954 resultados para Media representation


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the social representations of the Nursing Technicians and Community Health Agents about domestic violence against women. METHOD A qualitative study carried out in the city of Rio Grande, RS, in which evocations and interviews were collected between July and November 2013. For the treatment of data were used the EVOC 2005 software and the context analysis. RESULT It is a structured representation, in which the central nucleus contains conceptual, imaging and attitudinal elements, namely: abuse, aggression, physical aggression, cowardice and lack of respect. Such terms were present in the context of the interviews. The professionals acknowledged that violence is not limited to physical aspects and were judgemental about the acts of the aggressor. CONCLUSION This knowledge may enable the problematization of the studied phenomenon with the team, and facilitate the search for prevention and intervention strategies for victims, offenders and managers of health services.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE To understand the content of Social Representation (SR) of family caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients. METHOD Interviews were conducted with 26 caregivers and analyzed by the ALCESTE software. RESULTS The SR content was structured in two thematic axes called Daily Life and Care and Medical and Emotional Concepts and Outcomes. The first axis creates images related to the routine of interaction with the sick person, and contains a description of care procedures, experiences, and practices applied every day. The second is composed of subjective and conceptual aspects that make up the social representation of Alzheimer's disease, with meanings related to the emotional, medical, and biological contexts. CONCLUSION Due to the importance of topics related to patients' dependence and the personal and emotional consequences of the disease, overload is the main content of the SR of Alzheimer's disease for caregivers, and the understanding of these SR by health professionals should support the planning of interventions addressing this group of individuals.


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Within the spokes model of Chen and Riordan (2007) that allowsfor non-localized competition among arbitrary numbers of media outlets, we quantify the effect of concentration of ownership on qualityand bias of media content. A main result shows that too few commercial outlets, or better, too few separate owners of commercial outlets can lead to substantial bias in equilibrium. Increasing the number of outlets (commercial and non-commercial) tends to bring down this bias; but the strongest effect occurs when the number of owners is increased. Allowing for free entry provides lower bounds on fixed costs above which substantial commercial bias occurs in equilibrium.


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Allergy to radiographic contrast media Hypersensitivity reactions to radio-contrast media are common in the daily practice. These products are responsible for immediate (< or = 1 hour after administration) and non immediate (> 1 hour after administration) hypersensitivity reactions. A diagnostic work-up by an allergologist with skin tests and in some cases provocation tests is of value in reducing the risk of recurrent hypersensitivity reactions to iodinated contrast media. A careful selection of the patients is required because the incidence of breakthrough reactions is still concerning, even with proper premedication. Practical recommendations are presented in this article. For gadolinium-based contrast agents, data in the literature is not sufficient for suggesting guidelines.


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In the homogeneous case of one-dimensional objects, we show that any preference relation that is positive and homothetic can be represented by a quantitative utility function and unique bias. This bias may favor or disfavor the preference for an object. In the first case, preferences are complete but not transitive and an object may be preferred even when its utility is lower. In the second case, preferences are asymmetric and transitive but not negatively transitive and it may not be sufficient for an object to have a greater utility for be preferred. In this manner, the bias reflects the extent to which preferences depart from the maximization of a utility function.


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Les inégalités économiques se traduisent-elles dans des inégalités politiques à travers le processus de représentation électorale? Telle est la question centrale de cette thèse qui s'attache, par ailleurs, à investiguer les mécanismes qui tendent à produire une représentation biaisée des préférences politiques des citoyens en fonction de leur statut économique. Focalisé sur le cas de la Suisse et faisant usage des données de l'enquête postélectorale Selects de 2007, ce travail démontre que sur les rares sujets qui divisent les citoyens selon des clivages économiques - la redistribution des richesses et la sécurité sociale en particulier - les élus à l'Assemblée fédérale ont des préférences qui reflètent mieux les opinions des citoyens les plus riches. Cette sous-représentation des opinions des citoyens modestes et de ceux faisant partie du centre de la distribution des revenus peut en partie être attribuée à des différences dans les taux de participation et de connaissance politiques entre ces groupes de citoyens. La thèse met également en évidence le rôle joué par la représentation descriptive - autrement dit, la similitude en termes de statut économique entre les représentants et les représentés - dans la représentation des opinions et intérêts des citoyens. Par ailleurs, la structure du système partisan en Suisse ne reflétant pas la multidimensionnalité des préférences politiques des citoyens, les électeurs ne parviennent pas à traduire la complexité de leurs préférences politiques dans un choix de vote, ce qui, dans la configuration actuelle des forces politiques, tend à favoriser l'élection de représentants aux opinions proches de la droite sur les questions économiques. Enfin, une analyse de la représentation politique au niveau cantonal tend à soutenir la thèse selon laquelle le manque de régulation en matière de financement des partis en Suisse pourrait partiellement expliquer les inégalités dans la représentation des opinions politiques des citoyens aux revenus distincts. - Do economic inequalities translate into political inequalities through electoral representation? This is the central research question of this thesis, which also investigates the mechanisms that lead to potential economically based inequalities in the representation of citizens' policy preferences. Focusing on the case of Switzerland and making use of data provided by the post- electoral survey Selects 2007, this research demonstrates that regarding the rare policy domains in which the preferences of citizens are clearly linked to economic cleavages - redistribution and social security in particular - members of the Federal Assembly have policy preferences that best reflect the policy preferences of richer citizens. The under-representation of the opinions of relatively poor citizens and of those being the in the middle of the income distribution can be to some extent be explained by differences in political participation and political information across income groups. The thesis also puts forward the role played by descriptive representation - the similarity between representatives and represented in terms of their socioeconomic status - for the representation of citizens' preferences and interests. In addition, the structure of the party system in Switzerland does not reflect the multidimensionality of policy preferences among citizens who, as a result, have a hard time translating their complex preferences into a vote choice. Given the configuration of political actors, this tends to favour the election of representatives from the right who do not represent the preferences of their voters on economic issues. Finally, an analysis of representation at the cantonal level tends to confirm that the lack of party finance regulations in Switzerland may partially explain inequalities in the representation of citizens with different levels of income.


