769 resultados para Misconceptions grammatical


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper describes the prepositions sob and sobre in the Functional Discourse Grammar framework (HENGEVELD; MACKENZIE, 2008) aiming at checking their lexical or grammatical status on the basis of classification criteria postulated by Keizer (2007). The following aspects point to their lexical status : (i) they consist of an Ascription Subact; (ii) they contain a specific content on the vertical axis signaling inferiority and superiority position in relation to a limit; (iii) they are not required by any predicate, but they are predicates by themselves, which require complementation by an argument playing Reference semantic function; (iv) they may be combined with de, em, para and por; which are genuine grammatical prepositions; and, finally, (v) they are not subjected to any phonological process of reduction and fusion.


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In this paper, I focus on one type of grammatical change consisting of creating periphrastic junctures from nominal sources used in relative clause contexts. This is a periphrase production mechanism that has been increasing the unstable paradigm of junctures and helping delineate Portuguese language grammar. One construction resulting from this mechanism is (na) hora que, in relation to which I propose to investigate form, meaning and history. The central aim is to show the emergence of (na) hora que, a grammaticalization instance in course, in which it is possible to catch stages of the its gradual constitution process, concerning both the syntagmatic reorganization of items with consequent morphological losses, and the constitution of meanings, with the origin of polysemies, pointing to a directionality grounded on the increase of the cognitive complexity


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This paper analyzes unconventional segmentation of word found in texts of the sixth grade of Elementary School. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, we describe the prosodic characteristics that may be motivated the hyper and hippossegmentation of words found in 27,4% of 606 investigated texts. We identified a tendency toward a more text with hippossegmentation than hypersegmentation, characteristic similar to what is reported about children’s text. Taking into account the theoretical framework of Prosodic Phonology, we argue about the relevance of prosodic word and clitic group in the description of the regularities observed in data of unconventional segmentation of word. We note that (i) in cases of hipposegmentation, it predominates the hollow of a clitic followed by a phonological word, (ii) in cases of hypersegmentation, it predominates a segmentation of a prosodic word into a clitic group. We present evidences to be the spelling of clitic elements a challenge to students analyzed. By investigating in the grammatical class that owned the clitics spelled unconventionally, we verified that they are prepositions (“em, de, com”) and pronouns (“me, lhe, lo”), a characteristic that particularize these data in relation to data from students in the early stage of language acquisition.


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In this paper, we investigate the grammatical construction “é claro (que)”, which is characterized as a matrix clause. As it is produced, an argumentative clause is added to the matrix clause in subject position. We analyze oral speech and writing data of contemporary Portuguese and show that the grammatical construction undergoes processes of change, which are identified by desentencialization clauses and grammaticalization process. In addition, by analyzing parameters such as the position of grammatical construction, the presence of copulation and the use of a complementizer, we show that the absence of copulation and a complementizer in the matrix leads to a reduced clause, i.e., a monoclause, and a categorical change of the matrix adjective, which plays the role of functioning adverb.


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In this paper, we present a discussion on the class of Discourse Markers (DMs), aiming at providing some specific contributions to studies on the grammaticalization of DMs. We highlight the fact that DMs do not constitute a grammatical class, and then we formulate a few insights on the adequacy of the notion of the “grammaticalization of DMs”.


