810 resultados para Manifest Anxiety
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Flugblatt, das Abscheu und Empörung über das Vorgehen des Militärs am 18. März 1848 in Berlin ausdrückt
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Kaiser Ferdinands I. Rechtfertigung seiner Flucht aus Wien. Erklärung, an den Märzerrungenschaften festhalten zu wollen, jedoch ausdrückliche Ablehnung der Annahme von Forderungen einer bewaffneten Minderheit ohne Mandat (Bezug auf die Vorgänge des 15. Mai 1848)
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Bekanntmachung der Auflösung der Wiener Akademischen Legion und ihrer Eingliederung in die Nationalgarde. Studierende, die nicht in die Nationalgarde eintreten wollen sind zur Ablieferung ihrer Waffen verpflichtet
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Rechtfertigung des Einmarsches in das revolutionäre Ungarn von südslawischer Seite: Es geht um die "Gleichberechtigung aller unter der Krone Ungarns lebenden Nationalitäten". Hintergrund ist die von Pest ausgeübte Politik der Madjarisierung von Kroaten und Serben (Annexion von Slawonien, Einführung des Ungarischen als Amtssprache), die als gegen die Erhaltung der Gesamtmonarchie gerichtet interpretiert wird: "Da ... das ungarische Ministerium ... in seinen separatischen Tendenzen verharrt ... gebietet die Pflicht und Ehre ... zu den Waffen zu greifen ... "
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Auf Privatbriefen beruhende und nicht in allen Punkten zutreffende Veröffentlichung von Nachrichten über den Ausbruch der Wiener Oktoberrevolution
BACKGROUND: Despite long-standing calls to disseminate evidence-based treatments for generalized anxiety (GAD), modest progress has been made in the study of how such treatments should be implemented. The primary objective of this study was to test three competing strategies on how to implement a cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) for out-patients with GAD (i.e., comparison of one compensation vs. two capitalization models). METHODS: For our three-arm, single-blinded, randomized controlled trial (implementation of CBT for GAD [IMPLEMENT]), we recruited adults with GAD using advertisements in high-circulation newspapers to participate in a 14-session cognitive behavioral treatment (Mastery of your Anxiety and Worry, MAW-packet). We randomly assigned eligible patients using a full randomization procedure (1:1:1) to three different conditions of implementation: adherence priming (compensation model), which had a systematized focus on patients' individual GAD symptoms and how to compensate for these symptoms within the MAW-packet, and resource priming and supportive resource priming (capitalization model), which had systematized focuses on patients' strengths and abilities and how these strengths can be capitalized within the same packet. In the intention-to-treat population an outcome composite of primary and secondary symptoms-related self-report questionnaires was analyzed based on a hierarchical linear growth model from intake to 6-month follow-up assessment. This trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (identifier: NCT02039193) and is closed to new participants. FINDINGS: From June 2012 to Nov. 2014, from 411 participants that were screened, 57 eligible participants were recruited and randomly assigned to three conditions. Forty-nine patients (86%) provided outcome data at post-assessment (14% dropout rate). All three conditions showed a highly significant reduction of symptoms over time. However, compared with the adherence priming condition, both resource priming conditions indicated faster symptom reduction. The observer ratings of a sub-sample of recorded videos (n = 100) showed that the therapists in the resource priming conditions conducted more strength-oriented interventions in comparison with the adherence priming condition. No patients died or attempted suicide. INTERPRETATION: To our knowledge, this is the first trial that focuses on capitalization and compensation models during the implementation of one prescriptive treatment packet for GAD. We have shown that GAD related symptoms were significantly faster reduced by the resource priming conditions, although the limitations of our study included a well-educated population. If replicated, our results suggest that therapists who implement a mental health treatment for GAD might profit from a systematized focus on capitalization models. FUNDING: Swiss Science National Foundation (SNSF-Nr. PZ00P1_136937/1) awarded to CF. KEYWORDS: Cognitive behavioral therapy; Evidence-based treatment; Implementation strategies; Randomized controlled trial
Internet-based cognitive behavioral self-help treatment (ICBT) for anxiety disorders has shown promising results in several trials, but there is yet a lack of studies of ICBT in „real world” primary care settings. In this randomized controlled trial we recruited participants through general practitioners. The aim of the study was to examine whether treatment-as-usual (TAU) in primary care settings plus ICBT is superior to TAU alone in reducing anxiety symptoms and other outcome measures among individuals meeting diagnostic criteria of a least one of three anxiety disorders (social anxiety disorder, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder). 150 adults fulfilling diagnostic criteria for a least one of the anxiety disorders according to a diagnostic interview are randomly assigned to one of the two conditions: TAU plus ICBT versus TAU. Randomization is stratified by primary disorder, medication (yes/no) and concurrent psychotherapy. ICBT consists of a transdiagnostic and tailored Internet-based self-help program for several anxiety disorders which also includes cognitive bias modification for interpretation (CBM-I). Primary outcomes are symptoms of disorder-specific anxiety measures and diagnostic status after the intervention (9 weeks). Secondary outcomes include primary outcomes at 3-month follow-up and secondary measures such as general symptomatology, depression, quality of life, adherence to ICBT and satisfaction with ICBT. The study is currently being completed. Primary results along with results for specific subgroups (e.g. primary diagnosis, concurrent medication and/or psychotherapy) will be presented and discussed.
