951 resultados para Office
Pay roll voucher #24 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension, for the office, for the month of July, 1857 approved by F. Shanly, chief engineer (copy), July 31, 1857.
Pay roll voucher #35 from the Engineer Department of the Welland Railway for office expenses for the month of October. There is an itemized list of staff and jobs on this document, Oct. 31, 1857.
Pay roll voucher #38 from the Engineer Department of the Welland Railway for the office for the month of November, Nov. 30, 1857.
Pay roll voucher #42 from the Engineer Department of the Welland Railway for the office for the month of December, Dec. 31, 1857.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from George H. Gillespie who says that Mackenzie has left many books and papers in the office. Mr. Gillespie makes inquiries about the purchase and license of Long Point. The letterhead on this document is “Gillespie and Powis, Commission Merchants, Brokers and Co., Hamilton, Ont.” (3 pages, handwritten), Apr. 30, 1878.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from William Colburn with the letterhead “Office of Detroit Bridge and Iron Works” regarding stating that he closed up the business with Dewey’s. He states that “we” now have “warranty deeds” from them for exclusive rights for all time for hunting, shooting and trapping, Mar. 20, 1884.
Letter to Dexter Deverardo, clerk of Fonthill from the Welland Canal Office of St. Catharines in order to see that the work is done in a satisfactory manner. This letter is signed in pencil by S.D. Woodruff (4 pages, handwritten), Jan. 8, 1855.
Letter (unsigned) from the Welland Canal Office regarding a quantity of wood felled upon the bank of the feeder. It is laid too near the back ditch. The recipient of the letter is instructed to proceed with the removal of the wood so that the excavation of the ditch might proceed, Aug. 7, 1858.
Letter to the Welland Canal Office from Welland Woodruff, Government Director of the Welland Canal Company in which he dissents from giving an extension of time to the St. Catharines Water Power Company to extend the lease of water from this time. This is a copy of the original, March 11, 1837.
General statement of articles transported on the Welland Canal (St. Catharines office) British to British ports and British to American ports. This is accompanied by a note, 1857
General statement of articles transported on the Welland Canal (St. Catharines office) British to British ports and British to American ports (1 page, double-sided), 1858, 1860.
Office at Port Dalhousie statement of trade upwards on the Welland Canal during the years, 1857-1861
Office at Port Dalhousie statement of trade upwards on the Welland Canal during the years (10 pages of hand drawn charts), 1857-1861.
Statement of the quantity of each article transported on the Welland Canal during the years 1857- 1861 from the Welland Canal Office, Dunnville. [This is a package containing charts and sections of charts – in total, 26 pieces of hand drawn charts wrapped in a piece of paper], 1862.
Letter (2 pages, handwritten) from the office of Hart, Ball and Hart of Buffalo, New York to William R. Allen of St. Catharines, Ont. proposing work to be done regarding the hot water heating of the building. The owner of the building is expected to pay the railway fare of the men and to pay their board while they are in St. Catharines, July 8, 1876.
Letter and envelope addressed to S.D. Woodruff from the office of T.B. Stewart and Co. of New York, Manufacturers of Mantles, Marble and Wood Mantels. The letter states that the heater and grates have been shipped, July 14, 1876.