925 resultados para Metapragmatic awareness
Indicators are valuable tools used to measure progress towards a desired health outcome. Increased awareness of the public health burden due to injury has lead to a concomitant interest in monitoring the impact of national initiatives that aim to reduce the size of the burden. Several injury indicators have now been proposed. This study examines the ability of each of the suggested indicators to reflect the nature and extent of the burden of non-fatal injury. A criterion validity, population-based, prospective cohort study was conducted in Brisbane, a sub-tropical Metropolitan City on the eastern seaboard of Australia, over a 12-month period between 1 January and 31 December 1998. Neither the presence of a long bone fracture nor the need for hospitalisation for 4 or more days were sensitive or specific indicators for 'serious' or major injury as defined by the 'Gold Standard' Injury Severity Score (ISS). Subsequent analysis, using other public health outcome measures demonstrated that the major component of the illness burden of injury was in fact due to 'minor' not serious injury. However, the suggested indicators demonstrated low sensitivity and specificity for these outcomes as well. The results of the study support the need to include at least all hospitalisations in any population-based measure of injury and not attempt to simplify the indicator to a more convenient measure aimed at identifying just those cases of,serious' injury.
Knowledge of differences in voice and speech characteristics between novice and professional broadcasters is essential for effective education of broadcast journalism students. Because newsreaders rely on optimal voice production, information pertaining to vocal hygiene is also important. The first aim of this study was to compare the voice and speech characteristics of professional newsreaders, student newsreaders and control participants. The second aim was to compare the awareness and use of vocal hygiene across these groups. Professional radio newsreaders, broadcast journalism students and two matched control groups were included in the study. Each participant recorded a news bulletin and completed a questionnaire on vocal hygiene. Data analysis of the recording included objective analysis and perceptual ratings by a panel of three judges. Significant student-professional differences were found. Compared to both the students and the control groups, the professional newsreaders had greater variation in speaking fundamental frequency, a faster rate of speech, fewer pronunciation errors and higher perceptual ratings on vocal quality, emphasis, continuity, phrasing and style of newsreading. Female professional newsreaders had a higher speaking fundamental frequency than both their control participants and the student newsreaders. Comparison of vocal hygiene awareness revealed few significant differences between any of the groups.
Objectives: To determine whether awareness of the moderate physical activity message and prevalence of participation changed among Australian adults between 1997 and 1999, and if changes differed across Australia. Methods: Data were compared on awareness of the moderate physical activity message and on physical activity participation from identical national physical activity surveys in 1997 and 1999. Results: In 1999, following integrated public health efforts, recognition of the Active Australia campaign was substantially higher in NSW/ACT (61.7%) than elsewhere (29.3%). Knowledge about benefits of moderate activity increased between 1997 and 1999, more so in States with public health campaigns. National participation in 'sufficient physical activity' declined between 1997 and 1999, from 63% to 57%, but the decline was smaller in NSW/ACT (4.4%) than in the other States (6.0%). Conclusions and implications: Declining trends in physical activity in Australia require increased public health investments, including strategic planning and public education, such as occurred in NSW (1997/98).
The year 2003 marks the 30th anniversary of The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education (AJIE) and coincides with the re-launching of the journal as a peer reviewed research journal.Beginning life in 1973 as The Aboriginal Child at School, AJIE has played a vital role in raising awareness of educational issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; fostering debate amongst researchers, government representatives and community groups; and sharing stories of success between both Indigenous and non- Indigenous practitioners positioned in the broad area of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education. The dialogue which has taken place in AJIE over the past 30 years maps out the social, political and cultural history of Indigenous education in Australia, and draws attention to the shifting paradigms,problems and practical outcomes.
The aim of this study was to investigate current audiological outcomes of Cherbourg schoolchildren and compare these outcomes to those obtained in a 1972 study of hearing health in the same community. Seventy-eight primary school children of Cherbourg State School participated in the study. Their peripheral hearing and middle ear function were tested using pure-tone air conduction audiometry and tympanometry respectively. A significant improvement in the hearing status of this population was noted compared to that reported in 1972. The improvements in the hearing status of Indigenous schoolchildren at Cherbourg can be attributed to a number of factors, including increased awareness of both ear health and general health, as well as the introduction of hearing health care services, over the past three decades.
