889 resultados para Maturation parameters


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The present work is a part of the large project with purpose to qualify the Flash memory for automotive application using a standardized test and measurement flow. High memory reliability and data retention are the most critical parameters in this application. The current work covers the functional tests and data retention test. The purpose of the data retention test is to obtain the data retention parameters of the designed memory, i.e. the maximum time of information storage at specified conditions without critical charge leakage. For this purpose the charge leakage from the cells, which results in decrease of cells threshold voltage, was measured after a long-time hightemperature treatment at several temperatures. The amount of lost charge for each temperature was used to calculate the Arrhenius constant and activation energy for the discharge process. With this data, the discharge of the cells at different temperatures during long time can be predicted and the probability of data loss after years can be calculated. The memory chips, investigated in this work, were 0.035 μm CMOS Flash memory testchips, designed for further use in the Systems-on-Chips for automotive electronics.


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Exiting from the largely sterile environment of the womb, the neonatal immune system is not fully mature, and thus neonatal immune cells must simultaneously mount responses against environmental stimuli while maturing. This dynamic process of immune maturation is driven by a variety of cell-intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Recent studies have focused on some of these factors and have shed light on the mechanisms by which they drive immune maturation. We review the interactions and consequences of immune maturation during the pre- and perinatal period. We discuss environmental signals in early life that are needed for healthy immune homeostasis, and highlight detrimental factors that can set an individual on a path towards disease. This early-life period of immune maturation could hold the key to strategies for setting individuals on trajectories towards health and reduced disease susceptibility.


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Rapid manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing technology based on layer-by-layer manufacturing to produce a part. This paper presents experimental work carried out to investigate the effects of scan speed, layer thickness, and building direction on the following part features: dimensional error, surface roughness, and mechanical properties for DMLS with DS H20 powder and SLM with CL 20 powder (1.4404/AISI 316L). Findings were evaluated using ANOVA analysis. According to the experimental results, build direction has a significant effect on part quality, in terms of dimensional error and surface roughness. For the SLM process, the build direction has no influence on mechanical properties. Results of this research support industry estimating part quality and mechanical properties before the production of parts with additive manufacturing, using iron-based powders


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The adult hippocampus generates functional dentate granule cells (GCs) that release glutamate onto target cells in the hilus and cornus ammonis (CA)3 region, and receive glutamatergic and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic inputs that tightly control their spiking activity. The slow and sequential development of their excitatory and inhibitory inputs makes them particularly relevant for information processing. Although they are still immature, new neurons are recruited by afferent activity and display increased excitability, enhanced activity-dependent plasticity of their input and output connections, and a high rate of synaptogenesis. Once fully mature, new GCs show all the hallmarks of neurons generated during development. In this review, we focus on how developing neurons remodel the adult dentate gyrus and discuss key aspects that illustrate the potential of neurogenesis as a mechanism for circuit plasticity and function.


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BACKGROUND: Reference intervals for many laboratory parameters determined in 24-h urine collections are either not publicly available or based on small numbers, not sex specific or not from a representative sample. METHODS: Osmolality and concentrations or enzymatic activities of sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose, creatinine, citrate, cortisol, pancreatic α-amylase, total protein, albumin, transferrin, immunoglobulin G, α1-microglobulin, α2-macroglobulin, as well as porphyrins and their precursors (δ-aminolevulinic acid and porphobilinogen) were determined in 241 24-h urine samples of a population-based cohort of asymptomatic adults (121 men and 120 women). For 16 of these 24 parameters creatinine-normalized ratios were calculated based on 24-h urine creatinine. The reference intervals for these parameters were calculated according to the CLSI C28-A3 statistical guidelines. RESULTS: By contrast to most published reference intervals, which do not stratify for sex, reference intervals of 12 of 24 laboratory parameters in 24-h urine collections and of eight of 16 parameters as creatinine-normalized ratios differed significantly between men and women. For six parameters calculated as 24-h urine excretion and four parameters calculated as creatinine-normalized ratios no reference intervals had been published before. For some parameters we found significant and relevant deviations from previously reported reference intervals, most notably for 24-h urine cortisol in women. Ten 24-h urine parameters showed weak or moderate sex-specific correlations with age. CONCLUSIONS: By applying up-to-date analytical methods and clinical chemistry analyzers to 24-h urine collections from a large population-based cohort we provide as yet the most comprehensive set of sex-specific reference intervals calculated according to CLSI guidelines for parameters determined in 24-h urine collections.


