967 resultados para Master WB, 15th century.


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Ireland, Richard W., 'Putting oneself on whose country? Carmarthenshire juries in the mid-nineteenth century', In: 'Legal Wales: its past, its future: essays dedicated to Professor Dafydd Jenkins on his ninetieth birthday', Welsh Legal History Society 1, Watkin, Thomas Glyn. (eds), (Cardiff: Cymdeithas Hanes Cyfraith Cymru / Welsh Legal History Society), 63-87, 2001. RAE2008


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Prescott, Sarah, ''What Foes more dang'rous than too strong Allies?': Anglo-Welsh relations in eighteenth-century London', The Huntington Library Quarterly (2006) 69 (4) pp.535-554 RAE2008


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Woods, T. (2006). 'Preferring the wrong way': Mapping the Ethical Diversity of US Twentieth-Century Poetry. In C. Bigsby (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture (pp.450-468). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. RAE2008


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Williams, G. (2006). Welsh raiding in the twelfth-century Shropshire/Cheshire March: the case of Owain Cyfeiliog. Studia Celtica. 40, pp.89-115. RAE2008


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Zadaniem artykułu jest ukazanie dorobku piśmiennictwa pszczelniczego na Śląsku. Pretekstem do poruszenia tego tematu jest przypadająca w 2011 roku dwusetna rocznica urodzin wybitnego pszczelarza Jana Dzierżona. Osoba i dokonania najsłynniejszego chyba w świecie Ślązaka do tego stopnia zdominowały historię pszczelarstwa tego regionu, że właściwie bardzo niewiele mówi się o dorobku innych działających aktywnie śląskich pszczelarzach praktykach i publicystach. Tymczasem dorobek ten jest imponujący. W części pierwszej artykułu przypomniano Nickela Jacoba ze Szprotawy, autora pierwszej wydanej na Śląsku książki pszczelarskiej, uznanego jednocześnie za ojca niemieckiej bibliografii pszczelarskiej. Wśród pionierów niemieckiej literatury fachowej dotyczącej pszczół znajduje się też Johann Coler ze Złotoryi. W XVIII wieku swą działalność praktyczną i publicystyczną w znacznej mierze związali ze Śląskiem Łużyczanin Adam Gottlieb Schirach i Niemiec Johann Riem. W dziełach innych autorów z zakresu gospodarstwa wiejskiego pojawiają się również fragmenty poświęcone pszczelarstwu. Dorobek swych poprzedników wzbogacił i swą działalnością rozsławił śląskie pszczelarstwo ksiądz dr Jan Dzierżon, odkrywca partenogenezy, konstruktor nowoczesnego ula, autor licznych publikacji. „Księciu pszczół” poświęcona została druga część artykułu. Przedstawiono w niej pokrótce jego życie i działalność, dzieje walki o uznanie teorii partenogenezy, ogromny dorobek publicystyczny. Wskazano jednocześnie na brak opracowania pełnej bibliografii podmiotowej. Dzierżon był wydawcą jednego z pierwszych na Śląsku czasopism pszczelarskich. Dorobek śląskiego czasopiśmiennictwa pszczelarskiego jest bogaty i dziwi fakt, że właściwie w bardzo małym dotychczas stopniu został poznany. Część trzecią poświęcono niemieckim i polskim czasopismom pszczelarskim wydawanym na Śląsku. Uwzględniono tutaj tytuły samoistne oraz dodatki. W podsumowaniu wykazano, że we wszystkich obszarach bibliografia piśmiennictwa śląskiego wymaga kompleksowego rozpoznania. Stan opracowania piśmiennictwa pszczelarskiego na Śląsku stanowi w pewnej mierze odbicie stanu bibliografii tego zagadnienia na ziemiach polskich.


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The future of theology libraries is far from clear. Since the nineteenth century, theology libraries have evolved to support the work of theological education. This article briefly reviews the development of theology libraries in North America and examines the contextual changes impacting theology libraries today. Three significant factors that will shape theology libraries in the coming decade are collaborative models of pedagogy and scholarship, globalization and rapid changes in information technology, and changes in the nature of scholarly publishing including the digitization of information. A large body of research is available to assist those responsible for guiding the direction of theology libraries in the next decade, but there are significant gaps in what we know about the impact of technology on how people use information that must be filled in order to provide a solid foundation for planning.


