866 resultados para Mass media|Adult education|Continuing education|Curricula|Teaching|Educational evaluation
Few topics in transportation are of greater significance, now and in the future, than making today’s roads safe for those who use them. This study aims to assist the formulation of policy by examining the empirical evidence currently available on the ability of several forms of communication efforts and activities to increase knowledge about and affect attitudes and behavior toward highway safety practices. The objective of this effort is to provide a comparative synthesis of what works and what does not in highway safety campaigns across a large number of topical areas that have a mass media component. This was accomplished by conducting an extensive literature review to determine the current state of knowledge concerning what works and what has significant potential for wide use in future highway safety campaigns. An analytic framework for investigating highway safety campaigns was created. The framework includes (1) the types of media components, (2) the types of collaborations, (3) the context in which the campaign is intended to have impact, (4) the structure or procedural steps into which campaigns are organized, (5) the principles for what works in a campaign, and (6) the desired impact of a campaign on its target audience. The report reveals 25 characteristics of successful communication campaigns, strategies that stand a chance of achieving changes in knowledge, attitude, and behavior. The actual impact of mass communication remains unproven because of a perceived lag in the development of adequate evaluation techniques. Education by itself has not generally resulted in significant changes in the behaviors targeted, but education of the public and advocacy groups has often helped enact necessary legislation, transmit knowledge about the provisions and penalties of laws in ways that increase their deterrent effect, and generate public support for law enforcement programs. Even in such cases, however, when enforcement is inconsistent, public compliance frequently decreases with time. Approaches to traffic safety that emphasize the need for long-term individual- and community-based measures are found to be especially crucial for addressing complex problems like drinking and driving that are determined by a myriad of lifestyle and psychosocial factors.
Spotlight on Pam Railsback Continuing Education Iowa by the numbers
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Spotlight on Julie Pollock Continuing Education Consumer Voice Fact Sheet - What is Financial Exploitation
Spotlight on Meredith Funke, AmericCorps VISTA Continuing Education New Resources for volunteers
Spotlight on Kim Cooper Person-Centered Matters: Making Life Better for Someone Living with Dementia Continuing Education New Resources for Volunteers
Spotlight: Cindy Pederson Continuing Education National volunteer Month Wrap-Up Events & Conferences Peer Group Meetings Training Refresher Articles, Websites & Videos May is Older Americans Month
Spotlight on Merea Bentrott Continuing Education VOP Communiques VOP Trivia Ombudsman Tidbit
Education never fails to be mentioned ¿ and, often, mentioned first ¿ as a public interest that justifies an exception to copyright. Educational purposes were already present in the first version of the Berne Convention of 18862 and have remained there (although in revised language) ever since. The WIPO Copyright Treaty of 19963 expressly referred to education in its Preamble, when ¿Recognizing the need to maintain a balance between the rights of authors andthe larger public interest, particularly education, research and access to information, as reflected in the Berne Convention¿ (emphasis added). And morerecently, the EU Directive on Copyright in the Information Society4 stressed its goal ¿to promote learning and culture by protecting works and other subjectmatter while permitting exceptions or limitations in the public interest for the purpose of education and teaching¿ (Recital 14, emphasis added).
This article reviews the main contemporary international references on numerical knowledge acquisition in the kindergarten stage. Secondly it analyzes the instructions curricular in two countries-one Spanish-speaking Latin America (Chile) and one European (Spain) - to determine the extent to assume international benchmarks while comparing the curricula of both countries. Finally, it presents a proposal for intervention in the classroom that the combination of different learning contexts and processes to investigate mathematical teaching practices and most effective in promoting and numeracy of children from the earliest ages
This paper studies the incidence and consequences of the mismatch between formal education and the educational requirements of jobs in Estonia during the years 1997-2003. We fi nd large wage penalties associated with the phenomenon of educational mismatch. Moreover, the incidence and wage penalty of mismatches increase with age. This suggests that structural educational mismatches can occur after fast transition periods. Our results are robust for various methodologies, and more importantly regarding departures from the exogeneity assumptions inherent in the matching estimators used in our analysis
Editorial del número 6 de OBSERVAR Revista electrónica del Observatorio sobre la Didáctica de las Artes. El sumario se abre con un artículo, de José Luis Menéndez Varela, sobre la carpeta de aprendizaje desde el momento en que entra en la educación superior. El tema del segundo artículo de Gabriela De la Cruz y Luis Felipe Abreu son las rúbricas, que según los autores no constituyen únicamente un instrumento de evaluación sino también un recurso llamado a desempeñar un papel relevante en la reorganización de los curricula. A continuación, siguen dos artículos que comparten el tema de las tutorías. Guillem Antequera aporta un artículo de revisión sobre el tutor de ABP en el que, se realiza un estudio comparado de las figuras del tutor experto y del tutor no experto. Carla Costa dedica su artículo a la tutoría entre iguales y comienza advirtiendo de una similar insuficiencia de investigaciones. El texto de Eva Gregori resulta difícil de catalogar al situarse a medio camino entre un artículo teórico clásico y un artículo de revisión. Presenta no una disertación sobre la ironía, sino una exposición de su complejidad. El número se cierra con una extensa noticia crítica de Guillem Antequera sobre las Primeras Jornadas de Innovación Docente en los Estudios de las Artes (IDEA) sobre las competencias comunicativas.