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Objective To develop procedures to ensure consistency of printing quality of digital images, by means of hardcopy quantitative analysis based on a standard image. Materials and Methods Characteristics of mammography DI-ML and general purpose DI-HL films were studied through the QC-Test utilizing different processing techniques in a FujiFilm®-DryPix4000 printer. A software was developed for sensitometric evaluation, generating a digital image including a gray scale and a bar pattern to evaluate contrast and spatial resolution. Results Mammography films showed maximum optical density of 4.11 and general purpose films, 3.22. The digital image was developed with a 33-step wedge scale and a high-contrast bar pattern (1 to 30 lp/cm) for spatial resolution evaluation. Conclusion Mammographic films presented higher values for maximum optical density and contrast resolution as compared with general purpose films. The utilized digital processing technique could only change the image pixels matrix values and did not affect the printing standard. The proposed digital image standard allows greater control of the relationship between pixels values and optical density obtained in the analysis of films quality and printing systems.


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BACKGROUND: To compare the prognostic value of different anatomical and functional metabolic parameters determined using [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT with other clinical and pathological prognostic parameters in cervical cancer (CC). METHODS: Thirty-eight patients treated with standard curative doses of chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) underwent pre- and post-therapy [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT. [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT parameters including mean tumor standardized uptake values (SUV), metabolic tumor volume (MTV) and tumor glycolytic volume (TGV) were measured before the start of CRT. The post-treatment tumor metabolic response was evaluated. These parameters were compared to other clinical prognostic factors. Survival curves were estimated by using the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox regression analysis was performed to determine the independent contribution of each prognostic factor. RESULTS: After 37 months of median follow-up (range, 12-106), overall survival (OS) was 71 % [95 % confidence interval (CI), 54-88], disease-free survival (DFS) 61 % [95 % CI, 44-78] and loco-regional control (LRC) 76 % [95 % CI, 62-90]. In univariate analyses the [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT parameters unfavorably influencing OS, DFS and LRC were pre-treatment TGV-cutoff ≥562 (37 vs. 76 %, p = 0.01; 33 vs. 70 %, p = 0.002; and 55 vs. 83 %, p = 0.005, respectively), mean pre-treatment tumor SUV cutoff ≥5 (57 vs. 86 %, p = 0.03; 36 vs. 88 %, p = 0.004; 65 vs. 88 %, p = 0.04, respectively) and a partial tumor metabolic response after treatment (9 vs. 29 %, p = 0.0008; 0 vs. 83 %, p < 0.0001; 22 vs. 96 %, p < 0.0001, respectively). After multivariate analyses a partial tumor metabolic response after treatment remained as an independent prognostic factor unfavorably influencing DFS and LRC (RR 1:7.7, p < 0.0001, and RR 1:22.6, p = 0.0003, respectively) while the pre-treatment TGV-cutoff ≥562 negatively influenced OS and DFS (RR 1:2, p = 0.03, and RR 1:2.75, p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Parameters capturing the pre-treatment glycolytic volume and metabolic activity of [(18)F]FDG-positive disease provide important prognostic information in patients with CC treated with CRT. The post-therapy [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT uptake (partial tumor metabolic response) is predictive of disease outcome.


