specific tissue accumulation, and the evaluation of specific parameters and/or mechanism of action at target tissue level. To conclude, this PhD work has contributed to advancing the field, as novel sources of (poly)phenols have been described, the bioavailability of (poly)phenols contained in a novel specific bran fraction used as ingredient has been evaluated in animal and in humans, and, finally, the tissue accumulation of specific (poly)phenol metabolites and the evaluation of specific parameters and/or mechanism of action has been carried out. For these reasons, this PhD work should be considered an example of adequate approach to the investigation of (poly)phenols and of their bioactivity, unavoidable in the process of unequivocally defining their effects on human health.
We have recently proposed the framework of independent blind source separation as an advantageous approach to steganography. Amongst the several characteristics noted was a sensitivity to message reconstruction due to small perturbations in the sources. This characteristic is not common in most other approaches to steganography. In this paper we discuss how this sensitivity relates the joint diagonalisation inside the independent component approach, and reliance on exact knowledge of secret information, and how it can be used as an additional and inherent security mechanism against malicious attack to discovery of the hidden messages. The paper therefore provides an enhanced mechanism that can be used for e-document forensic analysis and can be applied to different dimensionality digital data media. In this paper we use a low dimensional example of biomedical time series as might occur in the electronic patient health record, where protection of the private patient information is paramount.
Poly(β-hydroxybutyrate), (PHB), is a biologically produced, biodegradable thennoplastic with commercial potential. In this work the qualitative and quantitative investigations of the structure and degradation of a previously unstudied, novel, fibrous form of PHB, were completed. This gel-spun PHB fibrous matrix, PHB(FM), which has a similar appearance to cotton wool, possesses a relatively complex structure which combines a large volume with a low mass and has potential for use as a wound scaffolding device. As a result of the intrinsic problems presented by this novel structure, a new experimental procedure was developed to analyze the degradation of the PHB to its monomer hydroxybutyric acid, (HBA). This procedure was used in an accelerated degradation model which accurately monitored the degradation of the undegraded and degraded fractions of a fibrous matrix and the degradation of its PHB component. The in vitro degradation mechanism was also monitored using phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, fibre diameter distributions and Fourier infra-red photoacoustic spectroscopy. The accelerated degradation model was used to predict the degradation of the samples in the physiological model and this provided a clearer picture as to the samples potential biodegradation as medical implantation devices. The degradation of the matrices was characterized by an initial penetration of the degradative medium and weakening of the fibre integrity due to cleavage of the ester linkages, this then led to the physical collapse of the fibres which increased the surface area to volume ratio of the sample and facilitated its degradation. Degradation in the later stages was reduced due to the experimental kinetics, compaction and degradation resistant material, most probably the highly crystalline regions of the PHB. The in vitro degradation of the PHB(FM) was influenced by blending with various polysaccharides, copolymerizing with poly(~-hydroxyvalerate), (PHV), and changes to the manufacturing process. The degradation was also detennined to be faster than that of conventional melt processed PHB based samples. It was concluded that the material factors such as processing, sample size and shape affected the degradation of PHB based samples with the major factor of sample surface area to volume ratio being of paramount importance in determining the degradation of a sample.
Soil erosion is one of the most pressing issues facing developing countries. The need for soil erosion assessment is paramount as a successful and productive agricultural base is necessary for economic growth and stability. In Ghana, a country with an expanding population and high potential for economic growth, agriculture is an important resource; however, most of the crop production is restricted to low technology shifting cultivation agriculture. The high intensity seasonal rainfall coincides with the early growing period of many of the crops meaning that plots are very susceptible to erosion, especially on steep sided valleys in the region south of Lake Volta. This research investigated the processes of soil erosion by rainfall with the aim of producing a sediment yield model for a small semi-agricultural catchment in rural Ghana. Various types of modelling techniques were considered to discover those most applicable to the sub-tropical environment of Southern Ghana. Once an appropriate model had been developed and calibrated, the aim was to look at how to enable the scaling up of the model using sub-catchments to calculate sedimentation rates of Lake Volta. An experimental catchment was located in Ghana, south west of Lake Volta, where data on rainstorms and the associated streamflow, sediment loads and soil data (moisture content, classification and particle size distribution) was collected to calibrate the model. Additional data was obtained from the Soil Research Institute in Ghana to explore calibration of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE, Wischmeier and Smith, 1978) for Ghanaian soils and environment. It was shown that the USLE could be successfully converted to provide meaningful soil loss estimates in the Ghanaian environment. However, due to experimental difficulties, the proposed theory and methodology of the sediment yield model could only be tested in principle. Future work may include validation of the model and subsequent scaling up to estimate sedimentation rates in Lake Volta.
