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This report was prepared at the request of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) with support from the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) to assess strategies for linking the ECLAC Damage and Loss Assessment (DaLA) Methology to the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA). Each metholodolgy was individually outlined and their use in the Caribbean context was explored in detail to set the framework or lens through which their linking would be viewed. Other methologies that are used within the recovery process were identified and outlined. A gap analysis was conducted on moving from the PDNA with a focus on initial rapid reponse to DaLA. DaLA training materials were reviewed to assess where improvements can be made to seamlessly move from one methology to the next. Additionally, both DaLA and PDNA reports were reviewed to identify specific areas of information which could serve as common data links, and note how this linkage could inform the overall disaster assessments in the region. This is in addition to noting any similarities or variance in the application of both methologies. Challenges to linking both methodologies were identified such as countries lacking well defined recovery frameworks and their ability to fund or finance recovery efforts, in addition to recurrent challenges in the Caribbean region such as inadequacy of baseline data, human resource and training, and identifying teams to conduct the data collection. Recommendations made in terms of the strategies to be employed for the successful linking of both the DaLA and PDNA Methodologies included: creating and maintaining a recovery framework and baseline data; creation of a minimum requirements list for the successful implementation of PDNA and DaLA implementation; and increasing political will in addition to identify a champion to push the subject.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo do experimento foi testar a eficácia de diferentes diluidores, a base de Ringer-Lactato, Leite Desnatado, TRIS (hidroxi-methil-amino-methan) e Lactose/TRIS, na criopreservação de sêmen bubalino. Foram utilizados três machos bubalinos da raça Murrah em plena atividade sexual. O sêmen foi colhido por vagina artificial totalizando 71 ejaculados. Após a colheita, cada amostra foi submetida às análises qualitativas e quantitativas do sêmen. Os ejaculados foram fracionados e diluídos nos quatro diluidores. O sêmen diluído foi envasado em palhetas de 0,25ml e submetidos a um tempo de equilíbrio de até quatro horas a 5ºC, com posterior congelação em nitrogênio líquido. As amostras identificadas foram descongeladas em banho maria à temperatura de 40°C por 30 segundos e seqüencialmente avaliadas quanto a motilidade, vigor, lesão de acrossoma, e percentual de patologias espermáticas. As amostras também foram submetidas ao teste de termo-resistência, permanecendo incubadas à temperatura de 40°C durante 30 segundos, 3-5 minutos, 30 minutos, 1 hora, 2 horas e 3 horas, onde foram avaliadas quanto a motilidade e o vigor espermático. As características físicoquímicas, após análise do sêmen in natura, encontraram-se dentro dos valores preconizados para a espécie bubalina e satisfatórios para o processo de congelação. Após descongelação do sêmen, observou redução numérica estatística (p<0,05) na motilidade espermática, sendo que no sêmen in natura se observou 86,67±6,17% reduzindo para 70±6,92% em TRIS, 67,4±8,01% em Ringer/lactato, 67,09±9,03% em Lactose/TRIS e 59,7±9,05% em leite desnatado e ao comparar entre os quatro tratamentos apenas o Leite desnatado mostrou diferença estatística significativa (p<0,05). Após descongelação, o vigor espermático também diminuiu estatisticamente (p<0,05) nos quatro tratamentos (3,50±0,53 TRIS; 3,38±0,49 Ringer-lactato; 3,3±0,46 Lactose/TRIS e 3,25±0,44 Leite desnatado) versus (4±0,39 sêmen in natura) e ao comparar entre os tratamento, apenas entre Leite desnatado e TRIS se observou diferença estatística (p<0,05). Quanto aos defeitos maiores (4,15±1,9% sêmen in natura; 10,51±4,4% TRIS; 11,94±4,2% Ringer-Lactato; 11,88±4,8% Lactose/TRIS; 12,01±5% Leite desnatado), menores (3,81±1,2% sêmen in natura; 4,67±1,1% TRIS; 4,98±1,7% Ringer-Lactato; 4,93±2,0% Lactose/TRIS; 4,93±2,0% Leite desnatado) e totais (7,91±2,1% sêmen in natura; 15,18±4,7% TRIS; 16,92±4,8% Ringer-Lactato; 16,82±5,6% Lactose/TRIS; 17,11±5,6% Leite desnatado), após descongelação houve aumento significativo dos defeitos nos quatro tratamentos (p<0,05), e entre eles não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas entre si (p>0,05). Na fase pós-TTR, após 3 horas de incubação, a motilidade progressiva (TRIS 21,13±7,5%; Ringer-Lactato 20,78±7,4%; Lactose/TRIS 20,25±5,3%; Leite desnatado 20,12±6,6%) e vigor espermático (TRIS 2,04±0,5; Ringer-Lactato 2,07±0,5; Lactose/TRIS 2,02±0,4; Leite desnatado 2,00±0,5) não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os tratamentos (p<0,05). Quanto a intergridade do acrossoma, após a descongelação (Sêmen in natura 97,85±0,6%; TRIS 91,65±4,3%; Ringer-Lactato 90,46±4,8%; Lactose/TRIS 89,76±5,4%; Leite desnatado 90,56±5,6%), houve diminuição estatística (p<0,05) e quando se comparou tal parâmetro entre os tratamentos não foi observado diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os tratamento (p>0,05). Diante dos resultados observados é possível concluir que a congelação de sêmen de búfalo com os diluidores TRIS (Trishydroxy- methyl-amino-methan), Ringer-Lactato, Lactose/TRIS, e Leite desnatado mostraram satisfatória função de crioproteção na viabilidade espermática do sêmen nas diferentes etapas da criopreservação.


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Já está bem estabelecido que um estilo de vida sedentário é fator de risco para uma série de doenças crônicas, dentre elas a doença de Alzheimer. A neuropatologia da doença de Alzheimer é caracterizada por depósitos amilóides, perda neuronal, gliose reativa e vacuolização da neurópila. A doença príon tem sido amplamente utilizada como modelo experimental para estudar aspectos celulares e moleculares da neurodegeneração crônica em muito semelhante àquela descrita na doença de Alzheimer. O ambiente empobrecido das gaiolas padrão de laboratório tem sido usado para mimetizar um estilo de vida sedentário enquanto que o ambiente enriquecido tem sido empregado para mimetizar um estilo de vida ativo. Para testar a hipótese de que o ambiente enriquecido pode contribuir para desacelerar o curso temporal da neurodegeneração crônica associada à doença príon em modelo murino induzimos a doença príon em vinte camundongos fêmeas da variedade suíça albina que tinham sido alojadas aos seis meses de idade em ambiente enriquecido (EE) ou em ambiente padrão (SE) durante cinco meses. Após esse peródo foram realizadas cirurgias para injeção estereotáxica intracerebral bilateral de homogendao de cérebro de camundongo normal (NBH, n=10) ou de camundongo com sinais clínicos de doença príon terminal (ME7, n=10). Os animais foram devolvidos as suas gaiolas e condições de alojamento originais formando os seguintes grupos experimentais: NBH SE=5, NBH EE=5, ME7 SE=5, ME7 EE=5. Após três semanas foi iniciado teste semanal empregando o burrowing, uma tarefa sensível ao dano hipocampal e 18 semanas após as inoculações realizou-se os testes de memória de reconhecimento de objetos. Encerrados os testes sacrificou-se os animais realizando-se o processamento histológico do tecido nervoso visando a imunomarcação astrocítica das áreas de interesse. A redução progressiva da atividade de burrowing teve início na décima terceira semana pós injeção no grupo ME7 SE e somente na décima quinta semana no grupo ME7 EE. A habilidade de reconhecer o objeto deslocado no teste de memória espacial foi comprometida no grupo ME7 SE, mas se manteve normal nos demais grupos experimentais. O teste de discriminação entre o objeto novo e o familiar não revelou alterações. As análises quantitativas sem viés dos astrócitos imunomarcados para proteína