988 resultados para Marcel Proust
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Effects of large deformation and inelasticity are considered in formulating the behavior of columns of variable cross section subjected to an axial compressive load. Simple, approximate methods are used to obtain numerical results. The combined effect of the nonlinearities is shown to be of a hardening type for small column deflections
Hydrazinium magnesium sulfate, (N2H5)2Mg(SO4)2, has been prepared by dissolving magnesium powder in a solution of ammonium sulfate in hydrazine hydrate, by the reaction of ammonium magnesium sulfate with hydrazine hydrate, and by the cocrystallisation of dihydrazinium sulfate and magnesium sulfate. The product has been characterized by chemical analysis and infrared spectra. Thermal analysis of (N2H5)2Mg(SO4)2 by TG and DTA show exothermic decomposition at 302°C giving Mg(N2H4)SO4 as an intermediate and an endother-mic decomposition at 504°C producing MgSO4.
The crystal structure of 5'-amino-5'-deoxyadenosine (5'-Am.dA) p-toluenesulfonate has been determined by X-ray crystallographic methods. It belongs to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with a = 7.754(3)Angstrom, b = 8.065(1)Angstrom and c = 32.481(2)Angstrom. This nucleoside side shows a syn conformation about the glycosyl bond and C2'-endo-C3'-exo puckering for the ribose sugar. The orientation of N5' atom is gauche-trans about the exocyclic C4'-C5' bond. The amino nitrogen N5' forms a trifurcated hydrogen bond with N3, O9T and O4' atoms. Adenine bases form A.A.A triplets through hydrogen bonding between N6, N7 and N1 atoms of symmetry related nucleoside molecules.
The relative amounts of chloroplast tRNAs(Leu), tRNA(Glu), tRNA(Phe), tRNAs(Thr), and tRNA(Tyr) and of chloroplastic and cytoplasmic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases were compared in green leaves, yellowing senescing leaves, and N(6)-benzyladenine-treated senescing leaves from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, var Contender). Aminoacylation of the tRNAs using Escherichia coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases indicated that in senescing leaves the relative amount of chloroplast tRNA(Phe) was significantly lower than in green leaves. Senescing leaves treated with N(6)-benzyladenine contained higher levels of this tRNA than untreated senescing leaves. No significant change in the relative amounts of chloroplast tRNAs(Leu), tRNAs(Thr), and tRNA(Tyr) was detected in green, yellow senescing, or N(6)-benzyladine-treated senescing leaves. Relative levels of chloroplast tRNAs were also estimated by hybridization of tRNAs to DNA blots of gene specific probes. These experiments confirmed the results obtained by aminoacylation and revealed in addition that the relative level of chloroplast tRNA(Glu) is higher in senescing leaves than in green leaves. Transcription run-on assays indicated that these changes in tRNA levels are likely to be due to a differential rate of degradation rather than to a differential rate of transcription of the tRNA genes. Chloroplastic and cytoplasmic leucyl-, phenylalanyl-, and tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase activities were greatly reduced in senescing leaves as compared to green leaves, whereas N(6)-benzyladenine-treated senescing leaves contained higher enzyme activities than untreated senescing leaves. These results suggest that during senescence, as well as during senescence-retardation by cytokinins, changes in enzyme activities, such as aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, rather than reduced levels of tRNAs, affect the translational capacity of chloroplasts.
Within the history of twentieth-century design, there are a number of well-known objects and stories that are invoked time and time again to capture a pivotal moment or summarize a much broader historical transition. For example, Marcel Breuer’s Model B3 chair is frequently used as a stand-in for the radical investigations of form and new industrial materials occurring at the Bauhaus in the mid-1920s. Similarly, Raymond Loewy’s streamlined pencil sharpener has become historical shorthand for the emergence of modern industrial design in the 1930s. And any discussion of the development of American postwar “organic design” seems incomplete without reference to Charles and Ray Eames’s molded plywood leg splint of 1942. Such objects and narratives are dear to historians of modern design. They are tangible, photogenic subjects that slot nicely into exhibitions, historical surveys, and coffee-table best sellers...
Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tutkin aikapankkijärjestelmässä tapahtuvaa palveluiden vaihtoa vertaamalla sitä lahjanvaihtoon. Tutkielmassa kuvaan kuinka Kumpulan Vaihtopiirinä toimintansa aloittaneen Stadin Aikapankin aktiiviset jäsenet kokevat toiminnan, kun se on laajennut oman asuinalueen ulkopuolelle. Aikapankin voi mieltää uudenlaiseksi vapaaehtoistyön muodoksi. Aikapankin jäsenet tuottavat toisilleen palveluita ja mittaavat näihin käytettyä aikaa aikapisteillä, jotka toimivat vaihdon välineenä. Aikapankissa kaikkien työ arvotetaan saman arvoiseksi. Tutkielman pääaineistona on kymmenen käyttäjän avohaastattelut. Näitä täydennetään vaihtotilastolla ja osallistuvan havainnoinnin menetelmällä. Tutkimusta varten on kerätty tausta-aineistoa kahdella sähköpostihaastattelulla kahdelta Ruotsissa ja Englannissa toimivien aikapankkien työntekijältä. Merkittävin tutkimusongelma liittyy aikapankin tasa-arvoisen työnarvottamiseen. Kysyn miten ja millä ehdoin aikapankin kaltainen sosiaalinen innovaatio toimii? Lisäksi kysyn, mitä ehtojen täyttymisestä seuraa? Lähestyn kysymystä Emil Durkheimin modernisaatioteoriaan ja Marcel Maussin lahjanvaihtoa käsittelevään teoreettiseen ajatteluun nojaten. Teoreettisessa keskustelussa viitataan myös Karl Polanyin Maussia tukevaan näkemykseen esimodernien vaihtokäytäntöjen ilmenemisestä markkinatalouden rakenteistamassa maailmassa. Lisäksi pohdin tutkielmassani sitä, mitä aikapankissa vaihdettavat aikapisteet tekisivät, mitä oikea raha ei tekisi paremmin. Vastaus on se, että tutkittavani eivät saisi rahalla sitä, mitä he tavoittelevat – yhteisöä. Tutkielman lopussa keskustelen myös sitä, mikä on aikapankin luomien epämarkkinataloussuhteiden taloudellinen konteksti. Kontekstiin liittyen voidaan todeta, että tutkittavat eivät pakene rahataloutta. He solmivat perinteisen yhteisöllisen siteen (perheen) mukaista (lahjaperustaista) vaihtoa lähellä asuviin ihmisiin. Tutkielmassa päädytään siihen tulokseen, että aikapankin haasteeksi ei muodostu niinkään markkinoille vieras tasapuolinen työn hinnoittelu, vaan sellaisten yhteisöllisten siteiden heikkous, joiden varaan vaihto leviäisi. Tästä syystä aikapankkia perustettaessa ratkaisevaksi muodostuu se, minkä yhteisöllisen siteen varaan vaihtosuhteet muodostuvat. Tästä syystä tutkielmassa tullaan siihen tulokseen, että aikapankkitoiminta olisi hyvä pitää paikallisena. Sosiaalipoliittisesta näkökulmasta katsottuna tutkimusaihe on merkittävä ja tuore. Aihetta tutkittu jo sosiaalipolitiikan alalla, muttei aikaisemmin Suomessa. Aikaisemman muualla tehdyn tutkimuksen tulokset ovat lähestyneet aihetta muun muassa sosiaalisen pääomaan käsitteen avulla. Tutkittavani vaihtavat myös sellaisia palveluita, joita julkinen sektori tuottaa suomessa, kuten lastenhoitoa. Taustoitan tutkimusta aikaisemmalla tutkimuskirjallisuudella ja kuvaan Suomessakin yleistynyttä vertaistuotantokeskustelua. Vertaistuotanto avaa uuden näkökulman palvelutuotantoon 1990-luvulla jalansijaa saaneiden tilaaja-tuottaja–mallien rinnalle. Tutkielman tarkoitus on tuottaa käytännönläheistä tietoa aikapankkitoiminnasta kiinnostuneille yhteisöille ja organisaatioille. Tämän lisäksi tutkimus täydentää aiempien aikapankkeja käsitelleiden tutkimusten tuloksia tarkastelemalla toiminnan ehtoja, ei ainoastaan sen seurauksia.
The crystal structure of 2',3'-O-isopropylidene inosine shows a number of interesting features. The four independent molecules in the asymmetric unit exhibit significant conformational variations. Ribose puckers fall in the O(4')-exo region, unfavourable in unsubstituted nucleosides. Hypoxanthine bases show base-pairing (I.I) in a manner analogous to the guanine self pairs (G.G) in 2',3'-O-isopropylidene guanosine but with a C(2)-H…O(6) hydrogen bond instead of N(2)-H…O(6).
