Purpose: To evaluate the effects of panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) compared with PRP plus intravitreal bevacizumab on best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and total area of fluorescein leakage from active new vessels (NVs) in patients with high-risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Methods: We carried out a prospective study of patients with high-risk PDR and no prior laser treatment who were randomly assigned to receive PRP (PRP group) or PRP plus intravitreal injection of 1.5 mg of bevacizumab (PRP-plus group). In all patients, the PRP was administered at two time-points (weeks 1 and 3), with the intravitreal bevacizumab delivered at the end of the second laser episode in the PRP-plus group. Standardized ophthalmic evaluation including Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study BCVA as well as stereoscopic fundus photography and fluorescein angiography were performed at baseline and at weeks 4, 9 (+/- 1) and 16 (+/- 2). Main outcome measures included changes in BCVA and in total area of fluorescein leakage from active NVs. Results: Twenty-two (n = 30 eyes) consecutive patients completed the 16-week follow-up. There was no significant difference between the PRP and PRP-plus groups with respect to age, gender, type or duration of diabetes, area of fluorescein leakage from active NVs or BCVA. No significant difference in BCVA was observed between the groups throughout the study period. However, the total area of actively leaking NVs was significantly reduced in the PRP-plus group compared with the PRP group at weeks 4, 9 and 16 (p < 0.001). No major adverse events were identified. Conclusions: In the short-term, the adjunctive use of intravitreal bevacizumab with PRP was associated with a greater reduction in the area of active leaking NVs than PRP alone in patients with high-risk PDR.
This work aimed at an evaluation of the classical iodine method for quantification of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) in fruit juices, as well as at a search into the stability of this so popular vitamin under different conditions of pH, temperature and light exposition, in addition to a proposal of a new quantification method. Our results point to the persistent reversibility of the blue color of the starch-triiodide complex at the end point when using the classical iodine titration, and the overestimation of the true vitamin concentration in fruit juices. A new quantification method is proposed in order to overcome this problem. Surprising conclusions were obtained regarding the controversial stability of L-ascorbic acid toward atmospheric oxygen, at low pH, even in fruit juice and at room temperature, showing that the major problem concerned with aging of fruit juices is proliferation of microorganisms rather than expontaneous oxidation of L-ascorbic acid.
Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (NA) is a rare vascular benign nonencapsulated neoplasm, characterized by local aggressiveness and destructive potential, typically diagnosed in adolescent males. We report a case of NA affecting a 15-year-old male that presented with a persistent nasal obstruction and epistaxis with 1 year of evolution. Clinical and radiological patterns pointed out a differential diagnosis of NA. Arteriography demonstrates the vascular support of the tumor and evinces the embolization of the internal maxillary artery. The surgical approach was procedure by Le Fort I osteotomy exposing the tumor and promoting easy access for posterior removal. The surgery was carried out without hemorrhagic problems. The maxilla was fixed in the original position with 4 L-shape plaques. Histopathological findings supported the diagnosis of NA. The patient presented after 8 months of postoperative follow-up, without clinical signs of recurrence or residual tumor and without palatal or maxillary teeth paresthesia.
After outlining some comparative features of poverty in India, this article reviews critically recent literature on the dynamics of poverty. On economic efficiency grounds, it rejects the view that the chronically poor are more deserving than the non-chronic poor of poverty assistance. Mechanisms of households and communities for coping with poverty are discussed. The possibility is raised that where poverty has been persistent that rational methods for coping with it are likely to be well established, and less suffering may occur than for households and communities thrown temporarily into poverty. However, situations can also be envisaged where such rational behaviours deepen the poverty trap and create unfavourable externalities for poverty alleviation. Conflict can arise between programmes to alleviate poverty in poor communities and the sustainability of these communities and their local cultures. Problems posed by this are discussed. Furthermore, the impact of market extension on poor landholders is considered. In contrast to the prevailing view that increased market extension and liberalisation is favourable to poor farmers, it is argued that inescapable market transaction cost makes it difficult for the poor to survive as landholders in a fluid and changing market system. The likelihood of poor landholders joining the landless poor rises, and if they migrate from the countryside to the city they face further adjustment hurdles. Consequently, poor landholders may be poorer after the extension of the market system and only their offspring may reap benefits from market reforms.
