1000 resultados para Niepce, D.-F.-E.-P.
Tantalum oxynitride thin films were produced by magnetron sputtering. The films were deposited usinga pure Ta target and a working atmosphere with a constant N2/O2ratio. The choice of this constant ratiolimits the study concerning the influence of each reactive gas, but allows a deeper understanding of theaspects related to the affinity of Ta to the non-metallic elements and it is economically advantageous.This work begins by analysing the data obtained directly from the film deposition stage, followed bythe analysis of the morphology, composition and structure. For a better understanding regarding theinfluence of the deposition parameters, the analyses are presented by using the following criterion: thefilms were divided into two sets, one of them produced with grounded substrate holder and the otherwith a polarization of −50 V. Each one of these sets was produced with different partial pressure of thereactive gases P(N2+ O2). All the films exhibited a O/N ratio higher than the N/O ratio in the depositionchamber atmosphere. In the case of the films produced with grounded substrate holder, a strong increaseof the O content is observed, associated to the strong decrease of the N content, when P(N2+ O2) is higherthan 0.13 Pa. The higher Ta affinity for O strongly influences the structural evolution of the films. Grazingincidence X-ray diffraction showed that the lower partial pressure films were crystalline, while X-rayreflectivity studies found out that the density of the films depended on the deposition conditions: thehigher the gas pressure, the lower the density. Firstly, a dominant -Ta structure is observed, for lowP(N2+ O2); secondly a fcc-Ta(N,O) structure, for intermediate P(N2+ O2); thirdly, the films are amorphousfor the highest partial pressures. The comparison of the characteristics of both sets of produced TaNxOyfilms are explained, with detail, in the text.
The Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) is a widely used instrument to assess information processing speed, attention, visual scanning, and tracking. Considering that repeated evaluations are a common need in neuropsychological assessment routines, we explored test–retest reliability and practice effects of two alternate SDMT forms with a short inter-assessment interval. A total of 123 university students completed the written SDMT version in two different time points separated by a 150-min interval. Half of the participants accomplished the same form in both occasions, while the other half filled different forms. Overall, reasonable test–retest reliabilities were found (r = .70), and the subjects that completed the same form revealed significant practice effects (p < .001, dz = 1.61), which were almost non-existent in those filling different forms. These forms were found to be moderately reliable and to elicit a similar performance across participants, suggesting their utility in repeated cognitive assessments when brief inter-assessment intervals are required.
განხილულია სინგულარული ეკვივალენტური განაწილების ამოცანა ნებისმიერი მრავალკუთხედისათვის.
Plântulas de trigo (Triticum vulgare L.) da variedade Piratiní considerada suscetível ao "crestamento" foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva empregando-se a técnica das raízes divididas. As plantas submetidas aos tratamentos correspondentes às concentrações mais elevadas de alumínio, mostraram clorose nas folhas superiores e mais característicamente inibição no desenvolvimento das raízes mergulhadas nas soluções com alumínio. Os tratamentos provocaram alterações na composição das plantas em nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio e alumínio sem afetar o pêso da matéria sêca das diferentes par tes da planta com exceção das raízes em contato com o alumínio.
Plântulas de trigo da variedade Piratiní suscetível ao "crestamento" e da variedade Colônias, considerada resistente, foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva empregando-se a técnica das raízes divididas. Estas variedades foram submetidas aos tratamentos correspondentes as concentrações de 0,2 a 6,0 ppm de alumínio, sendo aplicados 25 microcuries de fósforo radioativo que foram retirados posteriormente a fim de que fôsse determinada a sua translocação. Em ambas variedades observou-se que a concentração de alumínio nas fôlhas não influia na translocação do fósforo (32P) para as fôlhas novas. Entretanto, as relações entre os teores de alumínio nas fôlhas e os teores de fósforo nas fôlhas, hastes e raízes foram diferentes nas variedades estudadas.
