761 resultados para Mate Poaching


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The present results show that in the ovarioles of a newly emerged (0 day) queen of A. mellifera only two regions may be distinguished: a proximal, short germarium and a very long distal, terminal filament. As the queen matures and gets ready for the nupcial flight, the germarium increases in lenght, advancing towered the distal end, as the terminal filament shortens. The ovarioles of queens ready to mate (6 to 8 days old) have, already one or two ovarian follicles, i.e. a very short proximal vitellarium, but a real vitellogenesis only starts after the fecundation. If the queen does not mate the ovarioles structure is disrupted (12-16 days old). In mated queen eggs the ovarioles present three differentiated regions, from the apice to the basis: a short terminal filament, a medium size germarium, and a very long basal vitellarium. As the eggs are laid, the emptied follicle collapses, degenerates and produces a corpus luteum.


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A morphometric study was performed on the sexual forms of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus in colonies kept under laboratory conditions. The males studied were obtained from queenright and queenless colonies, i.e. they were produced by either the queen or the workers. Cluster analysis revealed a wide distribution in the size of the sexual forms produced in queenless colonies compared with queenright colonies, and that some of the worker-produced males were significantly smaller than those produced in queenright colonies. However, we found no indication that the males produced in queenless colonies are unable to mate, as smaller and larger males had identical genitalia that varied only in size, and therefore probably represent an alternative route of reproduction in this species. © 2005 Blackwell Verlag.


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The chemical and physical degradation of the soils by salinity and sodicity problems constitutes a serious obstacle in productive irrigated areas in arid and semi-add regions. In order to eval mate the effect of gypsum on electrical conductivity, pH, exchangeable sodium percentage, sodium, calcium and magnesium content in saturation extract and exchangeable sodium of two saline-sodic soils: one from irrigated Perimeter Engenheiro Arco Verde in the municipality of Condado and another from irrigated Perimeter of São Gonçalo, in the municipality of Sousa both in the Paraiba State Brazil, an experiment was carried out in green house of the Departamento de Solos e Engenharia Rural, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Areia, Brazil, in a factorial design 2 × 5 referring the two soils and five gypsum levels equivalent to 0; 3.2; 6.3; 9.4 and 12.5 g kg-1 to each soil. The gypsum application exercised positive effects on reduction of salinity and sodicity. The values of electrical conductivity, exchangeable sodium percentage, pH and contents of soluble and exchangeable sodium in relation to data of the soils before application of treatments with gypsum in both the soils were found to decrease.


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Chagas disease (CD), caused by the protozoan Trypanossoma cruzi, affects approximately 18 million individuals in the Americas, 5 million of which five in Brazil. Most chronic sufferers have either the indeterminate form of the disease, without organic compromise, or the cardiac or digestive forms. Despite the importance of this disease, there is no information on the effect of nutrition on CD evolution. We evaluated the clinical-nutritional profile of individuals with CD treated at the Tropical Diseases Nutrition Out-Patient Clinic of the Botucatu School of Medicine, UNESP.A retrospective cohort study was performed between 2002 and 2006, on 66 patients with serum and parasitological diagnosis of CD. Epidemiological, clinical, nutritional, and biochemical data were collected, including gender, age, skin color, smoking, alcoholism, physical activity, weight, stature, body mass index, abdominal circumference, glycemia, and lipid profile. Fifty-three percent were mate and 47% female; 96% were white skinned. Mean age was 49.6±6.36 years. The predominant form was indeterminate in 71 %; smoking and drinking were recorded in 23% and 17%, respectively. Sedentariness predominated in 83%, and 55% presented increased abdominal circumference. Most, 94%, were overweight or obese. The biochemical exam revealed hyperglycemia in 12% and dyslipidemia in 74%. These findings suggest that the Chagas population presents co-morbidities and risk factors for developing chronic non-transmissible diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, making CD evolution even worse. © 2007 by The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Contexto Publishing. All rights reserved.