Despite widespread awareness that children with Down syndrome are particularly susceptible to hearing pathologies, the audiological status of students with Down syndrome in special schools is all too often unknown. Unfortunately, hearing screening for this population is unable to rely on standard, behavioural test batteries. To facilitate future improvements in screening protocols, this study investigated the results of tympanometry and transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) testing for a group of children with Down syndrome. Assessments were not conducted in the artificial context of a clinic or laboratory, but within the school environment. Outcomes are reported for 27 subjects with a mean age of 10 years 5 months (SD = 4;11). Tympanometry testing was failed in at least one ear by 41.7% of subjects, while a failure rate of 81.5% of subjects was observed for TEOAE testing. Therefore, it is concluded that immediate review of hearing screening programs for students with Down syndrome is highly advisable.
Tendo em vista a atual configuração do trabalho em saúde, entende-se que nos espaços de formação desta área torna-se relevante a realização de intervenções que se dediquem ao desenvolvimento de tecnologias relacionais. Tais tecnologias referem-se à produção de vínculo como instrumento de realização nas linhas de cuidado. Esta pesquisa objetivou compreender como essas tecnologias se corporificam a partir da utilização de clínicas em experimentações corporais. Foi utilizado como cenário para o estudo o grupo de pesquisa Rizoma: Saúde Coletiva e Instituições, vinculado ao Programa de Pós Graduação em Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Os sujeitos do estudo foram profissionais e pesquisadores de diversas áreas da saúde que participam do referido grupo. Como instrumentos de produção do material, utilizou-se de registros fotográficos, diário de campo, co-análises sobre o trabalho, experimentações com movimentos de consciência corporal e mobilização de cargas afetivas. A análise do material se deu a partir de uma leitura esquizoanalítica. As clínicas criaram espaços de reflexão para aumentar a capacidade dos participantes em afetar e serem afetados. Tais experimentações geraram estratégias para um cuidado de si e dos outros. Desta forma os participantes relataram maior capacidade de atenção às suas relações cotidianas e de trabalho, aumento de sensibilidades e transformação de comportamentos padronizados em novas formas de se articular.
Em um contexto de ampliação dos lugares públicos participativos no Brasil há de se considerar expectativas de despertar valores sociopolíticos nos estudantes universitários em seu processo de qualificação cidadã e profissional, diante das críticas à formação dos administradores. Portanto, este trabalho visa compreender a dinâmica da consciência política dos estudantes da graduação em administração de uma universidade pública federal no sudeste do Brasil em sua relação com a participação cidadã nos lugares públicos participativos no estado e municípios. Adota-se o modelo analítico de consciência política para a compreensão da participação em ações coletivas de Sandoval (2001) como marco teórico, associado à literatura sobre participação cidadã. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, cujos dados foram coletados através de documentos, aplicação de 30 questionários e 17 entrevistas semiestruturadas, com 30 estudantes universitários da graduação em administração matriculados em 2014/1. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2004). Os resultados revelam 12 estudantes que não participam nos lugares públicos participativos e 18 estudantes que participam em pelo menos um destes lugares. O interesse em exercer a cidadania, melhorar as políticas públicas, gostar de implicar-se com os assuntos públicos e defender seus interesses em circunstâncias de conflito são as justificativas citadas pelos que participam. Evidenciam-se nos estudantes com participação mais ativa, crenças, valores e expectativas societais, articuladas à eficácia política, identidade coletiva, interesses antagônicos, sentimentos de justiça e injustiça, favorecendo a vontade de agir coletivamente, devido à percepção de conexão de seus interesses com as metas e ações coletivas dos movimentos que se envolvem. Os estudantes que não participam desconfiam dos lugares públicos participativos e demonstram desinteresse pelos assuntos públicos, embora apontem um desconforto em não participar. Suas crenças, valores e expectativas societais, associadas aos sentimentos de ineficácia política dificultam o desenvolvimento da consciência política. Conclui-se que estes estudantes possuem uma consciência política de senso comum, demonstrando valores sociais e políticos inerentes aos modismos presentes na vida cotidiana das pessoas. Já os estudantes com participação mais ativa apresentam uma consciência política de conflito, motivando-os à participação nos lugares avaliados como eficazes às suas proposições. Entretanto, o Centro Acadêmico Livre de Administração Honestino Guimarães (CALAD), principal lugar de representação e participação dos interesses dos estudantes no curso, encontra-se sem direção e participação nas instâncias institucionalizadas na universidade.
A Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde do Homem propõe formas diferenciadas de atuação da equipe de saúde no atendimento da população masculina, uma vez que este público demanda estratégias diferenciadas de serviço. Ao se deparar com a realidade vivenciada pelos homens, surgem várias questões acerca do estereótipo social construído acerca das características masculinas e suas vivências. O objetivo da pesquisa foi compreender alguns aspectos relevantes para as práticas de saúde de homens usuários de Unidade de Saúde da Família, como qualidade de vida, consumo de álcool, representações sociais da bebida alcoólica e características de masculinidade. Foi utilizada uma amostra de 300 homens, frequentadores de Unidade de Saúde da Família, e aplicado um questionário contendo os dados sociodemográficos, o World Health Organization Quality of Life (Whoqol-bref), o Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI), um exercício de evocação sobre bebida alcoólica, o Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (Audit) e um bloco para verificar os problemas ocasionados pelo consumo de álcool e a procura por tratamento. Os dados dos instrumentos quantitativos foram analisados com testes estatísticos de comparação de médias e de correlação. Os dados das evocações foram analisados com o software EVOC (Ensemble de Programmes Permettant l’Analyse des Évocations). Na primeira análise, constatou-se adesão mais alta a características femininas, alta percepção de qualidade de vida e padrões de consumo de álcool semelhantes às médias nacionais. Homens que declararam praticar sua religião apresentaram média significativamente menor de consumo de álcool. Apresentaram correlação inversamente proporcional ao consumo de álcool as características femininas de gênero, os domínios físico, social, psicológico e percepção global de qualidade de vida. Na análise das evocações, constatou-se que os elementos com tendência à centralidade são, em sua maioria, de cunho negativo. Os dados da população geral apresentaram o termo gosto como um aspecto positivo e central da bebida alcoólica. O grupo de abstinentes não apresentou avaliação positiva do termo e o grupo de bebedores apresentou o termo diversão na primeira periferia, referindo-se aos aspectos positivos e de socialização da bebida alcoólica. Os resultados indicaram uma qualidade de vida satisfatória, a religião e as características femininas destacaram-se como um fator de proteção ao uso de bebida alcoólica. Apresentaram, ainda, percepção dos problemas associados ao próprio consumo. Apesar de a maioria dos termos relacionados à bebida alcoólica ser negativo, este consumo ainda se dá em um nível considerável. Por isso, se faz necessária a construção de vínculo entre o profissional e o usuário do serviço de saúde a fim de dar oportunidade para que as reais práticas sobre a bebida alcoólica sejam evidenciadas. Esses dados podem ajudar profissionais de Saúde da Família a refletirem sobre as representações sociais que constroem acerca dos homens de classe popular usuários do serviço
A economia informal compõe o mundo do trabalho de todas as sociedades capitalistas, em menor ou em maior grau. No Brasil, historicamente observa-se que esse fenômeno tem sido sempre muito abrangente, sobretudo motivado pelo e resultante do contexto socioeconômico, jurídico e político. Devido às idiossincrasias nacionais, desde o surgimento do mercado de trabalho no país, esta situação persiste em diversos panoramas e com vários matizes, obstaculizando uma melhor performance global da economia brasileira e negando oportunidades de desenvolvimento individual e social ao longo do tempo. Sendo assim, e através do prisma da Economia Social e do Trabalho, o objetivo desta dissertação é analisar os principais fatores conjunturais e estruturais da informalidade observada no mercado nacional de trabalho no interregno 1980-2012, apresentando a dimensão desse problema e expondo suas raízes econômicas e institucionais, a fim de contribuir com novos elementos para o debate da informalidade em nível nacional. A hipótese central dessa pesquisa é de que o elevado GI no Brasil persiste essencialmente – mesmo que com diferentes especificidades históricas – ao nível das mentalidades dos diversos agentes, isto é, antes de ter-se um mercado nacional de trabalho com um alto GI, tem-se uma sociedade brasileira altamente informal. A instituição “trabalho informal” persiste como um hábito incrustado mesmo diante de mudanças de ordem socioeconômica, o que impede que grande