Objectives: To investigate the long-term effects of pharyngeal flap surgery (PFS) on nasal and nasopharyngeal dimensions of patients with velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) and to correlate the findings with the onset of respiratory complaints after surgery. Design/Participants: Prospective study in 58 nonsyndromic patients with repaired cleft palate and VPI, evaluated 2 days before and 5 months (POST1) and 1 year (POST2) after PFS, on average. Patients were divided into two groups: one consisting of patients with postoperative respiratory complaints (RC group) and the other without complaints (NRC group). Interventions: Superiorly based PFS. Main Outcome Measures: Respiratory complaints (self reports of mouth breathing, snoring, and other sleep obstructive events) assessed at POST1 and POST2, and minimum nasal (NCSA) and nasopharyngeal (NPA) cross-sectional areas assessed by rhinomanometry at POST2. Results: Respiratory complaints were reported by 55% and 36% of the patients evaluated at POST1 and POST2, respectively. Posterior rhinomanometry showed a significant postoperative reduction of mean NCSA in the RC and NRC groups (p < .05), to subnormal levels in some of them. The decrease was more pronounced in the RC group. No significant changes in NCSA were observed by anterior rhinomanometry. Similar results were obtained when NPA was assessed by modified anterior rhinomanometry. Conclusion: In the long-term, PFS yielded a significant reduction in upper airways dimensions beyond what should be expected and associated with persistent respiratory complaints in some cases.
Trypanosoma cruzi infection causes intense myocarditis, leading to cardiomyopathy and severe cardiac dysfunction. Protective adaptive immunity depends on balanced signaling through a T cell receptor and coreceptors expressed on the T cell surface. Such coreceptors can trigger stimulatory or inhibitory signals after binding to their ligands in antigen-presenting cells (APC). T. cruzi modulates the expression of coreceptors in lymphocytes after infection. Deregulated inflammation may be due to unbalanced expression of these molecules. Programmed death cell receptor 1 (PD-1) is a negative T cell coreceptor that has been associated with T cell anergy or exhaustion and persistent intracellular infections. We aimed to study the role of PD-1 during T. cruzi-induced acute myocarditis in mice. Cytometry assays showed that PD-1 and its ligands are strongly upregulated in lymphocytes and APC in response to T. cruzi infection in vivo and in vitro. Lymphocytes infiltrating the myocardium exhibited high levels of expression of these molecules. An increased cardiac inflammatory response was found in mice treated with blocking antibodies against PD-1, PD-L1, and to a lesser extent, PD-L2, compared to that found in mice treated with rat IgG. Similar results in PD-1(-/-) mice were obtained. Moreover, the PD-1 blockade/deficiency led to reduced parasitemia and tissue parasitism but increased mortality. These results suggest the participation of a PD-1 signaling pathway in the control of acute myocarditis induced by T. cruzi and provide additional insight into the regulatory mechanisms in the pathogenesis of Chagas` disease.
Study Design. A comparative study of cervical range of motion in asymptomatic persons and those with whiplash. Objectives. To compare the primary and conjunct ranges of motion of the cervical spine in asymptomatic persons and those with persistent whiplash-associated disorders, and to investigate the ability of these measures of range of motion to discriminate between the groups. Summary of Background. Evidence that range of motion is an effective indicator of physical impairment in the cervical spine is not conclusive. Few studies have evaluated the ability to discriminate between asymptomatic persons and those with whiplash on the basis of range of motion or compared three-dimensional in vivo measures of range of motion in asymptomatic persons and those with whiplash-associated disorders. Methods. The study participants were 89 asymptomatic volunteers (41 men, 48 women; mean age 39.2 years) and 114 patients with persistent whiplash-associated disorders (22 men, 93 women; mean age 37.2 years) referred to a whiplash research unit for assessment of their cervical region. Range of cervical motion was measured in three dimensions with a computerized, electromagnetic, motion-tracking device. The movements assessed were flexion, extension, left and right lateral flexion, and left and right rotation. Results. Range of motion was reduced in all primary movements in patients with persistent whiplash-associated disorder. Sagittal plane movements were proportionally the most affected. On the basis of primary and conjunct range of motion, age, and gender, 90.3% of study participants could be correctly categorized as asymptomatic or as having whiplash (sensitivity 86.2%, specificity 95.3%). Conclusions. Range of motion was capable of discriminating between asymptomatic persons and those with persistent whiplash-associated disorders.
