988 resultados para Optical Fiber
We study the properties of radiation generated in ultralong fiber lasers and find an interesting link between these optical systems and the theory of weak wave turbulence. Experimental observations strongly suggest that turbulentlike weak interactions between the multitude of laser cavity modes are responsible for practical characteristics of ultralong fiber lasers such as spectra of the output radiation.
A novel optical chemsensor concept based on the cladding etched Bragg gratings in D-fiber is demonstrated. Two etched devices have been used to measure the concentrations of sugar solution, giving sensitivity as high as 0.02nm/%.
Two in-fiber Bragg grating (FBG) temperature sensor systems for medical applications are demonstrated: (1) an FBG flow-directed thermodilution catheter based on interferometric detection of wavelength shift that is used for cardiac monitoring; and (2) an FBG sensor system with a tunable Fabry-Perot filter for in vivo temperature profiling in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) machines. Preliminary results show that the FBG sensor is in good agreement with electrical sensors that are widely used in practice. A field test shows that the FBG sensor system is suitable for in situ temperature profiling in NMR machines for medical applications.
Reported are observations and measurements of the inscription of fibre Bragg gratings in two different types of microstructured polymer optical fibre: few-moded and endlessly single mode. Contrary to FBG inscription in silica microstructured fibre, where high energy laser pulses are a prerequisite, we have successfully used a low power CW laser source operating at 325nm to produce 1-cm long gratings with a reflection peak at 1570 nm. Peak reflectivities of more than 10% have been observed.
We study optical wave turbulence using as a particular example recently created ultralong-fiber laser. We show that the sign of the cavity dispersion has a critical impact on the spectral and temporal properties of generated radiation that are directly relevant to the fiber laser performance. For a normal dispersion, we observe an intermediate state with an extremely narrow spectrum condensate, which experiences an instability and a sharp transition to a strongly fluctuating regime with a wide spectrum and increased probability of spontaneous generation of large-amplitude pulses.
We experimentally investigate a multi-parameter optimization of conditions for generation of triangular pulses in normal dispersion fiber. We find that triangular pulses suitable for all optical processing applications can be generated for a wide range of input pulse chirps but that triangular pulse quality and stability is improved with increased input pulse chirp.
Recent work on ultra-long Raman fiber lasers has shown that it is possible to create quasi-lossless transmission conditions in fiber spans long enough to be considered for high speed optical communications. This paper reviews how quasi-lossless transmission conditions are reached and presents experimental results of 40Gb/s transmission in a quasi lossless system. The performance is compared with a conventional EDFA based system.
We demonstrate the use of tilted fiber gratings to assist with the generation of infrared surface plasmons on a metal film coating the flat of a D-shaped fiber. The wavelength of the strong (>25 dB) resonance is tunable over similar to 1000 nm by adjusting the polarization state of the light and is highly sensitive to the refractive index of any aqueous medium surrounding the fiber (sensitivity= 3365 nm).
We present a simple optical chemsensor device based on tilted Bragg grating structures ultraviolet-inscribed in conventional multimode fiber and sensitized by a hydrofluoric (HF)-etching treatment. The transition behaviors of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) from normal to tilted structures and their spectral evolution under HF-etching have been studied. The etched devices have been used to measure the concentrations of sugar solution, showing a potential capability of detecting concentration changes as small as 0.5%, which is an order of magnitude lower than that of previously reported FBG sensors in single-mode fiber.
We propose a new method for the generation of both triangular-shaped optical pulses and flat-top, coherent supercontinuum spectra using the effect of fourth-order dispersion on parabolic pulses in a passive, normally dispersive highly nonlinear fiber. The pulse reshaping process is described qualitatively and is compared to numerical simulations.
Multiwavelength all-optical regeneration has the potential to substantially increase both the capacity and scalability of future optical networks. In this paper, we review recent promising developments in this area. First, we recall the basic principles of multichannel regeneration of high bit rate signals in optical communication systems before discussing the current technological approaches. We then describe in detail two fiber-based multichannel 2R regeneration techniques for return-to-zero-on-off keying based on 1) dispersion managed systems and 2) direction and polarization multiplexing. We present results illustrating the levels of performance so far achieved and discuss various practical issues and prospects for further performance enhancement.
We propose and analyze a first-order optical differentiator based on a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) in transmission. It is shown in the examples that a simple uniform-period FBG in a very strong coupling regime (maximum reflectivity very close to 100%) can perform close to ideal temporal differentiation of the complex envelope of an arbitrary-input optical signal.
We demonstrate a simple technique for the implementation of an all-optical integrator based on a uniform-period fiber Bragg grating (FBG) in reflection that is designed to present a decreasing exponential impulse response. The proposed FBG integrator is readily feasible and can perform close to ideal integration of few-picosecond and subpicosecond pulses.
A novel simple all-optical nonlinear pulse processing technique using loop mirror intensity filtering and nonlinear broadening in normal dispersion fiber is described. The pulse processor offers reamplification and cleaning up of the optical signals and phase margin improvement. The efficiency of the technique is demonstrated by application to 40-Gb/s return-to-zero optical data streams.