677 resultados para Orchard sprayer


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA


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Quando a área a ser irrigada apresenta um elevado gradiente de declive na direção das linhas de derivação, uma opção de dimensionamento é o uso de tubulações com vários diâmetros para economizar no custo e também para manter a variação de pressão dentro dos limites desejados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um modelo de programação linear para dimensionar sistemas de irrigação por microaspersão com linhas de derivação com mais de um diâmetro e operando em declive, visando a minimização do custo anualizado da rede hidráulica e do custo anual com energia elétrica, além de assegurar que a máxima variação de carga hidráulica na linha será respeitada. Os dados de entrada são: configuração da rede hidráulica do sistema de irrigação, custo de todos os componentes da rede hidráulica e custo da energia. Os dados de saída são: custo anual total, diâmetro da tubulação em cada linha do sistema, carga hidráulica em cada ponto de derivação e altura manométrica total. Para ilustrar a potencialidade do modelo desenvolvido, ele foi aplicado em um pomar de citros no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O modelo demonstrou ser eficiente no dimensionamento do sistema de irrigação quanto à obtenção da uniformidade de emissão desejada. O custo anual com bombeamento deve ser considerado no dimensionamento de sistemas de irrigação por microaspersão porque ele gera menores valores de custo anual total quando comparado com a mesma alternativa que não considera aquele custo.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters on a progeny test of Enterolobium contortisiliquum, located at the Fazenda Experimental de Luíz Antônio (IF-SP), São Paulo State, Brazil, for genetic selection and seed production. The coefficients of genetic variation and heritability, as well as the genetic and phenotypic correlations for the silvicultural traits diameter at breast height (DBH) and total height of plants at the age of 19, 20, and 21 years and bifurcation (BIF) and stem straightness (RET), at the age of 19 years were estimated. The F test of analysis of variance detected significant variation among the progeny for the traits DBH, height in the three tested ages, and straightness of the trunk, which indicates that the tested population can be improved by selection among progenies. The estimation of heritability at the level of progeny (h²m, minimum of 0.50) for all traits was high and at the levels of individual plants (h²i, minimum 0.18) and within progenies (h²d, minimum of 0.14) was medium, indicating that the population can be improved by selection among and within progenies. Significant high genetic and phenotypic correlations among pairwise growth traits of the same age were detected as well as among those with different ages. Therefore, the direct selection, of a trait allows indirect selection of another. The results showed the potential of this progeny test to enhance a seed orchard by selection and seed production for commercial and environmental reforestation plans.


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The purpose of this study envisaged the quantification of skin and respiratory exposures occasioned by work conditions during pesticide spraying of citrus fruits using hand gun sprayers; the evaluation of the efficiency of individual and group protection measures for the workers; the determination of workers' most exposed body regions; and the classification of work conditions, with and without the tested work-safety protection measures as recommended for the registered pesticides used to control the main pests and diseases that attack these types of trees and fruits. The AZR protection equipment proved to be the most efficient for the tractor driver, when spraying using pistol sprayers. The two sets of individual protection equipment that were checked also proved to be efficient. The most exposed regions of the tractor driver's body were the thighs, the front of the legs, the feet and hands. The most exposed regions of the individual sprayer working on foot were the hands and feet.


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The objectives of this study were: a) to quantify dermal and respiratory exposure resulting from work conditions in the application of pesticides on citrus crops using a air-assisted sprayer and by preparing the spray in a tank with a capacity of2.000 L; b) to evaluate the measures of individual protection for these workers; c) to determine the areas of the worker's body most exposed; and d) to classify the work conditions with and without the protective measures tested, with regard to the occupational safety of the recommendations for the pesticides used in controlling the main pests and diseases of this crop. It was shown that for the tractor driver and sprayer operator applyng pesticides on citrus trees, the most efficient protective measures were the AZR ensemble and the Real cabin. The AZR ensemble was effective in controlling exposure of the spray preparer, because it was sufficient to turn work conditions from unsafe to safe. The area of the body most exposed under the two work conditions studied was the hands of the workers.


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Annonaceae is an important family of plants that constitutes the Brazilian flora. Anona species produce fruits for fresh consumption, medicinal use and other purposes. The aim of this study is to present information of literature about vegetative propagation by cutting of some Annonaceae species with potential for consumption and as rootstock. As conclusion, the literature presents a range of rooting results, even about the same species. The rooting success depends on the species, variety, stock plant, season, plant growth regulators, rooting environment and juvenility. Some species present rooting potential, but there are lack of literature about plant management and orchard installation. The use of plant growth regulators improves the rooting of the most species with potential to propagate by cuttings.


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The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of adjuvants on the spray drift applications from mixture of 2,4-D + glyphosate. The trial was carried out in field conditions in a completely randomized design. The treatments corresponded to solutions containing mixture of the herbicides 2,4-D + glyphosate (670 and 1068g ha-1, respectively) adding the adjuvants (v v-1): mineral oil (0.5%); anti-drift agent (0.09%); spreader-sticker A (0.1%); liquid fertilizer (0.05%); spreader-sticker B (0.25%); and only herbicides without adjuvantes (control). Nylon strings were used to drift determination outside the application area (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 m away) with 4 replications and six foam cylinders placed on the boom of the sprayer were used to collect the droplets subject to drift. The applications were performed simultaneously, using a specific salt tracer for each spray solution to quantify the deposits by spectrophotometer. It was not possible to verify effect of the adjuvants on drift at different distances of the application area. Based on droplets collected above the boom spray, it was found that susceptibility to drift was lower with the mineral oil and the anti-drift agent. The drift risk was higher with the liquid fertilizer and the spreader-sticker B.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)