653 resultados para Moss, Kira
"Mellyben minden hazánkbéli Vármegyék, Városok, Faluk, Puszták; uradalmak, fábrikák, huták, hámorok, savanyú, és orvosló vizek, fördöházak, nevezetesebb hegyek, barlangok, folyó vizek, tavak, szigetek, erdök, azoknak hollételek, Földes Urok, fekvések, történettyek, külömbféle termésbéli tulajdonságaik, a' betüknek rendgyek szerént feltaláltatnak."
Morgan Robertson, shipmate.--Gathering no moss-an autobiography.--Sidelights on Morgan Robertson, by Seth Moyle.--My skirmish with madness, by Morgan Robertson.--Morgan Robertson, hero, by J. O'Neill.--The art of Morgan Robert, by Charles Hanson Towne.--The Morgan Robertson I knew, by Arthur T. Vance.--The psychic mystery of his time, by Henry W. Francis.--Morgan Robertson, the man, by Bozeman Bulger.--Morgan Robertson, by Arthur B. Maurice.--The man I knew, by Grace Miller White.--Morgan Robertson's famous recipes.
Father Time and his children (New Year's day)--Tertulla's garden, or The miracle of good St. Valentine (Valentine's day)--The seven sleepers of Ephesos (Easter)--Princess Moss Rose (for every child's birthday)--The testing of Sir Gawayne (Hallowe'en)--A Christmas party (Christmas)
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
"A Magyar királyi Igazságügyminisztériumtól és a patronázs egyesületektöl nyert adatok alapján."
Available on demand as hard copy or computer file from Cornell University Library.
Includes bibliography.
"Mr. J. S. Hales ... was assisted by Mr. W. C. Moss, B. SC., and the work was supervised by Mr. A. Blackie ..."--p. iii.
Project staff: Sharon Schwarz, William Schreck, Ron Reische, Christina Harshman-Wells, Jeff Moss.
"Submitted to: the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service" -- cover
(cont) The source of the Mississippi / by N.H. Winchell -- Prehistoric man at the headwaters of the Mississippi River / by J.V. Brower -- Charter members of the Minnesota Historical Society and its work in 1896 / by Alex. Ramsey -- History of agriculture in Minnesota / by James J. Hill -- History of mining and quarrying in Minnesota / by Warren Upham -- History of the discovery of the Mississippi River and the advent of commerce in Minnesota / Russell Blakeley -- Reminiscences of persons and events in the early days of the Minnesota Historical Society / by William H. Kelley -- Fort Snelling from its foundation to the present time / by Richard W. Johnson -- Sully's expedition against the Sioux, in 1864 / by David L. Kingsbury -- State-building in the West / by Charles E. Flandrau -- Obituaries.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.