556 resultados para Mems


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The monolithic integration of dissimilar microsystems is often limited by conflicts in thermal budget. One of the most prevalent examples is the fabrication of active micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), as structural films utilized for surface micromachining such as polysilicon typically require processing at temperatures unsuitable for microelectronic circuitry. A localized annealing process could provide for the post-deposition heat treatment of integrated structures without compromising active devices. This dissertation presents a new microfabrication technology based on the inductive heating of ferromagnetic films patterned to define regions for heat treatment. Support is provided through theory, finite-element modeling, and experimentation, concluding with the demonstration of inductive annealing on polysilicon inertial sensing structures. Though still in its infancy, the results confirm the technology to be a viable option for integrated MEMS as well as any microsystem fabrication process requiring a thermal gradient.


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The area of microfluidics has increased in popularity with such fields as MEMS, microreactors, microscaleheat exchangers, etc. A comprehensive understanding of dissipation mechanisms for fluid flow in microchannels is required to accurately predict the behavior in these small systems. Tests were performed using a constant pressure potential created by two immiscible fluids juxtaposed in a microchannel. This study focused on the flow and dissipation mechanisms in round and square microchannels. There are four major dissipation mechanisms in slug flow; wall shear, dissipation at the contact line, menisci interaction and the stretching of the interface. A force balance between the internal driving potential, viscous drag and interface stretching was used to develop a model for the prediction of the velocity of a bislug in a microchannel. Interface stretching is a dissipation mechanism that has been included due to the unique system properties and becomes increasingly more important as the bislug decreases in length.


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This work presents an innovative integration of sensing and nano-scaled fluidic actuation in the combination of pH sensitive optical dye immobilization with the electro-osmotic phenomena in polar solvents like water for flow-through pH measurements. These flow-through measurements are performed in a flow-through sensing device (FTSD) configuration that is designed and fabricated at MTU. A relatively novel and interesting material, through-wafer mesoporous silica substrates with pore diameters of 20 -200 nm and pore depths of 500 µm are fabricated and implemented for electro-osmotic pumping and flow-through fluorescence sensing for the first time. Performance characteristics of macroporous silicon (> 500 µm) implemented for electro-osmotic pumping include, a very large flow effciency of 19.8 µLmin-1V-1 cm-2 and maximum pressure effciency of 86.6 Pa/V in comparison to mesoporous silica membranes with 2.8 µLmin-1V-1cm-2 flow effciency and a 92 Pa/V pressure effciency. The electrical current (I) of the EOP system for 60 V applied voltage utilizing macroporous silicon membranes is 1.02 x 10-6A with a power consumption of 61.74 x 10-6 watts. Optical measurements on mesoporous silica are performed spectroscopically from 300 nm to 1000 nm using ellipsometry, which includes, angularly resolved transmission and angularly resolved reflection measurements that extend into the infrared regime. Refractive index (n) values for oxidized and un-oxidized mesoporous silicon sample at 1000 nm are found to be 1.36 and 1.66. Fluorescence results and characterization confirm the successful pH measurement from ratiometric techniques. The sensitivity measured for fluorescein in buffer solution is 0.51 a.u./pH compared to sensitivity of ~ 0.2 a.u./pH in the case of fluorescein in porous silica template. Porous silica membranes are efficient templates for immobilization of optical dyes and represent a promising method to increase sensitivity for small variations in chemical properties. The FTSD represents a device topology suitable for application to long term monitoring of lakes and reservoirs. Unique and important contributions from this work include fabrication of a through-wafer mesoporous silica membrane that has been thoroughly characterized optically using ellipsometry. Mesoporous silica membranes are tested as a porous media in an electro-osmotic pump for generating high pressure capacities due to the nanometer pore sizes of the porous media. Further, dye immobilized mesoporous silica membranes along with macroporous silicon substrates are implemented for continuous pH measurements using fluorescence changes in a flow-through sensing device configuration. This novel integration and demonstration is completely based on silicon and implemented for the first time and can lead to miniaturized flow-through sensing systems based on MEMS technologies.