Regenerative medicine technologies have the potential to revolutionise human healthcare. However, whilst science has revealed the potential, and early products have shown the power of such therapies, there is now a need for the long-term supply of human stem cells in sufficient numbers to create reproducible and cost effective therapeutic products. The industrial platforms to be developed for human cell culture are in some ways analogous to those already developed for biopharmaceutical production using mammalian cells at large scales. However, there are a number of unique challenges that need to be addressed, largely because the quality of the cell is paramount, rather than the proteins that they express. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
This article describes the process through which the subjectivity of the illegal immigrant is deconstructed and later reconstructed, as revealed by the Moroccan journalist and intellectual Rachid Nini in his book Diario de un ilegal/Diary of an Illegal Immigrant (2002), an account of the author's perils as an illegal immigrant in Spain. The analysis focuses firstly on the narrative form that Nini employs to give an account of his story, and secondly on the spatial displacement to which the subject and his subjectivity are exposed, which leads to the obliteration of his identity. The abrupt changes that the subject faces in a new location are paramount and impel him to a constant quest for self-definition and of negotiation with the new Other. Thus, the privileges that Nini enjoyed while in Morocco, those of a male journalist, poet, translator and intellectual with a university degree, disappear altogether once his plane has landed on the Canary Islands. In this new location, the place of origin and/or race are now what define his identity; he is now simply a moro - a Moor - he is not considered as an individual but, as will be shown, as a member of a homogenizing category which resists definition. The article finishes by addressing how Nini, in his quest to destroy homogenizing stereotypes, employs other stereotypes as though this were the only escape from the schizophrenic state the illegal immigrant identity had been forced into.
In an increasingly competitive business environment, the ability to spot and seize new opportunities, to plot a path of successful growth for an organisation, and to use resources effectively and efficiently, becomes paramount. Managers have a number of management tools at their disposal to help meet the challenges that they face. By consulting with both business academics and alumni on their knowledge and use of strategy tools, this report contains a number of strategy tools that managers would benefit from being familiar and using in their work, particularly as their experience and seniority increases.
The Global Partnership for Effective Diabetes Management, established to provide practical guidance to improve patient outcomes in diabetes, has developed and modified recommendations to improve glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes. The Global Partnership advocates an individualized therapeutic approach and, as part of the process to customize therapy, has previously identified specific type 2 diabetes patient subgroups that require special consideration. This article builds on earlier publications, expanding the scope of practical guidance to include newly diagnosed individuals with complications and women with diabetes in pregnancy. Good glycaemic control remains the cornerstone of managing type 2 diabetes, and plays a vital role in preventing or delaying the onset and progression of diabetic complications. Individualizing therapeutic goals and treatments to meet glycaemic targets safely and without delay remains paramount, in addition to a wider programme of care to reduce cardiovascular risk factors and improve patient outcomes. © The Author(s) 2013.
This paper explores the components of Service Quality in HE from the Business School Postgraduate student perspective. A six-dimensional scale measuring Service Quality is developed based on focus group and survey data. Our findings highlight that postgraduate students are highly outcome oriented; the award of a reputable degree to gain employment is more important than learning for life. Whilst developing employable graduates, Business Schools must not neglect the core service; teaching & learning. In the long-term this contributes to employability rates and the reputation of institutions. However, as student satisfaction is an increasingly paramount objective, balancing the core service and factors perceived as important by postgraduate students is key.
This thesis investigates the visual deficits associated with developmental dyslexia, particularly that of visual attention. Visual attention has previously been investigated in a wide array of behavioural and psychophysical (amongst others) studies but not many have produced consistent findings. Attention processes are believed to play an integral part in depicting the overall "extent" of reading deficits in dyslexia, so it was of paramount importance to aim at such attention mechanisms in this research. The experiments in this thesis focused on signal enhancement and noise (distractor) exclusion. Given the flexibility of the visual search paradigms employed in this research, factors such as visual crowding and attention distribution was also investigated. The experiments systematically manipulated noise (by increasing distractor count, i.e. set-size), crowding (varying the spacing between distractors), attention allocation (use of peripheral cues to direct attention), and attention distribution (influence of one visual field over the other), all of which were tied to a critical factor, the "location/spatial/decisional uncertainty". Adults with dyslexia were: (i) able to modulate attention appropriately using peripheral pre-cues, (ii) severely affected by crowding, and (iii) unable to counteract increased set-sizes when post or un-cued, the latter signifying poor distractor (noise) suppression. By controlling for location uncertainty, the findings confirmed that adults with dyslexia were yet again affected by crowding and set-size, in addition to an asymmetric attention distribution. Confounding effects of ADHD symptoms did not explain a significant independent variance in performance, suggesting that the difficulty shown by adult dyslexics were not accounted for by co-morbid ADHD. Furthermore, the effects of crowding, set-size and asymmetric attention correlated significantly with literacy, but not ADHD measures. It is believed that a more diffuse and an asymmetric attention system (in dyslexia) to be the limiting factor concerning noise exclusion and attention distribution. The findings from this thesis add to the current understanding of the potential role of deficits in visual attention in dyslexia and in the literacy difficulties experienced by this population.