Epstein-Barr virus is a classic example of a persistent human virus that has caught the imagination of immunologists, virologists and oncologists because of the juxtaposition of a number of important properties. First, the ability of the virus to immortalize B lymphocytes in vitro has provided an antigen presenting cell in which all the latent antigens: of the virus are displayed and are available for systematic study. Second, the virus presents an ideal system for studying the immune parameters that maintain latency and the consequences of disturbing this cell-virus relationship. Third, this wealth of immunological background has provided a platform for elucidating the role of the immune system in protection from viral-associated malignancies of B cell and epithelial cell origin. Finally attention is now being directed towards the development of vaccine formulations which might have broad application in the control of human malignancies.
Primary infection with the human herpesvirus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), may result in subclinical seroconversion or may appear as infectious mononucleosis (IM), a lymphoproliferative disease of variable severity. Why primary infection manifests differently between patients is unknown, and, given the difficulties in identifying donors undergoing silent seroconversion, little information has been reported. However, a longstanding assumption has been held that IM represents an exaggerated form of the virologic and immunologic events of asymptomatic infection. T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoires of a unique cohort of subclinically infected patients undergoing silent infection were studied, and the results highlight a fundamental difference between the 2 forms of infection. In contrast to the massive T-cell expansions mobilized during the acute symptomatic phase of IM, asymptomatic donors largely maintain homeostatic T-cell control and peripheral blood repertoire diversity. This disparity cannot simply be linked to severity or spread of the infection because high levels of EBV DNA were found in the blood from both types of acute infection. The results suggest that large expansions of T cells within the blood during IM may not always be associated with the control of primary EBV infection and that they may represent an overreaction that exacerbates disease. (C) 2001 by The American Society of Hematology.
A range of organohalogen compounds (10 polychlorinated biphenyl [PCB] congeners, DDT and metabolites, chlordane-related compounds, the potential natural organochlorine compound Q1, toxaphene, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexanes, dieldrin, and several yet unidentified brominated compounds) were detected in the blubber of four bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), one common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), and seven dugongs (Dugong dugon), as well as in adipose tissue of a green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and a python (Morelia spilota) from northeast Queensland (Australia). The green turtle and dugongs accumulated lower organohalogen levels than the dolphins. Lower levels in dugongs were expected because this species is exclusively herbivorous. Highest PCB and DDT levels recorded in dugongs were 209 and 173 mug/kg lipids, respectively. Levels of the nonanthropogenic heptachlorinated compound Q1 (highest level in dugongs was 160 mug/kg lipids) were estimated using the ECD response factor of trans-nonachlor. Highest organohalogen levels were found in blubber of dolphins for sumDDT (575-52,500 mug/kg) and PCBs (600-25,500 mug/kg lipids). Furthermore, Q1 was a major organohalogen detected in all samples analyzed, ranging from 450 -9,100 mug/kg lipids. The highest concentration of Q1 determined in this study represents the highest concentration reported to date in an environmental sample. Levels of chlordane-related compounds were also high (280-7,700 mug/kg, mainly derived from trans-nonachlor), but concentrations of hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexanes, dieldrin, and toxaphene were relatively low and contributed little to the overall organohalogen contamination. Furthermore, a series of three major (BC-1, BC-2, and BC-3) and six minor (BC-4 through BC-9) unknown brominated compounds were observable by extracting m/z 79 and m/z 81 from the GC/ECNI-MS full scan run. Structural proposals were made for the two major recalcitrant compounds (referred to as BC-1 and BC-2). BC-2 appears to be a tetrabromo-methoxy-diphenylether (512 u) and BC-1 has 14 u (corresponding with an additional CH2 group) more relative to BC-1. In general the organohalogen pattern observed in blubber of dolphins was different compared to similar samples from other locations in the world, which is apparent from the fact that the four major abundant signals in the GC/ECD chromatogram. of D. delphis originated from the four unknown compounds Q1, BC-1, BC-2, and BC-3.
