874 resultados para New products


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The capacity to conduct international disease outbreak surveillance and share information about outbreaks quickly has empowered both State and Non-State Actors to take an active role in stopping the spread of disease by generating new technical means to identify potential pandemics through the creation of shared reporting platforms. Despite all the rhetoric about the importance of infectious disease surveillance, the concept itself has received relatively little critical attention from academics, practitioners, and policymakers. This book asks leading contributors in the field to engage with five key issues attached to international disease outbreak surveillance - transparency, local engagement, practical needs, integration, and appeal - to illuminate the political effect of these technologies on those who use surveillance, those who respond to surveillance, and those being monitored.


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This review focuses on key trends in resistance to chemical treatments in stored product pests, and advances in resistance management, with an emphasis on resistance to the fumigant phosphine. Findings: Phosphine resistance continues to be a major concern. In particular, phosphine resistance in Cryptolestes ferrugineus has emerged as a serious issue, with some populations exhibiting the strongest level detected so far for this fumigant. In response, a 'quick knock down test' has been established to deliver industry and scientists 'same day' advice on the resistance status of field samples; sulfuryl fluoride is being developed as a 'resistance breaker' and phosphine dosages are being revised to manage this problem. There has been major progress in identifying the genes responsible for phosphine resistance and the development of molecular resistance diagnostics for key pests. Several studies on Rhyzopertha dominica have demonstrated that molecular screening can be used to determine the frequency of resistance alleles in samples collected from farm storages. Despite on-going research in several pests, there is no definitive answer to the question of whether there is a fitness cost associated phosphine resistance, with some studies showing a clear cost and others none. Evidence continues to emerge of resistance to grain protectants, including the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene. The development and adoption of spinosad, as a next generation 'green' treatment, and the use of protectant combinations provides opportunities to counter the problem of protectant resistance.Directions for future research: A uniform set of protocols should be developed for phosphine resistance detection for all major species. It should combine 'quick tests' and molecular diagnostics to be adopted internationally. Research is required on the establishment of a decision making system that integrates newly developed grain protectants and fumigants, other alternative control methods, as well as an accurate and rapid resistance detection system for early warning of the emergence of new resistances.


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Australian forest industries have a long history of export trade of a wide range of products from woodchips(for paper manufacturing), sandalwood (essential oils, carving and incense) to high value musical instruments, flooring and outdoor furniture. For the high value group, fluctuating environmental conditions brought on by changes in mperature and relative humidity, can lead to performance problems due to consequential swelling, shrinkage and/or distortion of the wood elements. A survey determined the types of value-added products exported, including species and dimensions packaging used and export markets. Data loggers were installed with shipments to monitor temperature and relative humidity conditions. These data were converted to timber equilibrium moisture content values to provide an indication of the environment that the wood elements would be acclimatising to. The results of the initial survey indicated that primary high value wood export products included guitars, flooring, decking and outdoor furniture. The destination markets were mainly located in the northern hemisphere, particularly the United States of America, China, Hong Kong, Europe including the United Kingdom), Japan, Korea and the Middle East. Other regions importing Australian-made wooden articles were south-east Asia, New Zealand and South Africa. Different timber species have differing rates of swelling and shrinkage, so the types of timber were also recorded during the survey. Results from this work determined that the major species were ash-type eucalypts from south-eastern Australia (commonly referred to in the market as Tasmanian oak), jarrah from Western Australia, spotted gum, hoop pine, white cypress, black butt, brush box and Sydney blue gum from Queensland and New South Wales. The environmental conditions data indicated that microclimates in shipping containers can fluctuate extensively during shipping. Conditions at the time of manufacturing were usually between 10 and 12% equilibrium moisture content, however conditions during shipping could range from 5 (very dry) to 20% (very humid). The packaging systems incorporated were reported to be efficient at protecting the wooden articles from damage during transit. The research highlighted the potential risk for wood components to ‘move’ in response to periods of drier or more humid conditions than those at the time of manufacturing, and the importance of engineering a packaging system that can account for the environmental conditions experienced in shipping containers. Examples of potential dimensional changes in wooden components were calculated based on published unit shrinkage data for key species and the climatic data returned from the logging equipment. The information highlighted the importance of good design to account for possible timber movement during shipping. A timber movement calculator was developed to allow designers to input component species, dimensions, site of manufacture and destination, to see validate their product design. This calculator forms part of the free interactive website www.timbers.com.au.