Mudas de capim colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq.) foram transplantadas para uma Terra Roxa Estruturada, serie "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba, SP, e adubadas na razão de 2,5 g de N (sulfato de amônio), 3,2 g de P2O5 (superfosfato simples) e 1,9 g de K2O (cloreto de potássio) por muda. Cortes foram efetuados aos 35, 45, 60 e 75 dias a 15 cm de altura do solo. No material coletado foram separadas hastes e folhas e determinado o peso da matéria seca, o coeficiente de digestibilidade in vitro e as concentrações de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. O delineamento estatístico foi de blocos ao aca so, com três repetições. Concluíram os autores: 1. a relação haste/folha varia com o envelhecimento da planta. A produção de matéria seca e maior nas hastes do que nas folhas. Há uma relação linear positiva entre o aumento de peso da matéria seca e a idade da planta; 2. o coeficiente de digestibilidade da matéria seca diminui com a idade da planta, não havendo diferenças entre haste e folha; 3. a concentração de N, P, Cu, Fe e Zn diminui com o aumento da idade da planta; 4. a idade da planta não afeta os teores mínimos exigidos pelo animal.
v. 5
Uma análise comparativa da riqueza de espécies de morcegos da Região Sul do Brasil é apresentada, assim como análises de similaridades entre estados. O estado do Paraná apresentou a maior riqueza de espécies de morcegos, com 64 espécies, seguido por Santa Catarina com 46 e pelo Rio Grande do Sul com 40. A família Phyllostomidae influencia fortemente este padrão de riqueza. As distribuições geográficas de Trachops cirrhosus (Spix, 1823), Artibeus cinereus (Gervais, 1851) e Thyroptera tricolor Spix, 1823 são ampliadas até o Paraná, estabelecendo um novo limite sul de distribuição dessas espécies e da família Thyropteridae. Além disso, Myotis dinellii Thomas, 1902 foi registrado pela primeira vez no Brasil, em Santa Catarina e no Rio Grande do Sul, estabelecendo um novo limite leste para sua distribuição. Ainda, é ampliada a distribuição de Eptesicus taddeii Miranda, Bernardi & Passos, 2006 a partir de seu primeiro registro no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Uma lista atualizada dos morcegos dos estados sul-brasileiros é apresentada bem como algumas adequações nomenclaturais. É enfatizada a importância do emprego de maiores esforços de campo para levantamentos da quiropterofauna, que assim podem contribuir para medidas de conservação embasadas em inventariamentos e coleções científicas representativas.
14-25, 1909-1911
62-73, 1923-1924
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2006. Mitjançant un programa informàtic, creat per un estudiant de batxillerat, els alumnes compartiran, a través d’internet,resums o fitxers amb informació rellevant sobre les matèries que estan estudiant sense la necessitat de coincidir en línia. El programa servidor permet donar d'alta i de baixa usuaris, control e les connexions i dels fitxers. A més a més s'encarrega d'emmagatzemar i codificar la informació (fitxers) que aporten els usuaris. El client permet l'identificació mitjançant un nom d'usuari i una contrasenya i la visualització de la informació que conté el servidor, com també permet l'aportació i modificació d'aquesta.