The crystal and molecular structure of sodium deoxyinosine monophosphate (5'-dIMP) has been determined by x-ray crystallographic methods. The crystals belong to orthorhombic space group P212121, with a = 21.079(5) Aring, b = 9.206(3) Aring and c = 12.770(6) Aring. This deoxynucleotide shows common nucleotide features namely anti conformation about the glycosyl bond, C2' endo pucker for the deoxyribose sugar and gauche-gauche orientation for the phosphate group. The sodium ion is directly coordinated to the O3' atom, a feature observed in many crystal structures of sodium salts of nucleotides.
The three dimensional structures of 8-bromo 2',3',5' triacetyl adenosine (8-Br Tri A) and 8-bromo 2',3',5'-triacetyl guanosine (8-Br Tri G) have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods to study the combined effect of bromine and acetyl substitutions on molecular conformation and interactions. The ribose puckers differ from those found in unbrominated Tri A and Tri G and unacetylated 8-Br A and 8-Br G analogues
We show that under gravity the effective masses for neutrino and antineutrino are different which opens a possible window of neutrino-antineutrino oscillation even if the rest masses of the corresponding eigenstates are same. This is due to CPT violation and possible to demonstrate if the neutrino mass eigenstates are expressed as a combination of neutrino and antineutrino eigenstates, as of the neutral kaon system, with the plausible breaking of lepton number conservation. In early universe, in presence of various lepton number violating processes, this oscillation might lead to neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry which resulted baryogenesis from the B-L symmetry by electro-weak sphaleron processes. On the other hand, for Majorana neutrinos, this oscillation is expected to affect the inner edge of neutrino dominated accretion disks around a compact object by influencing the neutrino sphere which controls the accretion dynamics, and then the related type-II supernova evolution and the r-process nucleosynthesis.
Origin of turbulence in cold accretion disks, particularly in 3D, which is expected to be hydrodynamic but not magnetohydrodynamic, is a big puzzle. While the flow must exhibit some turbulence in support of the transfer of mass inward and angular momentum outward, according to the linear perturbation theory it should always be stable. We demonstrate that the 3D secondary disturbance to the primarily perturbed disk which exhibits elliptical vortices into the system solves the problem. This result is essentially applicable to the outer region of accretion disks in active galactic nuclei where the gas is significantly cold and neutral in charge and the magnetic Reynolds number is smaller than 10^4.
Monodisperse polyhedral In(2)O(3) nanoparticles were synthesized by differential mobility classification of a polydisperse aerosol formed by evaporation of indium at atmospheric pressure. When free molten indium particles oxidize, oxygen is absorbed preferentially on certain planes leading to the formation of polyhedral In(2)O(3) nanoparticles. It is shown that the position of oxygen addition, its concentration, the annealing temperature and the type of carrier gas are crucial for the resulting particle shape and crystalline quality. Semiconducting nanopolyhedrals, especially nanocubes used for sensors, are expected to offer enhanced sensitivity and improved response time due to the higher surface area as compared to spherical particles.
We address the problem of high-resolution reconstruction in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT). The traditional method employed uses the inverse discrete Fourier transform, which is limited in resolution due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. We propose a reconstruction technique based on zero-crossing (ZC) interval analysis. The motivation for our approach lies in the observation that, for a multilayered specimen, the backscattered signal may be expressed as a sum of sinusoids, and each sinusoid manifests as a peak in the FDOCT reconstruction. The successive ZC intervals of a sinusoid exhibit high consistency, with the intervals being inversely related to the frequency of the sinusoid. The statistics of the ZC intervals are used for detecting the frequencies present in the input signal. The noise robustness of the proposed technique is improved by using a cosine-modulated filter bank for separating the input into different frequency bands, and the ZC analysis is carried out on each band separately. The design of the filter bank requires the design of a prototype, which we accomplish using a Kaiser window approach. We show that the proposed method gives good results on synthesized and experimental data. The resolution is enhanced, and noise robustness is higher compared with the standard Fourier reconstruction. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America
Contenido: Existencialismo y política / La Dirección – La crítica de Kierkegaard al ochocientos / Cornelio Fabro – El problema de la verdad en Heidegger / Ramón Ceñal – El existencialismo de Gabriel Marcel / Octavio Nicolás Derisi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía