957 resultados para Menofenol mono-oxigenese


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A doença de Aujeszky ou pseudoraiva (DA), causada pelo vírus da pseudoraiva (PRV) é a maior preocupação na produção de suínos. No estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, a DA foi somente detectada em 1954, em bovino. Em 2003, ocorreram dois surtos de encefalite em granjas na região norte do estado, fronteira com o estado de Santa Catarina. O vírus da doença de Aujeszky (VDA) foi isolado a partir de animais coletados em oito granjas distintas da região e submetido a análises antigênicas e moleculares. As amostras de VDA isoladas foram comparadas com as amostras padrão NIA-3 e NP. A caracterização antigênica dos mesmos foi realizada com testes de imunoperoxidase frente a um painel de anticorpos mono-clonais (Mabs) preparado contra epitopos de glicoproteinas virais (gB, gC, gD e gE). A caracterização genômica foi realizada através da análise restrição enzimática (REA) sobre o genoma total das amostras, com a enzima de restrição (REA) Bam HI. O perfil antigênico das oito amostras isoladas no Rio Grande do Sul, bem como os apresentados pelas amostras padrão NIA-3 e NP, foram similares. A REA revelou que todos as oito amostras do Rio Grande do Sul apresentaram um arranjo genômico do tipo II, genótipo frequentemente encontrado em surtos prévios de DA em outros estados do Brasil. Os resultados aqui obtidos indicam que as oito amostras isoladas no Rio Grande do Sul são similares.


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In many industrial applications, such as the printing and coatings industry, wetting of porous materials by liquids includes not only imbibition and permeation into the bulk but also surface spreading and evaporation. By understanding these phenomena, valuable information can be obtained for improved process control, runnability and printability, in which liquid penetration and subsequent drying play important quality and economic roles. Knowledge of the position of the wetting front and the distribution/degree of pore filling within the structure is crucial in describing the transport phenomena involved. Although exemplifying paper as a porous medium in this work, the generalisation to dynamic liquid transfer onto a surface, including permeation and imbibition into porous media, is of importance to many industrial and naturally occurring environmental processes. This thesis explains the phenomena in the field of heatset web offset printing but the content and the analyses are applicable in many other printing methods and also other technologies where water/moisture monitoring is crucial in order to have a stable process and achieve high quality end products. The use of near-infrared technology to study the water and moisture response of porous pigmented structures is presented. The use of sensitive surface chemical and structural analysis, as well as the internal structure investigation of a porous structure, to inspect liquid wetting and distribution, complements the information obtained by spectroscopic techniques. Strong emphasis has been put on the scale of measurement, to filter irrelevant information and to understand the relationship between interactions involved. The near-infrared spectroscopic technique, presented here, samples directly the changes in signal absorbance and its variation in the process at multiple locations in a print production line. The in-line non-contact measurements are facilitated by using several diffuse reflectance probes, giving the absolute water/moisture content from a defined position in the dynamic process in real-time. The nearinfrared measurement data illustrate the changes in moisture content as the paper is passing through the printing nips and dryer, respectively, and the analysis of the mechanisms involved highlight the roles of the contacting surfaces and the relative liquid carrier properties of both non-image and printed image areas. The thesis includes laboratory studies on wetting of porous media in the form of coated paper and compressed pigment tablets by mono-, dual-, and multi-component liquids, and paper water/moisture content analysis in both offline and online conditions, thus also enabling direct sampling of temporal water/moisture profiles from multiple locations. One main focus in this thesis was to establish a measurement system which is able to monitor rapid changes in moisture content of paper. The study suggests that near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy can be used as a moisture sensitive system and to provide accurate online qualitative indicators, but, also, when accurately calibrated, can provide quantification of water/moisture levels, its distribution and dynamic liquid transfer. Due to the high sensitivity, samples can be measured with excellent reproducibility and good signal to noise ratio. Another focus of this thesis was on the evolution of the moisture content, i.e. changes in moisture content referred to (re)wetting, and liquid distribution during printing of coated paper. The study confirmed different wetting phases together with the factors affecting each phase both for a single droplet and a liquid film applied on a porous substrate. For a single droplet, initial capillary driven imbibition is followed by equilibrium pore filling and liquid retreat by evaporation. In the case of a liquid film applied on paper, the controlling factors defining the transportation were concluded to be the applied liquid volume in relation to surface roughness, capillarity and permeability of the coating giving the liquid uptake capacity. The printing trials confirmed moisture gradients in the printed sheet depending on process parameters such as speed, fountain solution dosage and drying conditions as well as the printed layout itself. Uneven moisture distribution in the printed sheet was identified to be one of the sources for waving appearance and the magnitude of waving was influenced by the drying conditions.