BACKGROUND: The WOSI (Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index) is a self-administered quality of life questionnaire designed to be used as a primary outcome measure in clinical trials on shoulder instability, as well as to measure the effect of an intervention on any particular patient. It is validated and is reliable and sensitive. As it is designed to measure subjective outcome, it is important that translation should be methodologically rigorous, as it is subject to both linguistic and cultural interpretation. OBJECTIVE: To produce a French language version of the WOSI that is culturally adapted to both European and North American French-speaking populations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A validated protocol was used to create a French language WOSI questionnaire (WOSI-Fr) that would be culturally acceptable for both European and North American French-speaking populations. Reliability and responsiveness analyses were carried out, and the WOSI-Fr was compared to the F-QuickDASH-D/S (Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand-French translation), and Walch-Duplay scores. RESULTS: A French language version of the WOSI (WOSI-Fr) was accepted by a multinational committee. The WOSI-Fr was then validated using a total of 144 native French-speaking subjects from Canada and Switzerland. Comparison of results on two WOSI-Fr questionnaires completed at a mean interval of 16 days showed that the WOSI-Fr had strong reliability, with a Pearson and interclass correlation of r=0.85 (P=0.01) and ICC=0.84 [95% CI=0.78-0.88]. Responsiveness, at a mean 378.9 days after surgical intervention, showed strong correlation with that of the F-QuickDASH-D/S, with r=0.67 (P<0.01). Moreover, a standardized response means analysis to calculate effect size for both the WOSI-Fr and the F-QuickDASH-D/S showed that the WOSI-Fr had a significantly greater ability to detect change (SRM 1.55 versus 0.87 for the WOSI-Fr and F-QuickDASH-D/S respectively, P<0.01). The WOSI-Fr showed fair correlation with the Walch-Duplay. DISCUSSION: A French-language translation of the WOSI questionnaire was created and validated for use in both Canadian and Swiss French-speaking populations. This questionnaire will facilitate outcome assessment in French-speaking settings, collaboration in multinational studies and comparison between studies performed in different countries. TYPE OF STUDY: Multicenter cohort study. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II.
The alpha1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) is a member of the large superfamily of seven transmembrane domain (TMD) G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). Combining site-directed mutagenesis of the alpha1b-AR with computational simulations of receptor dynamics, we have explored the conformational changes underlying the process of receptor activation, i.e. the transition between the inactive and active states. Our findings suggest that the structural constraint stabilizing the alpha1b-AR in the inactive form is a network of H-bonding interactions amongst conserved residues forming a polar pocket and R143 of the DRY sequence at the end of TMDIII. We have recently reported that point mutations of D142, of the DRY sequence and of A293 in the distal portion of the third intracellular loop resulted in ligand-independent (constitutive) activation of the alpha1b-AR. These constitutively activating mutations could induce perturbations resulting in the shift of R143 out of the polar pocket. The main role of R143 may be to mediate receptor activation by triggering the exposure of several basic amino acids of the intracellular loops towards the G protein. Our investigation has been extended also to the biochemical events involved in the desensitization process of alpha1b-AR. Our results indicate that immediately following agonist-induced activation, the alpha1b-AR can undergo rapid agonist-induced phosphorylation and desensitization. Different members of the G protein coupled receptor kinase family can play a role in agonist-induced regulation of the alpha1b-AR. In addition, constitutively active alpha1b-AR mutants display different phosphorylation and internalization features. The future goal is to further elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the complex equilibrium between activation and inactivation of the alpha1b-AR and its regulation by pharmacological substances. These findings can help to elucidate the mechanism of action of various agents displaying properties of agonists or inverse agonists at the adrenergic system.
NR2E3, also called photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor (PNR), is a transcription factor of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily whose expression is uniquely restricted to photoreceptors. There, its physiological activity is essential for proper rod and cone photoreceptor development and maintenance. Thirty-two different mutations in NR2E3 have been identified in either homozygous or compound heterozygous state in the recessively inherited enhanced S-cone sensitivity syndrome (ESCS), Goldmann-Favre syndrome (GFS), and clumped pigmentary retinal degeneration (CPRD). The clinical phenotype common to all these patients is night blindness, rudimental or absent rod function, and hyperfunction of the "blue" S-cones. A single p.G56R mutation is inherited in a dominant manner and causes retinitis pigmentosa (RP). We have established a new locus-specific database for NR2E3 (www.LOVD.nl/eye), containing all reported mutations, polymorphisms, and unclassified sequence variants, including novel ones. A high proportion of mutations are located in the evolutionarily-conserved DNA-binding domains (DBDs) and ligand-binding domains (LBDs) of NR2E3. Based on homology modeling of these NR2E3 domains, we propose a structural localization of mutated residues. The high variability of clinical phenotypes observed in patients affected by NR2E3-linked retinal degenerations may be caused by different disease mechanisms, including absence of DNA-binding, altered interactions with transcriptional coregulators, and differential activity of modifier genes.