parcela da população brasileira tenha acesso ao trabalho formalizado e decente (a là OIT). É mister que haja maior efetividade das leis e aprimoramentos institucionais acompanhados de coordenação e “vontade política”, alicerçados pela tomada de consciência crescente da sociedade civil no que se refere à importância da formalização e aos males da informalidade tanto para seus cidadãos quanto para a nação. Sugere-se como uma possível alternativa para diminuir o GI de forma mais consistente a consideração, para além dos aspectos econômicos e jurídicos, do arcabouço cultural, histórico, comportamental e dos hábitos sociais incrustados que os condicionam e os orientam. Isto porque são estes os eixos que norteiam o processo de desenvolvimento individual e social. Nesse sentido, o estudo (de caráter descritivo e analítico) é fundamentado pelas teorias sistêmicas e multidisciplinares desenvolvidas por Karl Paul Polanyi e Amartya Kumar Sen, interpretadas como artífices de uma vida digna, além de apregoarem o “reincrustamento” da economia na sociedade e, por analogia, o “desincrustamento” da informalidade institucionalmente enraizada na sociedade brasileira. Isso se dará à medida que forem expandidas as liberdades instrumentais e substantivas, em uma espécie de “causação circular cumulativa” aplicada à questão da informalidade, tendo como “efeito colateral altamente desejável” o desenvolvimento socioeconômico. As principais contribuições deste estudo emergiram justamente das concepções teóricas dos dois autores, combinadas aos nexos de convergência estabelecidos entre a economia brasileira, seus desdobramentos institucionais e a informalidade no mercado nacional de trabalho no período estudado.
Is it possible to talk about the rise of a new global (dis)order founded on the challenges posed by environmental issues? Through the review of the state of the art on the subject, this article analyzes the growing importance of the environment, and natural resources in particular, in international relations; and aims to raise awareness among International Relations scholars to the potential positive impact of the development of the discipline in integration with global environmental change studies.
The increasing availability of mobility data and the awareness of its importance and value have been motivating many researchers to the development of models and tools for analyzing movement data. This paper presents a brief survey of significant research works about modeling, processing and visualization of data about moving objects. We identified some key research fields that will provide better features for online analysis of movement data. As result of the literature review, we suggest a generic multi-layer architecture for the development of an online analysis processing software tool, which will be used for the definition of the future work of our team.
The aim of this paper was to estimate the return on investment in QMS (quality management systems) certification undertaken in Portuguese firms, according to the ISO 9000 series. A total of 426 certified Portuguese firms were surveyed. The response rate was 61.03 percent. The different payback periods were validated through statistical analysis and the relationship between expected and perceived payback periods was discussed. This study suggests that a firm’s sector of activity, size and degree of internationalization are related to the length of the investment in QMS certification recovery period. Furthermore, our findings suggest, that the time taken to obtain the certification is not directly related to the economic component of the certification. The majority of Portuguese firms (58.9%) took up to three years to recoup their investment and 35.5% of companies said they had not yet recovered the initial investment made. The recoup of investment was measured by the increase in the number of customers and consequent volume of deliveries, improved profitability and productivity of the company, improvement of competitive position and performance (cost savings), reduction in the number of external complaints and internal defects/scrap, achievement of some important clientele, among others. We compared our work to similar studies undertaken in other countries. This paper provides a contribution to the research related to the return on investment for costs related to the certification QMS according to ISO 9000. This paper provides a valuable contribution to the field and is one of the first studies to undertake this type of analysis in Portugal.
