1000 resultados para National examinations
Prevention and Control Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) National Clinical Guideline No. 2  Click here to download National Clinical Guideline – MRSA PDF 1MB Click here to download National Clinical Guideline – MRSA (Summary) PDF 389KB Click here to download the Presentation at the Launch of the 2nd National Clinical Guideline Prevention and Control of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)PDF 1.04MB Â
The Programme for Government gives a commitment to develop a National Strategy on Dementia by 2013 which will increase awareness, ensure early diagnosis and intervention, and enhance community based services for people living with this condition. During 2012, following the completion of the Research Review in preparation for the National Strategy, the Department carried out a public consultation to inform its development. This report is a summary of the responses and submissions received. Click here to download PDF 271KB Â
The Programme for Government committed to completing and implementing the National Positive Ageing Strategy so that older people are recognised, supported and enabled to live independent full lives. This Strategy, which was published in April 2013, is a new departure in policy making for older people given its focus on the broader determinants of health. It is the blueprint for age related policy and service delivery in Ireland, outlining a vision for positive ageing and older people, the national goals and objectives required to achieve this vision and a suite of priority areas for action that are based on the broader determinants of health. Therefore, a whole of Government and whole of society approach will be required to implement the National Positive Ageing Strategy and to address these priority action areas. Click here to download PDF 2.49MB Â
The National Paediatric Hospital Development Board invited interested parties to a presentation introducing the Design Team Tendering Process on Monday 25 November. The presentation sets out the indicative details relating to the new children's hospital which is planned for the St James campus. Click here to download PDF 5.52MB Â
The National Drugs Strategy 2009-16 is a cross cutting area of public policy and service delivery. It is based upon a co-ordinated approach across the full range of Government Departments and Agencies involved in delivering drugs policy. The overall objective of the Strategy is to tackle the harm caused to individuals, families and communities as a result of problem drug and alcohol use through the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. The progress achieved across the 63 Actions of the National Drugs Strategy by Government Departments and Agencies is reported here. Click here to download PDF 295kb Â
First Annual Progress Report September 2012 – September 2013 The National Carers' Strategy, which was published in 2012, sets the strategic direction for future policies, services and supports provided by Government Departments and agencies for carers. It is a Cross-Departmental Strategy that sets out; This is the first Annual Report on implementation for the period of September 2012 â?" September 2013. Download Report
This first Annual Report of the NCEC outlines the activity of NCEC and provides information on the development for the first time in Ireland processes for prioritisation and quality assurance of National Clinical Guidelines. The Annual Report sets the agenda for NCEC going forward in line with its terms of reference. Of note two National Clinical Guidelines were quality assured by NCEC and endorsed by the Minister for Health in 2013. These are National Clinical Guideline No. 1 – National Early Warning Score and National Clinical Guideline No. 2 – Prevention and Control Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The implementation of National Clinical Guidelines is a significant patient quality and safety initiative and will improve health outcomes for patients, reduce variation in practice and improve the quality of clinical decisions. Quality assured National Clinical Guidelines will help to further improve the quality, safety and cost effectiveness of healthcare across Ireland. Download the Report Â
Drugs misuse continues to be one of the most significant challenges facing our country.  It is highly destructive and has devastating effects on individuals, relationships, families, communities and society in general. Implementation of the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016, which sets out Government policy in dealing with the drugs problem, is being pursued across a range of Government Departments and Agencies. Solid progress is being made across the 63 Actions of the Strategy, which are based around the five pillars of supply reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and research. The Oversight Forum on Drugs, which is Chaired by Minister Mr Alex White, meets on a quarterly basis and reviews the implementation of the Strategy. The 2013 Annual Progress Report on the implementation of the actions of the National Drugs Strategy is available here.
The National Carers' Strategy, which was published in 2012, sets the strategic direction for future policies, services and supports provided by Government Departments and agencies for carers. It is a Cross-Departmental Strategy that sets out; This is the first Annual Report on implementation for the period of September 2012 â?" September 2013.Download the National Carers’ Strategy Annual Report 2013 here
 This is a generic policy framework for rare diseases. Its scope is broad and it applies to all rare diseases, which can number up to 8,000 diseases affecting millions of EU citizens. This policy framework envisages a combined approach with our EU partners and Northern Ireland to diagnose and treat people with rare diseases. We must deepen links with facilities and institutions in other countries where specialist services are available that may be absent in Ireland. The plan elaborates on Ireland’s participation in European Reference Networks, which is the networking of knowledge and expertise through reference centres and teams of experts. These links are emphasized in the report to address the care of patients with rare diseases at both national and European levels. Download the report here
National Rare Disease Plan for Ireland 2014-2018 This is a generic policy framework for rare diseases. Its scope is broad and it applies to all rare diseases, which can number up to 8,000 diseases affecting millions of EU citizens. This policy framework envisages a combined approach with our EU partners and Northern Ireland to diagnose and treat people with rare diseases. We must deepen links with facilities and institutions in other countries where specialist services are available that may be absent in Ireland. The plan elaborates on Irelandâ?Ts participation in European Reference Networks, which is the networking of knowledge and expertise through reference centres and teams of experts. These links are emphasized in the report to address the care of patients with rare diseases at both national and European levels. Download the report here Â
This report presents findings from the National Consultation on Rare Disease overseen by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland on behalf of the Department of Health to inform the development of Irelandâ?Ts first National Rare Disease Plan. In 2009, the Council of the European Union recommended that all member countries develop a national plan for rare diseases with the framework of their health and social systems by the end of 2013. The aim is to ensure that all patients with rare disease in Europe have access to high quality care, including diagnostics, treatments and rehabilitation. Download the report here
The Review Group, led by Chairman Dr Frank Dolphin was appointed in March 2012 to advise the Minister for Health on the options for a new childrenâ?Ts hospital, following the refusal by An Bord Pleanála to give planning permission for the proposed National Childrenâ?Ts Hospital at a site on Eccles Street. Read the Report (PDF, 4MB) Read the Appendices Document (PDF, 11MB)
The Public Health Agency is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. This A4 sheet provides information on the National Fraud Initiative.
In 2008, the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH), now known as the Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries (CMACE), commenced a 3-year UK-wide Obesity in Pregnancy project. The project was initiated in response to a number of factors. At the time, these included: i) growing evidence that obesity is associated with increased morbidity and mortality for both mother and baby, ii) evidence from the CEMACH 'Saving Mothers' Lives' report showed that women with obesity were over-represented among those who died of direct deaths compared to those who died of indirect deaths, 1 iii) unknown national and regional prevalence rates of maternal obesity, and iv) the need for a national clinical guideline for the care of women with obesity in pregnancy.