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Descreve-se um surto natural de Ehrlichiose mono-cítica eqüina (EME) ocorrido nos meses de novembro/2001 a fevereiro/2002, em uma propriedade no município de Arroio Grande, localizado à margem oeste da Lagoa Mirim, Rio Grande do Sul. De um total de 50 eqüinos, 13 foram afetados pela enfermidade e seis morreram. A morbidade foi de 26% e a letalidade 46,1%. Os animais acometidos tinham idades entre um e cinco anos e o quadro clínico mais evidente foi o desenvolvimento de diarréia aguda aquosa e profusa. Um dos animais que morreram foi necropsiado e as lesões observadas localizavam-se principalmente no trato intestinal, caracterizando-se por intestino grosso com conteúdo líquido e áreas hemorrágicas difusas na mucosa. Em todo o segmento de intestino delgado observaram-se áreas com mucosa congesta e hemorrágica alternadas com áreas de mucosa normal. Na mucosa de jejuno e íleo observou-se a presença de nódulos contendo secreção purulenta. Os achados histológicos em todo trato intestinal caracterizaram-se pela presença de discreto infiltrado mononuclear restrito a mucosa do órgão, caracterizando uma enterite linfo-histiocitária com predominância de macrófagos. No jejuno e íleo também havia regiões com lesões granulomatosas na lâmina própria, relacionadas a invaginações das criptas das vilosidades intestinais. Para o diagnóstico da infecção por Neorickettsia (Ehrlichia) risticii amostras de sangue de sete eqüinos doentes foram testados pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), resultando em três amostras positivas (42,8%) com a formação de uma banda de 529pb, típica para N. risticii.


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Samples from 9 llamas (28 through 36 weeks of gestation) were collected and fixed in 4% buffered paraformaldehyde (light microscopy) and in 2.5% buffered glutaraldehyde (transmission and scanning electron microscopy). The material was processed in paraplast and slides (5mm) were stained with HE, PAS, Masson-Trichrome, acid phosphatase and Perl's. The uteroferrin was immunolocalized. The results show that llama placenta is chorioallantoic, diffuse, folded and epitheliochorial, and the fetus is covered with an epidermal membrane. The trophoblast cells have variable morphology: cubic, rounded and triangular cells, with cytoplasm containing PAS-positive granules. Binucleated cells with large cytoplasm and rounded nuclei, as well as giant trophoblastic cells with multiple nuclei were also observed. Numerous blood vessels were observed beneath the cells of the uterine epithelium and around the chorionic subdivided branches. Glandular activity was shown by PAS, Perl's, and acid phosphatase positive reactions in the cytoplasm and glandular lumen, and by immunolocalization of the uteroferrin in the glandular epithelium. The uterine glands open in spaces formed by the areoles, which are filled by PAS-positive material. The llama fetus was covered by the epidermal membrane, composed of stratified epithelium, with up to seven layers of mono-, bi- or trinucleated cells. The high level of maternal and fetal vascularization surfaces indicates an intense exchange of substances across both surfaces. The metabolic activity shown in the uterine glands suggests an adaptation of the gestation to the high altitudes of the natural habitat of this species.


