994 resultados para Martín Noel
Ante la necesidad de la comunidad de la Escuela de Educación Especial Martinez Allio orientada a la educación especial de niños con discapacidad psicomotora, ubicada en la Ciudad de Córdoba, el presente proyecto aborda el análisis, diseño, y ejecución de prototipos de elementos de soporte técnico para niños con discapacidad psicomotora, que permitan desempeñarse con independencia en la vida cotidiana y dentro del ámbito de la Escuela. Esto posibilitaría facilitar la independencia motora de los niños dentro del ámbito de la Escuela, y mejorar las metodológicas de docentes dedicados a la Educación Especial, además de institucionalizar experiencias que permitan promover, desde la propia formación académica, acciones interdisciplinarias e interinstitucionales que favorezcan la modificación progresiva de la comunidad, y la orientación de los alumnos para facilitar la formación del perfil profesional esperado. CONTRIBUCIÓN DEL PROYECTO A LA ACCESIBILIDAD: El abordaje de esta problemática dentro del contexto señalado anteriormente busca: -Mejorar la calidad de vida de los niños con discapacidad psicomotriz -Facilitar el trabajo de los docentes al momento de mejorar las condiciones motoras -Desarrollar propuestas concretas de tecnología asistiva para facilitar la independencia motriz de los niños y personas con discapacidad psicomotriz.
La prueba pericial existe desde el Derecho Romano, y en la actualidad ha cobrado una inusitada importancia. En el presente proyecto se busca como primer objetivo narrar su evolución tanto espacial como temporal. Y el segundo objetivo fincaría en proponer reglas claraas que sirvan a la vez como elemento de instrucción social y asimismo como base para un reordenamiento jurídico.
La prueba pericial existe desde el Derecho Romano, y en la actualidad ha cobrado una inusitada importancia. En el presente proyecto se busca como primer objetivo narrar su evolución tanto espacial como temporal. Y el segundo objetivo fincaría en proponer reglas claraas que sirvan a la vez como elemento de instrucción social y asimismo como base para un reordenamiento jurídico.
El objetivo del proyecto consiste en desarrollar una investigación sobre derechos humanos y migración internacional en Córdoba. Específicamente, se pretende analizar y reflexionar sobre los derechos humanos de los migrantes consagrados a nivel internacional y local, sobre el efectivo goce y/o vulneración de derechos en comunidades migrantes residentes en Córdoba y el Gran Córdoba (paraguaya, boliviana, otras), y sobre los canales y mecanismos de protección y tutela existentes y disponibles, esto último en orden a elaborar y presentar un aporte propositivo específico. El problema central que motiva la investigación es la vulneración fáctica de derechos que experimentan integrantes de comunidades migrantes en nuestro entorno (derechos a la igualdad, a la no discriminación, a la propiedad, a la identidad personal, a la diversidad cultural, a la educación, al acceso a la justicia, a la seguridad social, al trabajo digno, a la transferencia de ingresos, a la integridad física, a la protección policial, otros), y contempla el desarrollo de los siguientes componentes (y productos de mismo): 1) Desarrollo de una investigación-publicación sobre derechos humanos y migración internacional en Córdoba con enfoque teórico-práctico (derechos consagrados a nivel internacional, nacional y provincial -adecuación normativa-; goce de derechos, principales vulneraciones; canales y mecanismos de protección y tutela existentes y/o disponibles para las comunidades migrantes; 2) Diseño y presentación de propuestas de acción efectivas para la tutela de derechos humanos de integrantes de comunidades migrantes seleccionadas; 3) Conformación e implementación de una red interinstitucional local entre actores públicos y privados vinculados y/o interesados en la temática, y reforzadas sus capacidades institucionales. Se prevé un abordaje técnico-jurídico, una interacción directa con los sujetos de derecho (migrantes), el refuerzo de relaciones interinstitucionales que contribuyan a generar un cambio social positivo, y la instrumentación de un esquema reflexión-acción, basado en generar conocimientos y propuestas de mejora e intervención social en beneficio de grupos vulnerables de nuestro medio. A partir de lo expuesto, se aspira a contribuir a la generación de información científica sobre la temática, y reforzar el papel de nuestra Universidad y de sociedad civil en la promoción y la defensa de los derechos humanos de los migrantes, en orden a su tutela efectiva y la inclusión social.