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As awareness of potential human and environmental impacts from toxins has increased, so has the development of innovative sensors. Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is a light activated proton pump contained in the purple membrane (PM) of the bacteria Halobacterium salinarum. Bacteriorhodopsin is a robust protein which can function in both wet and dry states and can withstand extreme environmental conditions. A single electron transistor(SET) is a nano-scale device that exploits the quantum mechanical properties of electrons to switch on and off. SETs have tremendous potential in practical applications due to their size, ultra low power requirements, and electrometer-like sensitivity. The main goal of this research was to create a bionanohybrid device by integrating bR with a SET device. This was achieved by a multidisciplinary approach. The SET devices were created by a combination of sputtering, photolithography, and focused ion beam machining. The bionanomaterial bacteriorhodopsin was created through oxidative fermentation and a series of transmembrane purification processes. The bR was then integrated with the SET by electrophoretic deposition, creating a bionanohybrid device. The bionanohybrid device was then characterized using a semiconductor parametric analyzer. Characterization demonstrated that the bR modulated the operational characteristics of the SET when bR was activated with light within its absorbance spectrum. To effectively integrate bacteriorhodopsin with microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), it is critical to know the electrical properties of the material and to understand how it will affect the functionality of the device. Tests were performed on dried films of bR to determine if there is a relationship between inductance, capacitance, and resistance (LCR) measurements and orientation, light-on/off, frequency, and time. The results indicated that the LCR measurements of the bR depended on the thickness and area of the film, but not on the orientation, as with other biological materials such as muscle. However, there was a transient LCR response for both oriented and unoriented bR which depended on light intensity. From the impedance measurements an empirical model was suggested for the bionanohybrid device. The empirical model is based on the dominant electrical characteristics of the bR which were the parallel capacitance and resistance. The empirical model suggests that it is possible to integrate bR with a SET without influencing its functional characteristics.


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Gas sensors have been used widely in different important area including industrial control, environmental monitoring, counter-terrorism and chemical production. Micro-fabrication offers a promising way to achieve sensitive and inexpensive gas sensors. Over the years, various MEMS gas sensors have been investigated and fabricated. One significant type of MEMS gas sensors is based on mass change detection and the integration with specific polymer. This dissertation aims to make contributions to the design and fabrication of MEMS resonant mass sensors with capacitance actuation and sensing that lead to improved sensitivity. To accomplish this goal, the research has several objectives: (1) Define an effective measure for evaluating the sensitivity of resonant mass devices; (2) Model the effects of air damping on microcantilevers and validate models using laser measurement system (3) Develop design guidelines for improving sensitivity in the presence of air damping; (4) Characterize the degree of uncertainty in performance arising from fabrication variation for one or more process sequences, and establish design guidelines for improved robustness. Work has been completed toward these objectives. An evaluation measure has been developed and compared to an RMS based measure. Analytic models of air damping for parallel plate that include holes are compared with a COMSOL model. The models have been used to identify cantilever design parameters that maximize sensitivity. Additional designs have been modeled with COMSOL and the development of an analytical model for Fixed-free cantilever geometries with holes has been developed. Two process flows have been implemented and compared. A number of cantilever designs have been fabricated and the uncertainty in process has been investigated. Variability from processing have been evaluated and characterized.


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Emerging nanogenerators have attracted the attention of the research community, focusing on energy generation using piezoelectric nanomaterials. Nanogenerators can be utilized for powering NEMS/MEMS devices. Understanding the piezoelectric properties of ZnO one-dimensional materials such as ZnO nanobelts (NBs) and Nanowires (NWs) can have a significant impact on the design of new devices. The goal of this dissertation is to study the piezoelectric properties of one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures both experimentally and theoretically. First, the experimental procedure for producing the ZnO nanostructures is discussed. The produced ZnO nanostructures were characterized using an in-situ atomic force microscope and a piezoelectric force microscope. It is shown that the electrical conductivity of ZnO NBs is a function of applied mechanical force and its crystalline structure. This phenomenon was described in the context of formation of an electric field due to the piezoelectric property of ZnO NBs. In the PFM studies, it was shown that the piezoelectric response of the ZnO NBs depends on their production method and presence of defects in the NB. Second, a model was proposed for making nanocomposite electrical generators based on ZnO nanowires. The proposed model has advantages over the original configuration of nanogenerators which uses an AFM tip for bending the ZnO NWs. Higher stability of the electric source, capability for producing larger electric fields, and lower production costs are advantages of this configuration. Finally, piezoelectric properties of ZnO NBs were simulated using the molecular dynamics (MD) technique. The size-scale effect on piezoelectric properties of ZnO NBs was captured, and it is shown that the piezoelectric coefficient of ZnO NBs decreases by increasing their lateral dimensions. This phenomenon is attributed to the surface charge redistribution and compression of unit cells that are placed on the outer shell of ZnO NBs.


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Rapid Manufacturing (RM) umfasst den Begriff der direkten und wirtschaftlichen Bauteilherstellung des Serienprodukts aus 3D-Daten. Die Hauptvorteile sind u.a. das Wegfallen von Werkzeugen und eine Designfreiheit in der Produktentwicklung, die noch vor wenigen Jahren undenkbar war. Wenngleich heute eine Vielzahl von Werkstoffen im Kunststoff- und Metallbereich einsetzbar sind, konzentriert sich die Verbreitung des RM allerdings auf besondere Technologie- und Wirtschaftszweige, aufgrund mangelnder Erfahrungswerte, teilweise abweichender Werkstoffeigenschaften, fehlender Standards und ungeeigneter Testmethoden. In der Praxis sind Ingenieure und Techniker stark darauf bedacht, auf etablierte Abläufe und Standards zurückzugreifen. Es ist daher schwer einen geeigneten RM-Prozess aufzubauen, wo wichtige Eingangsgrößen meist unbekannt sind. In diesem Bericht wird beschrieben, welche Informationskanäle es innerhalb Europas zum Thema RM gibt und welche Hochschulen und Forschungszentren Aktivitäten aufweisen. Darüber hinaus werden Anwendungsfelder des RM aufgeführt, die über die bekannten Anwendungsfelder hinaus gehen. Dazu gehören Anwendungen im Bereich der Elektrotechnik, Raumfahrtinstrumentation und der Mode. Obwohl nicht alle Anwendungen des RM in diesem Bericht aufgeführt werden, sind einige Schlüsselinformationen im Bereich innovativer Anwendungen von RM enthalten.


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To evaluate the mechanical stress on the volcanic edifice that results from lava lake level variations, we deployed a self-recording, differential capacitance (MEMS Inertial Sensor STMicroelectronics LIS3LV02DQ), 3-axis X6-1A accelerometer (Gulf Coast Data Concepts, LLC) at a distance of ~100m from the center of the Nyiragongo lava lake on freshly erupted lava flows. The device range was used in high (12-bit) resolution mode, which corresponds to a sensitivity of about 1 mg. The device was set to high-sensitivity mode with four additional bits to improve resolution, yet with a much lower signal-noise ratio. Once in position, the accelerometer continuously recorded data for three-day periods in June 2010. The system was oriented so that the X- and Y-axes form a plain parallel to the lava lake. During data collection, we did not attempt to calibrate the precision of the angle because relative G-force measurements were required instead of absolute G-force measurements. To distinguish the tiny accelerations caused by temperature differentials of the atmosphere, from the forces caused by magma movements, the temperature of the X6-1A device was continuously recorded. Temperature variations were corrected for by applying a de-correlation method to the recorded signal. Data was collected at 20 Hz, regrouped into batches that cover 1 hour per observation and associated with one averaged temperature measurement. This method was reproducible because diurnal temperature variations were the main cause for heating and cooling.


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Continuous and long-pulse lasers have been used for the forming of metal sheets in macroscopic mechanical applications. However, for the manufacturing of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), the use of ns laser pulses provides a suitable parameter matching over an important range of sheet components that, preserving the short interaction time scale required for the predominantly mechanical (shock) induction of deformation residual stresses, allows for the successful processing of components in a medium range of miniaturization without appreciable thermal deformation.. In the present paper, the physics of laser shock microforming and the influence of the different experimental parameters on the net bending angle are presented.


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Continuous and long-pulse lasers have been extensively used for the forming of metal sheets for macroscopic mechanical applications. However, for the manufacturing of Micro-Mechanical Systems (MMS), the applicability of such type of lasers is limited by the long relaxation time of the thermal fields responsible for the forming phenomena. As a consequence, the final sheet deformation state is attained only after a certain time, what makes the generated internal residual stress fields more dependent on ambient conditions and might difficult the subsequent assembly process. The use of short pulse (ns) lasers provides a suitable parameter matching for the laser forming of an important range of sheet components used in MEMS. The short interaction time scale required for the predominantly mechanic (shock) induction of deformation residual stresses allows the successful processing of components in a medium range of miniaturization (particularly important according to its frequent use in such systems). In the present paper, Laser Shock Micro-Forming (LSμF) is presented as an emerging technique for Microsystems parts shaping and adjustment along with a discussion on its physical foundations and practical implementation possibilities developed by the authors.


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The increasing demands in MEMS fabrication are leading to new requirements in production technology. Especially the packaging and assembly require high accuracy in positioning and high reproducibility in combination with low production costs. Conventional assembly technology and mechanical adjustment methods are time consuming and expensive. Each component of the system has to be positioned and fixed. Also adjustment of the parts after joining requires additional mechanical devices that need to be accessible after joining.


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The increasing demands in MEMS fabrication are leading to new requirements in production technology. Especially the packaging and assembly require high accuracy in positioning and high reproducibility in combination with low production costs. Conventional assembly technology and mechanical adjustment methods are time consuming and expensive. Each component of the system has to be positioned and fixed. Also adjustment of the parts after joining requires additional mechanical devices that need to be accessible after joining. Accurate positioning of smallest components represents an up-to-date key assignment in micro-manufacturing. It has proven to be more time and cost efficient to initially assemble the components with widened tolerances before precisely micro-adjusting them in a second step.


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El gran crecimiento de los sistemas MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) así como su presencia en la mayoría de los dispositivos que usamos diariamente despertó nuestro interés. Paralelamente, la tecnología CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) es la tecnología más utilizada para la fabricación de circuitos integrados. Además de ventajas relacionadas con el funcionamiento electrónico del dispositivo final, la integración de sistemas MEMS en la tecnología CMOS reduce significantemente los costes de fabricación. Algunos de los dispositivos MEMS con mayor variedad de aplicaciones son los microflejes. Estos dispositivos pueden ser utilizados para la extracción de energía, en microscopios de fuerza atómica o en sensores, como por ejemplo, para biodetección. Los materiales piezoeléctricos más comúnmente utilizados en aplicaciones MEMS se sintetizan a altas temperaturas y por lo tanto no son compatibles con la tecnología CMOS. En nuestro caso hemos usado nitruro de alumino (AlN), que se deposita a temperatura ambiente y es compatible con la tecnología CMOS. Además, es biocompatible, y por tanto podría formar parte de un dispositivo que actúe como biosensor. A lo largo de esta tesis hemos prestado especial atención en desarrollar un proceso de fabricación rápido, reproducible y de bajo coste. Para ello, todos los pasos de fabricación han sido minuciosamente optimizados. Los parámetros de sputtering para depositar el AlN, las distintas técnicas y recetas de ataque, los materiales que actúan como electrodos o las capas sacrificiales para liberar los flejes son algunos de los factores clave estudiados en este trabajo. Una vez que la fabricación de los microflejes de AlN ha sido optimizada, fueron medidos para caracterizar sus propiedades piezoeléctricas y finalmente verificar positivamente su viabilidad como dispositivos piezoeléctricos. ABSTRACT The huge growth of MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) as well as their presence in most of our daily used devices aroused our interest on them. At the same time, CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology is the most popular technology for integrated circuits. In addition to advantages related with the electronics operation of the final device, the integration of MEMS with CMOS technology reduces the manufacturing costs significantly. Some of the MEMS devices with a wider variety of applications are the microcantilevers. These devices can be used for energy harvesting, in an atomic force microscopes or as sensors, as for example, for biodetection. Most of the piezoelectric materials used for these MEMS applications are synthesized at high temperature and consequently are not compatible with CMOS technology. In our case we have used aluminum nitride (AlN), which is deposited at room temperature and hence fully compatible with CMOS technology. Otherwise, it is biocompatible and and can be used to compose a biosensing device. During this thesis work we have specially focused our attention in developing a high throughput, reproducible and low cost fabrication process. All the manufacturing process steps of have been thoroughly optimized in order to achieve this goal. Sputtering parameters to synthesize AlN, different techniques and etching recipes, electrode material and sacrificial layers are some of the key factors studied in this work to develop the manufacturing process. Once the AlN microcantilevers fabrication was optimized, they were measured to characterize their piezoelectric properties and to successfully check their viability as piezoelectric devices.