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A meningoencefalite por herpesvírus bovino-5 (BoHV-5) é uma doença infecto-contagiosa, aguda ou subaguda, geralmente fatal e que afeta principalmente bovinos jovens submetidos a situações de estresse. A doença tem sido freqüentemente diagnosticada em várias regiões do Brasil e em outras partes do mundo. BoHV-5 é um vírus da família Herpesviridae e subfamília Alphaherpesvirinae e possui como genoma uma molécula de DNA fita dupla. Esses vírus são caracterizados por rápida replicação em cultivo, que resulta em lise das células infectadas, e afetam várias espécies de hospedeiros, estabelecendo latência principalmente em neurônios de gânglios sensoriais. A transmissão de BoHV-5 ocorre principalmente por contato direto ou indireto entre bovinos. Após a replicação primária nas mucosas oral, nasal, ocular e orofaríngea, o vírus invade as terminações nervosas e é transportado até os neurônios de gânglios sensoriais, onde replica ativamente e estabelece latência. A invasão viral do encéfalo pode resultar em replicação viral massiva e produção de doença neurológica. A maioria dos bovinos que desenvolvem doença neurológica morre em decorrência de meningo-encefalite, porém alguns podem desenvolver infecção subclínica e, após recuperação, permanecerem portadores da infecção latente. A disseminação viral nos rebanhos é facilitada em situações de grande concentração de animais, introdução de bovinos e desmame de lotes de bezerros em idade que coincide com o decréscimo da imunidade passiva. Certas condições, naturais ou induzidas, podem reativar o vírus do estado latente e propiciar condições para sua transmissão e disseminação a outros indivíduos. A doença pode ocorrer na forma de surtos ou em casos isolados, com coeficientes de morbidade que podem variar de 0,05%-5%; a letalidade é quase sempre de 100%. Os sinais clínicos incluem depressão, descarga nasal e ocular, ranger de dentes, andar em círculos, cegueira, febre, movimentos de pedalagem, disfagia, dor abdominal, nistagmo, tremores, sialorréia, incoordenação, opistótono, pressão da cabeça contra objetos, quedas e convulsões. A evolução do quadro clínico pode variar de 1 a 15 dias. Achados de necropsia podem estar ausentes, mas normalmente se observa tumefação das porções rostrais do córtex telencefálico e achatamento das circunvoluções, com segmentos amarelados e amolecidos (malacia). Com a evolução da doença, essas áreas se tornam gelatinosas e acinzentadas, e em casos avançados ocorre o desaparecimento segmentar do córtex telencefálico frontal (lesão residual). Em muitos casos podem ser observados focos de malacia na substância cinzenta dos núcleos basais e do tálamo. Histologicamente observa-se meningoencefalite não-supurativa necrosante, principalmente no córtex telencefálico frontal, associada a inclusões intranucleares eosinofílicas em astrócitos e neurônios, embora a freqüência dessas inclusões seja irregular. O diagnóstico de meningoencefalite por BoHV-5 deve ser feito com base nos achados epidemiológicos, clínicos, de necropsia e histopatológicos, associados com o isolamento do vírus em cultivo celular células ou com detecção de antígenos virais em seções do encéfalo ou em células descamadas presentes nas secreções nasais. A identificação e caracterização de BoHV-5 pode ser realizada por meio de testes com anticorpos mono-clonais, reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR) e por análise de restrição genômica. Não há tratamento específico para a meningoencefalite por BoHV-5. Como o BoHV-1 e o BoHV-5 são antigenicamente muito semelhantes, recomenda-se a vacinação com vacinas para BoHV-1 como forma de reduzir as perdas causadas por BoHV-5, principalmente durante surtos de doença neurológica. Adicionalmente, outras medidas podem ser adotadas para prevenir ou reduzir os prejuízos ocasionados pela enfermidade, como testar sorologicamente os bovinos a serem introduzidos nos rebanhos, minimizar situações de estresse, sobretudo no desmame, e isolamento dos bovinos afetados.


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This thesis presents an experimental study and numerical study, based on the discrete element method (DEM), of bell-less charging in the blast furnace. The numerical models are based on the microscopic interaction between the particles in the blast furnace charging process. The emphasis is put on model validation, investigating several phenomena in the charging process, and on finding factors that influence the results. The study considers and simulates size segregation in the hopper discharging process, particle flow and behavior on the chute, which is the key equipment in the charging system, using mono-size spherical particles, multi-size spheres and nonspherical particles. The behavior of the particles at the burden surface and pellet percolation into a coke layer is also studied. Small-scale experiments are used to validate the DEM models.