Purpose: Social anxiety disorder is one of the most researched conditions in the field of Internet-based self-help. Various studies have shown that cognitive-behavioral treatments can be efficacious to reduce social phobic symptoms. Most of the interventions tested include some form of support, whereas the efficacy of a web-based group format has yet to be investigated. The present study aims at investigating the possible added value of therapist-guided group support in an Internet-based guided self-help treatment for SAD. Methods: A total of 150 adults with a diagnosis of SAD are randomly assigned to either a wait-list control group or one of two active treatment conditions. Participants in the two active conditions use the same Internet-based self-help program, either with individual guidance by a therapist or with the support of a therapist-guided group of 6 individuals. In the group condition, participants communicate with each other via an integrated, protected discussion forum. The primary outcome variables are symptoms of SAD and diagnostic status immediately after the intervention (12 weeks) and at 6-month follow-up. Secondary endpoints are general symptomatology, depression, quality of life and adherence to treatment. Furthermore, process variables such as group processes and the working alliance are studied. Results: Results are currently being analyzed. Results at post-treatment will be presented and discussed. Potential moderating and mediating variables of treatment success will be addressed. Conclusion: The results of this study should indicate whether therapist-guided group support could enhance the efficacy of an internet based self-help treatment for SAD. This novel treatment format, if shown efficacious, could represent a cost-effective option and could be further modified to treat other conditions.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The biased interpretation of ambiguous social situations is considered a maintaining factor of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Studies on the modification of interpretation bias have shown promising results in laboratory settings. The present study aims at pilot-testing an Internet-based training that targets interpretation and judgmental bias. METHOD: Thirty-nine individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for SAD participated in an 8-week, unguided program. Participants were presented with ambiguous social situations, were asked to choose between neutral, positive, and negative interpretations, and were required to evaluate costs of potential negative outcomes. Participants received elaborate automated feedback on their interpretations and judgments. RESULTS: There was a pre-to-post-reduction of the targeted cognitive processing biases (d = 0.57-0.77) and of social anxiety symptoms (d = 0.87). Furthermore, results showed changes in depression and general psychopathology (d = 0.47-0.75). Decreases in cognitive biases and symptom changes did not correlate. The results held stable accounting for drop-outs (26%) and over a 6-week follow-up period. Forty-five percent of the completer sample showed clinical significant change and almost half of the participants (48%) no longer met diagnostic criteria for SAD. LIMITATIONS: As the study lacks a control group, results lend only preliminary support to the efficacy of the intervention. Furthermore, the mechanism of change remained unclear. CONCLUSION: First results promise a beneficial effect of the program for SAD patients. The treatment proved to be feasible and acceptable. Future research should evaluate the intervention in a randomized-controlled setting.
A developmental-evolutionary perspective is used to synthesize basic research from the neurosciences, ethology, genetics, and developmental psychology into a unified framework for understanding the nature and origins of social anxiety and avoidant personality disorder. Evidence is presented that social anxiety disorder (social phobia) and avoidant personality disorder may be alternate conceptualizations of the same disorder because they have virtually the same symptoms and genetic basis, and respond to the same pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic interventions. A functionalist perspective on social anxiety is formulated to (a) explain the origins of normative states of anxiety, (b) outline developmental pathways in the transition from normative anxiety to social anxiety and avoidant personality disorders, and (c) account for the processes leading to gender-differentiated patterns of anxiety-related disorders after puberty.