OBJECTIVE: Dendritic cells (DC) are the only antigen-presenting cells that can activate naive T lymphocytes and initiate a primary immune response. They are also thought to have a role in immune tolerance. DC traffic from the blood to peripheral tissue where they become activated. They then present antigen and the costimulating signals necessary to initiate an immune response. In this study, we investigated the number, subsets, and activation pattern of circulating and intestinal DC from patients with clinically mild ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn's disease. METHODS: Patients were recruited, if they were not taking immunosuppressive therapy, and were assessed for clinical severity of their disease using for UC, the Clinical Activity Index, and for Crohn's disease, the Crohn's Disease Activity Index. Blood CD11c(+) and CD11c(-) DC subsets, expression of costimulatory antigens, CD86 and CD40, and the early differentiation/activation antigen, CMRF44, were enumerated by multicolor flow cytometry of lineage negative (lin(-) = CD3(-), CD19(-), CD14(-), CD16(-)) HLA-DR+ DC. These data were compared with age-matched healthy and the disease control groups of chronic noninflammatory GI diseases (cGI), acute noninflammatory GI diseases (aGI), and chronic non-GI inflammation (non-GI). In addition, cryostat sections of colonoscopic biopsies from healthy control patients and inflamed versus noninflamed gut mucosa of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients were examined for CD86(+) and CD40(+)lin(-) cells. RESULTS: Twenty-one Crohn's disease and 25 UC patients, with mean Crohn's Disease Activity Index of 98 and Clinical Activity Index of 3.1, and 56 healthy controls, five cGI, five aGI, and six non-GI were studied. CD11c(+) and CD11c(-) DC subsets did not differ significantly between Crohn's, UC, and healthy control groups. Expression of CD86 and CD40 on freshly isolated blood DC from Crohn's patients appeared higher (16.6%, 31%) and was significantly higher in UC (26.6%, 46.3%) versus healthy controls (5.5%, 25%) (p = 0.004, p = 0.012) and non-GI controls (10.2%, 22.8%) (p = 0.012, p = 0.008), but not versus cGI or aGI controls. CD86(+) and CD40(+) DC were also present in inflamed colonic and ileal mucosa from UC and Crohn's patients but not in noninflamed IBD mucosa or normal mucosa. Expression of the CMRF44 antigen was low on freshly isolated DC, but it was upregulated after 24-h culture on DC from all groups, although significantly less so on DC from UC versus Crohn's or healthy controls (p = 0.024). The CMRF44(+) antigen was mainly associated with CD11c(+) DC, and in UC was inversely related to the Clinical Activity Index (r = -0.69, p = 0.0002). CONCLUSIONS: There is upregulation of costimulatory molecules on blood DC even in very mild IBD but surprisingly, there is divergent expression of the differentiation/activation CMRF44 antigen. Upregulation of costimulatory molecules and divergent expression of CMRF44 in blood DC was also apparent in cGI and aGI but not in non-GI or healthy controls, whereas intestinal CD86(+) and CD40(+) DC were found only in inflamed mucosa from IBD patients. Persistent or distorted activation of blood DC or divergent regulation of costimulatory and activation antigens may have important implications for gut mucosal immunity and inflammation. (Am J Gastroenterol 2001;96:2946-2956. (C) 2001 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology).
This report focuses mainly on the characterization of a Vero cell line stably expressing the flavivirus Kunjin (KUN) replicon C20SDrep (C20SDrepVero). We showed by immunofluorescence and cryoimmunoelectron microscopy that unique flavivirus-induced membrane structures, termed convoluted membranes/paracrystalline structures, were induced in the C20SDrepVero cells. These induced cytoplasmic foci were immunolabeled with KUN virus anti-NS3 antibodies and with antibodies to the cellular markers ERGIC53 (for the intermediate compartment) and protein disulfide isomerase (for the rough endoplasmic reticulum). However, in contrast to the large perinuclear inclusions observed by immunofluorescence with anti-double-stranded (ds)RNA antibodies in KUN virus-infected cells, the dsRNA in C20SDrepVero cells was localized to small isolated foci scattered throughout the cytoplasm, which were coincident with small foci dual-labeled with the trans-Golgi specific marker GaIT. importantly persistent expression of the KUN replicons in cells did not produce cytopathic effects, and the morphology of major host organelles (including Golgi, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and nucleus) was apparently unaffected. The amounts of plus- and minus-sense RNA synthesis in replicon cells were similar to those in KUN virus-infected cells until near the end of the latent period, but subsequently increases of about 10- and fourfold, respectively, occurred in infected cells. Virus-specified protein synthesis in C20SDrepVero cells was also about 10-fold greater than that in infected cells. When several KUN replicon cell lines were compared with respect to membrane induction, the relative efficiencies increased in parallel with increases in viral RNA and protein synthesis, consistent with the increases observed during the virus infectious cycle. Based on these observations, cell lines expressing less-efficient replicons may provide a useful tool to study early events in flavivirus RNA replication, which are difficult to assess in Virus infections. (C) 2001 Academic press.
