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A search for a new resonance decaying to a W or Z boson and a Higgs boson in the ℓℓ/ℓν/νν+bb¯ final states is performed using 20.3 fb−1 of pp collision data recorded at s√= 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The search is conducted by examining the WH/ZH invariant mass distribution for a localized excess. No significant deviation from the Standard Model background prediction is observed. The results are interpreted in terms of constraints on the Minimal Walking Technicolor model and on a simplified approach based on a phenomenological Lagrangian of Heavy Vector Triplets.


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Este proyecto cuenta con 7 subproyectos.Subproyecto: Restricciones de representaciones de cuadrado integrable.Se continuará trabajando en el problema de restringir representaciones de cuadrado integrable en un grupo de Lie a un subgrupo semisimple o la factor unipotente de un subgrupo parabólico. En particular, se continuará analizando el caso de restringir desde el grupo SO(2n,1) al subgrupo SO(2) x SO(2n-2,1) y al factor unipotente del parabólico minimal de un grupo de Lie clásico de rango uno. Subproyecto: Representación metapléctica y grupos de Heisenberg generalizados. Se estudia la restricción de la representación metapléctica a subgrupos del grupo metapléctico. Subproyecto: Álgebras de tipo H. Se estudiarán estructuras de biálgebra en las álgebras de tipo H, álgebras de Lie nilpotentes de dos etapas. Se continuará con el estudio de cuantizaciones de álgebras de tipo H. Se estudiarán propiedades geométricas de las funciones theta generalizadas que surgen de álgebras de tipo H. Subproyecto: Módulos de peso máximo. Se intenta dar una respuesta al problema de clasificación de módulos quasifinitos de peso máximo sobre ciertas álgebras de dimensión infinita. Subproyecto: Cuantización de las álgebras de tipo H. Se tratará de cuantizar las álgebras de tipo H, álgebras de Lie nilpotentes de dos etapas. Se trabajará con una definición más general de las álgebras de Heisenberg, tratando de encontrar teoremas tipo Stone-Von Neumann y generalizaciones de las funciones theta. Subproyecto: Continuación analítica de integrales de coeficientes matriciales. Se analiza la existencia de continuación holomorfa de la integral a lo largo de un grupo semisimple real de las potencias complejas de un coeficiente matricial de una representación irreducible admisible. Subproyecto: Cálculo explícito de soluciones fundamentales de operadores invariantes. Se analizan condiciones en el polinomio que define un operador diferencial k-invariante para que resulte hipoellítico. Se trata en particular el caso del grupo SO(n,1). Subproyecto 7: Generadores de Goldie. Se trata de encontrar algoritmos para el cálculo de generadores de Goldie.


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Es mi intención centrar mis investigaciones en los próximos años en las álgebras de Lie tipo H. Es nuestro objetivo encontrar nuevas familias de álgebras regulares no de tipo H y verificar la existencia o no de irreducibles cumpliendo de estas propiedades. En particular es interesante plantear su cuantización, es decir encontrar estructuras de álgebras de Hopf que sean deformaciones del álgebra envolvente correspondiente al álgebra de Lie en estudio. En particular estudiaremos si existen cuantizaciones quasitriangulares lo que nos llevaría soluciones de la ecuación de Yang-Baxter cuántica. Hasta ahora hemos logrado la cuantización en ciertos casos particulares. Para comprender cómo deben ser hechas las cuantizaciones en forma más general es necesario realizar un estudio sistemático de las estructuras de la biálgebra de las álgebras de Lie de tipo H. En particular se tratarán de detectar estructuras de biálgebra quasitriangulares y por consiguientes soluciones de la ecuación de Yang-Baxter clásica. Es un resultado conocido que las funciones de theta se pueden expresar como coeficiente matricial de la representación de Stone-Von Neumann. De los teoremas de Stone-Von Neumann para álgebras de tipo H surgen entonces funciones que serían una generalización de las funciones theta; es nuestro objetivo encontrar propiedades de estas funciones que puedan ser de interés.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2011


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS); m. qadriceps femoris; motor learning; long term depression (LTD), long term potentiation (LTP)


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2013


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The modern computer systems that are in use nowadays are mostly processor-dominant, which means that their memory is treated as a slave element that has one major task – to serve execution units data requirements. This organization is based on the classical Von Neumann's computer model, proposed seven decades ago in the 1950ties. This model suffers from a substantial processor-memory bottleneck, because of the huge disparity between the processor and memory working speeds. In order to solve this problem, in this paper we propose a novel architecture and organization of processors and computers that attempts to provide stronger match between the processing and memory elements in the system. The proposed model utilizes a memory-centric architecture, wherein the execution hardware is added to the memory code blocks, allowing them to perform instructions scheduling and execution, management of data requests and responses, and direct communication with the data memory blocks without using registers. This organization allows concurrent execution of all threads, processes or program segments that fit in the memory at a given time. Therefore, in this paper we describe several possibilities for organizing the proposed memory-centric system with multiple data and logicmemory merged blocks, by utilizing a high-speed interconnection switching network.


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Die Arbeit beinhaltet den Entwurf eines Wohnquartiers am Lindenauer Hafen in Leipzig. Er nimmt Bezug auf die zu dem Zeitpunkt aktuelle Planung de Stadt Leipzig für das Gebiet.


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Hemidactylus mabouia Moreau de Jonnés, 1818 is a "fixed" clutch size exotic species well established in Brazil. In this paper we investigate some reproductive strategies adopted to minimize the costs of invariant clutch size to this invader species living in an environment with marked climatic seasonality in Southeastern Brazil (22°56’S; 46°55’W). The study was carried out from April 2002 to March 2003. Females and males attain maturity at 47.9mm and 46.9mm SVL, respectively. Larger females tended to produce larger eggs. The reproduction occurred throughout the year, but only at the wet season the females increase the clutch frequency. There was a significant variation in mean testis volume among the months throughout the year and the largest means were recorded between August and December. Maternal investment on egg size, increase on clutch frequency and seasonal increase on testis volume can represent important reproductive strategies of this invader species living in an non-urban habitat whit climatic seasonality (dry and cold weather season).


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We describe an equivalence of categories between the category of mixed Hodge structures and a category of vector bundles on the toric complex projective plane which verify some semistability condition. We then apply this correspondence to define an invariant which generalises the notion of R-split mixed Hodge structure and compute extensions in the category of mixed Hodge structures in terms of extensions of the corresponding vector bundles. We also give a relative version of this correspondence and apply it to define stratifications of the bases of the variations of mixed Hodge structure.


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Let A be a simple, unital, finite, and exact C*-algebra which absorbs the Jiang-Su algebra Z tensorially. We prove that the Cuntz semigroup of A admits a complete order embedding into an ordered semigroup which is obtained from the Elliott invariant in a functorial manner. We conjecture that this embedding is an isomor phism, and prove the conjecture in several cases. In these same cases - Z-stable algebras all - we prove that the Elliott conjecture in its strongest form is equivalent to a conjecture which appears much weaker. Outside the class of Z-stable C*-algebras, this weaker conjecture has no known counterexamples, and it is plausible that none exist. Thus, we reconcile the still intact principle of Elliott's classification conjecture -that K-theoretic invariants will classify separable and nuclear C*-algebras- with the recent appearance of counterexamples to its strongest concrete form.


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A new tick, Amblyomma parkeri, n. sp., is described as a parasite of Coendu sp. from S. Paulo, Brazil. Female holotype, nymph and larva are described (Figs. 2 e 3). The n. sp. differs completly from Koch's species Amblyomma longirostre, the common parasite of the Erethizotidae. Standard data for measures of the female dorsal scutum ixodidae are proposed as follows (fig. 1): PA = Antero-posterior; PB = Postero-basal; PM = Postero-median; TT = Transversal; OO = Inter-ocular; OT= Occulo-transversal; SS = Inter-scapular; CC = Cervical; PT = Postero-transversal; ST = Scapulo-transversal; NPT = Normal to the postero-transversal; NST = Normal to the scapulo-transversal. In the female holotype the standard data are as follows: PA = 2.00 mm; PB = 2.26 mm; PM = 1.10 mm; TT = 2.20 mm; OO = 2.26 mm; SS = 0,84 mm; CC = 0.63 mm; SC = 0.12 mm; NPT = 0.20mm; STN = 0.1 mm. Peritrema 0.80 x 0.42 mm with a narrow postero-internal angle and a large, elongated macula. Coxa I with two short spines and all other coxae with only one shorter spine, shortest in coxa IV. Hypostoma spatulated with formula 3/3. Gnathosoma 1.42 mm long and basis 0.63 mm long by 0.84 greatest wide. Palpi with smoth external surface, 1.00 mm long. Type lot No. 4458 from Cotia, S. Paulo, Brazil; in the acarological collection of the Escola Paulista de Medicina, S. Paulo. Ixodes didelphidis, n. sp., differing from Ixodes loricatus Neumann by the shape of the peritremata (figs. 4 a 5) of the male and female and by the number of the punctations in this organ is described form Didelphidae, Muridae and Cavidae. Twenty eight lots were obtained from Anápolis, Goiás, Brasil, where I. loricatus is subtituded by the n. sp. under description. Comparison with NEUMANN'S types of I. loricatus was possible through the courtesy of Prof. A. BRIZARD from Toulouse, who kindly loaned NEUMANN'S material. Female cotypes N° 40 and male allotype N° 531 in the Collection of Ixodidae of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute.


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After comparison of the types of Ixodes ricinus aragãoi Fonseca, 1935, with a lot of Ixodes affinis Neumann, 1899, kindly loaned by Dr. Kohls, it was observed that both species differ by the aspect of the dorsal scutm, no large punctations being in the posterior border in the Brazilian material. Therefore is FONSECA'S species maintened as Ixodes aragãoi Fonseca, 1935. Ixodes amarali Fonseca, 1935 was reexamined and confirmed as a valid species. A list of Brazilian species of the genus Ixodes studied by the authors is presented.