The importance of intangible resources has increased dramatically in recent years comparing to tangible ones. The economy in which we live is the result of competitive pressures that have imposed the implementation of business at an international level as well as a requirement in the application of sophisticated technologies that allow us to follow this fast evolution. In this age of information and innovation organizations will only survive if they are inserted in a global network of strategic relations, generically called as the network economy by Lev (2003). The service sector has stood out against the more traditional sectors of the economy. The intensive use of knowledge and a strong customer orientation created a new reality in today’s organizations: a growing importance attached to innovation, to the quality of products and services offered, to the information and communication technologies adopted, and to the creativity and particular abilities of human resources. The concept of intangible assets is more common in an accounting language and intellectual capital is most often applied in the context of management, being associated with a more comprehensive, multidimensional approach, representing all the knowledge that the institution owns and that it applies in the form of expertise, the creativity and organizational competencies that lead to innovation and to the sustained attainment of future economic benefits. An analysis of the scope of intellectual capital is fundamental to take more appropriate management decisions so that a more appropriate accounting treatment could be given by the accounting standardization organizations. This study intends to analyse the practices of information disclosure of the intellectual capital in the banking sector in Portugal, complementing the analysis of the disclosure of intangible assets in the context of accounting standards with the disclosure of intellectual capital in the context of organizational management. In particular, our main aims are to identify the extent of disclosure of intellectual capital made by banks in Portugal and also to identify the factors that determine such a disclosure. The disclosure in the context of accounting standards will be studied by checking the disclosure of intangible assets through the items listed in the International Accounting Standard 38 developed by the International Accounting Standards Board. The context of management was analysed by means of creating a voluntary disclosure index based on assumptions of the model Intellectus, developed by the Centro de Investigación sobre la Sociedad del Conocimiento – Instituto de Administración de Empresas (CIC-IADE) of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, and of the model Intellectual Capital Statement (made in Europe) (InCaS), both promoted by the European Commission and that we have adapted to the banking sector. When analysing the disclosure of intangible assets based on the context of accounting standards and the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital, this study has tried to raise awareness about the importance of issuing reports on the intellectual capital as an alternative tool to take management decisions in the existing organizations and reflects the transparency and legitimacy that these institutions seek through a more extensive and more detailed information disclosure of their intellectual capital. Based on a complimentarily of economic theories, together with social and political theories, we tried to check the extent, evolution and tendencies of the compulsory disclosure of intangible assets and of the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital analysed in the period 2001-2011. Banks characteristics were also analysed in order to deduce those factors that determine or promote a larger disclosure in this sector. Based on these objectives, we adopted a longitudinal approach to explore the extent and the development of the disclosure of intangible assets as well as the factors that have determined it. Furthermore, we sought to assess the impact of the adoption of IAS 38 in the financial statements of the organizations in this sector. The disclosure index created on the basis of the disclosure requirements stated in IAS 38 from IASB was applied to the consolidated financial statements of the seventeen banks that rendered their statements in Portugal from 2001 to 2009. Since the information disclosed in the context of accounting standards may not have an important role as a management tool once it was not able to reflect what really contributes to the competitiveness and organizational growth, the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital was analysed according to the information obtained from the 2010 annual individual reports of the banks operating in Portugal in that year and from their respective websites in 2011. We tried to analyse the extent of the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital and of each of its components, human capital, structural capital and relational capital. The comparative analysis of their annual reports and their web pages allowed us to assess the incidence of the disclosure and discover what channel the banking sector focuses on when disclosing their intellectual capital. Also in this analysis the study of the disclosure determinants has allowed us to conclude about the influence of particular characteristics in the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital. The results of the analysis to the extent of the disclosure of intangible assets in the consolidated financial statements of the banking groups in Portugal in the period 2001-2009 have shown an average information disclosure of 0.24. This information disclosure evolved from an average value of 0.1940 in 2001 to 0.2778 in 2009. The average value is 0.8286 if it is only considered the disclosure of the intangible assets that the banks possessed. The evolution of this index means an increase in the average disclosure from 0.7852 in 2001 to 0.8788 in 2009. From the first results that are related to the extent of the disclosure of intangible assets in the financial statements, we can verify that the banking groups present a low disclosure level of these resources. However, when considering the disclosure of only the intangible assets that each institution owns, the disclosure level appears to be in compliance with the disclosure requirements for this sector. An evolution in the disclosure of intangible assets for the period considered was confirmed, showing an increase in the information disclosure of intangible assets in 2005, the year in which the accounting rules for intangible assets changed. The analysis that focused on the disclosure in the context of management tried to understand the extent, the incidence and the determinants of the voluntary information disclosure of intellectual