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This paper deals with unconventional segmentations of words in texts produced by students of the last four years of elementary school. The main hypothesis is that these data allow us to observe the characteristics of written and spoken utterances. Through analysis of data on prosodic constituents, we argue that students deal with (conflicting) hypotheses on the organization of unstressed syllables into prosodic constituents: metric feet, prosodic word and clitic group. We found evidence that unconventional spellings have their main motivation in the difficulty of students to assign the status of written word to grammatical items that are prosodic clitics.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Ce texte aborde l’importance de la recherche liée à l’activité é pilinguistique, entendue comme l’activité propre du langage dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la langue maternelle. Le concept d’activité épilinguistique adopté ici est celui de la Théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives élaborée parle linguiste français Antoine Culioli. Dans le but de délimiter l’objet de la recherche et de présenter un modèle d’activité applicable en salle de classe, nous avons choisi d’étudier la conjonction de coordination et d’opposition mas (mais, en français), comprise comme un marqueur lexico - grammatical. L’exercice a été proposé à une classe de septième année (la 5 ème du système français) du collège d’État Dr. Joaquim Batista, dans la ville de Jaboticabal, au Brésil. Dans le cadre de ce travail sur l’activité épilingui stique, les apprenants ont eu l’opportunité d’observer les divers contextes d’occurrence de ce marqueur, mais aussi de comprendre que les mots ne sont pas dotés d’une signification statique. En outre, ce travail a permis aux apprenants de construire leur propre connaissance et d’élaborer une grammaire plus opérationnelle et pertinente.


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This text is part of a larger study that initially aimed at focusing the relation between nominalization and transitivity in the Portuguese Language. Based on A. Culioli´s Theory of the Enuntiative Operations, we started from a static and descriptive analysis of language, in which nominalization and transitivity have visibility, towards a study that takes into consideration the articulation between language and natural languages. This second approach diluted the specificity of these two grammatical questions and directed them to more abstract spaces of reflection and common to any grammatical problem, such as causality, differential propriety and the construction of notional domains.


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In this paper, we study patterns of complementation as well as transitivity in Portuguese grammatical tradition aiming at verifying the motor of interest toward these subjects as well as eventual historic changes in the direction of the treatment they have been given. We analyze the concepts, the relations and the grounding notions in this camp, as well as the (in)transitive property of verbs in correlation with the status of their complements. Historically documented normative determinations of the notion of complementation and the modern reactions to such a view are relevant to our examination. Our conclusion moves toward a socio‑historic conditioning of traditional lessons, acknowledging, however, the natural existence of theoretical directions in the proposals.


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Committed to a functionalist view of grammar, this study takes word classes as its object of analysis, aiming to show that categorical rigidity cannot be upheld in linguistic use. The analysis sample presented starts from the solutions of dictionaries in the registration of word classes parts and from the fluidity that these classes show in their use. Aspects of grammaticalization in Portuguese language are taken as evidence. It is argued that the grammatical organization of language has properties that support categorical shift processes, however singular they may seem to examination.


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With the purpose of analyzing the function developed byt the fable, this paper begins with its definition, historically linked to the rhetorical art, the teaching force and the literary value, to reach a grammatical analysis of the narrative structure in which genre is presented. From the functionalist point of view, the function determines the structure, and, accordingly, this study shows the fable resolved in specific modes of activation of the utterance formation basic processes such as the establishment of predications and the creation of the referential network of its participants. Since the beginning, the discursive activation of properties is crucial, which, working toward specific goals, configure linguistic characteristics that define the specific nature of the fable


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Within a broader study of the apparatus governing the establishment of word classes in grammatical tradition, this study is centered on examining the treatment of the (sub)class of pronouns in two grammar guide groups from different periods. The collation was especially oriented by the existing general notion of a very strong link of the first grammarians with logic and, as a counterpart, of an insertion of the most recent works in the universe of a linguistic science and, at the same time, in the universe of a parameterization limiting actions and decisions.


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This paper examines the historical role that Tesnière’s theory on the centrality of the verb exerted on some theoretical branches that study the way utterances are built in language. The main goal of this paper is to evaluate the impact that such a proposal had in changing the view of the clause being purely logical (a proposition) or purely syntactic (abstractly equated) to a view that embodies semantics and pragmatics to the syntactic organization of the utterance. A close examination of research dedicated to the grammatical and lexicographic description of Portuguese helps to illustrate the here proposed assessment and contributes to support the claim of the influence of Tesnière on current linguistic analyses.