fibrilar ácida (GFAP) foram realizadas no stratum radiatum de CA3 e na camada polimórfica do giro denteado dorsal. As estimativas estereológicas do número total de astrócitos e do volume do corpo celular revelaram que em CA3 somente ocorre hipertrofia dos corpos celulares em animais dos grupos ME7 SE e ME7 EE em relação aos respectivos controles, sendo o volume médio dos corpos celulares do grupo ME7 EE menor que aquele do grupo ME7 SE. Na camada polimórfica houve significativo aumento do número de astrócitos no grupo ME7 SE em relação ao NBH SE e do grupo NBH EE em relação ao NBH SE. O volume do corpo celular também foi significativamente maior nos grupos ME7 em relação aos respectivos controles dos grupos NBH. As análises morfométricas tridimensionais revelaram importante aumento de volume e área de superfície dos segmentos das árvores astrocíticas nos grupos doentes em comparação aos controles. O enriquecimento ambiental reduziu o aumento de volume dos ramos observado no grupo ME7 e aumentou o número de intersecções dos ramos distais no grupo NBH EE em relação ao NBH SE e nos ramos proximais no grupo ME7 EE em relação ao ME7 SE. O emprego da análise de cluster e discriminante permitiu a identificação dos parâmetros morfométricos que mais contribuíram para a distinção entre os grupos. Para testar a hipótese de existirem subfamílias de astrócitos morfologicamente distintos dentro de cada grupo experimental, foi realizada análise de conglomerados que resultou na formação de duas famílias distintas no grupo NBH SE, três famílias nos grupos NBH EE e ME7 EE e quatro famílias no grupo ME7 SE. As bases celulares e moleculares que conduzem a formação de novas famílias de astrócitos e a neuroproteção associada ao ambiente enriquecido que diminui a velocidade de progressão da doença permanecem por serem investigadas.


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AIM: In this study, we evaluated and compared community attributes from a tropical deforested stream, located in a pasture area, in a period before (PRED I) and three times after (POSD I, II, and III) a flash flood, in order to investigate the existence of temporal modifications in community structure that suggests return to conditions previous to the flash flood. METHODS: Biota samples included algae, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates, and fish assemblages. Changes in stream physical structure we also evaluated. Similarity of the aquatic biota between pre and post-disturbance periods was examined by exploratory ordination, known as Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling associated with Cluster Analysis, using quantitative and presence/absence Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients. Presence and absence data were used for multivariate correlation analysis (Relate Analysis) in order to investigate taxonomic composition similarity of biota between pre and post-disturbance periods. RESULTS: Our results evidenced channel simplification and an expressive decrease in richness and abundance of all taxa right after the flood, followed by subsequent increases of these parameters in the next three samples, indicating trends towards stream community recovery. Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients evidenced a greater community structure disparity among the period right after the flood and the subsequent ones. Multivariate correlation analysis evidenced a greater correlation between macroinvertebrates and algae/macrophytes, demonstrating the narrow relation between their recolonization dynamics. CONCLUSIONS: Despite overall community structure tended to return to previous conditions, recolonization after the flood was much slower than that reported in literature. Finally, the remarkably high flood impact along with the slow recolonization could be a result of the historical presence of anthropic impacts in the region, such as siltation, riparian forest complete depletion, and habitat simplification, which magnified the effects of a natural disturbance.