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O herbicida flazasulfuron vem sendo utilizado no Brasil para o controle de plantas daninhas mono e dicotiledôneas nas culturas de cana-de-açúcar e tomate. Há carência de informações sobre o seu comportamento no ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a retenção do flazasulfuron em amostras de solos, superficiais e subsuperficiais, e sua hidrólise em diferentes valores de pH e temperatura. Nos ensaios de sorção e dessorção utilizou-se metodologia de batelada em equilíbrio nas concentrações de 0,07 a 5,00 mg L-1 e quantificação por CLAE. A hidrólise do flazasulfuron mostrou-se dependente da temperatura e do pH, seguindo modelo de primeira ordem. A meia-vida do herbicida em solução aquosa variou de 0,76 hora a 35 ºC e pH 3 a 167,4 horas a 25 ºC e pH 5. O Kf,ads variou de 1,19 (1/n ads = 0,40) a 27,97 (1/n ads = 0,90), apresentando correlação positiva e significativa com os teores de CO, silte e CTC. A adsorção do flazasulfuron foi menor nas amostras com maiores valores de pH, indicando maior risco de lixiviação nessa condição.


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This work aims to carry out a comparative analysis using RAPD molecular markers in four Commelina weed species from the state of Paraná and C. benghalensis populations from the states of Paraná and São Paulo, Brazil. The genomic plant DNA sample was extracted from the leaves, separated, randomly fragmented and amplified by PCR. Random amplified polymorphic DNA fragments (RAPD markers) were analyzed by using POPGENE statistical program. Eighty-five primer sequences were tested but only three were suitable as molecular markers producing 37 DNA polymorphic fragments for comparisons among four Commelina species and 22 polymorphic fragments for comparisons among C. benghalensis populations. The results showed that there were inter-specific and intra-specific genetic variabilities among Commelina plant genera. Genetic diversity analysis between species indicated four mono-specific clusters and it was suggested to keep C. villosa as one species. Regarding the intra-specific genetic variability of C. benghalensis alone, three groups were verified, although there were 13 populations from two geographical areas. However, these clusters do not correspond to the distinct characteristics verified.


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O herbicida clomazone tem sua seletividade às plantas de arroz aumentada quando as sementes recebem o protetor dietholate. Sabendo que o dietholate atua sobre a atividade da enzima citocromo P-450 mono-oxigenase e que esta é responsável pela ativação do clomazone, buscam-se outros produtos que possam ser utilizados como protetores. Em vista disso, o objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar o efeito protetor do dietholate e do phorate em função de doses de clomazone. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial. O fator A foi composto pelo tratamento de sementes com dietholate ou phorate, além de uma testemunha, que não recebeu protetor nas sementes. O fator B foi composto por oito doses de clomazone (0, 156, 312, 625, 1.250, 2.500, 5.000 e 10.000 g i.a. ha-1). Dezoito dias após a semeadura, foram avaliados a fitotoxicidade, o percentual de redução da estatura e a massa fresca e seca das plantas de arroz. Os dados foram submetidos à análise da variância, por meio da regressão não linear do tipo logístico. Houve diferença entre a testemunha sem protetor e os tratamentos de sementes com os protetores dietholate e phorate. Analisando as curvas de dose-resposta, verifica-se que, quando sementes do cultivar IRGA 417 foram tratadas com dietholate ou com phorate, ambos protegeram as plântulas de arroz do clomazone, ou seja, as plantas foram capazes de tolerar maiores doses de clomazone. Assim, há evidências de que os protetores de plantas dietholate e phorate atuam como inibidores da enzima citocromo P-450, impedindo que ela ative o clomazone nas plantas de arroz, proporcionando maior seletividade deste herbicida quando comparado à testemunha que não recebeu proteção.