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Este trabalho científico refere-se aos New Media num contexto empresarial, demonstrando essa tecnologia como uma nova forma de comunicar. A delimitação é feita numa perspectiva da ilha de São Vicente, em Cabo Verde, concentrando assim nas empresas de comunicação. Objectiva-se verificar se essas ferramentas da Web 2.0 são utilizadas nesse contexto, se os funcionários são conhecedores dessa tecnologia, qual a prática na sua utilização e se sofrem algum tipo de influência social quando usam os New Media.


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Neste trabalho, não pretendemos analisar detalhadamente a lógica de intervenção relacionada com o desenvolvimento do espaço Lusófono e com a criação da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. Iremos, simplesmente, examinar alguns elementos desta intervenção, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à criação de meios de comunicação especialmente concebidos para dar corpo a esta política. A RTP Internacional e a RTP África serão certamente os canais televisivos que mais visibilidade dão a esta intervenção política, mas o Estado Português tem vindo, também, a promover vários protocolos de cooperação na área da comunicação social. Assim, pretendemos concentrar-nos na lógica de produção e de distribuição de conteúdos televisivos portugueses para as comunidades e países de língua portuguesa e outras iniciativas dos governos portugueses que promovam a exportação e intercâmbio de produtos mediáticos em português. As pertinentes questões relacionadas com a análise da recepção dos produtos culturais não serão abordadas no âmbito deste ensaio.


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La drástica disminución de la longitud media de la merluza en 1992 fue hasta cierto punto inesperada para los biólogos pesqueros peruanos, acostumbrados a manejar esta población como un stock unitario controlando el rendimiento y la longitud mínima en las capturas. Durante toda la década de los años ochenta, el esfuerzo pesquero no fue muy alto y afectó principalmente a los grupos de edades IV+. Menos del 10% de los desembarques fueron de tallas menores a la longitud media de desove (35 cm). Por esto, la gran ocurrencia de tallas pequeñas de merluza a partir de marzo de 1992 en las capturas de todas las flotas dedicadas a esta especie, parecía deberse a las condiciones oceanográficas, ya que un evento El Niño Oscilación Sur (ENOS) se estaba desarrollando. Sin embargo, igual que en anteriores ENOS, se hubiera esperado un cambio de sitio de toda la población hacia el sur y lejos de la costa. Esto significaría que las merluzas jóvenes de tamaño mediano estarían mas al sur fuera del alcance de la flota de Paita. Contrario a lo esperado, durante El Niño 1991-93, debido a una intrusión de aguas oceánicas subtropicales, las merluzas grandes migraron hacia el norte. Mientras que El Niño podría haber actuado como un disparador, la causa fundamental de los cambios estructurales en la población fue la desaparición de la sardina como especie de presa principal para las merluzas grandes a partir de 1987, y la falta de pequeños Sciaenidae (bereche) durante El Niño, para las merluzas de tamaño medio. Lo primero podría deberse al alto esfuerzo pesquero sobre la sardina, en conjunto, probablemente, con una presión depredadora alta de una población sana de merluza a partir de mediados de la década de los años 80. Estudios futuros deben incluir las relaciones entre predador y presa en el ecosistema. Estas relaciones, que se desarrollaron durante largos períodos, probablemente soportan la estabilidad del sistema, y las pesquerías, que actúan como un fuerte depredador, deben ser incluidas en un modelo multiespecífico.


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This paper investigates foreign direct investment in the bankingsector. The attention has been addressed to test the importanceof OLI advantages as the determinants of the bank's decisionto invest in foreign locations. Nevertheless, since banks canexpand their activities abroad through different organizationalforms that imply different levels of foreign involvement, theissue of the form of representation has been tackled. Theresults show the importance of OLI advantages in the form ofrepresentation in multinational banking.


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Within a simple model of non-localized, Hotelling-type competitionamong arbitrary numbers of media outlets we characterize qualityand content of media under different ownership structures. Assumingadvertising-sponsored, profit-maximizing outlets, we show that (i) topicssensitive to advertisers can be underreported (self-censored) by alloutlets in the market, (ii) self-censorship increases with the concentrationof ownership, (iii) adding outlets, while keeping the number ofowners fixed, may even increase self-censorship; the latter result relieson consumers' most preferred outlets being potentially owned by thesame media companies. We argue that externalities resulting fromself-censorship could be empirically large.