capital in the annual reports of 2010 and on their web pages in 2011, studying the 32 banks operating in Portugal in this period. The average voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital in the 2010 annual reports is 0.4342 while that in web pages is 0.2907. A review of the components of the intellectual capital allowed us to assess the importance that the banks confer to each of these components. The data obtained show that the relational capital, and more specifically the business capital, is the most disclosed component by banks in Portugal both in the annual reports and in their institutional web pages, followed by the structural capital and, finally, by the human capital. The disclosure of the human capital and the structural capital is higher in the annual reports than that in the websites, while the relational capital is more disclosed in the websites than in the annual reports. The results have also shown that the banks make a complementary use of both sources when disclosing information about their structural capital and relational capital but they do not show any information about their human capital in their websites. We tried to prove the influence of factors that could determine the accounting disclosure and the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital in this sector. The change in the IASB accounting rules as from January 1st 2005 gave a greater disclosure of accounting information of intangible assets in the financial statements of banks. The bank size and corporate governance measures have statistically proved to have an influence on the extent of the accounting disclosure of intangible assets and on the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital. Economic and financial variables such as profitability, operating efficiency or solvency were not determinants of information disclosure. The instability that the banking sector has experienced in economic and financial indicators in recent years as a result of the global financial markets imbalance has worsen indicators such as profitability, efficiency and solvency and caused major discrepancies in the economic situation between banks in Portugal. This empirical analysis has contributed to confront the disclosure required by accounting rules performed in the financial statements of organizations with that performed in the main disclosure media which is available for entities and which is increasingly requested in the process of taking management decisions. It also allowed us to verify whether there is homogeneity between institutions in the fulfilment of the requirements for information disclosure of intangible assets. However, as for voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital, there are large disparities in the disclosure extent between organizations. Regardless of this sector specific characteristics, the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital made by banks in Portugal follows the trends in other sectors and the practices adopted in other countries, namely regarding the amount of information disclosed, the incidence of the disclosure on the indicators of relational capital and the importance of variables such as size as determinants of disclosure of intellectual capital. For a further knowledge in this field, we created a specific index for the banking sector, considering appropriate indicators for an incisive, comprehensive analysis in order to consider the most relevant indicators of intellectual capital components. Besides, confronting the analysis of disclosure in the context of accounting standards with the study of voluntary disclosure brought a new analysis approach to the research on intellectual capital disclosure. With this study, we have also intended to raise greater awareness of the need for harmonization in the intellectual capital disclosure on the part of the regulatory banking authority by means of a demanding, consistent and transparent report of intellectual capital with simple, clear, objective indicators so that those interested in disclosing intellectual capital information in the organizations in this sector may obtain more harmonized and comparable information. A research on the disclosure quality of intellectual capital, together with the application of other analysis methodologies in this sector, might be a promising approach for future research. Applying the voluntary disclosure index to the same sector in other countries may also contribute to the knowledge of disclosure practices in different geographical environments. We highlight the relevance of further studies contributing to the harmonization and consistency in the presentation of an intellectual capital report so as to enable organizations to disclose the resources that contribute most to their competitiveness and growth.
A Formação Parental, enquanto medida de intervenção socioeducativa, tem sido um alvo de interesse gradual, quer a nível internacional, quer a nível nacional. As profundas mudanças ocorridas, na esfera social e familiar, são agentes que têm vindo a promover o desenvolvimento de iniciativas de intervenção neste domínio. A consciência dos desafios que acarretam o desempenho das funções parentais nos dias de hoje, tem sido um incentivo na procura de respostas e auxílio aos intervenientes neste difícil processo de educar. Também o contributo teórico da Psicologia, nomeadamente nas áreas de estudo sobre a Formação Parental, a família, os estilos parentais, o envolvimento parental, e a sua pertinência para o desenvolvimento e equilíbrio infanto-juvenil, têm vindo e estimular o crescente investimento nesta área de intervenção. O presente estudo teve por objetivo construir, implementar e avaliar a eficácia de um programa de Promoção de Práticas Educativas Parentais. Neste estudo participaram 4 cuidadores (3 do sexo feminino e 1 um do sexo masculino), todos eles residentes no meio urbano (n=4), casados (n=4) e com uma média de idades de aproximadamente 42 anos (M=42,25), variando entre os 40 e os 45 anos. A maioria tem o 12º ano (n=3, 75%), apenas 1 (25%), possui habilitações superiores ao nível de licenciatura. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um Questionário Sociodemográfico e do Questionário de Práticas Parentais (Versão Portuguesa de M. Gaspar & P. Santos de 2008, revisto em 2013). No que respeita aos resultados obtidos, existem algumas modificações positivas na promoção de competências parentais ajustada, recorrendo à utilização de estratégias de disciplina positiva em todos os sujeitos, depois da intervenção. Referente as outras variáveis, nomeadamente, os diferentes estilos de disciplina, promoção do autoconhecimento enquanto pessoas e pais, fomentar a autoestima atendendo a aspetos pessoas e parentais, incentivar o bem-estar subjetivo/felicidade dos participantes com relevância na parentalidade não houve ocorrência de alterações positivas.