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Ionic liquids, ILs, have recently been studied with accelerating interest to be used for a deconstruction/fractionation, dissolution or pretreatment processing method of lignocellulosic biomass. ILs are usually utilized combined with heat. Regarding lignocellulosic recalcitrance toward fractionation and IL utilization, most of the studies concern IL utilization in the biomass fermentation process prior to the enzymatic hydrolysis step. It has been demonstrated that IL-pretreatment gives more efficient hydrolysis of the biomass polysaccharides than enzymatic hydrolysis alone. Both cellulose (especially cellulose) and lignin are very resistant towards fractionation and even dissolution methods. As an example, it can be mentioned that softwood, hardwood and grass-type plant species have different types of lignin structures leading to the fact that softwood lignin (guaiacyl lignin dominates) is the most difficult to solubilize or chemically disrupt. In addition to the known conventional biomass processing methods, several ILs have also been found to efficiently dissolve either cellulose and/or wood samples – different ILs are suitable for different purposes. An IL treatment of wood usually results in non-fibrous pulp, where lignin is not efficiently separated and wood components are selectively precipitated, as cellulose is not soluble or degradable in ionic liquids under mild conditions. Nevertheless, new ILs capable of rather good fractionation performance have recently emerged. The capability of the IL to dissolve or deconstruct wood or cellulose depends on several factors, (e.g. sample origin, the particle size of the biomass, mechanical treatments as pulverization, initial biomassto-IL ratio, water content of the biomass, possible impurities of IL, reaction conditions, temperature etc). The aim of this study was to obtain (fermentable) saccharides and other valuable chemicals from wood by a combined heat and IL-treatment. Thermal treatments alone contribute to the degradation of polysaccharides (e.g. 150 °C alone is said to cause the degradation of polysaccharides), thus temperatures below that should be used, if the research interest lies on the IL effectiveness. On the other hand, the efficiency of the IL-treatment can also be enhanced to combine other treatment methods, (e.g. microwave heating). The samples of spruce, pine and birch sawdust were treated with either 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, Emim Cl, or 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate, Emim Ac, (or with ionized water for comparison) at various temperatures (where focus was between 80 and 120 °C). The samples were withdrawn at fixed time intervals (the main interest treatment time area lied between 0 and 100 hours). Double experiments were executed. The selected mono- and disaccharides, as well as their known degradation products, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, 5-HMF, and furfural were analyzed with capillary electrophoresis, CE, and high-performance liquid chromatography, HPLC. Initially, even GC and GC-MS were utilized. Galactose, glucose, mannose and xylose were the main monosaccharides that were present in the wood samples exposed to ILs at elevated temperatures; in addition, furfural and 5-HMF were detected; moreover, the quantitative amount of the two latter ones were naturally increasing in line with the heating time or the IL:wood ratio.


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Adenosine 5',5'''-P1,P4-tetraphosphate (Ap4A) and adenosine 5',5'''-P1,P5-pentaphosphate (Ap5A) are stored in and released from rat brain synaptic terminals. In the present study we investigated the hydrolysis of dinucleotides (Ap4A and Ap5A) in synaptosomes from the cerebral cortex of adult rats. Ap4A and Ap5A, but not Ap3A, were hydrolyzed at pH 7.5 in the presence of 20 mM Tris/HCl, 2.0 mM MgCl2, 10 mM glucose and 225 mM sucrose at 37oC. The disappearance of the substrates measured by FPLC on a mono-Q HR column was both time and protein dependent. Since synaptosome integrity was at least 90% at the end of the assay, hydrolysis probably occurred by the action of an ecto-enzyme. Extracellular actions of adenine dinucleotides at central nervous system terminate due to the existence of ecto-nucleotidases which specifically cleave these dinucleotides. These enzymes in association with an ATP diphosphohydrolase and a 5'-nucleotidase are able to promote the complete hydrolysis of dinucleotides to adenosine in the synaptic cleft.


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Allergy is characterized by T helper (Th) 2-type immune response after encounter with an allergen leading to subsequent immunoglobulin (Ig) E-mediated hypersensitivity reaction and further allergic inflammation. Allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) balances the Th2-biased immunity towards Th1 and T regulatory responses. Adjuvants are used in allergen preparations to intensify and modify SIT. β-(1,2)-oligomannoside constituents present in Candida albicans (C. albicans) cell wall possess Th1-type immunostimulatory properties. The aim of this thesis was to develop a β-(1,2)-linked carbohydrate compound with known structure and anti-allergic properties to be applied as an adjuvant in SIT. First the immunostimulatory properties of various fungal extracts were studied. C. albicans appeared to be the most promising Th1-inducing extract, which led to the synthesis of various mono- or divalent oligomannosides designed on the basis of C. albicans. These carbohydrates did not induce strong cytokine production in human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cultures. In contrast to earlier reports using native oligosaccharides from C. albicans, synthetic -(1,2)-linked mannotetraose did not induce any tumor necrosis factor production in murine macrophages. Next, similarities with synthesized divalent mannosides and the antigenic epitopes of β-(1,2)-linked C. albicans mannan were investigated. Two divalent compounds inhibited specific IgG antibodies binding to below 3 kDa hydrolyzed mannan down to the level of 30–50% showing similar antigenicity to C. albicans. Immunomodulatory properties of synthesized carbohydrate assemblies ranging from mono- to pentavalent were evaluated. A trivalent acetylated dimannose (TADM) induced interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interferon-γ responses. TADM also suppressed birch pollen induced IL-4 and IL-5 responses in allergen (Bet v) stimulated PBMCs of birch pollen allergic subjects. This suppression was stronger with TADM than with other used adjuvants, immunostimulatory oligonucleotides and monophosphoryl lipid A. In a murine model of asthma, the allergen induced inflammatory responses could also be suppressed by TADM on cytokine and antibody levels.