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A significant proportion (up to 62) of oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) may arise from oral potential malignant lesions (OPMLs), such as leukoplakia. Patient outcomes may thus be improved through detection of lesions at a risk for malignant transformation, by identifying and categorizing genetic changes in sequential, progressive OPMLs. We conducted array comparative genomic hybridization analysis of 25 sequential, progressive OPMLs and same-site OSCCs from five patients. Recurrent DNA copy number gains were identified on 1p in 20/25 cases (80) with minimal, high-level amplification regions on 1p35 and 1p36. Other regions of gains were frequently observed: 11q13.4 (68), 9q34.13 (64), 21q22.3 (60), 6p21 and 6q25 (56) and 10q24, 19q13.2, 22q12, 5q31.2, 7p13, 10q24 and 14q22 (48). DNA losses were observed in 20 of samples and mainly detected on 5q31.2 (35), 16p13.2 (30), 9q33.1 and 9q33.29 (25) and 17q11.2, 3p26.2, 18q21.1, 4q34.1 and 8p23.2 (20). Such copy number alterations (CNAs) were mapped in all grades of dysplasia that progressed, and their corresponding OSCCs, in 70 of patients, indicating that these CNAs may be associated with disease progression. Amplified genes mapping within recurrent CNAs (KHDRBS1, PARP1, RAB1A, HBEGF, PAIP2, BTBD7) were selected for validation, by quantitative real-time PCR, in an independent set of 32 progressive leukoplakia, 32 OSSCs and 21 non-progressive leukoplakia samples. Amplification of BTBD7, KHDRBS1, PARP1 and RAB1A was exclusively detected in progressive leukoplakia and corresponding OSCC. BTBD7, KHDRBS1, PARP1 and RAB1A may be associated with OSCC progression. Proteinprotein interaction networks were created to identify possible pathways associated with OSCC progression.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of breed and season on semen quality parameters of zebu bulls. Data (1,632 registers) of semen production from Gir (n = 4) and Nelore (n = 15) bulls were collected between October 2005 and November 2009. The ejaculates were collected twice a week during various seasons (summer, fall, winter, and spring) and evaluated for the following semen parameters: ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, forward progressive motility (FPM), and sperm morphology. Factor analysis was used to determine the relationship among variables. The effect of breed (Gir and Nelore) and season and their cross effect on each parameter and extracted factor were tested using ANOVA. A negative correlation (P < 0.05) was observed between FPM and proximal droplet, as well as with abnormal loose head, abnormal small head, pouch formation, abnormal mid-peace, and strongly folded tail. Gir bull sperm showed more major defects, detached acrosome, and minor FPM (P < 0.01), whereas Nelore bulls showed a higher number of sperm with normally loose head.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Structural durability is an important design criterion, which must be assessed for every type of structure. In this regard, especial attention must be addressed to the durability of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. When RC structures are located in aggressive environments, its durability is strongly reduced by physical/chemical/mechanical processes that trigger the corrosion of reinforcements. Among these processes, the diffusion of chlorides is recognized as one of major responsible of corrosion phenomenon start. To accurate modelling the corrosion of reinforcements and to assess the durability of RC structures, a mechanical model that accounts realistically for both concrete and steel mechanical behaviour must be considered. In this context, this study presents a numerical nonlinear formulation based on the finite element method applied to structural analysis of RC structures subjected to chloride penetration and reinforcements corrosion. The physical nonlinearity of concrete is described by Mazars damage model whereas for reinforcements elastoplastic criteria are adopted. The steel loss along time due to corrosion is modelled using an empirical approach presented in literature and the chloride concentration growth along structural cover is represented by Fick's law. The proposed model is applied to analysis of bended structures. The results obtained by the proposed numerical approach are compared to responses available in literature in order to illustrate the evolution of structural resistant load after corrosion start. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work, a non-linear Boundary Element Method (BEM) formulation with damage model is extended for numerical simulation of structural masonry walls in 2D stress analysis. The formulation is reoriented to analyse structural masonry, the component materials of which, clay bricks and mortar, are considered as damaged materials. Also considered are the internal variables and cell discretization of the domain. A damage model is used to represent the material behaviour and the domain discretization is also proposed and discussed. The paper presents the numerical parameters of the damage model for the material properties of the masonry components, clay bricks and mortar. Some examples are shown to validate the formulation.


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The study of short implants is relevant to the biomechanics of dental implants, and research on crown increase has implications for the daily clinic. The aim of this study was to analyze the biomechanical interactions of a singular implant-supported prosthesis of different crown heights under vertical and oblique force, using the 3-D finite element method. Six 3-D models were designed with Invesalius 3.0, Rhinoceros 3D 4.0, and Solidworks 2010 software. Each model was constructed with a mandibular segment of bone block, including an implant supporting a screwed metal-ceramic crown. The crown height was set at 10, 12.5, and 15 mm. The applied force was 200 N (axial) and 100 N (oblique). We performed an ANOVA statistical test and Tukey tests; p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The increase of crown height did not influence the stress distribution on screw prosthetic (p > 0.05) under axial load. However, crown heights of 12.5 and 15 mm caused statistically significant damage to the stress distribution of screws and to the cortical bone (p <0.001) under oblique load. High crown to implant (C/I) ratio harmed microstrain distribution on bone tissue under axial and oblique loads (p < 0.001). Crown increase was a possible deleterious factor to the screws and to the different regions of bone tissue. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.