All organisations make some contribution to the degradation of the environment through their use of resources and production of waste. Environmental management systems (EMS) standards can provide a tool for companies to systematically reduce their environmental impacts. ISO 14001 was published in 1996. This fitted in with plans of the case study company to take proactive action in this area, even though there was no legislative requirement for them to do so. As EMS implementation was a new area at the time, appropriate methodologies were developed to address different aspects of the implementation, and ISO 14001 was successfully implemented in the company. The results of the primary research included: ♦ Drawing up a methodology for identifying and interpreting the environmental legislation that may have an impact on the organisation and compiling a register of such regulations. ♦ Developing a robust methodology for assessing significant environmental aspects and impacts and applying this to the software company. ♦ Establishing objectives and targets for those aspects identified as significant and implementing environmental management programmes to meet these. ♦ Developing an internal environmental audit procedure based on auditing against the significant aspects. ♦ Integrating areas of the EMS with the existing quality management system in order to avoid duplication of effort. ♦ Undergoing an external assessment process in order to achieve certification of the system. The thesis concludes that the systematic approach defined in ISO 14001 provided a mechanism that the organisation was able to adopt to bring about improvement in its environmental performance. The system was based on a thorough evaluation of the organisation's significant environmental aspects in order to bring about a reduction in its negative impacts. The ISO 14001 requirement for continual improvement is the key driver of the system, and this is what differentiates it from ISO 9000.
Apesar de avanços nos últimos anos relacionados à prevenção e a tratamento, muitas são as vidas perdidas anualmente no Brasil relacionado à parada cardíaca e a eventos cardiovasculares em geral. O Suporte Básico de Vida envolve o atendimento às emergências cardiovasculares principalmente em ambiente pré-hospitalar, enfatizando reconhecimento e realização precoces das manobras de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar com foco na realização de compressões torácicas de boa qualidade, assim como na rápida desfibrilação, por meio da implementação dos programas de acesso público à desfibrilação. Esses aspectos são de fundamental importância e podem fazer diferença no desfecho dos casos como sobrevida hospitalar sem sequelas neurológicas. O início precoce do Suporte Avançado de Vida em Cardiologia também possui papel essencial, mantendo, durante todo o atendimento, a qualidade das compressões torácicas, adequado manejo da via aérea, tratamento específico dos diferentes ritmos de parada, desfibrilação, avaliação e tratamento das possíveis causas. Mais recentemente dá-se ênfase a cuidados pós-ressuscitação, visando reduzir a mortalidade por meio do reconhecimento precoce e tratamento da síndrome pós-parada cardíaca. A hipotermia terapêutica tem demonstrado melhora significativa da lesão neurológica e deve ser realizada em indivíduos comatosos pós-parada cardíaca. Para os médicos que trabalham na emergência ou unidade de terapia intensiva é de grande importância o aperfeiçoamento no tratamento desses pacientes por meio de treinamentos específicos, possibilitando maiores chances de sucesso e maior sobrevida.
Background:Previous reports have inferred a linear relationship between LDL-C and changes in coronary plaque volume (CPV) measured by intravascular ultrasound. However, these publications included a small number of studies and did not explore other lipid markers.Objective:To assess the association between changes in lipid markers and regression of CPV using published data.Methods:We collected data from the control, placebo and intervention arms in studies that compared the effect of lipidlowering treatments on CPV, and from the placebo and control arms in studies that tested drugs that did not affect lipids. Baseline and final measurements of plaque volume, expressed in mm3, were extracted and the percentage changes after the interventions were calculated. Performing three linear regression analyses, we assessed the relationship between percentage and absolute changes in lipid markers and percentage variations in CPV.Results:Twenty-seven studies were selected. Correlations between percentage changes in LDL-C, non-HDL-C, and apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and percentage changes in CPV were moderate (r = 0.48, r = 0.47, and r = 0.44, respectively). Correlations between absolute differences in LDL-C, non‑HDL-C, and ApoB with percentage differences in CPV were stronger (r = 0.57, r = 0.52, and r = 0.79). The linear regression model showed a statistically significant association between a reduction in lipid markers and regression of plaque volume.Conclusion:A significant association between changes in different atherogenic particles and regression of CPV was observed. The absolute reduction in ApoB showed the strongest correlation with coronary plaque regression.
The nature of the riparian and surrounding landscape has been modified by anthropogenic activities, which may subsequently alter the composition and functional structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages. The effect of these changes on function of benthic fauna is difficult to assess due to the scarce knowledge on functional structures in tropical streams. In this study we evaluate whether sites impacted and unimpacted by anthropogenic alterations differed in assemblage composition and density, richness and diversity of each functional feeding group. The selection of the sites was related to their distinct riparian characteristics, following the QBRy riparian quality index. Collector-gatherer was the dominant functional feeding group, comprising 91% of total density, whereas the proportion of shredders was very low, representing less of 0.5% of total density. Asemblage composition of macroinvertebrates differed between impacted and unimpacted sites. Predators were dominant in taxa number, representing about 60% of total taxa richness. In addition, the diversity and richness of collector-gatherers differed significantly between degraded and unimpacted sites, reflecting the sensitivity of this group to environmental changes and the utility to be used in the assessment of anthropogenic modifications. The results of this study reinforce the idea that riparian corridor management is critical for the distribution of macroinvertebrate assemblages as well as functional organization of lotic streams.