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The presence of carbohydrate-binding proteins, namely lectins, ß-galactosidases and amylases, was determined in aqueous extracts of plants collected in Uruguay. Twenty-six extracts were prepared from 15 Uruguayan plants belonging to 12 Phanerogam families. Among them, 18 extracts caused hemagglutination (HAG) that was inhibited by mono- and disaccharides in 13 cases, indicating the presence of lectins. The other 8 extracts did not cause any HAG with the four systems used to detect HAG activity (rabbit and mouse red cells, trypsin-treated rabbit and mouse red cells). For the extracts prepared from Solanum commersonii, HAG activity and HAG inhibition were similar for those prepared from tubers, leaves and fruits, with the chitocompounds being responsible for all the inhibitions. Purification of the S. commersonii tuber lectin was carried out by affinity chromatography on asialofetuin-Sepharose, and SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions gave a single band of Mr of approximately 80 kDa. The monomer N-acetylglucosamine did not inhibit HAG induced by the purified lectin, but chitobiose inhibited HAG at 24 mM and chitotriose inhibited it at 1 mM. ß-Galactosidase activity was detected in leaves and stems of Cayaponia martiana, and in seeds from Datura ferox. Only traces of amylase activity were detected in some of the extracts analyzed. The present screening increases knowledge about the occurrence of carbohydrate-binding proteins present in regional plants.


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Some studies have suggested that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection modifies the natural history of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, accelerating the progression of fibrosis and the development of cirrhosis. Our objective was to evaluate the fibrosis progression rate (FPR) in HCV/HIV-co-infected patients, and to identify factors that may influence it. HCV-mono-infected and HCV/HIV-co-infected patients with a known date of HCV infection (transfusion or injection drug use) and a liver biopsy were included. The FPR was defined as the ratio between the fibrosis stage (Metavir score) and the estimated length of infection in years and the result was reported as fibrosis units per year. The factors studied were gender, age at infection, consumption of alcohol, aminotransferase levels, histological activity grade, HCV genotype and viral load, CD4 cell count, HIV viral load, and the use of antiretroviral therapy. Sixty-five HCV-infected (group 1) and 53 HCV/HIV-co-infected (group 2) patients were evaluated over a period of 19 months. The mean FPR of groups 1 and 2 was 0.086 ± 0.074 and 0.109 ± 0.098 fibrosis units per year, respectively (P = 0.276). There was a correlation between length of HCV infection and stage of fibrosis in both groups. The age at infection, the aspartate aminotransferase level (r = 0.36) and the inflammatory activity grade were correlated with the FPR (P < 0.001). No difference in FPR was found between HCV-mono-infected and HCV/HIV-co-infected patients.


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Recent studies have reported that exogenous gangliosides, the sialic acid-containing glycosphingolipids, are able to modulate many cellular functions. We examined the effect of micelles of mono- and trisialoganglioside GM1 and GT1b on the production of reactive oxygen species by stimulated human polymorphonuclear neutrophils using different spectroscopic methods. The results indicated that exogenous gangliosides did not influence extracellular superoxide anion (O2.-) generation by polymorphonuclear neutrophils activated by receptor-dependent formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. However, when neutrophils were stimulated by receptor-bypassing phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), gangliosides above their critical micellar concentrations prolonged the lag time preceding the production in a concentration-dependent way, without affecting total extracellular O2.- generation detected by superoxide dismutase-inhibitable cytochrome c reduction. The effect of ganglioside GT1b (100 µM) on the increase in lag time was shown to be significant by means of both superoxide dismutase-inhibitable cytochrome c reduction assay and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.005, respectively). The observed phenomena can be attributed to the ability of ganglioside micelles attached to the cell surface to slow down PMA uptake, thus increasing the diffusion barrier and consequently delaying membrane events responsible for PMA-stimulated O2.- production.