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Hockey’s budget announcement of two major tax integrity measures was flagged before the budget was handed down, but even that came as no surprise. Integrity, or lack thereof, in our tax system is a hot topic and an easy target for a Treasurer looking to sell a federal budget. The first of the proposed changes is to our GST regime. No-one likes hearing that they will be paying more tax. But, the charging of GST on supplies of digital products and services in Australia by an off-shore supplier will at least make sense to the general public. With the inherent unfairness in the current system and a revenue raising prediction of A$350 million over the next four years, most are likely to accept the logic of such a measure. The second of the proposed changes are new laws to be included in Australia’s general anti-avoidance provision. New laws, which will apply from 1 January 2016, are aimed at multinational companies engaged in aggressive tax practices. The proposed anti-avoidance law is designed to stop multinationals that artificially avoid a taxable presence in Australia. It is difficult to see how this strategy of addressing specific behaviour through what is considered a general provision will work. And, it is these changes that are already causing confusion.


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Human parvovirus B19 is a minute ssDNA virus causing a wide variety of diseases, including erythema infectiosum, arthropathy, anemias, and fetal death. After primary infection, genomic DNA of B19 has been shown to persist in solid tissues of not only symptomatic but also of constitutionally healthy, immunocompetent individuals. In this thesis, the viral DNA was shown to persist as an apparently intact molecule of full length, and without persistence-specific mutations. Thus, although the mere presence of B19 DNA in tissue can not be used as a diagnostic criterion, a possible role in the pathogenesis of diseases e.g. through mRNA or protein production can not be excluded. The molecular mechanism, the host-cell type and the possible clinical significance of B19 DNA tissue persistence are yet to be elucidated. In the beginning of this work, the B19 genomic sequence was considered highly conserved. However, new variants were found: V9 was detected in 1998 in France, in serum of a child with aplastic crisis. This variant differed from the prototypic B19 sequences by ~10 %. In 2002 we found, persisting in skin of constitutionally healthy humans, DNA of another novel B19 variant, LaLi. Genetically this variant differed from both the prototypic sequences and the variant V9 also by ~10%. Simultaneously, B19 isolates with DNA sequences similar to LaLi were introduced by two other groups, in the USA and France. Based on phylogeny, a classification scheme based on three genotypes (B19 types 1-3) was proposed. Although the B19 virus is mainly transmitted via the respiratory route, blood and plasma-derived products contaminated with high levels of B19 DNA have also been shown to be infectious. The European Pharmacopoeia stipulates that, in Europe, from the beginning of 2004, plasma pools for manufacture must contain less than 104 IU/ml of B19 DNA. Quantitative PCR screening is therefore a prerequisite for restriction of the B19 DNA load and obtaining of safe plasma products. Due to the DNA sequence variation among the three B19 genotypes, however, B19 PCR methods might fail to detect the new variants. We therefore examined the suitability of the two commercially available quantitative B19 PCR tests, LightCycler-Parvovirus B19 quantification kit (Roche Diagnostics) and RealArt Parvo B19 LC PCR (Artus), for detection, quantification and differentiation of the three B19 types known, including B19 types 2 and 3. The former method was highly sensitive for detection of the B19 prototype but was not suitable for detection of types 2 and 3. The latter method detected and differentiated all three B19 virus types. However, one of the two type-3 strains was detected at a lower sensitivity. Then, we assessed the prevalence of the three B19 virus types among Finnish blood donors, by screening pooled plasma samples derived from >140 000 blood-donor units: none of the pools contained detectable levels of B19 virus types 2 or 3. According to the results of other groups, B19 type 2 was absent also among Danish blood-donors, and extremely rare among symptomatic European patients. B19 type 3 has been encountered endemically in Ghana and (apparently) in Brazil, and sporadical cases have been detected in France and the UK. We next examined the biological characteristics of these virus types. The p6 promoter regions of virus types 1-3 were cloned in front of a reporter gene, the constructs were transfected into different cell lines, and the promoter activities were measured. As a result, we found that the activities of the three p6 promoters, although differing in sequence by >20%, were of equal strength, and most active in B19-permissive cells. Furthermore, the infectivity of the three B19 types was examined in two B19-permissive cell lines. RT-PCR revealed synthesis of spliced B19 mRNAs, and immunofluorescence verified the production of NS1 and VP proteins in the infected cells. These experiments suggested similar host-cell tropism and showed that the three virus types are strains of the same species, i.e. human parvovirus B19. Last but not least, the sera from subjects infected in the past either with B19 type 1 or type 2 (as evidenced by tissue persistence of the respective DNAs), revealed in VP1/2- and VP2-EIAs a 100 % cross-reactivity between virus types 1 and 2. These results, together with similar studies by others, indicate that the three B19 genotypes constitute a single serotype.


