944 resultados para Moore, Veranus A. (Veranus Alva), 1859-1931.
This essay explores the ways in which the performance of Jewish identity (in the sense both of representing Jewish characters and of writing about those characters’ conscious and unconscious renditions of their Jewishness) is a particular concern (in both senses of the word) for Lorrie Moore. Tracing Moore's representations of Jewishness over the course of her career, from the early story “The Jewish Hunter” through to her most recent novel, A Gate at the Stairs, I argue that it is characterized by (borrowing a phrase from Moore herself) “performance anxiety,” an anxiety that manifests itself in awkward comedy and that can be read both in biographical terms and as an oblique commentary on, or reworking of, the passing narrative, which I call “anti-passing.” Just as passing narratives complicate conventional ethno-racial definitions so Moore's anti-passing narratives, by representing Jews who represent themselves as other to themselves, as well as to WASP America, destabilize the category of Jewishness and, by implication, deconstruct the very notion of ethnic categorization.
Lorrie Moore has long shed the image of the precocious talent who won the Seventeen story prize with her first submission as a nineteen-year-old undergraduate, but there is still a sense that her best work may be yet to come. In that respect, this mini special issue represents by no means the final word on Moore, but rather an interim assessment of a career that is already substantial and that promises much more to come. Together these three essays (and introduction) offer a coherent and striking exploration of Moore's work that develops new directions for future criticism and will help cement her growing reputation as one of the most original and distinctive contemporary writers. They sometimes circle around the same stories, even the same quotations, reading them in a variety of frames and picking up (and at) the nuances of Moore's sustained wordplay and careful documenting of space, of identity, of gender. Thus these essays work together rather than separately, layering over multiple understandings of Moore's incisive American literature.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga bildandet av Dalarnas mejeriförening med hjälp avfrågeställningar angående hur, varför och av vilka personer föreningen skapades samt hurorganisationen Dalarnas mejeriförening kan tolkas med teorier om sociala rörelser och sociala nätverk. Undersökningen baserar sig på källmaterial från Dalarnas mejeriförening ochKopparbergs läns hushållningssällskap. Resultatet av undersökningen är att Dalarnasmejeriförening kan anses vara en social rörelse som bildades för att kontrollera mejerihanteringen i Dalarna. Dalarnas mejeriförening implementerade en omorganisering ilinje med den kooperationsteoretiska rörelseteorin. Rörelsens organisation var baserad på enregelorienterad tolkning av kooperationsprinciperna och rörelseideologin på envärdeorienterad tolkning av desamma. Rörelsens mobiliseringsstruktur var god på grund av en fördelaktig politisk möjlighetsstruktur och framgångsrika nätverksrelationer både inom rörelsen men också mellan rörelsen och andra jordbruksorganisationer.