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Cette thèse traite du rôle qu'un facteur de risque génétique développé chez les patients souffrant de schizophrénie, à savoir un déficit de la synthèse du glutathion, peut jouer dans les anomalies de la connectivité cérébrale trouvées chez ces patients. L'essentiel du travail a été consacré à évaluer la structure de la substance blanche dans l'ensemble du cerveau chez un modèle animal par une méthode similaire à celle utilisée en recherche clinique avec l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM). Cette approche de translation inverse chez la souris knock-out de glutamate-cystéine ligase modulateur sous-unité (Gclm KO), avait l'objectif d'étudier l'effet des défenses redox déficientes sur le développement des connexions cérébrales, tout en excluant celui des facteurs non liés au génotype. Après avoir établi le protocole de recherche, l'influence d'une manipulation environnementale a également été étudiée. Pour effectuer une analyse statistique fiable des données d'IRM obtenues, nous .avons d'abord créé un atlas du cerveau de la souris afin de l'utiliser comme modèle pour une segmentation précise des différentes régions du cerveau sur les images IRM obtenues in vivo. Les données provenant de chaque région d'intérêt ont ensuite été étudiées séparément. La qualité de cette méthode a été évaluée dans une expérience de simulation pour déduire la puissance statistique réalisable dans chaque région en fonction du nombre d'animaux utilisés. Ces outils d'analyse nous ont permis d'évaluer l'intégrité de la substance blanche dans le cerveau des souris durant le développement grâce à une expérience longitudinale, en utilisant l'imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI). Nous avons ainsi observé des anomalies dans les paramètres dérivés du tenseur (diffusivité et anisotropie) dans la Commissure Antérieure et le Fimbria/Fornix des souris Gclm KO, par rapport aux animaux contrôles. Ces résultats suggèrent une substance blanche endommagée dans ces régions. Dans une expérience électrophysiologique, Pascal Steullet a montré que ces anomalies ont des conséquences fonctionnelles caractérisées par une réduction de la vitesse de conduction dans les fibres nerveuses. Ces données renforcent les conclusions des analyses d'imagerie. Le mécanisme par lequel une dérégulation redox affecte la structure de la substance blanche reste encore à définir, car une analyse immunohistochimique des protéines constituantes de la couche de myéline des fibres concernées n'a pas donné de résultats concluants. Nous avons également constaté un élargissement des ventricules dans les jeunes souris Gclm KO, mais pas chez les adultes et des anomalies neurochimiques déjà connues chez ces animaux (Duarte et al. 2011), à savoir une réduction du Glutathion et une augmentation de l'acide N-acétylaspartique, de l'Alanine et du ratio Glutamine/Glutamate. Nous avons ensuite testé l'effet d'un stress environnemental supplémentaire, l'élevage en isolement social, sur le phénotype. Ce stress n'a eu aucun effet sur la structure de la substance blanche évaluée par DTI, mais a réduit la concentration de myo-Inositol et augmenté le ratio de Glutamine/Glutamate dans le cortex frontal. Nous avons aussi reproduit dans ce groupe indépendant d'animaux les effets du génotype sur le profil neurochimique, sur la taille des ventricules et aussi sur les paramètres dérivés du tenseur de diffusion dans le Fimbria/Fornix, mais pas dans la Commissure Antérieure. Nos résultats montrent qu'une dérégulation redox d'origine génétique perturbe la structure et la fonction de la substance blanche dans des régions spécifiques, causant ainsi l'élargissement des ventricules. Ces phénotypes rassemblent certaines caractéristiques neuro-anatomiques de la schizophrénie, mais les mécanismes qui en sont responsables demeurent encore inconnus. L'isolement social n'a pas d'effet sur la structure de la substance blanche évaluée par DTI, alors qu'il est prouvé qu'il affecte la maturation des oligodendrocytes. La neurochimie corticale