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It is demonstrated that the titled reactions are best carried out at high concentrations, as indicated by mechanistic considerations: the observed high reaction orders and the possibility that the Cannizzaro reaction is driven by the hydrophobic effect, which effects proximity between the two molecules of the aldehyde reactant. The present studies have led to improved conditions, simplified workup, and excellent yields of products. The Tishchenko reaction converted benzaldehyde to benzyl benzoate with catalytic NaOMe/tetrahydrafuran in good yield, which is apparently unprecedented for this product of high commercial value.


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A knowledge of the concentration distribution around a burning droplet is essential if accurate estimates are to be made of the transport coefficients in that region which influence the burning rate. There are two aspects of this paper; (1) determination of the concentration profiles, using the simple assumption of constant binary diffusion coefficients for all species, and comparison with experiments; and (2) postulation of a new relation for the therinal conductivity, which takes into account the variations of both temperature and concentrations of various species. First, the theoretical concentration profiles are evaluated and compared with experimental results reported elsewhere [5]. It is found that the agreement between the theory and experiment is fairly satisfactory. Then, by the use of these profiles and the relations proposed in the literature for the thermal conductivity of a mixture of nonpolar gases, a new relation for thermal conductivity: K = (A1 + B1 T) + (A2 + B2 T) xr (21). is suggested for analytical solutions of droplet combustion problems. Equations are presented to evaluate A1, A2, B1, and B2, and values of these terms for a few hydrocarbons are tabulated.


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Antigen specific monoclonal antibodies present in crude hybridoma supernatants are normally screened by ELISA on plates coated with the relevant antigen. Screening for inhibitory monoclonals to enzymes would require the evaluation of purified antibodies or antibody containing supernatants for their inhibition of enzyme activity in a separate assay. However, screening for inhibitory antibodies against DNA transacting enzymes such as topoisomerase I (topo I) cannot be done using hybridoma supernatants due to the presence of nucleases in tissue culture media containing foetal calf serum which degrade the DNA substrates upon addition. We have developed a simple and rapid screening procedure for the identification of clones that secrete inhibitory antibodies against mycobacterial topo I using 96 well ELISA microtiter plates. The principle of the method is the selective capture of monoclonal antibodies from crude hybridoma supernatants by topo I that is tethered to the plate through the use of plate-bound polyclonal anti-topo I antibodies. This step allows the nucleases present in the medium to be washed off leaving the inhibitor bound to the tethered enzyme. The inhibitory activity of the captured antibody is assessed by performing an in situ DNA relaxation assay by the addition of supercoiled DNA substrate directly to the microtiter well followed by the analysis of the reaction products by agarose gel electrophoresis. The validity of this method was confirmed by purification of the identified inhibitory antibody and its evaluation in a DNA relaxation assay. Elimination of all enzyme-inhibitory constituents of the culture medium from the well in which the inhibitory antibody is bound to the tethered enzyme may make this method broadly applicable to enzymes such as DNA gyrases, restriction enzymes and other DNA transaction enzymes. Further, the method is simple and avoids the need of prior antibody purification for testing its inhibitory activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new soft-chemical transformation of layered perovskite oxides is described wherein K2O is sequentially extracted from the Ruddlesden-Popper (R-P) phase, K2La2Ti3O10 (I), yielding novel anion-deficient KLa2Ti3O9.5 (II) and La2Ti3O9 (III). The transformation occurs in topochemical reactions of the R-P phase I with PPh4Br and PBu4Br (Ph = phenyl; Bu = n-butyl). The mechanism involves the elimination of KBr accompanied by decomposition of PR4+ (R = phenyl or n-butyl) that extracts oxygen from the titanate. Analysis of the organic products of decomposition reveals formation of Ph3PO, Ph3P, and Ph-Ph for R = phenyl, and Bu3PO, Bu3P along with butane, butene, and octane for R = butyl. The inorganic oxides II and III crystallize in tetragonal structures (II: P4/mmm, a = 3.8335(1) angstrom, c = 14.334(1) angstrom; III: /4/ mmm, a = 3.8565(2) angstrom, c = 24.645(2) angstrom) that are related to the parent R-P phase. II is isotypic with the Dion-Jacobson phase, RbSr2Nb3O10, while III is a unique layered oxide consisting of charge-neutral La2Ti3O9 anion-deficient perovskite sheets stacked one over the other without interlayer cations. Interestingly, both II and III convert back to the parent R-P phase in a reaction with KNO3. While transformations of the R-P phases to other related layered/three-dimensional perovskite oxides in ion-exchange/metathesis/dehydration/reduction reactions are known, the simultaneous and reversible extraction of both cations and anions in the conversions K2La2Ti3O10 reversible arrow KLa2Ti3O9.5 reversible arrow La2Ti3O9 is reported here for the first time.


