990 resultados para North-south cooperation
In the Lower Mekon Basin the extraordinary pace of economic development and growth contradicts with environmental protection. On base of the Watershed Classification Project (WSCP) and the inclusion of a DTM for the entire LMB the potential degradation risk was derived for each land unit. The risks were grouped into five classes, where classes one and two are considered critical with regard to soil erosion when the land is cleared of natural resources. For practical use the database has an enormous potential for further spatial analysis in combination with other datasets, as for example the NCCR North-South uses the WSCP within two research projects.
The present map was prepared at the request of the 'Intergovernmental Authority on Development' (IGAD) for the 'Abyei Boundaries Commission', whose work is in progress as part of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed on January 9, 2005. The map and the geodatabase were prepared by the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Berne, Switzerland, with funding from the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Boundaries, transliteration, settlement locations and the North-South demarcation line of 1956 drawn on this map are not authoritative and should not be considered as such.
The present publication is the final outcome of the "Syndrome Pre-SynthesisProject" (SPSP), a preparatory project initiated in 2001 to pave the way for the NCCR North-South. The SPSP applied a transdisciplinary approach to identify research partnerships for development in 8 regions of the world. The primary aim of the present publication is to present an initial synthesis of core problems in each region, of the status and focus of related research, and of corresponding new research needs. Based on the results of this participatory process, the NCCR North-South programme has followed up on the outcomes of the regional syntheses by identifying future research aims along the general lines determined in the workshops.
This atlas presents a comprehensive set of maps depicting a wide range of socioeconomic aspects of the population of Vietnam. All the maps based on sensus statistics included in this atlas are available at the commune level, which gives a very detailed picture of spatial patterns in population, education, and living conditions.
JACS Alps: An Integrated View of the Dynamics of Regional Development as a Basis for Mutual Learning