et en particulier le rapport Glutamine/Glutamate a été affecté par le dérèglement redox ainsi que par l'isolement social. En conséquence, ce ratio représente un indice prometteur dans la recherche sur l'interaction du stress environnemental avec le déséquilibre redox dans le domaine de la schizophrénie. -- The present doctoral thesis is concerned with the role that a genetic risk factor for the development of schizophrenia, namely a deficit in Glutathione synthesis, may play in the anomalies of brain connectivity found in patients. Most of the effort was devoted to perform a whole-brain assessment of white matter structure in the Glutamate-Cysteine ligase modulatory knockout mouse model (Gclm KO) using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques similar to those used in state-of-the-art clinical research. Such reverse translational approach taking brain imaging from the bedside to the bench aimed to investigate the role that deficient redox defenses may play in the development of brain connections while excluding all influencing factors beside the genotype. After establishing the protocol, the influence of further environmental manipulations was also studied. Analysis of MRI images acquired in vivo was one of the main challenges of the project. Our strategy consisted in creating an atlas of the mouse brain to use as segmentation guide and then analyze the data from each region of interest separately. The quality of the method was assessed in a simulation experiment by calculating the statistical power achievable in each brain region at different sample sizes. This analysis tool enabled us to assess white matter integrity in the mouse brain along development in a longitudinal experiment using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). We discovered anomalies in diffusivity parameters derived from the tensor in the Anterior Commissure and Fimbria/Fornix of Gclm KO mice when compared to wild-type animals, which suggest that the structure of these tracts is compromised in the KO mice. In an elegant electrophysiological experiment, Pascal Steullet has provided evidence that these anomalies have functional consequences in form of reduced conduction velocity in the concerned tracts, thus supporting the DTI findings. The mechanism by which redox dysregulation affects WM structure remains unknown, for the immunohistochemical analysis of myelin constituent proteins in the concerned tracts produced inconclusive results. Our experiments also detected an enlargement of the lateral ventricles in young but not adult Gclm KO mice and confirmed neurochemical anomalies already known to affect this animals (Duarte et al. 2011), namely a reduction in Glutathione and an increase in Glutamine/Glutamate ratio, N-acetylaspartate and Alanine. Using the same methods, we tested the effect of an additional environmental stress on the observed phenotype: rearing in social isolation had no effect on white matter structure as assessed by DTI, but it reduced the concentration of myo-Inositol and increased the Glutamine/Glutamate ratio in the frontal cortex. We could also replicate in this separate group of animals the effects of genotype on the frontal neurochemical profile, ventricular size and diffusivity parameters in the Fimbria/Fornix but not in the Anterior Commissure. Our data show that a redox dysregulation of genetic origin may disrupt white matter structure and function in specific tracts and cause a ventricular enlargement, phenotypes that resemble some neuroanatomical features of schizophrenia. The mechanism responsible remains however unknown. We have also demonstrated that environmental stress in form of social isolation does not affect white matter structure as assessed by DTI even though it is known to affect oligodendrocyte maturation. Cortical neurochemistry, and specifically the Glutamine to Glutamate balance was affected both by redox dysregulation and social isolation, and is thus a good target for further research on the interaction of redox imbalance and environmental stress in schizophrenia.