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1S,5R,7R)-(-)-10, 10-Dimethyl-3-ethyl-4-oxa--atricyclo[,5)]dec-2-ene 2 was prepared in 95% yield from (1S)-1-amino-2-exo-hydroxyapocamphane 1. The chiral oxazoline could be alkylated (Lhttp://eprints.iisc.ernet.in/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint::Edit&eprintid=31175&stage=core#tDA/THF/-78 degrees C/RX, RX = ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl iodides or benzyl bromide) to 3 in 95% yield and > 95% diastereoselectivity, and the products hydrolysed to (R)-2-methylalkanoic acids 4 (43-47% yield, 93-98% e.e.). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate the activity of Ce0.78Sn0.2Pt0.02O2-delta, a new catalyst, towards water-gas shift (WGS) reaction. Over 99.5% CO conversion to H-2 is observed at 300 +/- 25 degrees C. Based on different characterization techniques we found that the present catalyst is resistant to deactivation due to carbonate formation and sintering of Pt on the surface when subjected to longer duration of reaction conditions. The catalyst does not require any pre-treatment or activation between start-up/shut-down reaction operations. Formation of side products such as methane, methanol, formaldehyde, coke etc. was not observed under the WGS reaction conditions indicating the high selectivity of the catalyst for H-2. Temperature programmed reduction of the catalyst in hydrogen (H-2-TPR) shows reversible reduction of Ce4+ to Ce3+, Sn4+ to Sn2+ and Pt4+ to Pt-0 oxidation state with oxygen storage capacity (OSC) of 3500 mu mol g(-1) at 80 degrees C. Such high value of OSC indicates the presence of highly activated lattice oxygen. CO oxidation in presence of stoichiometric O-2 shows 100% conversion to CO2 at room temperature. The catalyst also exhibits 100% selectivity for CO2 at room temperature towards preferential oxidation (PROX) of residual CO in presence of excess hydrogen in the feed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reactions of cis-[(C6H5N)PC1]z(1 ) with the difunctional reagents HO(CH2)20H,H (CH3)N(CHz)zN(CH3)HH, (CH3)N(CH& OH, and HO(CHz)30Hi n the presence of triethylamine yield the new bicyclic 1,3,2X3,4h3-diazadiphosphetidines[( C6H5- N)PIZ[-O(CHZ)Zo-l (2), [(C6H5N)PlZ[-(CH3)N(CHZ)ZN(CH3)-l (319 [(C6H~N)PlZ~-(CH3)N(cHZ)20 (4), and [(C6H5 N)P],[-Q(CH2),0-] (5), respectively. The products have been characterized by elemental analyses and IR and NMR spectroscopic data. The structures of 4 and 5 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Crystal data for 4: monoclinic, P2,/c, a = 9.823 (2) A, b = 8.608 (1) A, c = 18.423 (3) A, i3 = 90.55 (1)O, Z = 4. Crystal data for 5 monoclinic, P2,/c, a = 9.727 (2) A, b = 8.064 (2) A, c = 19.702 (4) A, @ =I 91.31 (l)', 2 = 4. The structures have been solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.028 for 4 and R = 0.050 for 5. Compound 4 is the first example of an aminoalkoxy-l,3,2X3,4X3-diazadiphosphetidine. The PzNz ring is slightly puckered in both 4 and 5 and the puckering occurs in a manner opposite to that observed for cis-[(RN)PX],structures.


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A new method of construction of carbon-carbon bond is described. Thus the dianions generated from the metal-ammonia reduction of substituted benzoic acids readily undergo Michael addition with methyl crotonate resulting in synthetically useful products having a quaternary carbon. Based on this strategy, new syntheses of (+/-)-methyl acorate (14b) and (+/-)-methyl epi-corate (15) are reported.