This article examines the participation of Spanish older people in formal, non-formal and informal learning activities and presents a profile of participants in each kind of learning activity. We used data from a nationally representative sample of Spanish people between 60 and 75 years old (n = 4,703). The data were extracted from the 2007 Encuesta sobre la Participación de la Población Adulta en Actividades de Aprendizaje (EADA, Survey on Adult Population Involvement in Learning Activities). Overall, only 22.8 % of the sample participated in a learning activity. However, there was wide variation in the participation rates for the different types of activity. Informal activities were far more common than formal ones. Multivariate logistic regression indicated that education level and involvement in social and cultural activities were associated with likelihood of participating, regardless of the type of learning activity. When these variables were taken into account, age did not predict decreasing participation, at least in non-formal and informal activities. Implications for further research, future trends and policies to promote older adult education are discussed.
Tutkimukseni aiheena on tarkastella datanomiopiskelijoita sosiaalisen median käyttäjinä. Sosiaalisen median käyttö opetuksessa on nykypäivänä jo aika yleistä. Erilaisia sosiaalisen median keinoja käytetään jo kaikilla oppiasteilla. Opettajan on tärkeää tuntea eri palvelujen tarkoitukset ja soveltuvuus opetustilanteeseen. Työn tarkoitus on tutkia sosiaalisen median palveluja kuudesta eri näkökulmasta, jotka tukevat opetusta ja oppimista. Näitä ovat verkostoitumispalvelut, virtuaalimaailmat, sisällöllinen kirjoittaminen, verkko-oppimisympäristöt, videoverkkopalvelut ja verkkoviestintäpalvelut. Työssä tutkitaan Lappeenrannan Palvelualojen koulun datanomiopiskelijoiden sosiaalisen median palvelujen käyttämistä sekä kysytään käyttöaktiivisuutta ja mielipidettä palvelujen käyttämiseen opetuksessa. Tutkimustulokset antavat kuvan siitä, minkälaisia sosiaalisen median palveluja opiskelijat käyttävät. Tutkimus osoittaa, että datanomiopiskelijat käyttävät sosiaalisen median palveluja ahkerasti, erityisesti wikiä, blogia ja pikaviestimiä sekä Moodle-oppimisympäristöä. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan kehittää opetuksen laatua ja opetusmenetelmiä sosiaalisen median opetuskäyttöä tukevaksi. Opettajan rooli muuttuu sosiaalisen median palvelujen käytön myötä yhä enemmän ohjaavaksi ja tasa-arvoiseksi opiskelijoiden kanssa. Opetus muuttuu yhteisöllisemmäksi ja verkostoituneemmaksi. Opettajan ja opiskelijoiden vuorovaikutustaitojen merkitys korostuu. Myös tulevaisuuden haasteet ja ennen kaikkea mahdollisuudet nousevat esiin. Opetuksen suunnittelussa on hyvä pystyä huomioimaan uudet mahdollisuudet ja käyttää niitä kattavasti.
Training of highly qualified personnel is the most transversal axis among those identified in the document "Mobilizing Axes in Chemistry", published by SBQ, in 2002, which demands to deep the discussions, initiated in the symposium "The Chemist's Education", whose main objective was to discuss the repercussions of that training in the teaching and in the industrial section. After the publication of an initial paper, a couple of meetings and workshops held in Rio de Janeiro, in December 2003, involving the national chemist community, discussed the "The role of the graduate degrees in the Chemist's Education" and "The Chemist's Education", and confirmed the need to invest in the formation of qualified human resources in profusion and in all levels. Actions to be taken were delineated. Presently, the graduate programs in Chemistry are showing expressive results. However, although these professionals are mostly absorbed by the academy (the absorption of the industry is less significant), only a few programs give special attention to the didactical and pedagogical training. The regional decentralization is actually a tendency in most programs, but the interaction academy-economic activities is still a challenge. It is necessary to establish with the industrial section, the highly qualified professional's profile in Chemistry that the industry can absorb. The undergraduation is growing in number and quality, however still excessively concentrated in the Southeast area. The national "Curricula Guidelines" for Chemistry Courses, through its flexible approach, propitiate the integral, interdisciplinary (non compartmentalized) and critical-reflexive training of the professionals as citizens and as entrepreneurs. However, deficiencies are still recognized. The evaluation system of undergraduate courses has been able to identify the most fragile modalities of courses and other indicators. It was also verified that Brazilian chemistry industry absorbs minimally the highly qualified professionals, which is attributed to the fact that the Federal Council of Chemistry is vertically organized and does not recognize the graduate degrees as professional qualification. In the conclusion, it stands out, among other aspects, the importance of the effective implantation of the national curricula guidelines, bringing out courses whose didactical and pedagogical projects may offer a solid formation in Chemistry, but comprehensive and general enough to enable the Chemistry professionals to develop varied skills.