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AbstractObjective:The present study is aimed at contributing to identify the most appropriate OSEM parameters to generate myocardial perfusion imaging reconstructions with the best diagnostic quality, correlating them with patients' body mass index.Materials and Methods:The present study included 28 adult patients submitted to myocardial perfusion imaging in a public hospital. The OSEM method was utilized in the images reconstruction with six different combinations of iterations and subsets numbers. The images were analyzed by nuclear cardiology specialists taking their diagnostic value into consideration and indicating the most appropriate images in terms of diagnostic quality.Results:An overall scoring analysis demonstrated that the combination of four iterations and four subsets has generated the most appropriate images in terms of diagnostic quality for all the classes of body mass index; however, the role played by the combination of six iterations and four subsets is highlighted in relation to the higher body mass index classes.Conclusion:The use of optimized parameters seems to play a relevant role in the generation of images with better diagnostic quality, ensuring the diagnosis and consequential appropriate and effective treatment for the patient.


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Nombreux sont les groupes de recherche qui se sont intéressés, ces dernières années, à la manière de monitorer l'entraînement des sportifs de haut niveau afin d'optimaliser le rendement de ce dernier tout en préservant la santé des athlètes. Un des problèmes cardinaux d'un entraînement sportif mal conduit est le syndrome du surentraînement. La définition du syndrome susmentionné proposée par Kreider et al. est celle qui est actuellement acceptée par le « European College of Sport Science » ainsi que par le « American College of Sports Medicine», à savoir : « An accumulation of training and/or non-training stress resulting in long-term decrement in performance capacity with or without related physiological and psychological signs and symptoms of maladaptation in which restoration of performance capacity may take several weeks or months. » « Une accumulation de stress lié, ou non, à l'entraînement, résultant en une diminution à long terme de la capacité de performance. Cette dernière est associée ou non avec des signes et des symptômes physiologiques et psychologiques d'inadaptation de l'athlète à l'entraînement. La restauration de ladite capacité de performance peut prendre plusieurs semaines ou mois. » Les recommandations actuelles, concernant le monitoring de l'entraînement et la détection précoce du syndrome du surentrainement, préconisent, entre autre, un suivi psychologique à l'aide de questionnaires (tel que le Profile of Mood State (POMS)), un suivi de la charge d'entraînement perçue par l'athlète (p.ex. avec la session rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method selon C. Foster), un suivi des performances des athlètes et des charges d'entraînement effectuées ainsi qu'un suivi des problèmes de santé (blessures et maladies). Le suivi de paramètres sanguins et hormonaux n'est pas recommandé d'une part pour des questions de coût et de faisabilité, d'autre part car la littérature scientifique n'a, jusqu'ici, pas été en mesure de dégager des évidences à ce sujet. A ce jour, peu d'études ont suivi ces paramètres de manière rigoureuse, sur une longue période et chez un nombre d'athlète important. Ceci est précisément le but de notre étude.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The alteration of brain maturation in preterm infants contributes to neurodevelopmental disabilities during childhood. Serial imaging allows understanding of the mechanisms leading to dysmaturation in the preterm brain. The purpose of the present study was to provide reference quantitative MR imaging measures across time in preterm infants, by using ADC, fractional anisotropy, and T1 maps obtained by using the magnetization-prepared dual rapid acquisition of gradient echo technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We included preterm neonates born at <30 weeks of gestational age without major brain lesions on early cranial sonography and performed 3 MRIs (3T) from birth to term-equivalent age. Multiple measurements (ADC, fractional anisotropy, and T1 relaxation) were performed on each examination in 12 defined white and gray matter ROIs. RESULTS: We acquired 107 MRIs (35 early, 33 intermediary, and 39 at term-equivalent age) in 39 cerebral low-risk preterm infants. Measures of T1 relaxation time showed a gradual and significant decrease with time in a region- and hemispheric-specific manner. ADC values showed a similar decline with time, but with more variability than T1 relaxation. An increase of fractional anisotropy values was observed in WM regions and inversely a decrease in the cortex. CONCLUSIONS: The gradual change with time reflects the progressive maturation of the cerebral microstructure in white and gray matter. Our study provides reference trajectories from 25 to 40 weeks of gestation of T1 relaxation, ADC, and fractional anisotropy values in low-risk preterm infants. We speculate that deviation thereof might reflect disturbed cerebral maturation; the correlation of this disturbed maturation with neurodevelopmental outcome remains to be addressed.


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The main purpose of this thesis is to measure and evaluate how accurately the current energy saving calculation in ABB’s new variable speed drive ACS850 works. The main topic of this thesis is energy-efficiency parameters. At the beginning of this thesis centrifugal pump, squirrel cage motor and variable speed drive, including some equations related to them, are being introduced. Also methods of throttling control and variable speed drive control of centrifugal pumps are being introduced. These subjects are introduced because the energy saving calculation in ACS850 is related to the centrifugal pumps usually driven by squirrel cage motors. The theory also includes short section about specific energy of pumping. Before measurements the current energy saving calculation of ACS850 is being introduced and analyzed. The measurements part includes introduction of measuring equipment, measurement results, summary and analysis of the measurements. At the end of this thesis a proposal for an improvement to the current energy saving calculation is being introduced and few proposals are made for new energy-efficiency parameters, which could be added to variable speed drives. At the end are also thoughts


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The possibility and the usefulness of applying plasma keyhole welding to structural steels with different compositions and material thicknesses, and in various welding positions has been examinated. Single pass butt welding with I groove in flat, horizontal vertical and vertical positions and root welding with V , Y and U grooves of thick plate material in flat position have been studied and the welds with high quality has been obtained. The technological conditions for successful welding are presented. The single and interactive effects of welding parameters on weld quality, especially on surface weld defects, geometrical form errors, internal defects and mechanical properties (strength, ductility, impact toughness, hardness and bendability) of weld joint, are presented. Welding parameter combinations providing the best quality welds are also presented.