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In meteorology, observations and forecasts of a wide range of phenomena for example, snow, clouds, hail, fog, and tornados can be categorical, that is, they can only have discrete values (e.g., "snow" and "no snow"). Concentrating on satellite-based snow and cloud analyses, this thesis explores methods that have been developed for evaluation of categorical products and analyses. Different algorithms for satellite products generate different results; sometimes the differences are subtle, sometimes all too visible. In addition to differences between algorithms, the satellite products are influenced by physical processes and conditions, such as diurnal and seasonal variation in solar radiation, topography, and land use. The analysis of satellite-based snow cover analyses from NOAA, NASA, and EUMETSAT, and snow analyses for numerical weather prediction models from FMI and ECMWF was complicated by the fact that we did not have the true knowledge of snow extent, and we were forced simply to measure the agreement between different products. The Sammon mapping, a multidimensional scaling method, was then used to visualize the differences between different products. The trustworthiness of the results for cloud analyses [EUMETSAT Meteorological Products Extraction Facility cloud mask (MPEF), together with the Nowcasting Satellite Application Facility (SAFNWC) cloud masks provided by Météo-France (SAFNWC/MSG) and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SAFNWC/PPS)] compared with ceilometers of the Helsinki Testbed was estimated by constructing confidence intervals (CIs). Bootstrapping, a statistical resampling method, was used to construct CIs, especially in the presence of spatial and temporal correlation. The reference data for validation are constantly in short supply. In general, the needs of a particular project drive the requirements for evaluation, for example, for the accuracy and the timeliness of the particular data and methods. In this vein, we discuss tentatively how data provided by general public, e.g., photos shared on the Internet photo-sharing service Flickr, can be used as a new source for validation. Results show that they are of reasonable quality and their use for case studies can be warmly recommended. Last, the use of cluster analysis on meteorological in-situ measurements was explored. The Autoclass algorithm was used to construct compact representations of synoptic conditions of fog at Finnish airports.


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The purpose of this study was to find out whether food-related lifestyle guides and explains product evaluations, specifically, consumer perceptions and choice evaluations of five different food product categories: lettuce, mincemeat, savoury sauce, goat cheese, and pudding. The opinions of consumers who shop in neighbourhood stores were considered most valuable. This study applies means-end chain (MEC) theory, according to which products are seen as means by which consumers attain meaningful goals. The food-related lifestyle (FRL) instrument was created to study lifestyles that reflect these goals. Further, this research has adopted the view that the FRL functions as a script which guides consumer behaviour. Two research methods were used in this study. The first was the laddering interview, the primary aim of which was to gather information for formulating the questionnaire of the main study. The survey consisted of two separate questionnaires. The first was the FRL questionnaire modified for this study. The aim of the other questionnaire was to determine the choice criteria for buying five different categories of food products. Before these analyses could be made, several data modifications were made following MEC analysis procedures. Beside forming FRL dimensions by counting sum-scores from the FRL statements, factor analysis was run in order to elicit latent factors underlying the dimensions. The lifestyle factors found were adventurous, conscientious, enthusiastic, snacking, moderate, and uninvolved lifestyles. The association analyses were done separately for each choice of product as well as for each attribute-consequence linkage with a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. The testing variables were FRL dimensions and the FRL lifestyle factors. In addition, the relation between the attribute-consequence linkages and the demographic variables were analysed. Results from this study showed that the choice of product is sequential, so that consumers first categorize products into groups based on specific criteria like health or convenience. It was attested that the food-related lifestyles function as a script in food choice and that the FRL instrument can be used to predict consumer buying behaviour. Certain lifestyles were associated with the choice of each product category. The actual product choice within a product category then appeared to be a different matter. In addition, this study proposes a modification to the FRL instrument. The positive towards advertising FRL dimension was modified to examine many kinds of information search including the internet, TV, magazines, and other people. This new dimension, which was designated as being open to additional information, proved to be very robust and reliable in finding differences in consumer choice behaviour. Active additional information search was linked to adventurous and snacking food-related lifestyles. The results of this study support the previous knowledge that consumers expect to get many benefits simultaneously when they buy food products. This study brought detailed information about the benefits sought, the combination of benefits differing between products and between respondents. Household economy, pleasure and quality were emphasized with the choice of lettuce. Quality was the most significant benefit in choosing mincemeat, but health related benefits were often evaluated as well. The dominant benefits linked to savoury sauce were household economic benefits, expected pleasurable experiences, and a lift in self-respect. The choice of goat cheese appeared not to be an economic decision, self-respect, pleasure, and quality being included in the choice criteria. In choosing pudding, the respondents considered the well-being of family members, and indulged their family members or themselves.