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The Internet and World Wide Web have had, and continue to have, an incredible impact on our civilization. These technologies have radically influenced the way that society is organised and the manner in which people around the world communicate and interact. The structure and function of individual, social, organisational, economic and political life begin to resemble the digital network architectures upon which they are increasingly reliant. It is increasingly difficult to imagine how our ‘offline’ world would look or function without the ‘online’ world; it is becoming less meaningful to distinguish between the ‘actual’ and the ‘virtual’. Thus, the major architectural project of the twenty-first century is to “imagine, build, and enhance an interactive and ever changing cyberspace” (Lévy, 1997, p. 10). Virtual worlds are at the forefront of this evolving digital landscape. Virtual worlds have “critical implications for business, education, social sciences, and our society at large” (Messinger et al., 2009, p. 204). This study focuses on the possibilities of virtual worlds in terms of communication, collaboration, innovation and creativity. The concept of knowledge creation is at the core of this research. The study shows that scholars increasingly recognise that knowledge creation, as a socially enacted process, goes to the very heart of innovation. However, efforts to build upon these insights have struggled to escape the influence of the information processing paradigm of old and have failed to move beyond the persistent but problematic conceptualisation of knowledge creation in terms of tacit and explicit knowledge. Based on these insights, the study leverages extant research to develop the conceptual apparatus necessary to carry out an investigation of innovation and knowledge creation in virtual worlds. The study derives and articulates a set of definitions (of virtual worlds, innovation, knowledge and knowledge creation) to guide research. The study also leverages a number of extant theories in order to develop a preliminary framework to model knowledge creation in virtual worlds. Using a combination of participant observation and six case studies of innovative educational projects in Second Life, the study yields a range of insights into the process of knowledge creation in virtual worlds and into the factors that affect it. The study’s contributions to theory are expressed as a series of propositions and findings and are represented as a revised and empirically grounded theoretical framework of knowledge creation in virtual worlds. These findings highlight the importance of prior related knowledge and intrinsic motivation in terms of shaping and stimulating knowledge creation in virtual worlds. At the same time, they highlight the importance of meta-knowledge (knowledge about knowledge) in terms of guiding the knowledge creation process whilst revealing the diversity of behavioural approaches actually used to create knowledge in virtual worlds and. This theoretical framework is itself one of the chief contributions of the study and the analysis explores how it can be used to guide further research in virtual worlds and on knowledge creation. The study’s contributions to practice are presented as actionable guide to simulate knowledge creation in virtual worlds. This guide utilises a theoretically based classification of four knowledge-creator archetypes (the sage, the lore master, the artisan, and the apprentice) and derives an actionable set of behavioural prescriptions for each archetype. The study concludes with a discussion of the study’s implications in terms of future research.


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During the sixteenth century hundreds of treatises, position papers and memoranda were composed on the political state of Ireland and how best to ‘reform’, ‘conquer’ or otherwise incorporate that island into the wider Tudor kingdom. These ‘reform’ treatises attempted to identify and analyse the prevailing political, social, cultural and economic problems found in the Irish polity before positing how government policy could be altered to ameliorate these same problems. Written by a broad array of New English, Old English and Gaelic Irish authors, often serving within Irish officialdom, the military, or the Church of Ireland, these papers were generally circulated amongst senior ministers and political figures throughout the Tudor dominions. As such they were written with the express purpose of influencing the direction of government policy for Ireland. Collectively these documents are one of the most significant body of sources, not just for the study of government activity in the second Tudor kingdom, but indeed for the broader history of sixteenth century Ireland. This thesis offers the first systematic study of these texts. It does so by exploring the content of the hundreds of such works and the ‘reform’ treatise as a type of text, while the interrelationship of these documents with government policy in Tudor Ireland, and their effect thereon, is also explored. In so doing it charts the developments from origin to implementation of the principal strategies employed by Tudor Englishmen to enforce English control over the whole of Ireland. Finally, it clearly demonstrates that the ‘reform’ treatises were both central to government activity in sixteenth century Ireland and to the historical developments which occurred in that time and place.