The arrival of Taiwanese migrants to Australia represents the second major wave of Chinese immigration to this nation. Many who entered Australia did so as business migrants. They were typically well educated, affluent professionals, managers, &/or entrepreneurs who were looking for new business opportunities as well as a lifestyle characterized by open space, clean air, a good education for their children, & personal & political safety. Yet, the settlement experiences of many Taiwanese migrants, despite their affluence & (business) skills, have been typified by stress & hardship, particularly in making adjustments in social, business, & economic relationships. A review of statistical data compiled from census & government reports in Australia has revealed that after a decade Down Under, the Taiwanese settler group was still characterized by high unemployment, even when compared to other Chinese migrant groups from Hong Kong & Mainland China. It is suggested that the Taiwanese migrants' persistent high nonparticipation in Australia's labor force is indicative & poignant of their highly distinctive, albeit not exclusive in the broader Chinese migrant terms, experience of migration settlement. There seems to be an increasing number of Taiwanese settlers returning to resettle in Taiwan in recent years, because of perceived better employment & business opportunities or for family & personal reasons. Recent interviews with Taiwanese settlers have also suggested that the most recent arrivals, being more aware of the obstacles in achieving work or business satisfaction during settlement, seem less likely to commit themselves to lifelong settlement in Australia. 16 Tables, 1 Figure, 37 References. Adapted from the source document.
Objective: To determine the risk of conductive hearing loss in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and preterm controls. Methodology: The study population consisted of 78 infants with BPD of 26-33 weeks gestation and 78 controls of similar gestational age matched for broad-based birthweight categories. An auditory brainstem response (ABR) audiology was performed shortly before hospital discharge. Visual reinforcement orientation audiometry (VROA) and impedance audiometry were performed at 8-12 months corrected for prematurity. Infants with persistent audiological abnormalities were referred for evaluation to paediatric ENT surgeons. Results: Infants with BPD had a significantly higher rate of ABR abnormalities (BPD: 22%, controls: 9%; P = 0.028). On VROA and impedance audiometry, the infants with BPD also had a higher rate of persistent abnormalities. Following ENT assessment, 22.1% of infants with BPD and 7.7% of controls had persistent conductive dysfunction requiring myringotomy and grommet tube insertion (P = 0.03). Most of these infants had normal ABR audiometry at hospital discharge. Conclusions: Preterm infants with BPD are at high risk of persistent conductive hearing loss late in the first year of life compared to controls. An ABR audiology conducted at the time of hospital discharge does not predict accurately later conductive hearing problems. Infants with BPD should have routine audiological evaluation toward the end of the first year of life.
The extant lungfish, including three genera, the Australian, South American and African lungfishes, retain a dentition that appeared first in the Devonian, in some of the oldest members of this group. The dentition consists of permanent tooth plates with persistent cusps that appear early in development of the fish. The cusps, separate early in development, form ridges that are arranged in a radiating pattern, and fusion of the cusps to each other and to the underlying jaw bone produces a tooth plate. The lungfish dentition is based on a template of mantle dentine that surrounds bone trabeculae enclosed in the tooth plate. The mantle layer is covered by enamel. In most derived dipnoans, this framework encloses two further forms of dentine, known as interdenteonal and circumdenteonal dentines. The tooth plates grow in area and in depth without evidence of macroscopic resorption of dentines or of enamel. Increase in size and changes in shape of lungfish tooth plates is actually achieved by a process involving microscopic remodelling of the bone contained within the margin of each tooth plate, and the later addition of new dentines and enamel within and around the bone. This is accomplished without creating weakness in the structural integrity of the tooth plate and bone complex, and proceeds in line with growth and remodelling of the jaw bones attached to the tooth plates.