PURPOSE. To establish the optimal flash settings for retinal vessel oxygen saturation parameters using dual-wavelength imaging in a multiethnic group. METHODS. Twelve healthy young subjects (mean age 32 years [SD 7]; three Mediterranean, two South Asian, and seven Caucasian individuals) underwent retinal vessel oxygen saturation measurements using dual-wavelength oximetry, noncontact tonometry, and manual sphygmomanometry. In order to evaluate the impact of flash intensity, we obtained three images (fundus camera angle 30°, ONH centered) per flash setting. Flash settings of the fundus camera were increased in steps of 2 (initial setting of 6 and the final of 22), which reflect logarithmic increasing intensities from 13.5 to 214 Watt seconds (Ws). RESULTS. Flash settings below 27 Ws were too low to obtain saturation measurements, whereas flash settings of more than 214 Ws resulted in overexposed images. Retinal arteriolar and venular oxygen saturation was comparable at flash settings of 27 to 76 Ws (arterioles' range: 85%-92%; venules' range: 45%-53%). Higher flash settings lead to increased saturation measurements in both retinal arterioles (up to 110%) and venules (up to 92%), with a more pronounced increase in venules. CONCLUSIONS. Flash intensity has a significant impact on retinal vessel oxygen saturation measurements using dual-wavelength retinal oximetry. High flash intensities lead to supranormal oxygen saturation measurements with a magnified effect in retinal venules compared with arteries. In addition to even retinal illumination, the correct flash setting is of paramount importance for clinical acquisition of images in retinal oximetry. We recommend flash settings between 27 to 76 Ws. © 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.
This paper explores the socio-economic impacts and associated policy responses to the collapse of MG Rover at Longbridge in Birmingham. Critically, it attempts to move beyond a ‘standard’ taskforce narrative that emphasizes the role of the regional response. While recognizing that significant policy ‘successes’ were indeed evident at the regional level in anticipating and responding to the crisis, a wider perspective is required that situates this taskforce response in (1) a fuller understanding of labour market precariousness (that in turn mitigates some of its policy ‘successes’), and (2) more local perspectives that highlight the local impacts of closure, the role of the neighbourhood level officials and the third sector in mediating these. Taking this broader perspective suggests that longer-term, workers face a precarious situation and the need for policies to create and sustain ‘good quality’ jobs remains paramount. Adding in more local perspectives, a key lesson from the Longbridge experience for dealing with closures more generally is that the public policy responses must be: multidimensional in that they transcend narrow sector-based concerns and addresses broader spatial impacts; inclusive in that they build on a broad coalition of economic and social stakeholders; and long-term in that they acknowledge that adaptation takes many years. If anything, the Birmingham Longbridge experience demonstrates the difficulty of achieving such responses in the context of crisis where action is imperative and deliberation a luxury.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 78A50
A tanulmány a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) egyik nagy kérdésének megközelítéseit vizsgálja: miként védhető a közérdek e projektekben. Piaci és nem piaci megoldásokat tesz az elemzés mérlegre, valamint kitér arra, hogy miért különleges a PPP projektek esetében a közérdek védelmének kérdése. A szabályozott verseny körülményeinek kialakítása több megközelítésben is perdöntő kérdés a PPP értéknövelésének előmozdításához, bár a létező megoldások nem mentesek anomáliáktól. A képviseleti demokrácia intézményi működésének támogatására pedig a társadalmi részvétel megoldásait javasolja az irodalom. E megközelítés is több formájában, többféle céllal és szintén kihívásokkal segítheti az értéknövelő PPP projekteket. A tanulmány az elvi lehetőségek értékelő elemzését követően a megvalósítás realitásait is mérlegre teszi. = This study focuses on a key issue in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects: how may public interest be protected. It assesses market based and non market based approaches, and also explains why PPP projects are peculiar when addressing the protection of public interest. Setting up the conditions for simulated competition is of paramount importance for different reasons in order to enable value creating PPP projects. Existing solutions however are not without anomalies. To promote the institutions of democracy, participatory solutions are recommended in the literature. That approach may help value creating PPP projects in various forms, with a range of objectives and challenges. The study concludes the analytical assessment of options by highlighting the realistic conditions of implementation.