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Background: Illegal hunting is one of the major threats to vertebrate populations in tropical regions. This unsustainable practice has serious consequences not only for the target populations, but also for the dynamics and structure of tropical ecosystems. Generally, in cases of suspected illegal hunting, the only evidence available is pieces of meat, skin or bone. In these cases, species identification can only be reliably determined using molecular technologies. Here, we reported an investigative study of three cases of suspected wildlife poaching in which molecular biology techniques were employed to identify the hunted species from remains of meat.Findings: By applying cytochrome b (cyt-b) and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) molecular markers, the suspected illegal poaching was confirmed by the identification of three wild species, capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), Chaco Chachalaca (Ortalis canicollis) and Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus). In Brazil, hunting is a criminal offense, and based on this evidence, the defendants were found guilty and punished with fines; they may still be sentenced to prison for a period of 6 to 12 months.Conclusions: The genetic analysis used in this investigative study was suitable to diagnose the species killed and solve these criminal investigations. Molecular forensic techniques can therefore provide an important tool that enables local law enforcement agencies to apprehend illegal poachers. © 2012 Sanches et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pigmentation patterns, ultraviolet reflection and fluorescent emission are often involved in mate recognition and mate quality functions in many animal taxa. We investigated the role of wing ultra-violet reflection, fluorescence emission, and pigmentation on age and sexual signals in the damselfly Mnesarete pudica. In this species, wings are sexually dimorphic in colour and exhibit age dependency: males and females show a smoky black colouration when young, turning red in mature males while it turns brown in females. First, we investigated wing UV patterns through reflectance and emission spectra. Second, behavioural experiments were undertaken to show male and female responses to manipulated wing pigmentation and experimentally reduced UV (UV-). Reflectance spectra of the wings of juvenile and mature males and females were used to show the differences between controls and individuals with manipulated colouration used in the behavioural experiment. UV-reduced, females with wings painted red, and control males and females were tethered and presented to conspecific males and females, and their behavioral responses were recorded. The male red wing pigmentation and females with red wings elicited an aggressive response in territorial males and a sexual response in females. Both males and females showed neutral responses towards individuals with reduced UV. Wing signals of juvenile individuals also provoked neutral responses. These results suggest that UV, together with pigmentation, plays a role during mate recognition in males and females. Other than butterflies and spiders, it seems that fluorescence signals and UV reflectance can also be part of communication in odonates. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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Diferentes critérios utilizados para a escolha de parceiros entre homens e mulheres têm sido identificados. Essa diferença, provavelmente, origina-se pelos diferentes graus de investimento parental entre gêneros. Mulheres parecem ter predisposição a selecionar parceiros com características de investimento emocional, material e com bons indicativos de saúde. Já homens podem utilizar os mesmos critérios que as mulheres, porém dão mais importância que estas à aparência física e juventude. Em relacionamentos de curto e longo prazo a literatura indica que há uma diferença nas escolhas entre mulheres. No primeiro caso, elas têm demonstrando preferir características relacionadas à saúde física, comparado ao segundo tipo de relacionamento, no qual a ênfase tem sido voltada à parceiros bons provedores de recursos e com alto nível de investimento emocional. Há poucas pesquisas que investigaram os critérios que mulheres homossexuais utilizam na escolha de suas parceiras amorosas. Estudos que investigaram a origem da homossexualidade apontaram a possibilidade de influências biológicas. Em termos evolutivos, a homossexualidade poderia ter surgido, em parte, como subproduto da evolução do prazer característico das atividades sexuais. Se esta hipótese estiver correta, o potencial para o desenvolvimento de uma orientação homo, hetero ou bissexual pode ser potencializado por ambientes característicos dos indivíduos em particular. Tal hipótese pode sugerir que os mecanismos psicológicos para escolha de parceiros sejam semelhantes entre as mulheres de variadas orientações sexuais. Para testar esta hipótese, investigou-se as preferências na escolha de parceiras de 100 mulheres em período reprodutivo, entre 18 e 40 anos, que se auto-classificaram como “homossexual exclusivo” ou “homossexual, e às vezes heterossexual”. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados dois instrumentos, um para seleção das participantes e outro para a coleta de informações. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi dividido em: 1) Dados Demográficos; 2) Dados da parceira; 3) Critérios valorizados na escolha de uma parceira; 4) Critérios valorizados na escolha de uma parceira de curto e longo prazo; 5) Variáveis relacionadas ao desempenho sexual. As participantes foram contatadas pelo método a) “snow ball”, b) bares frequentados por grupos homossexuais e c) associações GLBT. Especificamente, investigou-se as variáveis envolvidas na escolha de parceiras de curto e longo prazo e comparou-se os resultados com os dados coletados por Cruz (2009), com mulheres heterossexuais em período reprodutivo. Os resultados indicaram que há maior preferência por atributos físicos em relacionamentos de curto prazo entre mulheres homo e heterossexuais. Atributos referentes à formação de vínculo foram mais solicitados em relacionamentos de longo prazo, possivelmente porque 75,6% dessas mulheres têm renda e não dependem do parceiro(a) para o provimento na relação, diminuindo a necessidade de parceiro(a)s que invistam recursos materiais. Mulheres homossexuais parecem ter os mesmos padrões de escolha de parceiros que heterossexuais.