665 resultados para Mesoscale


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GEOMAR's autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV Abyss REMUS 6000) was deployed within the framework of a multi-platform experiment in June 2012 with R/V Maria S. Merian cruise MSM21/1b at about 180 km downstream of Denmark Strait. The scientific payload included a pumped Seabird 49 FastCAT CTD system, a paroscientific pressure sensor, and shear and temperature microstructure profiler from Rockland Scientific Inc.. In total, six of eight AUV dives were carried out successfully. Aborts on three dives were caused by strong counter currents the AUV experienced in the Denmark Strait Overflow plume, which made the AUV fail to reach its waypoints on schedule. During all missions the AUV was programmed to dive at constant depth levels along? straight legs approximately parallel to chosen isobaths with a constant speed of 1.6 m s-1 through the water.


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The formation of a subsurface anticyclonic eddy in the Peru-Chile Undercurrent (PCUC) in January and February 2013 is investigated using a multi-platform four-dimensional observational approach. Research vessel, multiple glider and mooring-based measurements were conducted in the Peruvian upwelling regime near 12°30'S. The dataset consists of more than 10000 glider profiles and repeated vessel-based hydrography and velocity transects. It allows a detailed description of the eddy formation and its impact on the near-coastal salinity, oxygen and nutrient distributions. In early January, a strong PCUC with maximum poleward velocities of ca. 0.25 m/s at 100 to 200 m depth was observed. Starting on January 20 a subsurface anticyclonic eddy developed in the PCUC downstream of a topographic bend, suggesting flow separation as the eddy formation mechanism. The eddy core waters exhibited oxygen concentrations less than 1mol/kg, an elevated nitrogen-deficit of ca. 17µmol/l and potential vorticity close to zero, which seemed to originate from the bottom boundary layer of the continental slope. The eddy-induced across-shelf velocities resulted in an elevated exchange of water masses between the upper continental slope and the open ocean. Small scale salinity and oxygen structures were formed by along-isopycnal stirring and indications of eddy-driven oxygen ventilation of the upper oxygen minimum zone were observed. It is concluded that mesoscale stirring of solutes and the offshore transport of eddy core properties could provide an important coastal open-ocean exchange mechanism with potentially large implications for nutrient budgets and biogeochemical cycling in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru.


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In 2008, the Oceanography Center at the University of Cyprus acquired two underwater gliders in the framework of a nationally-managed infrastructure upgrade program. The gliders were purchased from the Seaglider Fabrication Center at the University of Washington. Both gliders are rated to 1000 m and carry a typical sensor payload: non-pumped conductivity-temperature-depth sensors (CTD), a dissolved oxygen sensor, an optical triplet to measure optical backscatter at 400 nm, 700 nm, and chlorophyll-a fluorescence. Since March of 2009, the gliders have been used in a long-term observing program of the Cypriot EEZ, and by September 2015, have covered more than 15300 km over ground and 3500 dive cycles in 940 glider days. Butterfly patterns have been flown in two configurations, either on the western or eastern side of the EEZ south of Cyprus. The glider endurance lines criss-cross the region in order to more accurately locate and investigate the mesoscale structures south of Cyprus, and in particular the Cyprus eddy which is often the dominant feature. Based on the near real time observations, the glider mission was sometimes altered in order to more fully sample the Cyprus eddy, or to locate its center or extent. A summary of the raw and processed data collected, and the quality control procedures are presented, in order for future users to take advantage of this unique data set.


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Several open-ocean mesoscale features, a "young" warm-core (or anti-cyclonic) eddy at 52°S, an "older" warm-core eddy at 57.5°S, as well as an adjacent cold-core (or cyclonic) eddy at 56°S, were surveyed during a R/V S.A. Agulhas II cruise in April 2014. The main aim of the survey was to obtain hydrographical and biogeochemical profile data for contrasting open-ocean eddies in the Southern Ocean, that will be suitable for comparison and modelling of their heat, salt and nutrient characteristics, and the changes that occur in these properties as warm-core eddies migrate from the polar front southwards into the Southern Ocean. A total of 18 CTD stations were occupied in a sector south of the South-West Indian Ridge, along three transects crossing several mesoscale features identified from satellite altimetry data prior to the cruise.


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GEOMAR's autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV Abyss REMUS 6000) was deployed within the framework of a multi-platform experiment in June 2012 with R/V Maria S. Merian cruise MSM21/1b at about 180 km downstream of Denmark Strait. The scientific payload included a pumped Seabird 49 FastCAT CTD system, a paroscientific pressure sensor, and shear and temperature microstructure profiler from Rockland Scientific Inc.. In total, six of eight AUV dives were carried out successfully. Aborts on three dives were caused by strong counter currents the AUV experienced in the Denmark Strait Overflow plume, which made the AUV fail to reach its waypoints on schedule. During all missions the AUV was programmed to dive at constant depth levels along? straight legs approximately parallel to chosen isobaths with a constant speed of 1.6 m s-1 through the water.


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The main objectives of the cruise MSM21/1b were to characterize the spatio-temporal variability of the Denmark Strait overflow and to identify processes responsible for the exchange of the overflow plume with ambient water downstream of Denmark Strait. A multi-platform approach was taken to achieve the goals, based on moorings, an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), as well as lowered and vessel-mounted observations. From these platforms, measurements of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, current velocity, dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, and bottom pressure were obtained.


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GEOMAR's autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV Abyss REMUS 6000) was deployed within the framework of a multi-platform experiment in June 2012 with R/V Maria S. Merian cruise MSM21/1b at about 180 km downstream of Denmark Strait. The scientific payload included a pumped Seabird 49 FastCAT CTD system, a paroscientific pressure sensor, and shear and temperature microstructure profiler from Rockland Scientific Inc.. In total, six of eight AUV dives were carried out successfully. Aborts on three dives were caused by strong counter currents the AUV experienced in the Denmark Strait Overflow plume, which made the AUV fail to reach its waypoints on schedule. During all missions the AUV was programmed to dive at constant depth levels along? straight legs approximately parallel to chosen isobaths with a constant speed of 1.6 m s-1 through the water.


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