L'estudi de la relació entre l'activitat econòmica i el medi que ens envolta és antiga en economia. No obstant és cert que darrerament la teoria econòmica sembla haver-la oblidada. És per això que quan sortí la disciplina que avui s’anomena "economia ecològica" va implicar una ruptura amb la manera amb la qual la teoria econòmica convencional descrivia nostra relació amb el medi ambient. El present capítol pretén descriure breument el que creiem són les característiques principals que la fan diferent de la resta de disciplines: la inconmensurabilitat de valors, la seva anàlisi en termes biofísics, i les seves repercussions al nivell de la generació de polítiques, que la fan ser un exemple del que es coneix com a ciència post-normal.
Entender la relación entre el PIB y el transflujo de material y energía a lo largo del tiempo en las sociedades modernas es crucial para entenderla relación entre la sustentabilidad y el crecimiento económico. En este artículo se usa información disponible sobre los cambios en el uso de la energía y el comportamiento de la economía española (en el período 1960-2001) para comprobar la validez de la “hipótesis de la intensidad de uso o de la curva en forma de U invertida”. Esta es una hipótesis optimista que pretende que el crecimiento económico es benigno para el medio ambiente dado que conduce hacia la “desmaterialización” del proceso económico. La evidencia muestra que, por el contrario, España ha ido aumentando su intensidad energética en el período de tiempo analizado. ¿Vendrá este aumento seguido de una posterior caída de la variable (como sugiere la hipótesis e la U invertida)? o por el contrario debemos buscar unas hipótesis alternativas y estudiar los cambios en el consumo de energía como movimientos entre “puntos atractores”? Si este es el caso, ¿Qué sectores de la economía son los responsables de este comportamiento y cuáles son los mecanismos que lo provocan? Para poder responder a estas preguntas utilizo en este artículo tres métodos de análisis no equivalentes que se complementan el uno al otro. (1) Un análisis convencional de la intensidad energética basado en una interpretación económica; (2) Un análisis evolucionario basado en los diagramas de fases; y finalmente (3) Un análisis integrado del metabolismo de los diferentes sectores económicos.
This paper presents an application of the Multiple-Scale Integrated Assessment of Societal Metabolism to the recent economic history of Ecuador and Spain. Understanding the relationship between the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the throughput of matter and energy over time in modern societies is crucial for understanding the sustainability predicament as it is linked to economic growth. When considering the dynamics of economic development, Spain was able to take a different path than Ecuador thanks to the different characteristics of its energy budget and other key variables. This and other changes are described using economic and biophysical variables (both extensive and intensive referring to different hierarchical levels). The representation of these parallel changes (on different levels and describable only using different variables) can be kept in coherence by adopting the frame provided by MSIASM.
Economies are open complex adaptive systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium, and neo-classical environmental economics seems not to be the best way to describe the behaviour of such systems. Standard econometric analysis (i.e. time series) takes a deterministic and predictive approach, which encourages the search for predictive policy to ‘correct’ environmental problems. Rather, it seems that, because of the characteristics of economic systems, an ex-post analysis is more appropriate, which describes the emergence of such systems’ properties, and which sees policy as a social steering mechanism. With this background, some of the recent empirical work published in the field of ecological economics that follows the approach defended here is presented. Finally, the conclusion is reached that a predictive use of econometrics (i.e. time series analysis) in ecological economics should be limited to cases in which uncertainty decreases, which is not the normal situation when analysing the evolution of economic systems. However, that does not mean we should not use empirical analysis. On the contrary, this is to be encouraged, but from a structural and ex-post point of view.
The public perception of the EU in Spain varies greatly. The most positive aspects of Spanish membership are associated with the consolidation of democracy, economic growth, the introduction of the euro, the growth in employment and structural and cohesion funds, the increase in the female participation rate, and the equal opportunities policies. The analysts are in favour of common objectives in the employment policy and multi-level government. The less positive aspects of the EU are the risks of losing social protection and loss of employment in some sectors due to mergers of multinationals and delocalization of companies towards Eastern Europe. The continuous demands for reform of the welfare state, the toughening of the conditions of access to social benefit and the reform of the labour market are also seen as problematic issues. Risks of competitive cuts and social dumping.
Given a non-positively curved 2-complex with a circle-valued Morse function satisfying some extra combinatorial conditions, we describe how to locally isometrically embed this in a larger non- positively curved 2-complex with free-by-cyclic fundamental group. This embedding procedure is used to produce examples of CAT(0) free-by-cyclic groups that contain closed hyperbolic surface subgroups with polynomial distortion of arbitrary degree. We also produce examples of CAT(0) hyperbolic free-by-cyclic groups that contain closed hyperbolic surface subgroups that are exponentially distorted.